blob: 84ec6768b64348e0eceff62ede50c996d4d9bf5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:archive/archive.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'file_system.dart';
import 'io.dart';
import 'logger.dart';
import 'platform.dart';
import 'process.dart';
abstract class OperatingSystemUtils {
factory OperatingSystemUtils({
required FileSystem fileSystem,
required Logger logger,
required Platform platform,
required ProcessManager processManager,
}) {
if (platform.isWindows) {
return _WindowsUtils(
fileSystem: fileSystem,
logger: logger,
platform: platform,
processManager: processManager,
} else if (platform.isMacOS) {
return _MacOSUtils(
fileSystem: fileSystem,
logger: logger,
platform: platform,
processManager: processManager,
} else if (platform.isLinux) {
return _LinuxUtils(
fileSystem: fileSystem,
logger: logger,
platform: platform,
processManager: processManager,
} else {
return _PosixUtils(
fileSystem: fileSystem,
logger: logger,
platform: platform,
processManager: processManager,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
required Logger logger,
required Platform platform,
required ProcessManager processManager,
}) : _fileSystem = fileSystem,
_logger = logger,
_platform = platform,
_processManager = processManager,
_processUtils = ProcessUtils(
logger: logger,
processManager: processManager,
static final GZipCodec gzipLevel1 = GZipCodec(level: 1);
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
final Logger _logger;
final Platform _platform;
final ProcessManager _processManager;
final ProcessUtils _processUtils;
/// Make the given file executable. This may be a no-op on some platforms.
void makeExecutable(File file);
/// Updates the specified file system [entity] to have the file mode
/// bits set to the value defined by [mode], which can be specified in octal
/// (e.g. `644`) or symbolically (e.g. `u+x`).
/// On operating systems that do not support file mode bits, this will be a
/// no-op.
void chmod(FileSystemEntity entity, String mode);
/// Return the path (with symlinks resolved) to the given executable, or null
/// if `which` was not able to locate the binary.
File? which(String execName) {
final List<File> result = _which(execName);
if (result == null || result.isEmpty) {
return null;
return result.first;
/// Return a list of all paths to `execName` found on the system. Uses the
/// PATH environment variable.
List<File> whichAll(String execName) => _which(execName, all: true);
/// Return the File representing a new pipe.
File makePipe(String path);
void unzip(File file, Directory targetDirectory);
void unpack(File gzippedTarFile, Directory targetDirectory);
/// Compresses a stream using gzip level 1 (faster but larger).
Stream<List<int>> gzipLevel1Stream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
return stream.cast<List<int>>().transform<List<int>>(gzipLevel1.encoder);
/// Returns a pretty name string for the current operating system.
/// If available, the detailed version of the OS is included.
String get name {
const Map<String, String> osNames = <String, String>{
'macos': 'Mac OS',
'linux': 'Linux',
'windows': 'Windows',
final String osName = _platform.operatingSystem;
return osNames[osName] ?? osName;
HostPlatform get hostPlatform;
List<File> _which(String execName, { bool all = false });
/// Returns the separator between items in the PATH environment variable.
String get pathVarSeparator;
/// Returns an unused network port.
/// Returns 0 if an unused port cannot be found.
/// The port returned by this function may become used before it is bound by
/// its intended user.
Future<int> findFreePort({bool ipv6 = false}) async {
int port = 0;
ServerSocket? serverSocket;
final InternetAddress loopback =
ipv6 ? InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6 : InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4;
try {
serverSocket = await ServerSocket.bind(loopback, 0);
port = serverSocket.port;
} on SocketException catch (e) {
// If ipv4 loopback bind fails, try ipv6.
if (!ipv6) {
return findFreePort(ipv6: true);
_logger.printTrace('findFreePort failed: $e');
} on Exception catch (e) {
// Failures are signaled by a return value of 0 from this function.
