blob: 564981b8cd458b6c384254d8aa367d2fe4f88d2f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.8
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io show IOSink, ProcessSignal, Stdout, StdoutException;
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/bot_detector.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/logger.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/os.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_system/build_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/convert.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/dart/pub.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/features.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/ios/plist_parser.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/version.dart';
import 'package:test/fake.dart';
/// A fake implementation of the [DeviceLogReader].
class FakeDeviceLogReader extends DeviceLogReader {
String get name => 'FakeLogReader';
StreamController<String> _cachedLinesController;
final List<String> _lineQueue = <String>[];
StreamController<String> get _linesController {
_cachedLinesController ??= StreamController<String>
.broadcast(onListen: () {
return _cachedLinesController;
Stream<String> get logLines =>;
void addLine(String line) {
if (_linesController.hasListener) {
} else {
Future<void> dispose() async {
await _linesController.close();
/// Environment with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/libraries
class FakeDyldEnvironmentArtifact extends ArtifactSet {
FakeDyldEnvironmentArtifact() : super(DevelopmentArtifact.iOS);
Map<String, String> get environment => <String, String>{
'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/path/to/libraries'
Future<bool> isUpToDate(FileSystem fileSystem) => Future<bool>.value(true);
String get name => 'fake';
Future<void> update(ArtifactUpdater artifactUpdater, Logger logger, FileSystem fileSystem, OperatingSystemUtils operatingSystemUtils) async {
/// A fake process implementation which can be provided all necessary values.
class FakeProcess implements Process {
FakeProcess({ = 1,
Future<int> exitCode,
IOSink stdin,
this.stdout = const Stream<List<int>>.empty(),
this.stderr = const Stream<List<int>>.empty(),
}) : exitCode = exitCode ?? Future<int>.value(0),
stdin = stdin ?? MemoryIOSink();
final int pid;
final Future<int> exitCode;
final io.IOSink stdin;
final Stream<List<int>> stdout;
final Stream<List<int>> stderr;
bool kill([io.ProcessSignal signal = io.ProcessSignal.sigterm]) {
return true;
/// A process that prompts the user to proceed, then asynchronously writes
/// some lines to stdout before it exits.
class PromptingProcess implements Process {
bool stdinError = false,
}) : _stdin = CompleterIOSink(throwOnAdd: stdinError);
Future<void> showPrompt(String prompt, List<String> outputLines) async {
try {
final List<int> bytesOnStdin = await _stdin.future;
// Echo stdin to stdout.
if (bytesOnStdin.isNotEmpty && bytesOnStdin[0] == utf8.encode('y')[0]) {
for (final String line in outputLines) {
} finally {
await _stdoutController.close();
final StreamController<List<int>> _stdoutController = StreamController<List<int>>();
final CompleterIOSink _stdin;
Stream<List<int>> get stdout =>;
Stream<List<int>> get stderr => const Stream<List<int>>.empty();
IOSink get stdin => _stdin;
Future<int> get exitCode async {
await _stdoutController.done;
return 0;
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => null;
/// An IOSink that completes a future with the first line written to it.
class CompleterIOSink extends MemoryIOSink {
this.throwOnAdd = false,
final bool throwOnAdd;
final Completer<List<int>> _completer = Completer<List<int>>();
Future<List<int>> get future => _completer.future;
void add(List<int> data) {
if (!_completer.isCompleted) {
// When throwOnAdd is true, complete with empty so any expected output
// doesn't appear.
_completer.complete(throwOnAdd ? <int>[] : data);
if (throwOnAdd) {
throw Exception('CompleterIOSink Error');
/// An IOSink that collects whatever is written to it.
class MemoryIOSink implements IOSink {
Encoding encoding = utf8;
final List<List<int>> writes = <List<int>>[];
void add(List<int> data) {
Future<void> addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
StreamSubscription<List<int>> sub;
sub = stream.listen(
(List<int> data) {
try {
// Catches all exceptions to propagate them to the completer.
