blob: cf449ab275d08d86abe7a2908b2ad67e7698ff57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'keyboard_key.dart';
import 'raw_keyboard_android.dart';
import 'raw_keyboard_fuchsia.dart';
import 'raw_keyboard_linux.dart';
import 'raw_keyboard_macos.dart';
import 'system_channels.dart';
/// An enum describing the side of the keyboard that a key is on, to allow
/// discrimination between which key is pressed (e.g. the left or right SHIFT
/// key).
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyEventData.isModifierPressed], which accepts this enum as an
/// argument.
enum KeyboardSide {
/// Matches if either the left, right or both versions of the key are pressed.
/// Matches the left version of the key.
/// Matches the right version of the key.
/// Matches the left and right version of the key pressed simultaneously.
/// An enum describing the type of modifier key that is being pressed.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyEventData.isModifierPressed], which accepts this enum as an
/// argument.
enum ModifierKey {
/// The CTRL modifier key.
/// Typically, there are two of these.
/// The SHIFT modifier key.
/// Typically, there are two of these.
/// The ALT modifier key.
/// Typically, there are two of these.
/// The META modifier key.
/// Typically, there are two of these. This is, for example, the Windows key
/// on Windows (⊞), the Command (⌘) key on macOS and iOS, and the Search (🔍)
/// key on Android.
/// The CAPS LOCK modifier key.
/// Typically, there is one of these. Only shown as "pressed" when the caps
/// lock is on, so on a key up when the mode is turned on, on each key press
/// when it's enabled, and on a key down when it is turned off.
/// The NUM LOCK modifier key.
/// Typically, there is one of these. Only shown as "pressed" when the num
/// lock is on, so on a key up when the mode is turned on, on each key press
/// when it's enabled, and on a key down when it is turned off.
/// The SCROLL LOCK modifier key.
/// Typically, there is one of these. Only shown as "pressed" when the scroll
/// lock is on, so on a key up when the mode is turned on, on each key press
/// when it's enabled, and on a key down when it is turned off.
/// The FUNCTION (Fn) modifier key.
/// Typically, there is one of these.
/// The SYMBOL modifier key.
/// Typically, there is one of these.
/// Base class for platform-specific key event data.
/// This base class exists to have a common type to use for each of the
/// target platform's key event data structures.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyEventDataAndroid], a specialization for Android.
/// * [RawKeyEventDataFuchsia], a specialization for Fuchsia.
/// * [RawKeyDownEvent] and [RawKeyUpEvent], the classes that hold the
/// reference to [RawKeyEventData] subclasses.
/// * [RawKeyboard], which uses these interfaces to expose key data.
abstract class RawKeyEventData {
/// Abstract const constructor.
/// This constructor enables subclasses to provide const constructors so that
/// they can be used in const expressions.
const RawKeyEventData();
/// Returns true if the given [ModifierKey] was pressed at the time of this
/// event.
/// If [side] is specified, then this restricts its check to the specified
/// side of the keyboard. Defaults to checking for the key being down on
/// either side of the keyboard. If there is only one instance of the key on
/// the keyboard, then [side] is ignored.
bool isModifierPressed(ModifierKey key, { KeyboardSide side = KeyboardSide.any });
/// Returns a [KeyboardSide] enum value that describes which side or sides of
/// the given keyboard modifier key were pressed at the time of this event.
/// If the modifier key wasn't pressed at the time of this event, returns
/// null. If the given key only appears in one place on the keyboard, returns
/// [KeyboardSide.all] if pressed. Never returns [KeyboardSide.any], because
/// that doesn't make sense in this context.
KeyboardSide getModifierSide(ModifierKey key);
/// Returns true if a CTRL modifier key was pressed at the time of this event,
/// regardless of which side of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isModifierPressed] if you need to know which control key was pressed.
bool get isControlPressed => isModifierPressed(ModifierKey.controlModifier, side: KeyboardSide.any);
/// Returns true if a SHIFT modifier key was pressed at the time of this
/// event, regardless of which side of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isModifierPressed] if you need to know which shift key was pressed.
bool get isShiftPressed => isModifierPressed(ModifierKey.shiftModifier, side: KeyboardSide.any);
/// Returns true if a ALT modifier key was pressed at the time of this event,
/// regardless of which side of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isModifierPressed] if you need to know which alt key was pressed.
bool get isAltPressed => isModifierPressed(ModifierKey.altModifier, side: KeyboardSide.any);
/// Returns true if a META modifier key was pressed at the time of this event,
/// regardless of which side of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isModifierPressed] if you need to know which meta key was pressed.
bool get isMetaPressed => isModifierPressed(ModifierKey.metaModifier, side: KeyboardSide.any);
/// Returns a map of modifier keys that were pressed at the time of this
/// event, and the keyboard side or sides that the key was on.
Map<ModifierKey, KeyboardSide> get modifiersPressed {
final Map<ModifierKey, KeyboardSide> result = <ModifierKey, KeyboardSide>{};
for (ModifierKey key in ModifierKey.values) {
if (isModifierPressed(key)) {
result[key] = getModifierSide(key);
return result;
/// Returns an object representing the physical location of this key on a
/// QWERTY keyboard.
