blob: ccb443b116842e5deed92fee174d541d24204ba7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/common.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/platform.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/process.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/commands/create.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/runner/flutter_command.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/runner/flutter_command_runner.dart';
/// Gets the path to the root of the Flutter repository.
/// This will first look for a `FLUTTER_ROOT` environment variable. If the
/// environment variable is set, it will be returned. Otherwise, this will
/// deduce the path from `platform.script`.
String getFlutterRoot() {
if (platform.environment.containsKey('FLUTTER_ROOT'))
return platform.environment['FLUTTER_ROOT'];
Error invalidScript() => new StateError('Invalid script: ${platform.script}');
Uri scriptUri;
switch (platform.script.scheme) {
case 'file':
scriptUri = platform.script;
case 'data':
final RegExp flutterTools = new RegExp(r'(file://[^"]*[/\\]flutter_tools[/\\][^"]+\.dart)', multiLine: true);
final Match match = flutterTools.firstMatch(Uri.decodeFull(platform.script.path));
if (match == null)
throw invalidScript();
scriptUri = Uri.parse(;
throw invalidScript();
final List<String> parts = fs.path.split(fs.path.fromUri(scriptUri));
final int toolsIndex = parts.indexOf('flutter_tools');
if (toolsIndex == -1)
throw invalidScript();
final String toolsPath = fs.path.joinAll(parts.sublist(0, toolsIndex + 1));
return fs.path.normalize(fs.path.join(toolsPath, '..', '..'));
CommandRunner<Null> createTestCommandRunner([FlutterCommand command]) {
final FlutterCommandRunner runner = new FlutterCommandRunner();
if (command != null)
return runner;
/// Updates [path] to have a modification time [seconds] from now.
void updateFileModificationTime(String path,
DateTime baseTime,
int seconds) {
final DateTime modificationTime = baseTime.add(new Duration(seconds: seconds));
/// Matcher for functions that throw [ToolExit].
Matcher throwsToolExit({int exitCode, String message}) {
Matcher matcher = isToolExit;
if (exitCode != null)
matcher = allOf(matcher, (ToolExit e) => e.exitCode == exitCode);
if (message != null)
matcher = allOf(matcher, (ToolExit e) => e.message.contains(message));
return throwsA(matcher);
/// Matcher for [ToolExit]s.
const Matcher isToolExit = isInstanceOf<ToolExit>();
/// Matcher for functions that throw [ProcessExit].
Matcher throwsProcessExit([dynamic exitCode]) {
return exitCode == null
? throwsA(isProcessExit)
: throwsA(allOf(isProcessExit, (ProcessExit e) => e.exitCode == exitCode));
/// Matcher for [ProcessExit]s.
const Matcher isProcessExit = isInstanceOf<ProcessExit>();
/// Creates a flutter project in the [temp] directory using the
/// [arguments] list if specified, or `--no-pub` if not.
/// Returns the path to the flutter project.
Future<String> createProject(Directory temp, {List<String> arguments}) async {
arguments ??= <String>['--no-pub'];
final String projectPath = fs.path.join(temp.path, 'flutter_project');
final CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
final CommandRunner<Null> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command);
return projectPath;
/// Test case timeout for tests involving remote calls to `pub get` or similar.
const Timeout allowForRemotePubInvocation = Timeout.factor(10.0);
/// Test case timeout for tests involving creating a Flutter project with
/// `--no-pub`. Use [allowForRemotePubInvocation] when creation involves `pub`.
const Timeout allowForCreateFlutterProject = Timeout.factor(3.0);