blob: 58e44fa976f1a5535f413589a149e33067e38c02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
import 'arena.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'events.dart';
import 'recognizer.dart';
import 'velocity_tracker.dart';
/// The possible states of a [ScaleGestureRecognizer].
enum _ScaleState {
/// The recognizer is ready to start recognizing a gesture.
/// The sequence of pointer events seen thus far is consistent with a scale
/// gesture but the gesture has not been accepted definitively.
/// The sequence of pointer events seen thus far has been accepted
/// definitively as a scale gesture.
/// The sequence of pointer events seen thus far has been accepted
/// definitively as a scale gesture and the pointers established a focal point
/// and initial scale.
class _PointerPanZoomData {
required this.focalPoint,
required this.scale,
required this.rotation
Offset focalPoint;
double scale;
double rotation;
String toString() => '_PointerPanZoomData(focalPoint: $focalPoint, scale: $scale, angle: $rotation)';
/// Details for [GestureScaleStartCallback].
class ScaleStartDetails {
/// Creates details for [GestureScaleStartCallback].
/// The [focalPoint] argument must not be null.
ScaleStartDetails({ this.focalPoint =, Offset? localFocalPoint, this.pointerCount = 0 })
: assert(focalPoint != null), localFocalPoint = localFocalPoint ?? focalPoint;
/// The initial focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
/// Reported in global coordinates.
/// See also:
/// * [localFocalPoint], which is the same value reported in local
/// coordinates.
final Offset focalPoint;
/// The initial focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
/// Reported in local coordinates. Defaults to [focalPoint] if not set in the
/// constructor.
/// See also:
/// * [focalPoint], which is the same value reported in global
/// coordinates.
final Offset localFocalPoint;
/// The number of pointers being tracked by the gesture recognizer.
/// Typically this is the number of fingers being used to pan the widget using the gesture
/// recognizer.
final int pointerCount;
String toString() => 'ScaleStartDetails(focalPoint: $focalPoint, localFocalPoint: $localFocalPoint, pointersCount: $pointerCount)';
/// Details for [GestureScaleUpdateCallback].
class ScaleUpdateDetails {
/// Creates details for [GestureScaleUpdateCallback].
/// The [focalPoint], [scale], [horizontalScale], [verticalScale], [rotation]
/// arguments must not be null. The [scale], [horizontalScale], and [verticalScale]
/// argument must be greater than or equal to zero.
this.focalPoint =,
Offset? localFocalPoint,
this.scale = 1.0,
this.horizontalScale = 1.0,
this.verticalScale = 1.0,
this.rotation = 0.0,
this.pointerCount = 0,
this.focalPointDelta =,
}) : assert(focalPoint != null),
assert(focalPointDelta != null),
assert(scale != null && scale >= 0.0),
assert(horizontalScale != null && horizontalScale >= 0.0),
assert(verticalScale != null && verticalScale >= 0.0),
assert(rotation != null),
localFocalPoint = localFocalPoint ?? focalPoint;
/// The amount the gesture's focal point has moved in the coordinate space of
/// the event receiver since the previous update.
/// Defaults to zero if not specified in the constructor.
final Offset focalPointDelta;
/// The focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
/// Reported in global coordinates.
/// See also:
/// * [localFocalPoint], which is the same value reported in local
/// coordinates.
final Offset focalPoint;
/// The focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
/// Reported in local coordinates. Defaults to [focalPoint] if not set in the
/// constructor.
/// See also:
/// * [focalPoint], which is the same value reported in global
/// coordinates.
final Offset localFocalPoint;
/// The scale implied by the average distance between the pointers in contact
/// with the screen.
/// This value must be greater than or equal to zero.
/// See also:
/// * [horizontalScale], which is the scale along the horizontal axis.
/// * [verticalScale], which is the scale along the vertical axis.
final double scale;
/// The scale implied by the average distance along the horizontal axis
/// between the pointers in contact with the screen.
/// This value must be greater than or equal to zero.
/// See also:
/// * [scale], which is the general scale implied by the pointers.
/// * [verticalScale], which is the scale along the vertical axis.
final double horizontalScale;
/// The scale implied by the average distance along the vertical axis
/// between the pointers in contact with the screen.
/// This value must be greater than or equal to zero.
/// See also:
/// * [scale], which is the general scale implied by the pointers.
/// * [horizontalScale], which is the scale along the horizontal axis.
final double verticalScale;
/// The angle implied by the first two pointers to enter in contact with
/// the screen.
/// Expressed in radians.
final double rotation;
/// The number of pointers being tracked by the gesture recognizer.