_logger.printTrace('findFreePort failed: $e');
} finally {
if (serverSocket != null) {
await serverSocket.close();
return port;
class _PosixUtils extends OperatingSystemUtils {
required super.fileSystem,
required super.logger,
required super.platform,
required super.processManager,
}) : super._private();
void makeExecutable(File file) {
chmod(file, 'a+x');
void chmod(FileSystemEntity entity, String mode) {
// Errors here are silently ignored (except when tracing).
try {
final ProcessResult result = _processManager.runSync(
<String>['chmod', mode, entity.path],
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
'Error trying to run "chmod $mode ${entity.path}":\n'
' exit code: ${result.exitCode}\n'
' stdout: ${result.stdout.toString().trimRight()}\n'
' stderr: ${result.stderr.toString().trimRight()}'
} on ProcessException catch (error) {
'Error trying to run "chmod $mode ${entity.path}": $error',
List<File> _which(String execName, { bool all = false }) {
final List<String> command = <String>[
if (all) '-a',
final ProcessResult result = _processManager.runSync(command);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
return const <File>[];
final String stdout = result.stdout as String;
return stdout.trim().split('\n').map<File>(
(String path) => _fileSystem.file(path.trim()),
// unzip -o -q zipfile -d dest
void unzip(File file, Directory targetDirectory) {
if (!_processManager.canRun('unzip')) {
// unzip is not available. this error message is modeled after the download
// error in bin/internal/
String message = 'Please install unzip.';
if (_platform.isMacOS) {
message = 'Consider running "brew install unzip".';
} else if (_platform.isLinux) {
message = 'Consider running "sudo apt-get install unzip".';
'Missing "unzip" tool. Unable to extract ${file.path}.\n$message'
<String>['unzip', '-o', '-q', file.path, '-d', targetDirectory.path],
throwOnError: true,
verboseExceptions: true,
// tar -xzf tarball -C dest
void unpack(File gzippedTarFile, Directory targetDirectory) {
<String>['tar', '-xzf', gzippedTarFile.path, '-C', targetDirectory.path],
throwOnError: true,
File makePipe(String path) {
<String>['mkfifo', path],
throwOnError: true,
return _fileSystem.file(path);
String get pathVarSeparator => ':';
HostPlatform? _hostPlatform;
HostPlatform get hostPlatform {
if (_hostPlatform == null) {
final RunResult hostPlatformCheck = _processUtils.runSync(<String>['uname', '-m']);
// On x64 stdout is "uname -m: x86_64"
// On arm64 stdout is "uname -m: aarch64, arm64_v8a"
if (hostPlatformCheck.exitCode != 0) {
_hostPlatform = HostPlatform.linux_x64;
'Encountered an error trying to run "uname -m":\n'
' exit code: ${hostPlatformCheck.exitCode}\n'
' stdout: ${hostPlatformCheck.stdout.trimRight()}\n'
' stderr: ${hostPlatformCheck.stderr.trimRight()}\n'
'Assuming host platform is ${getNameForHostPlatform(_hostPlatform!)}.',
} else if (hostPlatformCheck.stdout.trim().endsWith('x86_64')) {
_hostPlatform = HostPlatform.linux_x64;
} else {
// We default to ARM if it's not x86_64 and we did not get an error.
_hostPlatform = HostPlatform.linux_arm64;
return _hostPlatform!;
class _LinuxUtils extends _PosixUtils {
required super.fileSystem,
required super.logger,
required super.platform,
required super.processManager,
String? _name;
String get name {
if (_name == null) {
const String prettyNameKey = 'PRETTY_NAME';
// If "/etc/os-release" doesn't exist, fallback to "/usr/lib/os-release".
final String osReleasePath = _fileSystem.file('/etc/os-release').existsSync()
? '/etc/os-release'
: '/usr/lib/os-release';
String prettyName;
String kernelRelease;
try {
final String osRelease = _fileSystem.file(osReleasePath).readAsStringSync();
prettyName = _getOsReleaseValueForKey(osRelease, prettyNameKey);
} on Exception catch (e) {
_logger.printTrace('Failed obtaining PRETTY_NAME for Linux: $e');
prettyName = '';
try {
// Split the operating system version which should be formatted as
// "Linux kernelRelease build", by spaces.
final List<String> osVersionSplitted = _platform.operatingSystemVersion.split(' ');
if (osVersionSplitted.length < 3) {
// The operating system version didn't have the expected format.
