blob: f7c292023ae8d31b351db06a774312911ec41265 [file] [log] [blame]
set -e
# This script is only meant to be run by the Cirrus CI system, not locally.
# It must be run from the root of the Flutter repo.
# Collects log output in a tmpfile, but only prints it if the command fails.
function log_on_fail() {
local COMMAND="$@"
local TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d)"
local TMPFILE="$TMPDIR/command.log"
local EXIT=0
if ("$@" > "$TMPFILE" 2>&1); then
echo "'$COMMAND' succeeded."
cat "$TMPFILE" 1>&2
echo "FAIL: '$COMMAND' exited with code $EXIT" 1>&2
rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
return "$EXIT"
function accept_android_licenses() {
yes "y" | flutter doctor --android-licenses
echo "Flutter SDK directory is: $PWD"
# Run flutter to download dependencies and precompile things, and to disable
# analytics on the bots.
echo "Downloading build dependencies and pre-compiling Flutter snapshot"
log_on_fail ./bin/flutter config --no-analytics
# Run doctor, to print it to the log for debugging purposes.
./bin/flutter doctor -v
# Accept licenses.
log_on_fail accept_android_licenses && echo "Android licenses accepted."
# Run pub get in all the repo packages.
echo "Updating packages for Flutter."
log_on_fail ./bin/flutter update-packages