blob: 965e46cc85a5b5cf7f662da6f8d32fc8ecaf2422 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
/// Whether the tool started from the daemon, as opposed to the command line.
// TODO(jonahwilliams): remove once IDE updates have rolled.
bool isRunningFromDaemon = false;
/// Return the absolute path of the user's home directory
String get homeDirPath {
String path = globals.platform.isWindows
? globals.platform.environment['USERPROFILE']
: globals.platform.environment['HOME'];
if (path != null) {
path = globals.fs.path.absolute(path);
return path;
/// Throw a specialized exception for expected situations
/// where the tool should exit with a clear message to the user
/// and no stack trace unless the --verbose option is specified.
/// For example: network errors
void throwToolExit(String message, { int exitCode }) {
throw ToolExit(message, exitCode: exitCode);
/// Specialized exception for expected situations
/// where the tool should exit with a clear message to the user
/// and no stack trace unless the --verbose option is specified.
/// For example: network errors
class ToolExit implements Exception {
ToolExit(this.message, { this.exitCode });
final String message;
final int exitCode;
String toString() => 'Exception: $message';
/// Indicates to the linter that the given future is intentionally not `await`-ed.
/// Has the same functionality as `unawaited` from `package:pedantic`.
/// In an async context, it is normally expected than all Futures are awaited,
/// and that is the basis of the lint unawaited_futures which is turned on for
/// the flutter_tools package. However, there are times where one or more
/// futures are intentionally not awaited. This function may be used to ignore a
/// particular future. It silences the unawaited_futures lint.
void unawaited(Future<void> future) { }