// Initialize as an empty string.
kernelRelease = '';
} else {
kernelRelease = ' ${osVersionSplitted[1]}';
} on Exception catch (e) {
_logger.printTrace('Failed obtaining kernel release for Linux: $e');
kernelRelease = '';
_name = '${prettyName.isEmpty ? : prettyName}$kernelRelease';
return _name!;
String _getOsReleaseValueForKey(String osRelease, String key) {
final List<String> osReleaseSplitted = osRelease.split('\n');
for (String entry in osReleaseSplitted) {
entry = entry.trim();
final List<String> entryKeyValuePair = entry.split('=');
if(entryKeyValuePair[0] == key) {
final String value = entryKeyValuePair[1];
// Remove quotes from either end of the value if they exist
final String quote = value[0];
if (quote == "'" || quote == '"') {
return value.substring(0, value.length - 1).substring(1);
} else {
return value;
return '';
class _MacOSUtils extends _PosixUtils {
required super.fileSystem,
required super.logger,
required super.platform,
required super.processManager,
String? _name;
String get name {
if (_name == null) {
final List<RunResult> results = <RunResult>[
_processUtils.runSync(<String>['sw_vers', '-productName']),
_processUtils.runSync(<String>['sw_vers', '-productVersion']),
_processUtils.runSync(<String>['sw_vers', '-buildVersion']),
_processUtils.runSync(<String>['uname', '-m']),
if (results.every((RunResult result) => result.exitCode == 0)) {
String osName = getNameForHostPlatform(hostPlatform);
// If the script is running in Rosetta, "uname -m" will return x86_64.
if (hostPlatform == HostPlatform.darwin_arm && results[3].stdout.contains('x86_64')) {
osName = '$osName (Rosetta)';
_name =
'${results[0].stdout.trim()} ${results[1].stdout.trim()} ${results[2].stdout.trim()} $osName';
_name ??=;
return _name!;
// On ARM returns arm64, even when this process is running in Rosetta.
HostPlatform get hostPlatform {
if (_hostPlatform == null) {
String? sysctlPath;
if (which('sysctl') == null) {
// Fallback to known install locations.
for (final String path in <String>[
]) {
if (_fileSystem.isFileSync(path)) {
sysctlPath = path;
} else {
sysctlPath = 'sysctl';
if (sysctlPath == null) {
throwToolExit('sysctl not found. Try adding it to your PATH environment variable.');
final RunResult arm64Check =
_processUtils.runSync(<String>[sysctlPath, 'hw.optional.arm64']);
// On arm64 stdout is "sysctl hw.optional.arm64: 1"
// On x86 hw.optional.arm64 is unavailable and exits with 1.
if (arm64Check.exitCode == 0 && arm64Check.stdout.trim().endsWith('1')) {
_hostPlatform = HostPlatform.darwin_arm;
} else {
_hostPlatform = HostPlatform.darwin_x64;
return _hostPlatform!;
// unzip, then rsync
void unzip(File file, Directory targetDirectory) {
if (!_processManager.canRun('unzip')) {
// unzip is not available. this error message is modeled after the download
// error in bin/internal/
throwToolExit('Missing "unzip" tool. Unable to extract ${file.path}.\nConsider running "brew install unzip".');
if (_processManager.canRun('rsync')) {
final Directory tempDirectory = _fileSystem.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_${file.basename}.');
try {
// Unzip to a temporary directory.
<String>['unzip', '-o', '-q', file.path, '-d', tempDirectory.path],
throwOnError: true,
verboseExceptions: true,
for (final FileSystemEntity unzippedFile in tempDirectory.listSync(followLinks: false)) {
// rsync --delete the unzipped files so files removed from the archive are also removed from the target.
// Add the '-8' parameter to avoid mangling filenames with encodings that do not match the current locale.