} catch (err, stack) { // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
completer.completeError(err, stack);
onError: completer.completeError,
onDone: completer.complete,
cancelOnError: true,
return completer.future;
void writeCharCode(int charCode) {
void write(Object obj) {
void writeln([ Object obj = '' ]) {
void writeAll(Iterable<dynamic> objects, [ String separator = '' ]) {
bool addSeparator = false;
for (final dynamic object in objects) {
if (addSeparator) {
addSeparator = true;
void addError(dynamic error, [ StackTrace stackTrace ]) {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<void> get done => close();
Future<void> close() async { }
Future<void> flush() async { }
class MemoryStdout extends MemoryIOSink implements io.Stdout {
bool get hasTerminal => _hasTerminal;
set hasTerminal(bool value) {
assert(value != null);
_hasTerminal = value;
bool _hasTerminal = true;
io.IOSink get nonBlocking => this;
bool get supportsAnsiEscapes => _supportsAnsiEscapes;
set supportsAnsiEscapes(bool value) {
assert(value != null);
_supportsAnsiEscapes = value;
bool _supportsAnsiEscapes = true;
int get terminalColumns {
if (_terminalColumns != null) {
return _terminalColumns;
throw const io.StdoutException('unspecified mock value');
set terminalColumns(int value) => _terminalColumns = value;
int _terminalColumns;
int get terminalLines {
if (_terminalLines != null) {
return _terminalLines;
throw const io.StdoutException('unspecified mock value');
set terminalLines(int value) => _terminalLines = value;
int _terminalLines;
/// A Stdio that collects stdout and supports simulated stdin.
class FakeStdio extends Stdio {
final MemoryStdout _stdout = MemoryStdout();
final MemoryIOSink _stderr = MemoryIOSink();
final StreamController<List<int>> _stdin = StreamController<List<int>>();
MemoryStdout get stdout => _stdout;
MemoryIOSink get stderr => _stderr;
Stream<List<int>> get stdin =>;
void simulateStdin(String line) {
List<String> get writtenToStdout =><String>(_stdout.encoding.decode).toList();
List<String> get writtenToStderr =><String>(_stderr.encoding.decode).toList();
class FakePollingDeviceDiscovery extends PollingDeviceDiscovery {
FakePollingDeviceDiscovery() : super('mock');
final List<Device> _devices = <Device>[];
final StreamController<Device> _onAddedController = StreamController<Device>.broadcast();
final StreamController<Device> _onRemovedController = StreamController<Device>.broadcast();
Future<List<Device>> pollingGetDevices({ Duration timeout }) async {
lastPollingTimeout = timeout;
return _devices;
Duration lastPollingTimeout;
bool get supportsPlatform => true;
bool get canListAnything => true;
void addDevice(Device device) {
void _removeDevice(Device device) {
void setDevices(List<Device> devices) {
while(_devices.isNotEmpty) {
Stream<Device> get onAdded =>;
Stream<Device> get onRemoved =>;
class LongPollingDeviceDiscovery extends PollingDeviceDiscovery {
LongPollingDeviceDiscovery() : super('forever');
final Completer<List<Device>> _completer = Completer<List<Device>>();
Future<List<Device>> pollingGetDevices({ Duration timeout }) async {
return _completer.future;
Future<void> stopPolling() async {
Future<void> dispose() async {
bool get supportsPlatform => true;
bool get canListAnything => true;
class ThrowingPollingDeviceDiscovery extends PollingDeviceDiscovery {
ThrowingPollingDeviceDiscovery() : super('throw');
Future<List<Device>> pollingGetDevices({ Duration timeout }) async {
throw const ProcessException('fake-discovery', <String>[]);
bool get supportsPlatform => true;
bool get canListAnything => true;
class FakePlistParser implements PlistParser {
final Map<String, dynamic> _underlyingValues = <String, String>{};
void setProperty(String key, dynamic value) {
_underlyingValues[key] = value;
Map<String, dynamic> parseFile(String plistFilePath) {
return _underlyingValues;
String getValueFromFile(String plistFilePath, String key) {
return _underlyingValues[key] as String;
class FakeBotDetector implements BotDetector {
const FakeBotDetector(bool isRunningOnBot)
: _isRunningOnBot = isRunningOnBot;
Future<bool> get isRunningOnBot async => _isRunningOnBot;
final bool _isRunningOnBot;
class FakePub extends Fake implements Pub {
Future<void> get({
PubContext context,
String directory,
bool skipIfAbsent = false,
bool upgrade = false,
bool offline = false,
bool generateSyntheticPackage = false,
String flutterRootOverride,
bool checkUpToDate = false,
}) async { }
class FakeFlutterVersion implements FlutterVersion {
FakeFlutterVersion({ = 'unknown',
this.dartSdkVersion = '12',
this.engineRevision = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
this.engineRevisionShort = 'abcde',
this.repositoryUrl = '',
this.frameworkVersion = '0.0.0',
this.frameworkRevision = '11111111111111111111',
this.frameworkRevisionShort = '11111',
this.frameworkAge = '0 hours ago',
this.frameworkCommitDate = '12/01/01'
bool get didFetchTagsAndUpdate => _didFetchTagsAndUpdate;
bool _didFetchTagsAndUpdate = false;
bool get didCheckFlutterVersionFreshness => _didCheckFlutterVersionFreshness;
bool _didCheckFlutterVersionFreshness = false;
final String channel;
final String dartSdkVersion;
final String engineRevision;
final String engineRevisionShort;
final String repositoryUrl;
final String frameworkVersion;
final String frameworkRevision;
final String frameworkRevisionShort;
final String frameworkAge;
final String frameworkCommitDate;
String get frameworkDate => frameworkCommitDate;
void fetchTagsAndUpdate() {
_didFetchTagsAndUpdate = true;
Future<void> checkFlutterVersionFreshness() async {
_didCheckFlutterVersionFreshness = true;
bool checkRevisionAncestry({String tentativeDescendantRevision, String tentativeAncestorRevision}) {
throw UnimplementedError();
GitTagVersion get gitTagVersion {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<void> ensureVersionFile() async { }
String getBranchName({bool redactUnknownBranches = false}) {
return 'master';
String getVersionString({bool redactUnknownBranches = false}) {
return 'v0.0.0';
Map<String, Object> toJson() {
return <String, Object>{};
// A test implementation of [FeatureFlags] that allows enabling without reading
// config. If not otherwise specified, all values default to false.
