blob: 7b785fc89b88c5d07e508d3319093fd3c5c2909b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:ui' as ui show Gradient, lerpDouble;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'alignment.dart';
import 'basic_types.dart';
class _ColorsAndStops {
_ColorsAndStops(this.colors, this.stops);
final List<Color> colors;
final List<double> stops;
_ColorsAndStops _interpolateColorsAndStops(List<Color> aColors, List<double> aStops, List<Color> bColors, List<double> bStops, double t) {
assert(aColors.length == bColors.length, 'Cannot interpolate between two gradients with a different number of colors.'); // TODO(ianh): remove limitation
assert((aStops == null && aColors.length == 2) || (aStops != null && aStops.length == aColors.length));
assert((bStops == null && bColors.length == 2) || (bStops != null && bStops.length == bColors.length));
final List<Color> interpolatedColors = <Color>[];
for (int i = 0; i < aColors.length; i += 1)
interpolatedColors.add(Color.lerp(aColors[i], bColors[i], t));
List<double> interpolatedStops;
if (aStops != null || bStops != null) {
aStops ??= const <double>[0.0, 1.0];
bStops ??= const <double>[0.0, 1.0];
assert(aStops.length == bStops.length);
interpolatedStops = <double>[];
for (int i = 0; i < aStops.length; i += 1)
interpolatedStops.add(ui.lerpDouble(aStops[i], bStops[i], t).clamp(0.0, 1.0));
return new _ColorsAndStops(interpolatedColors, interpolatedStops);
/// A 2D gradient.
/// This is an interface that allows [LinearGradient] and [RadialGradient]
/// classes to be used interchangeably in [BoxDecoration]s.
/// See also:
/// * [dart:ui.Gradient], the class in the [dart:ui] library that is
/// encapsulated by this class and its subclasses.
abstract class Gradient {
/// Initialize the gradient's colors and stops.
/// The [colors] argument must not be null, and must have at least two colors
/// (the length is not verified until the [createShader] method is called).
/// If specified, the [stops] argument must have the same number of entries as
/// [colors] (this is also not verified until the [createShader] method is
/// called).
const Gradient({
@required this.colors,
}) : assert(colors != null);
/// The colors the gradient should obtain at each of the stops.
/// If [stops] is non-null, this list must have the same length as [stops].
/// This list must have at least two colors in it (otherwise, it's not a
/// gradient!).
final List<Color> colors;
/// A list of values from 0.0 to 1.0 that denote fractions along the gradient.
/// If non-null, this list must have the same length as [colors].
/// If the first value is not 0.0, then a stop with position 0.0 and a color
/// equal to the first color in [colors] is implied.
/// If the last value is not 1.0, then a stop with position 1.0 and a color
/// equal to the last color in [colors] is implied.
/// The values in the [stops] list must be in ascending order. If a value in
/// the [stops] list is less than an earlier value in the list, then its value
/// is assumed to equal the previous value.
/// If stops is null, then a set of uniformly distributed stops is implied,
/// with the first stop at 0.0 and the last stop at 1.0.
final List<double> stops;
List<double> _impliedStops() {
if (stops != null)
return stops;
if (colors.length == 2)
return null;
assert(colors.length >= 2, 'colors list must have at least two colors');
final double separation = 1.0 / (colors.length - 1);
return new List<double>.generate(
(int index) => index * separation,
growable: false,
/// Creates a [Shader] for this gradient to fill the given rect.
/// If the gradient's configuration is text-direction-dependent, for example
/// it uses [AlignmentDirectional] objects instead of [Alignment]
/// objects, then the `textDirection` argument must not be null.
Shader createShader(Rect rect, { TextDirection textDirection });
/// Returns a new gradient with its properties scaled by the given factor.
/// A factor of 0.0 (or less) should result in a variant of the gradient that
/// is invisible; any two factors epsilon apart should be unnoticeably
/// different from each other at first glance. From this it follows that
/// scaling a gradient with values from 1.0 to 0.0 over time should cause the
/// gradient to smoothly disappear.
/// Typically this is the same as interpolating from null (with [lerp]).
Gradient scale(double factor);
/// Linearly interpolates from another [Gradient] to `this`.
