blob: f7caed24316689477fb19718380752621c8c8d1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.8
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import '../src/common.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart';
void main() {
final String flutterTools = fileSystem.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'packages', 'flutter_tools');
test('no imports of commands/* or test/* in lib/src/*', () {
final List<String> skippedPaths = <String> [
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'commands'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'test'),
bool _isNotSkipped(FileSystemEntity entity) => skippedPaths.every((String path) => !entity.path.startsWith(path));
final Iterable<File> files =, 'lib', 'src'))
.listSync(recursive: true)
for (final File file in files) {
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*package:'))) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*commands/'))
|| line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*test/'))) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail('$relativePath imports $line. This import introduces a layering violation. '
'Please find another way to access the information you are using.');
test('no imports of globals without a global prefix', () {
final List<String> skippedPaths = <String> [];
bool _isNotSkipped(FileSystemEntity entity) => skippedPaths.every((String path) => !entity.path.startsWith(path));
final Iterable<File> files =, 'lib', 'src'))
.listSync(recursive: true)
.followedBy(, 'test',)).listSync(recursive: true))
for (final File file in files) {
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*globals.dart'))
&& !line.contains(r'as globals')) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail('$relativePath imports globals.dart without a globals prefix.');
test('no unauthorized imports of dart:io', () {
final List<String> allowedPaths = <String>[
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'base', 'io.dart'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'base', 'platform.dart'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'base', 'error_handling_io.dart'),
bool _isNotAllowed(FileSystemEntity entity) => allowedPaths.every((String path) => path != entity.path);
for (final String dirName in <String>['lib', 'bin']) {
final Iterable<File> files =, dirName))
.listSync(recursive: true)
for (final File file in files) {
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*dart:io')) &&
!line.contains('flutter_ignore: dart_io_import')) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail("$relativePath imports 'dart:io'; import 'lib/src/base/io.dart' instead");
test('no unauthorized imports of package:http', () {
final List<String> allowedPaths = <String>[
// Used only for multi-part file uploads, which are non-trivial to reimplement.
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'reporting', 'reporting.dart'),
bool _isNotAllowed(FileSystemEntity entity) => allowedPaths.every((String path) => path != entity.path);
for (final String dirName in <String>['lib', 'bin']) {
final Iterable<File> files =, dirName))
.listSync(recursive: true)
for (final File file in files) {
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*package:http/')) &&
!line.contains('flutter_ignore: package_http_import')) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail("$relativePath imports 'package:http'; import 'lib/src/base/io.dart' instead");
test('no unauthorized imports of test_api', () {
final List<String> allowedPaths = <String>[
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'test', 'flutter_platform.dart'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'test', 'flutter_web_platform.dart'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'test', 'test_wrapper.dart'),
bool _isNotAllowed(FileSystemEntity entity) => allowedPaths.every((String path) => path != entity.path);
for (final String dirName in <String>['lib']) {
final Iterable<File> files =, dirName))
.listSync(recursive: true)
for (final File file in files) {
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*package:test_api')) &&
!line.contains('flutter_ignore: test_api_import')) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail("$relativePath imports 'package:test_api/test_api.dart';");
test('no unauthorized imports of package:path', () {
final List<String> allowedPath = <String>[
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'isolated', 'web_compilation_delegate.dart'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'test', 'general.shard', 'platform_plugins_test.dart'),
for (final String dirName in <String>['lib', 'bin', 'test']) {
final Iterable<File> files =, dirName))
.listSync(recursive: true)
.where((FileSystemEntity entity) => !allowedPath.contains(entity.path))
for (final File file in files) {
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*package:path/path.dart')) &&
!line.contains('flutter_ignore: package_path_import')) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail("$relativePath imports 'package:path/path.dart'; use 'fileSystem.path' instead");
test('no unauthorized imports of package:file/local.dart', () {
final List<String> allowedPath = <String>[
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'test', 'integration.shard', 'test_utils.dart'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'base', 'file_system.dart'),
for (final String dirName in <String>['lib', 'bin', 'test']) {
final Iterable<File> files =, dirName))
.listSync(recursive: true)
.where((FileSystemEntity entity) => !allowedPath.contains(entity.path))
for (final File file in files) {
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*package:file/local.dart'))) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail("$relativePath imports 'package:file/local.dart'; use 'lib/src/base/file_system.dart' instead");
test('no unauthorized imports of dart:convert', () {
final List<String> allowedPaths = <String>[
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'convert.dart'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'base', 'error_handling_io.dart'),
bool _isNotAllowed(FileSystemEntity entity) => allowedPaths.every((String path) => path != entity.path);
for (final String dirName in <String>['lib']) {
final Iterable<File> files =, dirName))
.listSync(recursive: true)
for (final File file in files) {
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*dart:convert')) &&
!line.contains('flutter_ignore: dart_convert_import')) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail("$relativePath imports 'dart:convert'; import 'lib/src/convert.dart' instead");
test('no unauthorized imports of build_runner/dwds/devtools', () {
final List<String> allowedPaths = <String>[
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'test', 'src', 'isolated'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'src', 'isolated'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'executable.dart'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'devfs_web.dart'),
fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'lib', 'resident_web_runner.dart'),
bool _isNotAllowed(FileSystemEntity entity) => allowedPaths.every((String path) => !entity.path.contains(path));
for (final String dirName in <String>['lib']) {
final Iterable<File> files =, dirName))
.listSync(recursive: true)
for (final File file in files) {
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*package:build_runner_core/build_runner_core.dart')) ||
line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*package:build_runner/build_runner.dart')) ||
line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*package:build_config/build_config.dart')) ||
line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*dwds:*.dart')) ||
line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*devtools_server:*.dart')) ||
line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*build_runner/.*.dart'))) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail('$relativePath imports a build_runner/dwds/devtools package');
test('no import of packages in tool_backend.dart', () {
final File file = fileSystem.file(fileSystem.path.join(flutterTools, 'bin', 'tool_backend.dart'));
for (final String line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'import.*package:.*'))) {
final String relativePath = fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from:flutterTools);
fail('$relativePath imports a package');
bool _isDartFile(FileSystemEntity entity) => entity is File && entity.path.endsWith('.dart');
File _asFile(FileSystemEntity entity) => entity as File;