class TestFeatureFlags implements FeatureFlags {
this.isLinuxEnabled = false,
this.isMacOSEnabled = false,
this.isWebEnabled = false,
this.isWindowsEnabled = false,
this.isSingleWidgetReloadEnabled = false,
this.isAndroidEnabled = true,
this.isIOSEnabled = true,
this.isFuchsiaEnabled = false,
this.isExperimentalInvalidationStrategyEnabled = false,
this.isWindowsUwpEnabled = false,
final bool isLinuxEnabled;
final bool isMacOSEnabled;
final bool isWebEnabled;
final bool isWindowsEnabled;
final bool isSingleWidgetReloadEnabled;
final bool isAndroidEnabled;
final bool isIOSEnabled;
final bool isFuchsiaEnabled;
final bool isExperimentalInvalidationStrategyEnabled;
final bool isWindowsUwpEnabled;
bool isEnabled(Feature feature) {
switch (feature) {
case flutterWebFeature:
return isWebEnabled;
case flutterLinuxDesktopFeature:
return isLinuxEnabled;
case flutterMacOSDesktopFeature:
return isMacOSEnabled;
case flutterWindowsDesktopFeature:
return isWindowsEnabled;
case singleWidgetReload:
return isSingleWidgetReloadEnabled;
case flutterAndroidFeature:
return isAndroidEnabled;
case flutterIOSFeature:
return isIOSEnabled;
case flutterFuchsiaFeature:
return isFuchsiaEnabled;
case experimentalInvalidationStrategy:
return isExperimentalInvalidationStrategyEnabled;
case windowsUwpEmbedding:
return isWindowsUwpEnabled;
return false;
class FakeStatusLogger extends DelegatingLogger {
FakeStatusLogger(Logger delegate) : super(delegate);
Status status;
Status startProgress(String message, {Duration timeout, String progressId, bool multilineOutput = false, int progressIndicatorPadding = kDefaultStatusPadding}) {
return status;
class TestBuildSystem implements BuildSystem {
/// Create a [BuildSystem] instance that returns the provided results in order.
TestBuildSystem.list(this._results, [this._onRun])
: _exception = null,
_singleResult = null;
/// Create a [BuildSystem] instance that returns the provided result for every build
/// and buildIncremental request.
TestBuildSystem.all(this._singleResult, [this._onRun])
: _exception = null,
_results = <BuildResult>[];
/// Create a [BuildSystem] instance that always throws the provided error for every build
/// and buildIncremental request.
: _singleResult = null,
_results = <BuildResult>[],
_onRun = null;
final List<BuildResult> _results;
final BuildResult _singleResult;
final dynamic _exception;
final void Function(Target target, Environment environment) _onRun;
int _nextResult = 0;
Future<BuildResult> build(Target target, Environment environment, {BuildSystemConfig buildSystemConfig = const BuildSystemConfig()}) async {
if (_onRun != null) {
_onRun(target, environment);
if (_exception != null) {
throw _exception;
if (_singleResult != null) {
return _singleResult;
if (_nextResult >= _results.length) {
throw StateError('Unexpected buildIncremental request of ${}');
return _results[_nextResult++];
Future<BuildResult> buildIncremental(Target target, Environment environment, BuildResult previousBuild) async {
if (_onRun != null) {
_onRun(target, environment);
if (_exception != null) {
throw _exception;
if (_singleResult != null) {
return _singleResult;
if (_nextResult >= _results.length) {
throw StateError('Unexpected buildIncremental request of ${}');
return _results[_nextResult++];