/// When implementing this method in subclasses, return null if this class
/// cannot interpolate from `a`. In that case, [lerp] will try `a`'s [lerpTo]
/// method instead.
/// If `a` is null, this must not return null. The base class implements this
/// by deferring to [scale].
/// The `t` argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
/// that the interpolation has not started, returning `a` (or something
/// equivalent to `a`), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
/// returning `this` (or something equivalent to `this`), and values in
/// between meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the
/// timeline between `a` and `this`. The interpolation can be extrapolated
/// beyond 0.0 and 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are
/// valid (and can easily be generated by curves such as
/// [Curves.elasticInOut]).
/// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
/// an [AnimationController].
/// Instead of calling this directly, use [Gradient.lerp].
Gradient lerpFrom(Gradient a, double t) {
if (a == null)
return scale(t);
return null;
/// Linearly interpolates from `this` to another [Gradient].
/// This is called if `b`'s [lerpTo] did not know how to handle this class.
/// When implementing this method in subclasses, return null if this class
/// cannot interpolate from `b`. In that case, [lerp] will apply a default
/// behavior instead.
/// If `b` is null, this must not return null. The base class implements this
/// by deferring to [scale].
/// The `t` argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
/// that the interpolation has not started, returning `this` (or something
/// equivalent to `this`), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
/// returning `b` (or something equivalent to `b`), and values in between
/// meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline
/// between `this` and `b`. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0
/// and 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid (and can
/// easily be generated by curves such as [Curves.elasticInOut]).
/// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
/// an [AnimationController].
/// Instead of calling this directly, use [Gradient.lerp].
Gradient lerpTo(Gradient b, double t) {
if (b == null)
return scale(1.0 - t);
return null;
/// Linearly interpolates between two [Gradient]s.
/// This defers to `b`'s [lerpTo] function if `b` is not null. If `b` is
/// null or if its [lerpTo] returns null, it uses `a`'s [lerpFrom]
/// function instead. If both return null, it returns `a` before `t == 0.5`
/// and `b` after `t == 0.5`.
/// The `t` argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
/// that the interpolation has not started, returning `a` (or something
/// equivalent to `a`), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
/// returning `b` (or something equivalent to `b`), and values in between
/// meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline
/// between `a` and `b`. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0 and
/// 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid (and can
/// easily be generated by curves such as [Curves.elasticInOut]).
/// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
/// an [AnimationController].
static Gradient lerp(Gradient a, Gradient b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
Gradient result;
if (b != null)
result = b.lerpFrom(a, t); // if a is null, this must return non-null
if (result == null && a != null)
result = a.lerpTo(b, t); // if b is null, this must return non-null
if (result != null)
return result;
if (a == null && b == null)
return null;
assert(a != null && b != null);
return t < 0.5 ? a.scale(1.0 - (t * 2.0)) : b.scale((t - 0.5) * 2.0);
/// A 2D linear gradient.
/// This class is used by [BoxDecoration] to represent gradients. This abstracts
/// out the arguments to the [new ui.Gradient.linear] constructor from the
/// `dart:ui` library.
/// A gradient has two anchor points, [begin] and [end]. The [begin] point
/// corresponds to 0.0, and the [end] point corresponds to 1.0. These points are
/// expressed in fractions, so that the same gradient can be reused with varying
/// sized boxes without changing the parameters. (This contrasts with [new
/// ui.Gradient.linear], whose arguments are expressed in logical pixels.)
/// The [colors] are described by a list of [Color] objects. There must be at
/// least two colors. The [stops] list, if specified, must have the same length
/// as [colors]. It specifies fractions of the vector from start to end, between
/// 0.0 and 1.0, for each color. If it is null, a uniform distribution is
/// assumed.
/// The region of the canvas before [begin] and after [end] is colored according
/// to [tileMode].
/// Typically this class is used with [BoxDecoration], which does the painting.
/// To use a [LinearGradient] to paint on a canvas directly, see [createShader].
/// ## Sample code
/// This sample draws a picture that looks like vertical window shades by having
/// a [Container] display a [BoxDecoration] with a [LinearGradient].
