blob: f3aa8a0fbbc471752cf69847d771dcce9ed1ea33 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'widget_tester.dart';
export 'package:flutter/services.dart' show TextEditingValue, TextInputAction;
/// A testing stub for the system's onscreen keyboard.
/// Typical app tests will not need to use this class directly.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetTester.enterText], which uses this class to simulate keyboard input.
/// * [WidgetTester.showKeyboard], which uses this class to simulate showing the
/// popup keyboard and initializing its text.
class TestTextInput {
/// Create a fake keyboard backend.
/// The [onCleared] argument may be set to be notified of when the keyboard
/// is dismissed.
TestTextInput({ this.onCleared });
/// Called when the keyboard goes away.
/// To use the methods on this API that send fake keyboard messages (such as
/// [updateEditingValue], [enterText], or [receiveAction]), the keyboard must
/// first be requested, e.g. using [WidgetTester.showKeyboard].
final VoidCallback? onCleared;
/// The messenger which sends the bytes for this channel, not null.
BinaryMessenger get _binaryMessenger => ServicesBinding.instance!.defaultBinaryMessenger;
/// Resets any internal state of this object and calls [register].
/// This method is invoked by the testing framework between tests. It should
/// not ordinarily be called by tests directly.
void resetAndRegister() {
editingState = null;
setClientArgs = null;
_client = 0;
_isVisible = false;
/// Installs this object as a mock handler for [SystemChannels.textInput].
void register() => SystemChannels.textInput.setMockMethodCallHandler(_handleTextInputCall);
/// Removes this object as a mock handler for [SystemChannels.textInput].
/// After calling this method, the channel will exchange messages with the
/// Flutter engine. Use this with [FlutterDriver] tests that need to display
/// on-screen keyboard provided by the operating system.
void unregister() => SystemChannels.textInput.setMockMethodCallHandler(null);
/// Log for method calls.
/// For all registered channels, handled calls are added to the list. Can
/// be cleaned using `log.clear()`.
final List<MethodCall> log = <MethodCall>[];
/// Whether this [TestTextInput] is registered with [SystemChannels.textInput].
/// Use [register] and [unregister] methods to control this value.
bool get isRegistered => SystemChannels.textInput.checkMockMethodCallHandler(_handleTextInputCall);
/// Whether there are any active clients listening to text input.
bool get hasAnyClients {
return _client > 0;
int _client = 0;
/// Arguments supplied to the TextInput.setClient method call.
Map<String, dynamic>? setClientArgs;
/// The last set of arguments that [TextInputConnection.setEditingState] sent
/// to the embedder.
/// This is a map representation of a [TextEditingValue] object. For example,
/// it will have a `text` entry whose value matches the most recent
/// [TextEditingValue.text] that was sent to the embedder.
Map<String, dynamic>? editingState;
Future<dynamic> _handleTextInputCall(MethodCall methodCall) async {
switch (methodCall.method) {
case 'TextInput.setClient':
_client = methodCall.arguments[0] as int;
setClientArgs = methodCall.arguments[1] as Map<String, dynamic>;
case 'TextInput.updateConfig':
setClientArgs = methodCall.arguments as Map<String, dynamic>;
case 'TextInput.clearClient':
_client = 0;
_isVisible = false;
if (onCleared != null)
case 'TextInput.setEditingState':
editingState = methodCall.arguments as Map<String, dynamic>;
case '':
_isVisible = true;
case 'TextInput.hide':
_isVisible = false;
/// Whether the onscreen keyboard is visible to the user.
bool get isVisible {
return _isVisible;
bool _isVisible = false;
/// Simulates the user changing the [TextEditingValue] to the given value.
void updateEditingValue(TextEditingValue value) {
// Not using the `expect` function because in the case of a FlutterDriver
// test this code does not run in a package:test test zone.
if (_client == 0)
throw TestFailure('Tried to use TestTextInput with no keyboard attached. You must use WidgetTester.showKeyboard() first.');
<dynamic>[_client, value.toJSON()],
(ByteData? data) { /* response from framework is discarded */ },
/// Simulates the user closing the text input connection.
/// For example:
/// - User pressed the home button and sent the application to background.
/// - User closed the virtual keyboard.
void closeConnection() {
// Not using the `expect` function because in the case of a FlutterDriver
// test this code does not run in a package:test test zone.
if (_client == 0)
throw TestFailure('Tried to use TestTextInput with no keyboard attached. You must use WidgetTester.showKeyboard() first.');
(ByteData? data) { /* response from framework is discarded */ },
/// Simulates the user typing the given text.
void enterText(String text) {
text: text,
/// Simulates the user pressing one of the [TextInputAction] buttons.
/// Does not check that the [TextInputAction] performed is an acceptable one
/// based on the `inputAction` [setClientArgs].
Future<void> receiveAction(TextInputAction action) async {
return TestAsyncUtils.guard(() {
// Not using the `expect` function because in the case of a FlutterDriver
// test this code does not run in a package:test test zone.
if (_client == 0) {
throw TestFailure('Tried to use TestTextInput with no keyboard attached. You must use WidgetTester.showKeyboard() first.');
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
<dynamic>[_client, action.toString()],
(ByteData? data) {
assert(data != null);
try {
// Decoding throws a PlatformException if the data represents an
// error, and that's all we care about here.
// No error was found. Complete without issue.
} catch (error) {
// An exception occurred as a result of receiveAction()'ing. Report
// that error.
return completer.future;
/// Simulates the user hiding the onscreen keyboard.
void hide() {
_isVisible = false;