blob: 971953236d953157cf92e639e02ff6a3a796e87e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'utils.dart';
typedef SimulatorFunction = Future<void> Function(String deviceId);
void _checkExitCode(int code) {
if (code != 0) {
throw Exception(
'Unexpected exit code = $code!',
Future<void> _execAndCheck(String executable, List<String> args) async {
_checkExitCode(await exec(executable, args));
// Measure the CPU/GPU percentage for [duration] while a Flutter app is running
// on an iOS device (e.g., right after a Flutter driver test has finished, which
// doesn't close the Flutter app, and the Flutter app has an indefinite
// animation). The return should have a format like the following json
// ```
// {"gpu_percentage":12.6,"cpu_percentage":18.15}
// ```
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> measureIosCpuGpu({
Duration duration = const Duration(seconds: 10),
String deviceId,
}) async {
await _execAndCheck('pub', <String>[
await _execAndCheck('pub', <String>[
if (deviceId != null) ...<String>['-w', deviceId],
return json.decode(file('$cwd/result.json').readAsStringSync()) as Map<String, dynamic>;
Future<String> dylibSymbols(String pathToDylib) {
return eval('nm', <String>['-g', pathToDylib]);
Future<String> fileType(String pathToBinary) {
return eval('file', <String>[pathToBinary]);
Future<bool> containsBitcode(String pathToBinary) async {
// See:
final String loadCommands = await eval('otool', <String>[
if (!loadCommands.contains('__LLVM')) {
return false;
// Presence of the section may mean a bitcode marker was embedded (size=1), but there is no content.
if (!loadCommands.contains('size 0x0000000000000001')) {
return true;
// Check the false positives: size=1 wasn't referencing the __LLVM section.
bool emptyBitcodeMarkerFound = false;
// Section
// sectname __bundle
// segname __LLVM
// addr 0x003c4000
// size 0x0042b633
// offset 3932160
// ...
final List<String> lines = LineSplitter.split(loadCommands).toList();
lines.asMap().forEach((int index, String line) {
if (line.contains('segname __LLVM') && lines.length - index - 1 > 3) {
final String emptyBitcodeMarker = lines
.skip(index - 1)
(String line) => line.contains(' size 0x0000000000000001'),
orElse: () => null,
if (emptyBitcodeMarker != null) {
emptyBitcodeMarkerFound = true;
return !emptyBitcodeMarkerFound;
Future<bool> dartObservatoryBonjourServiceFound(String appBundlePath) async =>
(await eval(
canFail: true,
Future<bool> localNetworkUsageFound(String appBundlePath) async =>
await exec(
canFail: true,
) == 0;
/// Creates and boots a new simulator, passes the new simulator's identifier to
/// `testFunction`.
/// Remember to call removeIOSimulator in the test teardown.
Future<void> testWithNewIOSSimulator(
String deviceName,
SimulatorFunction testFunction, {
String deviceTypeId = '',
}) async {
// Xcode 11.4 simctl create makes the runtime argument optional, and defaults to latest.
// TODO(jmagman): Remove runtime parsing when devicelab upgrades to Xcode 11.4
final String availableRuntimes = await eval(
workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path,
String iOSSimRuntime;
final RegExp iOSRuntimePattern = RegExp(r'iOS .*\) - (.*)');
for (final String runtime in LineSplitter.split(availableRuntimes)) {
// These seem to be in order, so allow matching multiple lines so it grabs
// the last (hopefully latest) one.
final RegExpMatch iOSRuntimeMatch = iOSRuntimePattern.firstMatch(runtime);
if (iOSRuntimeMatch != null) {
iOSSimRuntime =;
if (iOSSimRuntime == null) {
throw 'No iOS simulator runtime found. Available runtimes:\n$availableRuntimes';
final String deviceId = await eval(
workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path,
await eval(
workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path,
await testFunction(deviceId);
/// Shuts down and deletes simulator with deviceId.
Future<void> removeIOSimulator(String deviceId) async {
if (deviceId != null && deviceId != '') {
await eval(
canFail: true,
workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path,
await eval(
canFail: true,
workingDirectory: flutterDirectory.path,