/// ```dart
/// new Container(
/// decoration: new BoxDecoration(
/// gradient: new LinearGradient(
/// begin: Alignment.topLeft,
/// end: new Alignment(0.8, 0.0), // 10% of the width, so there are ten blinds.
/// colors: [const Color(0xFFFFFFEE), const Color(0xFF999999)], // whitish to gray
/// tileMode: TileMode.repeated, // repeats the gradient over the canvas
/// ),
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [RadialGradient], which displays a gradient in concentric circles, and
/// has an example which shows a different way to use [Gradient] objects.
/// * [BoxDecoration], which can take a [LinearGradient] in its
/// [BoxDecoration.gradient] property.
class LinearGradient extends Gradient {
/// Creates a linear gradient.
/// The [colors] argument must not be null. If [stops] is non-null, it must
/// have the same length as [colors].
const LinearGradient({
this.begin: Alignment.centerLeft,
this.end: Alignment.centerRight,
@required List<Color> colors,
List<double> stops,
this.tileMode: TileMode.clamp,
}) : assert(begin != null),
assert(end != null),
assert(tileMode != null),
super(colors: colors, stops: stops);
/// The offset at which stop 0.0 of the gradient is placed.
/// If this is a [Alignment], then it is expressed as a vector from
/// coordinate (0.0, 0.0), in a coordinate space that maps the center of the
/// paint box at (0.0, 0.0) and the bottom right at (1.0, 1.0).
/// For example, a begin offset of (-1.0, 0.0) is half way down the
/// left side of the box.
/// It can also be a [AlignmentDirectional], where the start is the
/// left in left-to-right contexts and the right in right-to-left contexts. If
/// a text-direction-dependent value is provided here, then the [createShader]
/// method will need to be given a [TextDirection].
final AlignmentGeometry begin;
/// The offset at which stop 1.0 of the gradient is placed.
/// If this is a [Alignment], then it is expressed as a vector from
/// coordinate (0.0, 0.0), in a coordinate space that maps the center of the
/// paint box at (0.0, 0.0) and the bottom right at (1.0, 1.0).
/// For example, a begin offset of (1.0, 0.0) is half way down the
/// right side of the box.
/// It can also be a [AlignmentDirectional], where the start is the left in
/// left-to-right contexts and the right in right-to-left contexts. If a
/// text-direction-dependent value is provided here, then the [createShader]
/// method will need to be given a [TextDirection].
final AlignmentGeometry end;
/// How this gradient should tile the plane beyond in the region before
/// [begin] and after [end].
/// For details, see [TileMode].
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
final TileMode tileMode;
Shader createShader(Rect rect, { TextDirection textDirection }) {
return new ui.Gradient.linear(
colors, _impliedStops(), tileMode,
/// Returns a new [LinearGradient] with its properties (in particular the
/// colors) scaled by the given factor.
/// If the factor is 0.0 or less, then the gradient is fully transparent.
LinearGradient scale(double factor) {
return new LinearGradient(
begin: begin,
end: end,
colors:<Color>((Color color) => Color.lerp(null, color, factor)).toList(),
stops: stops,
tileMode: tileMode,
Gradient lerpFrom(Gradient a, double t) {
if (a == null || (a is LinearGradient && a.colors.length == colors.length)) // TODO(ianh): remove limitation
return LinearGradient.lerp(a, this, t);
return super.lerpFrom(a, t);
Gradient lerpTo(Gradient b, double t) {
if (b == null || (b is LinearGradient && b.colors.length == colors.length)) // TODO(ianh): remove limitation
return LinearGradient.lerp(this, b, t);
return super.lerpTo(b, t);
/// Linearly interpolate between two [LinearGradient]s.
/// If either gradient is null, this function linearly interpolates from a
/// a gradient that matches the other gradient in [begin], [end], [stops] and
/// [tileMode] and with the same [colors] but transparent (using [scale]).
/// If neither gradient is null, they must have the same number of [colors].
/// The `t` argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
/// that the interpolation has not started, returning `a` (or something
/// equivalent to `a`), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
/// returning `b` (or something equivalent to `b`), and values in between
/// meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline
/// between `a` and `b`. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0 and
/// 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid (and can
/// easily be generated by curves such as [Curves.elasticInOut]).
/// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
/// an [AnimationController].
static LinearGradient lerp(LinearGradient a, LinearGradient b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (a == null && b == null)
return null;
if (a == null)
return b.scale(t);
if (b == null)
return a.scale(1.0 - t);
final _ColorsAndStops interpolated = _interpolateColorsAndStops(a.colors, a.stops, b.colors, b.stops, t);
return new LinearGradient(
begin: AlignmentGeometry.lerp(a.begin, b.begin, t),
end: AlignmentGeometry.lerp(a.end, b.end, t),
colors: interpolated.colors,
stops: interpolated.stops,
tileMode: t < 0.5 ? a.tileMode : b.tileMode, // TODO(ianh): interpolate tile mode
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType)
return false;
final LinearGradient typedOther = other;
if (begin != typedOther.begin ||
end != typedOther.end ||
tileMode != typedOther.tileMode ||
colors?.length != typedOther.colors?.length ||
stops?.length != typedOther.stops?.length)
return false;
if (colors != null) {
assert(typedOther.colors != null);
assert(colors.length == typedOther.colors.length);
for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i += 1) {
if (colors[i] != typedOther.colors[i])
return false;
if (stops != null) {
assert(typedOther.stops != null);
assert(stops.length == typedOther.stops.length);
for (int i = 0; i < stops.length; i += 1) {
if (stops[i] != typedOther.stops[i])
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode => hashValues(begin, end, tileMode, hashList(colors), hashList(stops));
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType($begin, $end, $colors, $stops, $tileMode)';
/// A 2D radial gradient.
/// This class is used by [BoxDecoration] to represent gradients. This abstracts
/// out the arguments to the [new ui.Gradient.radial] constructor from the
/// `dart:ui` library.
/// A gradient has a [center] and a [radius]. The [center] point corresponds to
/// 0.0, and the ring at [radius] from the center corresponds to 1.0. These
/// lengths are expressed in fractions, so that the same gradient can be reused
/// with varying sized boxes without changing the parameters. (This contrasts
/// with [new ui.Gradient.radial], whose arguments are expressed in logical
/// pixels.)
/// The [colors] are described by a list of [Color] objects. There must be at
/// least two colors. The [stops] list, if specified, must have the same length
/// as [colors]. It specifies fractions of the radius between 0.0 and 1.0,
/// giving concentric rings for each color stop. If it is null, a uniform
/// distribution is assumed.
/// The region of the canvas beyond [radius] from the [center] is colored
/// according to [tileMode].
/// Typically this class is used with [BoxDecoration], which does the painting.
/// To use a [RadialGradient] to paint on a canvas directly, see [createShader].
/// ## Sample code
/// This function draws a gradient that looks like a sun in a blue sky.
/// ```dart
/// void paintSky(Canvas canvas, Rect rect) {
/// var gradient = new RadialGradient(
/// center: const Alignment(0.7, -0.6), // near the top right
/// radius: 0.2,
/// colors: [
/// const Color(0xFFFFFF00), // yellow sun
/// const Color(0xFF0099FF), // blue sky
/// ],
/// stops: [0.4, 1.0],
/// );
/// // rect is the area we are painting over
/// var paint = new Paint()
/// ..shader = gradient.createShader(rect);
/// canvas.drawRect(rect, paint);
/// }
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [LinearGradient], which displays a gradient in parallel lines, and has an
/// example which shows a different way to use [Gradient] objects.
/// * [BoxDecoration], which can take a [RadialGradient] in its
/// [BoxDecoration.gradient] property.
/// * [CustomPainter], which shows how to use the above sample code in a custom
/// painter.
class RadialGradient extends Gradient {
/// Creates a radial gradient.
/// The [colors] argument must not be null. If [stops] is non-null, it must
/// have the same length as [colors].
const RadialGradient({,
this.radius: 0.5,
@required List<Color> colors,
List<double> stops,
this.tileMode: TileMode.clamp,
}) : assert(center != null),
assert(radius != null),
assert(tileMode != null),
super(colors: colors, stops: stops);
/// The center of the gradient, as an offset into the (-1.0, -1.0) x (1.0, 1.0)
/// square describing the gradient which will be mapped onto the paint box.
/// For example, an alignment of (0.0, 0.0) will place the radial
/// gradient in the center of the box.
