blob: f1350a25a17abbb2ba2666dc0243a7324d3e902e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'keyboard_key.dart';
import 'keyboard_maps.dart';
import 'raw_keyboard.dart';
/// Platform-specific key event data for Linux.
/// Different window toolkit implementations can map to different key codes. This class
/// will use the correct mapping depending on the [toolkit] provided.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyboard], which uses this interface to expose key data.
class RawKeyEventDataLinux extends RawKeyEventData {
/// Creates a key event data structure specific for macOS.
/// The [toolkit], [scanCode], [codePoint], [keyCode], and [modifiers], arguments
/// must not be null.
const RawKeyEventDataLinux({
@required this.keyHelper,
this.scanCode = 0,
this.codePoint = 0,
this.keyCode = 0,
this.modifiers = 0,
}) : assert(scanCode != null),
assert(codePoint != null),
assert(keyCode != null),
assert(modifiers != null),
assert(keyHelper != null);
/// A helper class that abstracts the fetching of the toolkit-specific mappings.
/// There is no real concept of a "native" window toolkit on Linux, and each implementation
/// (GLFW, GTK, QT, etc) may have a different key code mapping.
final KeyHelper keyHelper;
/// The hardware scan code id corresponding to this key event.
/// These values are not reliable and vary from device to device, so this
/// information is mainly useful for debugging.
final int scanCode;
/// The Unicode code point represented by the key event, if any.
/// If there is no Unicode code point, this value is zero.
/// Dead keys are represented as Unicode combining characters.
final int codePoint;
/// The hardware key code corresponding to this key event.
/// This is the physical key that was pressed, not the Unicode character.
/// See [codePoint] for the Unicode character. This value may be different depending
/// on the window toolkit used (See [toolkit]).
final int keyCode;
/// A mask of the current modifiers using the values in Modifier Flags.
/// This value may be different depending on the window toolkit used (See [toolkit]).
final int modifiers;
String get keyLabel => codePoint == 0 ? null : String.fromCharCode(codePoint);
PhysicalKeyboardKey get physicalKey => kLinuxToPhysicalKey[scanCode] ?? PhysicalKeyboardKey.none;
LogicalKeyboardKey get logicalKey {
// Look to see if the keyCode is a printable number pad key, so that a
// difference between regular keys (e.g. "=") and the number pad version
// (e.g. the "=" on the number pad) can be determined.
final LogicalKeyboardKey numPadKey = keyHelper.numpadKey(keyCode);
if (numPadKey != null) {
return numPadKey;
// If it has a non-control-character label, then either return the existing
// constant, or construct a new Unicode-based key from it. Don't mark it as
// autogenerated, since the label uniquely identifies an ID from the Unicode
// plane.
if (keyLabel != null &&
!LogicalKeyboardKey.isControlCharacter(keyLabel)) {
final int keyId = LogicalKeyboardKey.unicodePlane | (codePoint & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask);
return LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyId) ?? LogicalKeyboardKey(
keyLabel: keyLabel,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Key ${keyLabel.toUpperCase()}',
// Look to see if the keyCode is one we know about and have a mapping for.
LogicalKeyboardKey newKey = keyHelper.logicalKey(keyCode);
if (newKey != null) {
return newKey;
const int linuxKeyIdPlane = 0x00600000000;
// This is a non-printable key that we don't know about, so we mint a new
// code with the autogenerated bit set.
newKey ??= LogicalKeyboardKey(
linuxKeyIdPlane | keyCode | LogicalKeyboardKey.autogeneratedMask,
debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : 'Unknown key code $keyCode',
return newKey;
bool isModifierPressed(ModifierKey key, {KeyboardSide side = KeyboardSide.any}) {
return keyHelper.isModifierPressed(key, modifiers, side: side);
KeyboardSide getModifierSide(ModifierKey key) {
return keyHelper.getModifierSide(key);
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType(keyLabel: $keyLabel, keyCode: $keyCode, scanCode: $scanCode,'
' codePoint: $codePoint, modifiers: $modifiers, '
'modifiers down: $modifiersPressed)';
/// Abstract class for window-specific key mappings.
/// Given that there might be multiple window toolkit implementations (GLFW,
/// GTK, QT, etc), this creates a common interface for each of the
/// different toolkits.
abstract class KeyHelper {
/// Create a KeyHelper implementation depending on the given toolkit.
factory KeyHelper(String toolkit) {
if (toolkit == 'glfw') {
return GLFWKeyHelper();
} else {
throw FlutterError('Window toolkit not recognized: $toolkit');
/// Returns a [KeyboardSide] enum value that describes which side or sides of
/// the given keyboard modifier key were pressed at the time of this event.
KeyboardSide getModifierSide(ModifierKey key);
/// Returns true if the given [ModifierKey] was pressed at the time of this
/// event.
bool isModifierPressed(ModifierKey key, int modifiers, {KeyboardSide side = KeyboardSide.any});
/// The numpad key from the specific key code mapping.
LogicalKeyboardKey numpadKey(int keyCode);
/// The logical key key from the specific key code mapping.
LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey(int keyCode);
/// Helper class that uses GLFW-specific key mappings.
class GLFWKeyHelper with KeyHelper {
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether the CAPS
/// LOCK modifier key is on.
/// {@template}
/// Use this value if you need to decode the [modifiers] field yourself, but
/// it's much easier to use [isModifierPressed] if you just want to know if
/// a modifier is pressed.
/// {@endtemplate}
static const int modifierCapsLock = 0x0010;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether one of the
/// SHIFT modifier keys is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierShift = 0x0001;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether one of the
/// CTRL modifier keys is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierControl = 0x0002;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether one of the
/// ALT modifier keys is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierAlt = 0x0004;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether one of the
/// Meta(SUPER) modifier keys is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierMeta = 0x0008;
/// This mask is used to check the [modifiers] field to test whether any key in
/// the numeric keypad is pressed.
/// {@macro}
static const int modifierNumericPad = 0x0020;
bool isModifierPressed(ModifierKey key, int modifiers, {KeyboardSide side = KeyboardSide.any}) {
switch (key) {
case ModifierKey.controlModifier:
return modifiers & modifierControl != 0;
case ModifierKey.shiftModifier:
return modifiers & modifierShift != 0;
case ModifierKey.altModifier:
return modifiers & modifierAlt != 0;
case ModifierKey.metaModifier:
return modifiers & modifierMeta != 0;
case ModifierKey.capsLockModifier:
return modifiers & modifierCapsLock != 0;
case ModifierKey.numLockModifier:
return modifiers & modifierNumericPad != 0;
case ModifierKey.functionModifier:
case ModifierKey.symbolModifier:
case ModifierKey.scrollLockModifier:
// These are not used in GLFW keyboards.
return false;
return false;
KeyboardSide getModifierSide(ModifierKey key) {
switch (key) {
case ModifierKey.controlModifier:
case ModifierKey.shiftModifier:
case ModifierKey.altModifier:
case ModifierKey.metaModifier:
// Neither GLFW or X11 provide a distiction between left and right modifiers, so defaults to KeyboardSide.any.
return KeyboardSide.any;
case ModifierKey.capsLockModifier:
case ModifierKey.numLockModifier:
case ModifierKey.functionModifier:
case ModifierKey.symbolModifier:
case ModifierKey.scrollLockModifier:
return KeyboardSide.all;
assert(false, 'Not handling $key type properly.');
return null;
LogicalKeyboardKey numpadKey(int keyCode) {
return kGlfwNumpadMap[keyCode];
LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey(int keyCode) {
return kGlfwToLogicalKey[keyCode];