/// Typically this is the number of fingers being used to pan the widget using the gesture
/// recognizer.
final int pointerCount;
String toString() => 'ScaleUpdateDetails('
'focalPoint: $focalPoint,'
' localFocalPoint: $localFocalPoint,'
' scale: $scale,'
' horizontalScale: $horizontalScale,'
' verticalScale: $verticalScale,'
' rotation: $rotation,'
' pointerCount: $pointerCount,'
' focalPointDelta: $focalPointDelta)';
/// Details for [GestureScaleEndCallback].
class ScaleEndDetails {
/// Creates details for [GestureScaleEndCallback].
/// The [velocity] argument must not be null.
ScaleEndDetails({ this.velocity =, this.pointerCount = 0 })
: assert(velocity != null);
/// The velocity of the last pointer to be lifted off of the screen.
final Velocity velocity;
/// The number of pointers being tracked by the gesture recognizer.
/// Typically this is the number of fingers being used to pan the widget using the gesture
/// recognizer.
final int pointerCount;
String toString() => 'ScaleEndDetails(velocity: $velocity, pointerCount: $pointerCount)';
/// Signature for when the pointers in contact with the screen have established
/// a focal point and initial scale of 1.0.
typedef GestureScaleStartCallback = void Function(ScaleStartDetails details);
/// Signature for when the pointers in contact with the screen have indicated a
/// new focal point and/or scale.
typedef GestureScaleUpdateCallback = void Function(ScaleUpdateDetails details);
/// Signature for when the pointers are no longer in contact with the screen.
typedef GestureScaleEndCallback = void Function(ScaleEndDetails details);
bool _isFlingGesture(Velocity velocity) {
assert(velocity != null);
final double speedSquared = velocity.pixelsPerSecond.distanceSquared;
return speedSquared > kMinFlingVelocity * kMinFlingVelocity;
/// Defines a line between two pointers on screen.
/// [_LineBetweenPointers] is an abstraction of a line between two pointers in
/// contact with the screen. Used to track the rotation of a scale gesture.
class _LineBetweenPointers {
/// Creates a [_LineBetweenPointers]. None of the [pointerStartLocation], [pointerStartId]
/// [pointerEndLocation] and [pointerEndId] must be null. [pointerStartId] and [pointerEndId]
/// should be different.
this.pointerStartLocation =,
this.pointerStartId = 0,
this.pointerEndLocation =,
this.pointerEndId = 1,
}) : assert(pointerStartLocation != null && pointerEndLocation != null),
assert(pointerStartId != null && pointerEndId != null),
assert(pointerStartId != pointerEndId);
// The location and the id of the pointer that marks the start of the line.
final Offset pointerStartLocation;
final int pointerStartId;
// The location and the id of the pointer that marks the end of the line.
final Offset pointerEndLocation;
final int pointerEndId;
/// Recognizes a scale gesture.
/// [ScaleGestureRecognizer] tracks the pointers in contact with the screen and
/// calculates their focal point, indicated scale, and rotation. When a focal
/// pointer is established, the recognizer calls [onStart]. As the focal point,
/// scale, rotation change, the recognizer calls [onUpdate]. When the pointers
/// are no longer in contact with the screen, the recognizer calls [onEnd].
class ScaleGestureRecognizer extends OneSequenceGestureRecognizer {
/// Create a gesture recognizer for interactions intended for scaling content.
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.GestureRecognizer.supportedDevices}
'Migrate to supportedDevices. '
'This feature was deprecated after v2.3.0-1.0.pre.',
this.dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.down,
}) : assert(dragStartBehavior != null);
/// Determines what point is used as the starting point in all calculations
/// involving this gesture.
/// When set to [DragStartBehavior.down], the scale is calculated starting
/// from the position where the pointer first contacted the screen.
/// When set to [DragStartBehavior.start], the scale is calculated starting
/// from the position where the scale gesture began. The scale gesture may
/// begin after the time that the pointer first contacted the screen if there
/// are multiple listeners competing for the gesture. In that case, the
/// gesture arena waits to determine whether or not the gesture is a scale
/// gesture before giving the gesture to this GestureRecognizer. This happens
/// in the case of nested GestureDetectors, for example.
/// Defaults to [DragStartBehavior.down].
/// See also:
/// *,
/// which provides more information about the gesture arena.
DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior;
/// The pointers in contact with the screen have established a focal point and
/// initial scale of 1.0.
/// This won't be called until the gesture arena has determined that this
/// GestureRecognizer has won the gesture.
/// See also:
/// *,
/// which provides more information about the gesture arena.