<String>['rsync', '-8', '-av', '--delete', unzippedFile.path, targetDirectory.path],
throwOnError: true,
verboseExceptions: true,
} finally {
tempDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} else {
// Fall back to just unzipping.
_logger.printTrace('Unable to find rsync, falling back to direct unzipping.');
<String>['unzip', '-o', '-q', file.path, '-d', targetDirectory.path],
throwOnError: true,
verboseExceptions: true,
class _WindowsUtils extends OperatingSystemUtils {
required super.fileSystem,
required super.logger,
required super.platform,
required super.processManager,
}) : super._private();
HostPlatform hostPlatform = HostPlatform.windows_x64;
void makeExecutable(File file) {}
void chmod(FileSystemEntity entity, String mode) {}
List<File> _which(String execName, { bool all = false }) {
if (!_processManager.canRun('where')) {
// `where` could be missing if system32 is not on the PATH.
'Cannot find the executable for `where`. This can happen if the System32 '
r'folder (e.g. C:\Windows\System32 ) is removed from the PATH environment '
'variable. Ensure that this is present and then try again after restarting '
'the terminal and/or IDE.'
// `where` always returns all matches, not just the first one.
final ProcessResult result = _processManager.runSync(<String>['where', execName]);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
return const <File>[];
final List<String> lines = (result.stdout as String).trim().split('\n');
if (all) {
return<File>((String path) => _fileSystem.file(path.trim())).toList();
return <File>[_fileSystem.file(lines.first.trim())];
void unzip(File file, Directory targetDirectory) {
final Archive archive = ZipDecoder().decodeBytes(file.readAsBytesSync());
_unpackArchive(archive, targetDirectory);
void unpack(File gzippedTarFile, Directory targetDirectory) {
final Archive archive = TarDecoder().decodeBytes(
_unpackArchive(archive, targetDirectory);
void _unpackArchive(Archive archive, Directory targetDirectory) {
for (final ArchiveFile archiveFile in archive.files) {
// The archive package doesn't correctly set isFile.
if (!archiveFile.isFile ||'/')) {
final File destFile = _fileSystem.file(
// Validate that the destFile is within the targetDirectory we want to
// extract to.
// See for more context.
final String destinationFileCanonicalPath = _fileSystem.path.canonicalize(
final String targetDirectoryCanonicalPath = _fileSystem.path.canonicalize(
if (!destinationFileCanonicalPath.startsWith(targetDirectoryCanonicalPath)) {
throw StateError(
'Tried to extract the file $destinationFileCanonicalPath outside of the '
'target directory $targetDirectoryCanonicalPath',
if (!destFile.parent.existsSync()) {
destFile.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
destFile.writeAsBytesSync(archiveFile.content as List<int>);
File makePipe(String path) {
throw UnsupportedError('makePipe is not implemented on Windows.');
String? _name;
String get name {
if (_name == null) {
final ProcessResult result = _processManager.runSync(
<String>['ver'], runInShell: true);
if (result.exitCode == 0) {
_name = (result.stdout as String).trim();
} else {
_name =;
return _name!;
String get pathVarSeparator => ';';
/// Find and return the project root directory relative to the specified
/// directory or the current working directory if none specified.
/// Return null if the project root could not be found
/// or if the project root is the flutter repository root.
String? findProjectRoot(FileSystem fileSystem, [ String? directory ]) {
const String kProjectRootSentinel = 'pubspec.yaml';
directory ??= fileSystem.currentDirectory.path;
while (true) {
if (fileSystem.isFileSync(fileSystem.path.join(directory!, kProjectRootSentinel))) {
return directory;
final String parent = fileSystem.path.dirname(directory);
if (directory == parent) {
return null;
directory = parent;
enum HostPlatform {
String getNameForHostPlatform(HostPlatform platform) {
switch (platform) {
case HostPlatform.darwin_x64:
return 'darwin-x64';
case HostPlatform.darwin_arm:
return 'darwin-arm';
case HostPlatform.linux_x64:
return 'linux-x64';
case HostPlatform.linux_arm64:
return 'linux-arm64';
case HostPlatform.windows_x64:
return 'windows-x64';