blob: 38ce0a89f40baced08cce4dab9bc5cb816f8b387 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// The caching strategy for the generated service worker.
enum ServiceWorkerStrategy {
/// Download the app shell eagerly and all other assets lazily.
/// Prefer the offline cached version.
/// Do not generate a service worker,
/// Generate a service worker with an app-specific cache name a map of
/// resource files.
/// The tool embeds file hashes directly into the worker so that the byte for byte
/// invalidation will automatically reactivate workers whenever a new
/// version is deployed.
String generateServiceWorker(
Map<String, String> resources,
List<String> coreBundle, {
required ServiceWorkerStrategy serviceWorkerStrategy,
}) {
if (serviceWorkerStrategy == ServiceWorkerStrategy.none) {
return '';
return '''
'use strict';
const MANIFEST = 'flutter-app-manifest';
const TEMP = 'flutter-temp-cache';
const CACHE_NAME = 'flutter-app-cache';
const RESOURCES = {
${<String, String> entry) => '"${entry.key}": "${entry.value}"').join(",\n")}
// The application shell files that are downloaded before a service worker can
// start.
const CORE = [
${ file) => '"$file"').join(',\n')}];
// During install, the TEMP cache is populated with the application shell files.
self.addEventListener("install", (event) => {
return event.waitUntil( => {
return cache.addAll( => new Request(value, {'cache': 'reload'})));
// During activate, the cache is populated with the temp files downloaded in
// install. If this service worker is upgrading from one with a saved
// MANIFEST, then use this to retain unchanged resource files.
self.addEventListener("activate", function(event) {
return event.waitUntil(async function() {
try {
var contentCache = await;
var tempCache = await;
var manifestCache = await;
var manifest = await manifestCache.match('manifest');
// When there is no prior manifest, clear the entire cache.
if (!manifest) {
await caches.delete(CACHE_NAME);
contentCache = await;
for (var request of await tempCache.keys()) {
var response = await tempCache.match(request);
await contentCache.put(request, response);
await caches.delete(TEMP);
// Save the manifest to make future upgrades efficient.
await manifestCache.put('manifest', new Response(JSON.stringify(RESOURCES)));
var oldManifest = await manifest.json();
var origin = self.location.origin;
for (var request of await contentCache.keys()) {
var key = request.url.substring(origin.length + 1);
if (key == "") {
key = "/";
// If a resource from the old manifest is not in the new cache, or if
// the MD5 sum has changed, delete it. Otherwise the resource is left
// in the cache and can be reused by the new service worker.
if (!RESOURCES[key] || RESOURCES[key] != oldManifest[key]) {
await contentCache.delete(request);
// Populate the cache with the app shell TEMP files, potentially overwriting
// cache files preserved above.
for (var request of await tempCache.keys()) {
var response = await tempCache.match(request);
await contentCache.put(request, response);
await caches.delete(TEMP);
// Save the manifest to make future upgrades efficient.
await manifestCache.put('manifest', new Response(JSON.stringify(RESOURCES)));
} catch (err) {
// On an unhandled exception the state of the cache cannot be guaranteed.
console.error('Failed to upgrade service worker: ' + err);
await caches.delete(CACHE_NAME);
await caches.delete(TEMP);
await caches.delete(MANIFEST);
// The fetch handler redirects requests for RESOURCE files to the service
// worker cache.
self.addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
if (event.request.method !== 'GET') {
var origin = self.location.origin;
var key = event.request.url.substring(origin.length + 1);
// Redirect URLs to the index.html
if (key.indexOf('?v=') != -1) {
key = key.split('?v=')[0];
if (event.request.url == origin || event.request.url.startsWith(origin + '/#') || key == '') {
key = '/';
// If the URL is not the RESOURCE list then return to signal that the
// browser should take over.
if (!RESOURCES[key]) {
// If the URL is the index.html, perform an online-first request.
if (key == '/') {
return onlineFirst(event);
.then((cache) => {
return cache.match(event.request).then((response) => {
// Either respond with the cached resource, or perform a fetch and
// lazily populate the cache only if the resource was successfully fetched.
return response || fetch(event.request).then((response) => {
if (response && Boolean(response.ok)) {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;
self.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
// SkipWaiting can be used to immediately activate a waiting service worker.
// This will also require a page refresh triggered by the main worker.
if ( === 'skipWaiting') {
if ( === 'downloadOffline') {
// Download offline will check the RESOURCES for all files not in the cache
// and populate them.
async function downloadOffline() {
var resources = [];
var contentCache = await;
var currentContent = {};
for (var request of await contentCache.keys()) {
var key = request.url.substring(origin.length + 1);
if (key == "") {
key = "/";
currentContent[key] = true;
for (var resourceKey of Object.keys(RESOURCES)) {
if (!currentContent[resourceKey]) {
return contentCache.addAll(resources);
// Attempt to download the resource online before falling back to
// the offline cache.
function onlineFirst(event) {
return event.respondWith(
fetch(event.request).then((response) => {
return => {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;
}).catch((error) => {
return => {
return cache.match(event.request).then((response) => {
if (response != null) {
return response;
throw error;