GestureScaleStartCallback? onStart;
/// The pointers in contact with the screen have indicated a new focal point
/// and/or scale.
GestureScaleUpdateCallback? onUpdate;
/// The pointers are no longer in contact with the screen.
GestureScaleEndCallback? onEnd;
_ScaleState _state = _ScaleState.ready;
Matrix4? _lastTransform;
late Offset _initialFocalPoint;
Offset? _currentFocalPoint;
late double _initialSpan;
late double _currentSpan;
late double _initialHorizontalSpan;
late double _currentHorizontalSpan;
late double _initialVerticalSpan;
late double _currentVerticalSpan;
late Offset _localFocalPoint;
_LineBetweenPointers? _initialLine;
_LineBetweenPointers? _currentLine;
final Map<int, Offset> _pointerLocations = <int, Offset>{};
final List<int> _pointerQueue = <int>[]; // A queue to sort pointers in order of entrance
final Map<int, VelocityTracker> _velocityTrackers = <int, VelocityTracker>{};
late Offset _delta;
final Map<int, _PointerPanZoomData> _pointerPanZooms = <int, _PointerPanZoomData>{};
double _initialPanZoomScaleFactor = 1;
double _initialPanZoomRotationFactor = 0;
double get _pointerScaleFactor => _initialSpan > 0.0 ? _currentSpan / _initialSpan : 1.0;
double get _pointerHorizontalScaleFactor => _initialHorizontalSpan > 0.0 ? _currentHorizontalSpan / _initialHorizontalSpan : 1.0;
double get _pointerVerticalScaleFactor => _initialVerticalSpan > 0.0 ? _currentVerticalSpan / _initialVerticalSpan : 1.0;
double get _scaleFactor {
double scale = _pointerScaleFactor;
for (final _PointerPanZoomData p in _pointerPanZooms.values) {
scale *= p.scale / _initialPanZoomScaleFactor;
return scale;
double get _horizontalScaleFactor {
double scale = _pointerHorizontalScaleFactor;
for (final _PointerPanZoomData p in _pointerPanZooms.values) {
scale *= p.scale / _initialPanZoomScaleFactor;
return scale;
double get _verticalScaleFactor {
double scale = _pointerVerticalScaleFactor;
for (final _PointerPanZoomData p in _pointerPanZooms.values) {
scale *= p.scale / _initialPanZoomScaleFactor;
return scale;
int get _pointerCount {
return _pointerPanZooms.length + _pointerQueue.length;
double _computeRotationFactor() {
double factor = 0.0;
if (_initialLine != null && _currentLine != null) {
final double fx = _initialLine!.pointerStartLocation.dx;
final double fy = _initialLine!.pointerStartLocation.dy;
final double sx = _initialLine!.pointerEndLocation.dx;
final double sy = _initialLine!.pointerEndLocation.dy;
final double nfx = _currentLine!.pointerStartLocation.dx;
final double nfy = _currentLine!.pointerStartLocation.dy;
final double nsx = _currentLine!.pointerEndLocation.dx;
final double nsy = _currentLine!.pointerEndLocation.dy;
final double angle1 = math.atan2(fy - sy, fx - sx);
final double angle2 = math.atan2(nfy - nsy, nfx - nsx);
factor = angle2 - angle1;
for (final _PointerPanZoomData p in _pointerPanZooms.values) {
factor += p.rotation;
factor -= _initialPanZoomRotationFactor;
return factor;
void addAllowedPointer(PointerDownEvent event) {
_velocityTrackers[event.pointer] = VelocityTracker.withKind(event.kind);
if (_state == _ScaleState.ready) {
_state = _ScaleState.possible;
_initialSpan = 0.0;
_currentSpan = 0.0;
_initialHorizontalSpan = 0.0;
_currentHorizontalSpan = 0.0;
_initialVerticalSpan = 0.0;
_currentVerticalSpan = 0.0;
bool isPointerPanZoomAllowed(PointerPanZoomStartEvent event) => true;
void addAllowedPointerPanZoom(PointerPanZoomStartEvent event) {
startTrackingPointer(event.pointer, event.transform);
_velocityTrackers[event.pointer] = VelocityTracker.withKind(event.kind);
if (_state == _ScaleState.ready) {
_state = _ScaleState.possible;
