blob: 131ff786d0357fed7cc409086028cea66c043536 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui' as ui show AccessibilityFeatures, SemanticsUpdateBuilder;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
export 'dart:ui' show AccessibilityFeatures;
/// The glue between the semantics layer and the Flutter engine.
// TODO(jonahwilliams): move the remaining semantic related bindings here.
mixin SemanticsBinding on BindingBase {
/// The current [SemanticsBinding], if one has been created.
static SemanticsBinding? get instance => _instance;
static SemanticsBinding? _instance;
void initInstances() {
_instance = this;
_accessibilityFeatures = window.accessibilityFeatures;
/// Called when the platform accessibility features change.
/// See [dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged].
void handleAccessibilityFeaturesChanged() {
_accessibilityFeatures = window.accessibilityFeatures;
/// Creates an empty semantics update builder.
/// The caller is responsible for filling out the semantics node updates.
/// This method is used by the [SemanticsOwner] to create builder for all its
/// semantics updates.
ui.SemanticsUpdateBuilder createSemanticsUpdateBuilder() {
return ui.SemanticsUpdateBuilder();
/// The currently active set of [AccessibilityFeatures].
/// This is initialized the first time [runApp] is called and updated whenever
/// a flag is changed.
/// To listen to changes to accessibility features, create a
/// [WidgetsBindingObserver] and listen to
/// [WidgetsBindingObserver.didChangeAccessibilityFeatures].
ui.AccessibilityFeatures get accessibilityFeatures => _accessibilityFeatures;
late ui.AccessibilityFeatures _accessibilityFeatures;
/// The platform is requesting that animations be disabled or simplified.
/// This setting can be overridden for testing or debugging by setting
/// [debugSemanticsDisableAnimations].
bool get disableAnimations {
bool value = _accessibilityFeatures.disableAnimations;
assert(() {
if (debugSemanticsDisableAnimations != null)
value = debugSemanticsDisableAnimations!;
return true;
return value;