blob: bc5f63b0e15c5bfc690b6f2a42b50bafae2243f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'artifacts.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/platform.dart';
import 'compile.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
import 'project.dart';
const String _kMultiRootScheme = 'org-dartlang-app';
/// The [CodeGenerator] instance.
/// If [experimentalBuildEnabled] is false, this will contain an unsupported
/// implementation.
CodeGenerator get codeGenerator => context[CodeGenerator];
/// Whether to attempt to build a flutter project using build* libraries.
/// This requires both an experimental opt in via the environment variable
/// 'FLUTTER_EXPERIMENTAL_BUILD' and that the project itself has a
/// dependency on the package 'flutter_build' and 'build_runner.'
bool get experimentalBuildEnabled {
return _experimentalBuildEnabled ??= platform.environment['FLUTTER_EXPERIMENTAL_BUILD']?.toLowerCase() == 'true';
bool _experimentalBuildEnabled;
set experimentalBuildEnabled(bool value) {
_experimentalBuildEnabled = value;
/// A wrapper for a build_runner process which delegates to a generated
/// build script.
/// This is only enabled if [experimentalBuildEnabled] is true, and only for
/// external flutter users.
abstract class CodeGenerator {
const CodeGenerator();
/// Run a partial build include code generators but not kernel.
Future<void> generate({@required String mainPath}) async {
await build(
mainPath: mainPath,
aot: false,
linkPlatformKernelIn: false,
trackWidgetCreation: false,
targetProductVm: false,
disableKernelGeneration: true,
/// Run a full build and return the resulting .packages and dill file.
/// The defines of the build command are the arguments required in the
/// flutter_build kernel builder.
Future<CodeGenerationResult> build({
@required String mainPath,
@required bool aot,
@required bool linkPlatformKernelIn,
@required bool trackWidgetCreation,
@required bool targetProductVm,
List<String> extraFrontEndOptions = const <String>[],
bool disableKernelGeneration = false,
/// Starts a persistent code generting daemon.
/// The defines of the daemon command are the arguments required in the
/// flutter_build kernel builder.
Future<CodegenDaemon> daemon({
@required String mainPath,
bool linkPlatformKernelIn = false,
bool targetProductVm = false,
bool trackWidgetCreation = false,
List<String> extraFrontEndOptions = const <String>[],
/// Invalidates a generated build script by deleting it.
/// Must be called any time a pubspec file update triggers a corresponding change
/// in .packages.
Future<void> invalidateBuildScript();
// Generates a synthetic package under .dart_tool/flutter_tool which is in turn
// used to generate a build script.
Future<void> generateBuildScript();
class UnsupportedCodeGenerator extends CodeGenerator {
const UnsupportedCodeGenerator();
Future<CodeGenerationResult> build({
String mainPath,
bool aot,
bool linkPlatformKernelIn,
bool trackWidgetCreation,
bool targetProductVm,
List<String> extraFrontEndOptions = const <String> [],
bool disableKernelGeneration = false,
}) {
throw UnsupportedError('build_runner is not currently supported.');
Future<void> generateBuildScript() {
throw UnsupportedError('build_runner is not currently supported.');
Future<void> invalidateBuildScript() {
throw UnsupportedError('build_runner is not currently supported.');
Future<CodegenDaemon> daemon({
String mainPath,
bool linkPlatformKernelIn = false,
bool targetProductVm = false,
bool trackWidgetCreation = false,
List<String> extraFrontEndOptions = const <String> [],
}) {
throw UnsupportedError('build_runner is not currently supported.');
abstract class CodegenDaemon {
/// Whether the previously enqueued build was successful.
Stream<CodegenStatus> get buildResults;
CodegenStatus get lastStatus;
/// Starts a new build.
void startBuild();
File get packagesFile;
File get dillFile;
/// The result of running a build through a [CodeGenerator].
/// If no dill or packages file is generated, they will be null.
class CodeGenerationResult {
const CodeGenerationResult(this.packagesFile, this.dillFile);
final File packagesFile;
final File dillFile;
/// An implementation of the [KernelCompiler] which delegates to build_runner.
/// Only a subset of the arguments provided to the [KernelCompiler] are
/// supported here. Using the build pipeline implies a fixed multiroot
/// filesystem and requires a pubspec.
/// This is only safe to use if [experimentalBuildEnabled] is true.
class CodeGeneratingKernelCompiler implements KernelCompiler {
const CodeGeneratingKernelCompiler();
Future<CompilerOutput> compile({
String mainPath,
String outputFilePath,
bool linkPlatformKernelIn = false,
bool aot = false,
bool trackWidgetCreation,
List<String> extraFrontEndOptions,
String incrementalCompilerByteStorePath,
bool targetProductVm = false,
// These arguments are currently unused.