_initialPanZoomScaleFactor = 1.0;
_initialPanZoomRotationFactor = 0.0;
void handleEvent(PointerEvent event) {
assert(_state != _ScaleState.ready);
bool didChangeConfiguration = false;
bool shouldStartIfAccepted = false;
if (event is PointerMoveEvent) {
final VelocityTracker tracker = _velocityTrackers[event.pointer]!;
if (!event.synthesized)
tracker.addPosition(event.timeStamp, event.position);
_pointerLocations[event.pointer] = event.position;
shouldStartIfAccepted = true;
_lastTransform = event.transform;
} else if (event is PointerDownEvent) {
_pointerLocations[event.pointer] = event.position;
didChangeConfiguration = true;
shouldStartIfAccepted = true;
_lastTransform = event.transform;
} else if (event is PointerUpEvent || event is PointerCancelEvent) {
didChangeConfiguration = true;
_lastTransform = event.transform;
} else if (event is PointerPanZoomStartEvent) {
assert(_pointerPanZooms[event.pointer] == null);
_pointerPanZooms[event.pointer] = _PointerPanZoomData(
focalPoint: event.position,
scale: 1,
rotation: 0
didChangeConfiguration = true;
shouldStartIfAccepted = true;
} else if (event is PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent) {
assert(_pointerPanZooms[event.pointer] != null);
if (!event.synthesized)
_velocityTrackers[event.pointer]!.addPosition(event.timeStamp, event.pan);
_pointerPanZooms[event.pointer] = _PointerPanZoomData(
focalPoint: event.position + event.pan,
scale: event.scale,
rotation: event.rotation
_lastTransform = event.transform;
shouldStartIfAccepted = true;
} else if (event is PointerPanZoomEndEvent) {
assert(_pointerPanZooms[event.pointer] != null);
didChangeConfiguration = true;
if (!didChangeConfiguration || _reconfigure(event.pointer))
_advanceStateMachine(shouldStartIfAccepted, event.kind);
void _update() {
final Offset? previousFocalPoint = _currentFocalPoint;
// Compute the focal point
Offset focalPoint =;
for (final int pointer in _pointerLocations.keys)
focalPoint += _pointerLocations[pointer]!;
for (final _PointerPanZoomData p in _pointerPanZooms.values)
focalPoint += p.focalPoint;
_currentFocalPoint = _pointerCount > 0 ? focalPoint / _pointerCount.toDouble() :;
if (previousFocalPoint == null) {
_localFocalPoint = PointerEvent.transformPosition(
_delta =;
} else {
final Offset localPreviousFocalPoint = _localFocalPoint;
_localFocalPoint = PointerEvent.transformPosition(
_delta = _localFocalPoint - localPreviousFocalPoint;
final int count = _pointerLocations.keys.length;
Offset pointerFocalPoint =;
for (final int pointer in _pointerLocations.keys)
pointerFocalPoint += _pointerLocations[pointer]!;
if (count > 0)
pointerFocalPoint = pointerFocalPoint / count.toDouble();
// Span is the average deviation from focal point. Horizontal and vertical
// spans are the average deviations from the focal point's horizontal and
// vertical coordinates, respectively.
double totalDeviation = 0.0;
double totalHorizontalDeviation = 0.0;
double totalVerticalDeviation = 0.0;
for (final int pointer in _pointerLocations.keys) {
totalDeviation += (pointerFocalPoint - _pointerLocations[pointer]!).distance;
totalHorizontalDeviation += (pointerFocalPoint.dx - _pointerLocations[pointer]!.dx).abs();
totalVerticalDeviation += (pointerFocalPoint.dy - _pointerLocations[pointer]!.dy).abs();
_currentSpan = count > 0 ? totalDeviation / count : 0.0;
_currentHorizontalSpan = count > 0 ? totalHorizontalDeviation / count : 0.0;
_currentVerticalSpan = count > 0 ? totalVerticalDeviation / count : 0.0;
/// Updates [_initialLine] and [_currentLine] accordingly to the situation of
/// the registered pointers.