/// {@macro}
/// See also:
/// * [logicalKey] for the non-location-specific key generated by this event.
/// * [RawKeyEvent.physicalKey], where this value is available on the event.
PhysicalKeyboardKey get physicalKey;
/// Returns an object representing the logical key that was pressed.
/// {@macro}
/// See also:
/// * [physicalKey] for the location-specific key generated by this event.
/// * [RawKeyEvent.logicalKey], where this value is available on the event.
LogicalKeyboardKey get logicalKey;
/// Returns the Unicode string representing the label on this key.
/// {@template}
/// Do not use the [keyLabel] to compose a text string: it will be missing
/// special processing for Unicode strings for combining characters and other
/// special characters, and the effects of modifiers.
/// If you are looking for the character produced by a key event, use
/// [RawKeyEvent.character] instead.
/// If you are composing text strings, use the [TextField] or
/// [CupertinoTextField] widgets, since those automatically handle many of the
/// complexities of managing keyboard input, like showing a soft keyboard or
/// interacting with an input method editor (IME).
/// {@endtemplate}
String get keyLabel;
/// Defines the interface for raw key events.
/// Raw key events pass through as much information as possible from the
/// underlying platform's key events, which allows them to provide a high level
/// of fidelity but a low level of portability.
/// The event also provides an abstraction for the [physicalKey] and the
/// [logicalKey], describing the physical location of the key, and the logical
/// meaning of the key, respectively. These are more portable representations of
/// the key events, and should produce the same results regardless of platform.
/// See also:
/// * [LogicalKeyboardKey], an object that describes the logical meaning of a
/// key.
/// * [PhysicalKeyboardKey], an object that describes the physical location of
/// a key.
/// * [RawKeyDownEvent], a specialization for events representing the user
/// pressing a key.
/// * [RawKeyUpEvent], a specialization for events representing the user
/// releasing a key.
/// * [RawKeyboard], which uses this interface to expose key data.
/// * [RawKeyboardListener], a widget that listens for raw key events.
abstract class RawKeyEvent {
/// Initializes fields for subclasses, and provides a const constructor for
/// const subclasses.
const RawKeyEvent({
/// Creates a concrete [RawKeyEvent] class from a message in the form received
/// on the [SystemChannels.keyEvent] channel.
factory RawKeyEvent.fromMessage(Map<String, dynamic> message) {
RawKeyEventData data;
final String keymap = message['keymap'];
switch (keymap) {
case 'android':
data = RawKeyEventDataAndroid(
flags: message['flags'] ?? 0,
codePoint: message['codePoint'] ?? 0,
keyCode: message['keyCode'] ?? 0,
plainCodePoint: message['plainCodePoint'] ?? 0,
scanCode: message['scanCode'] ?? 0,
metaState: message['metaState'] ?? 0,
case 'fuchsia':
data = RawKeyEventDataFuchsia(
hidUsage: message['hidUsage'] ?? 0,
codePoint: message['codePoint'] ?? 0,
modifiers: message['modifiers'] ?? 0,
case 'macos':
data = RawKeyEventDataMacOs(
characters: message['characters'] ?? '',
message['charactersIgnoringModifiers'] ?? '',
keyCode: message['keyCode'] ?? 0,
modifiers: message['modifiers'] ?? 0);
case 'linux':
data = RawKeyEventDataLinux(
keyHelper: KeyHelper(message['toolkit'] ?? ''),
codePoint: message['codePoint'] ?? 0,
keyCode: message['keyCode'] ?? 0,
scanCode: message['scanCode'] ?? 0,
modifiers: message['modifiers'] ?? 0);
// We don't yet implement raw key events on iOS or other platforms, but
// we don't hit this exception because the engine never sends us these
// messages.
throw FlutterError('Unknown keymap for key events: $keymap');
final String type = message['type'];
switch (type) {
case 'keydown':
return RawKeyDownEvent(data: data, character: message['character']);
case 'keyup':
return RawKeyUpEvent(data: data);
throw FlutterError('Unknown key event type: $type');
/// Returns true if the given [KeyboardKey] is pressed.
bool isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey key) => RawKeyboard.instance.keysPressed.contains(key);
/// Returns true if a CTRL modifier key is pressed, regardless of which side
/// of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isKeyPressed] if you need to know which control key was pressed.
bool get isControlPressed {
return isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft) || isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight);
/// Returns true if a SHIFT modifier key is pressed, regardless of which side
/// of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isKeyPressed] if you need to know which shift key was pressed.
bool get isShiftPressed {
return isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft) || isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight);
/// Returns true if a ALT modifier key is pressed, regardless of which side
/// of the keyboard it is on.
/// Note that the ALTGR key that appears on some keyboards is considered to be
/// the same as [LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight] on some platforms (notably
/// Android). On platforms that can distinguish between `altRight` and
/// `altGr`, a press of `altGr` will not return true here, and will need to be
/// tested for separately.
/// Use [isKeyPressed] if you need to know which alt key was pressed.
bool get isAltPressed {
return isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft) || isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight);
/// Returns true if a META modifier key is pressed, regardless of which side
/// of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isKeyPressed] if you need to know which meta key was pressed.
bool get isMetaPressed {
return isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft) || isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight);
/// Returns an object representing the physical location of this key.
