blob: 121de740ea872a17608e5a2e31e7c210c3972ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf_io;
import 'package:shelf_static/shelf_static.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/utils.dart';
/// The port number used by the local benchmark server.
const int benchmarkServerPort = 9999;
Future<TaskResult> runWebBenchmark({ @required bool useCanvasKit }) async {
final String macrobenchmarksDirectory = path.join('${flutterDirectory.path}', 'dev', 'benchmarks', 'macrobenchmarks');
return await inDirectory(macrobenchmarksDirectory, () async {
await evalFlutter('build', options: <String>[
if (useCanvasKit)
], environment: <String, String>{
'FLUTTER_WEB': 'true',
final Completer<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> profileData = Completer<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>();
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> collectedProfiles = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
List<String> benchmarks;
Iterator<String> benchmarkIterator;
io.HttpServer server;
Cascade cascade = Cascade();
cascade = cascade.add((Request request) async {
if (request.requestedUri.path.endsWith('/profile-data')) {
final Map<String, dynamic> profile = json.decode(await request.readAsString()) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final String benchmarkName = profile['name'] as String;
if (benchmarkName != benchmarkIterator.current) {
'Browser returned benchmark results from a wrong benchmark.\n'
'Requested to run bechmark ${benchmarkIterator.current}, but '
'got results for $benchmarkName.',
return Response.ok('Profile received');
} else if (request.requestedUri.path.endsWith('/next-benchmark')) {
if (benchmarks == null) {
benchmarks = (json.decode(await request.readAsString()) as List<dynamic>).cast<String>();
benchmarkIterator = benchmarks.iterator;
if (benchmarkIterator.moveNext()) {
final String nextBenchmark = benchmarkIterator.current;
print('Launching benchmark "$nextBenchmark"');
return Response.ok(nextBenchmark);
} else {
return Response.notFound('Finished running benchmarks.');
} else {
return Response.notFound(
'This request is not handled by the profile-data handler.');
path.join('$macrobenchmarksDirectory', 'build', 'web'),
server = await io.HttpServer.bind('localhost', benchmarkServerPort);
io.Process chromeProcess;
try {
shelf_io.serveRequests(server, cascade.handler);
final bool isChromeNoSandbox =
io.Platform.environment['CHROME_NO_SANDBOX'] == 'true';
final String dartToolDirectory = path.join('$macrobenchmarksDirectory/.dart_tool');
final String userDataDir = io.Directory(dartToolDirectory).createTempSync('chrome_user_data_').path;
final List<String> args = <String>[
if (isChromeNoSandbox)
// Indicates that the browser is in "browse without sign-in" (Guest session) mode.
// TODO(yjbanov): temporarily disables headful Chrome until we get
// devicelab hardware that is able to run it. Our current
// GCE VMs can only run in headless mode.
// See:
final bool isUncalibratedSmokeTest = io.Platform.environment['CALIBRATED'] != 'true';
// final bool isUncalibratedSmokeTest =
// io.Platform.environment['UNCALIBRATED_SMOKE_TEST'] == 'true';
if (isUncalibratedSmokeTest) {
print('Running in headless mode because running on uncalibrated hardware.');
// When running in headless mode Chrome exits immediately unless
// a debug port is specified.
args.add('--remote-debugging-port=${benchmarkServerPort + 1}');
chromeProcess = await startProcess(
workingDirectory: cwd,
bool receivedProfileData = false;
chromeProcess.exitCode.then((int exitCode) {
if (!receivedProfileData) {
'Chrome process existed prematurely with exit code $exitCode',
print('Waiting for the benchmark to report benchmark profile.');
final String backend = useCanvasKit ? 'canvaskit' : 'html';
final Map<String, dynamic> taskResult = <String, dynamic>{};
final List<String> benchmarkScoreKeys = <String>[];
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> profiles = await profileData.future;
print('Received profile data');
receivedProfileData = true;
for (final Map<String, dynamic> profile in profiles) {
final String benchmarkName = profile['name'] as String;
final String benchmarkScoreKey = '$benchmarkName.$backend.averageDrawFrameDuration';
taskResult[benchmarkScoreKey] = profile['averageDrawFrameDuration'].toDouble(); // micros
taskResult['$benchmarkName.$backend.drawFrameDurationNoise'] = profile['drawFrameDurationNoise'].toDouble(); // micros
return TaskResult.success(taskResult, benchmarkScoreKeys: benchmarkScoreKeys);
} finally {
String _findSystemChromeExecutable() {
// On some environments, such as the Dart HHH tester, Chrome resides in a
// non-standard location and is provided via the following environment
// variable.
final String envExecutable = io.Platform.environment['CHROME_EXECUTABLE'];
if (envExecutable != null) {
return envExecutable;
if (io.Platform.isLinux) {
final io.ProcessResult which =
io.Process.runSync('which', <String>['google-chrome']);
if (which.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception('Failed to locate system Chrome installation.');
return (which.stdout as String).trim();
} else if (io.Platform.isMacOS) {
return '/Applications/Google Chrome';
} else {
throw Exception('Web benchmarks cannot run on ${io.Platform.operatingSystem} yet.');