void _updateLines() {
final int count = _pointerLocations.keys.length;
assert(_pointerQueue.length >= count);
/// In case of just one pointer registered, reconfigure [_initialLine]
if (count < 2) {
_initialLine = _currentLine;
} else if (_initialLine != null &&
_initialLine!.pointerStartId == _pointerQueue[0] &&
_initialLine!.pointerEndId == _pointerQueue[1]) {
/// Rotation updated, set the [_currentLine]
_currentLine = _LineBetweenPointers(
pointerStartId: _pointerQueue[0],
pointerStartLocation: _pointerLocations[_pointerQueue[0]]!,
pointerEndId: _pointerQueue[1],
pointerEndLocation: _pointerLocations[_pointerQueue[1]]!,
} else {
/// A new rotation process is on the way, set the [_initialLine]
_initialLine = _LineBetweenPointers(
pointerStartId: _pointerQueue[0],
pointerStartLocation: _pointerLocations[_pointerQueue[0]]!,
pointerEndId: _pointerQueue[1],
pointerEndLocation: _pointerLocations[_pointerQueue[1]]!,
_currentLine = _initialLine;
bool _reconfigure(int pointer) {
_initialFocalPoint = _currentFocalPoint!;
_initialSpan = _currentSpan;
_initialLine = _currentLine;
_initialHorizontalSpan = _currentHorizontalSpan;
_initialVerticalSpan = _currentVerticalSpan;
if (_pointerPanZooms.isEmpty) {
_initialPanZoomScaleFactor = 1.0;
_initialPanZoomRotationFactor = 0.0;
} else {
_initialPanZoomScaleFactor = _scaleFactor / _pointerScaleFactor;
_initialPanZoomRotationFactor = x) => x.rotation).reduce((double a, double b) => a + b);
if (_state == _ScaleState.started) {
if (onEnd != null) {
final VelocityTracker tracker = _velocityTrackers[pointer]!;
Velocity velocity = tracker.getVelocity();
if (_isFlingGesture(velocity)) {
final Offset pixelsPerSecond = velocity.pixelsPerSecond;
if (pixelsPerSecond.distanceSquared > kMaxFlingVelocity * kMaxFlingVelocity)
velocity = Velocity(pixelsPerSecond: (pixelsPerSecond / pixelsPerSecond.distance) * kMaxFlingVelocity);
invokeCallback<void>('onEnd', () => onEnd!(ScaleEndDetails(velocity: velocity, pointerCount: _pointerCount)));
} else {
invokeCallback<void>('onEnd', () => onEnd!(ScaleEndDetails(pointerCount: _pointerCount)));
_state = _ScaleState.accepted;
return false;
return true;
void _advanceStateMachine(bool shouldStartIfAccepted, PointerDeviceKind pointerDeviceKind) {
if (_state == _ScaleState.ready)
_state = _ScaleState.possible;
if (_state == _ScaleState.possible) {
final double spanDelta = (_currentSpan - _initialSpan).abs();
final double focalPointDelta = (_currentFocalPoint! - _initialFocalPoint).distance;
if (spanDelta > computeScaleSlop(pointerDeviceKind) || focalPointDelta > computePanSlop(pointerDeviceKind, gestureSettings) || math.max(_scaleFactor / _pointerScaleFactor, _pointerScaleFactor / _scaleFactor) > 1.05)
} else if (_state.index >= _ScaleState.accepted.index) {
if (_state == _ScaleState.accepted && shouldStartIfAccepted) {
_state = _ScaleState.started;
if (_state == _ScaleState.started && onUpdate != null)
invokeCallback<void>('onUpdate', () {
scale: _scaleFactor,
horizontalScale: _horizontalScaleFactor,
verticalScale: _verticalScaleFactor,
focalPoint: _currentFocalPoint!,
localFocalPoint: _localFocalPoint,
rotation: _computeRotationFactor(),
pointerCount: _pointerCount,
focalPointDelta: _delta,
void _dispatchOnStartCallbackIfNeeded() {
assert(_state == _ScaleState.started);
if (onStart != null)
invokeCallback<void>('onStart', () {
focalPoint: _currentFocalPoint!,
localFocalPoint: _localFocalPoint,
pointerCount: _pointerCount,
void acceptGesture(int pointer) {
if (_state == _ScaleState.possible) {
_state = _ScaleState.started;
if (dragStartBehavior == DragStartBehavior.start) {
_initialFocalPoint = _currentFocalPoint!;
_initialSpan = _currentSpan;
_initialLine = _currentLine;
_initialHorizontalSpan = _currentHorizontalSpan;
_initialVerticalSpan = _currentVerticalSpan;
if (_pointerPanZooms.isEmpty) {
_initialPanZoomScaleFactor = 1.0;
_initialPanZoomRotationFactor = 0.0;
} else {
_initialPanZoomScaleFactor = _scaleFactor / _pointerScaleFactor;
_initialPanZoomRotationFactor = x) => x.rotation).reduce((double a, double b) => a + b);
void rejectGesture(int pointer) {
void didStopTrackingLastPointer(int pointer) {
switch (_state) {
case _ScaleState.possible:
case _ScaleState.ready:
assert(false); // We should have not seen a pointer yet
case _ScaleState.accepted:
case _ScaleState.started:
assert(false); // We should be in the accepted state when user is done
_state = _ScaleState.ready;
void dispose() {
String get debugDescription => 'scale';