/// {@template}
/// The [PhysicalKeyboardKey] ignores the key map, modifier keys (like SHIFT),
/// and the label on the key. It describes the location of the key as if it
/// were on a QWERTY keyboard regardless of the keyboard mapping in effect.
/// [PhysicalKeyboardKey]s are used to describe and test for keys in a
/// particular location.
/// For instance, if you wanted to make a game where the key to the right of
/// the CAPS LOCK key made the player move left, you would be comparing the
/// result of this `physicalKey` with [PhysicalKeyboardKey.keyA], since that
/// is the key next to the CAPS LOCK key on a QWERTY keyboard. This would
/// return the same thing even on a French keyboard where the key next to the
/// CAPS LOCK produces a "Q" when pressed.
/// If you want to make your app respond to a key with a particular character
/// on it regardless of location of the key, use [RawKeyEvent.logicalKey] instead.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// See also:
/// * [logicalKey] for the non-location specific key generated by this event.
/// * [character] for the character generated by this keypress (if any).
PhysicalKeyboardKey get physicalKey => data.physicalKey;
/// Returns an object representing the logical key that was pressed.
/// {@template}
/// This method takes into account the key map and modifier keys (like SHIFT)
/// to determine which logical key to return.
/// If you are looking for the character produced by a key event, use
/// [RawKeyEvent.character] instead.
/// If you are collecting text strings, use the [TextField] or
/// [CupertinoTextField] widgets, since those automatically handle many of the
/// complexities of managing keyboard input, like showing a soft keyboard or
/// interacting with an input method editor (IME).
/// {@endtemplate}
LogicalKeyboardKey get logicalKey => data.logicalKey;
/// Returns the Unicode character (grapheme cluster) completed by this
/// keystroke, if any.
/// This will only return a character if this keystroke, combined with any
/// preceding keystroke(s), generated a character, and only on a "key down"
/// event. It will return null if no character has been generated by the
/// keystroke (e.g. a "dead" or "combining" key), or if the corresponding key
/// is a key without a visual representation, such as a modifier key or a
/// control key.
/// This can return multiple Unicode code points, since some characters (more
/// accurately referred to as grapheme clusters) are made up of more than one
/// code point.
/// The `character` doesn't take into account edits by an input method editor
/// (IME), or manage the visibility of the soft keyboard on touch devices. For
/// composing text, use the [TextField] or [CupertinoTextField] widgets, since
/// those automatically handle many of the complexities of managing keyboard
/// input.
final String character;
/// Platform-specific information about the key event.
final RawKeyEventData data;
/// The user has pressed a key on the keyboard.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyboard], which uses this interface to expose key data.
class RawKeyDownEvent extends RawKeyEvent {
/// Creates a key event that represents the user pressing a key.
const RawKeyDownEvent({
@required RawKeyEventData data,
String character,
}) : super(data: data, character: character);
/// The user has released a key on the keyboard.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyboard], which uses this interface to expose key data.
class RawKeyUpEvent extends RawKeyEvent {
/// Creates a key event that represents the user releasing a key.
const RawKeyUpEvent({
@required RawKeyEventData data,
String character,
}) : super(data: data, character: character);
/// An interface for listening to raw key events.
/// Raw key events pass through as much information as possible from the
/// underlying platform's key events, which makes them provide a high level of
/// fidelity but a low level of portability.
/// A [RawKeyboard] is useful for listening to raw key events and hardware
/// buttons that are represented as keys. Typically used by games and other apps
/// that use keyboards for purposes other than text entry.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyDownEvent] and [RawKeyUpEvent], the classes used to describe
/// specific raw key events.
/// * [RawKeyboardListener], a widget that listens for raw key events.
/// * [SystemChannels.keyEvent], the low-level channel used for receiving
/// events from the system.
class RawKeyboard {
RawKeyboard._() {
/// The shared instance of [RawKeyboard].
static final RawKeyboard instance = RawKeyboard._();
final List<ValueChanged<RawKeyEvent>> _listeners = <ValueChanged<RawKeyEvent>>[];
/// Calls the listener every time the user presses or releases a key.
/// Listeners can be removed with [removeListener].
void addListener(ValueChanged<RawKeyEvent> listener) {
/// Stop calling the listener every time the user presses or releases a key.
/// Listeners can be added with [addListener].
void removeListener(ValueChanged<RawKeyEvent> listener) {
Future<dynamic> _handleKeyEvent(dynamic message) async {
final RawKeyEvent event = RawKeyEvent.fromMessage(message);
if (event == null) {
if (event is RawKeyDownEvent) {
if (event is RawKeyUpEvent) {
if (_listeners.isEmpty) {
for (ValueChanged<RawKeyEvent> listener in List<ValueChanged<RawKeyEvent>>.from(_listeners)) {
if (_listeners.contains(listener)) {
final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _keysPressed = <LogicalKeyboardKey>{};
/// Returns the set of keys currently pressed.
Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> get keysPressed {
return _keysPressed.toSet();