String sdkRoot,
String packagesPath,
List<String> fileSystemRoots,
String fileSystemScheme,
String depFilePath,
TargetModel targetModel = TargetModel.flutter,
}) async {
if (fileSystemRoots != null || fileSystemScheme != null || depFilePath != null || targetModel != null || sdkRoot != null || packagesPath != null) {
printTrace('fileSystemRoots, fileSystemScheme, depFilePath, targetModel,'
'sdkRoot, packagesPath are not supported when using the experimental '
'build* pipeline');
try {
final CodeGenerationResult buildResult = await
aot: aot,
linkPlatformKernelIn: linkPlatformKernelIn,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
mainPath: mainPath,
targetProductVm: targetProductVm,
extraFrontEndOptions: extraFrontEndOptions,
final File outputFile = fs.file(outputFilePath);
if (!await outputFile.exists()) {
await outputFile.create();
await outputFile.writeAsBytes(await buildResult.dillFile.readAsBytes());
return CompilerOutput(outputFilePath, 0);
} on Exception catch (err) {
printError('Compilation Failed: $err');
return const CompilerOutput(null, 1);
/// An implementation of a [ResidentCompiler] which runs a [BuildRunner] before
/// talking to the CFE.
class CodeGeneratingResidentCompiler implements ResidentCompiler {
CodeGeneratingResidentCompiler._(this._residentCompiler, this._codegenDaemon);
/// Creates a new [ResidentCompiler] and configures a [BuildDaemonClient] to
/// run builds.
static Future<CodeGeneratingResidentCompiler> create({
@required String mainPath,
bool trackWidgetCreation = false,
CompilerMessageConsumer compilerMessageConsumer = printError,
bool unsafePackageSerialization = false,
}) async {
final FlutterProject flutterProject = await FlutterProject.current();
final CodegenDaemon codegenDaemon = await codeGenerator.daemon(
extraFrontEndOptions: <String>[],
linkPlatformKernelIn: false,
mainPath: mainPath,
targetProductVm: false,
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
final CodegenStatus status = await codegenDaemon.buildResults.firstWhere((CodegenStatus status) {
return status ==CodegenStatus.Succeeded || status == CodegenStatus.Failed;
if (status == CodegenStatus.Failed) {
printError('Codegeneration failed, halting build.');
final ResidentCompiler residentCompiler = ResidentCompiler(
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
packagesPath: codegenDaemon.packagesFile.path,
fileSystemRoots: <String>[
fs.path.join(flutterProject.generated.absolute.path, 'lib${platform.pathSeparator}'),
fs.path.join(, 'lib${platform.pathSeparator}'),
fileSystemScheme: _kMultiRootScheme,
targetModel: TargetModel.flutter,
unsafePackageSerialization: unsafePackageSerialization,
return CodeGeneratingResidentCompiler._(residentCompiler, codegenDaemon);
final ResidentCompiler _residentCompiler;
final CodegenDaemon _codegenDaemon;
void accept() {
Future<CompilerOutput> compileExpression(String expression, List<String> definitions, List<String> typeDefinitions, String libraryUri, String klass, bool isStatic) {
return _residentCompiler.compileExpression(expression, definitions, typeDefinitions, libraryUri, klass, isStatic);
Future<CompilerOutput> recompile(String mainPath, List<String> invalidatedFiles, {String outputPath, String packagesFilePath}) async {
if (_codegenDaemon.lastStatus != CodegenStatus.Succeeded && _codegenDaemon.lastStatus != CodegenStatus.Failed) {
await _codegenDaemon.buildResults.firstWhere((CodegenStatus status) {
return status ==CodegenStatus.Succeeded || status == CodegenStatus.Failed;
if (_codegenDaemon.lastStatus == CodegenStatus.Failed) {
printError('Codegeneration failed, halting build.');
// Delete this file so that the frontend_server can handle multi-root.
// TODO(jonahwilliams): investigate frontend_server behavior in the presence
// of multi-root and initialize from dill.
if (await fs.file(outputPath).exists()) {
await fs.file(outputPath).delete();
return _residentCompiler.recompile(
outputPath: outputPath,
packagesFilePath: _codegenDaemon.packagesFile.path,
Future<CompilerOutput> reject() {
return _residentCompiler.reject();
void reset() {
Future<void> shutdown() {
return _residentCompiler.shutdown();
/// The current status of a codegen build.
enum CodegenStatus {
/// The build has started running.
/// If this is the current status when running a hot reload, an additional build does
/// not need to be started.
/// The build succeeded.
/// The build failed.