/// If this is a [Alignment], then it is expressed as a vector from
/// coordinate (0.0, 0.0), in a coordinate space that maps the center of the
/// paint box at (0.0, 0.0) and the bottom right at (1.0, 1.0).
/// It can also be a [AlignmentDirectional], where the start is the left in
/// left-to-right contexts and the right in right-to-left contexts. If a
/// text-direction-dependent value is provided here, then the [createShader]
/// method will need to be given a [TextDirection].
final AlignmentGeometry center;
/// The radius of the gradient, as a fraction of the shortest side
/// of the paint box.
/// For example, if a radial gradient is painted on a box that is
/// 100.0 pixels wide and 200.0 pixels tall, then a radius of 1.0
/// will place the 1.0 stop at 100.0 pixels from the [center].
final double radius;
/// How this gradient should tile the plane beyond the outer ring at [radius]
/// pixels from the [center].
/// For details, see [TileMode].
/// ![](
/// ![](
/// ![](
final TileMode tileMode;
Shader createShader(Rect rect, { TextDirection textDirection }) {
return new ui.Gradient.radial(
radius * rect.shortestSide,
colors, _impliedStops(), tileMode,
/// Returns a new [RadialGradient] with its colors scaled by the given factor.
/// If the factor is 0.0 or less, then the gradient is fully transparent.
RadialGradient scale(double factor) {
return new RadialGradient(
center: center,
radius: radius,
colors:<Color>((Color color) => Color.lerp(null, color, factor)).toList(),
stops: stops,
tileMode: tileMode,
Gradient lerpFrom(Gradient a, double t) {
if (a == null || (a is RadialGradient && a.colors.length == colors.length)) // TODO(ianh): remove limitation
return RadialGradient.lerp(a, this, t);
return super.lerpFrom(a, t);
Gradient lerpTo(Gradient b, double t) {
if (b == null || (b is RadialGradient && b.colors.length == colors.length)) // TODO(ianh): remove limitation
return RadialGradient.lerp(this, b, t);
return super.lerpTo(b, t);
/// Linearly interpolate between two [RadialGradient]s.
/// If either gradient is null, this function linearly interpolates from a
/// a gradient that matches the other gradient in [center], [radius], [stops] and
/// [tileMode] and with the same [colors] but transparent (using [scale]).
/// If neither gradient is null, they must have the same number of [colors].
/// The `t` argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
/// that the interpolation has not started, returning `a` (or something
/// equivalent to `a`), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
/// returning `b` (or something equivalent to `b`), and values in between
/// meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline
/// between `a` and `b`. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0 and
/// 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid (and can
/// easily be generated by curves such as [Curves.elasticInOut]).
/// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
/// an [AnimationController].
static RadialGradient lerp(RadialGradient a, RadialGradient b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (a == null && b == null)
return null;
if (a == null)
return b.scale(t);
if (b == null)
return a.scale(1.0 - t);
final _ColorsAndStops interpolated = _interpolateColorsAndStops(a.colors, a.stops, b.colors, b.stops, t);
return new RadialGradient(
center: AlignmentGeometry.lerp(,, t),
radius: math.max(0.0, ui.lerpDouble(a.radius, b.radius, t)),
colors: interpolated.colors,
stops: interpolated.stops,
tileMode: t < 0.5 ? a.tileMode : b.tileMode, // TODO(ianh): interpolate tile mode
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType)
return false;
final RadialGradient typedOther = other;
if (center != ||
radius != typedOther.radius ||
tileMode != typedOther.tileMode ||
colors?.length != typedOther.colors?.length ||
stops?.length != typedOther.stops?.length)
return false;
if (colors != null) {
assert(typedOther.colors != null);
assert(colors.length == typedOther.colors.length);
for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i += 1) {
if (colors[i] != typedOther.colors[i])
return false;
if (stops != null) {
assert(typedOther.stops != null);
assert(stops.length == typedOther.stops.length);
for (int i = 0; i < stops.length; i += 1) {
if (stops[i] != typedOther.stops[i])
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode => hashValues(center, radius, tileMode, hashList(colors), hashList(stops));
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType($center, $radius, $colors, $stops, $tileMode)';