Revert "Override MediaQuery for WidgetsApp (#81295)" (#85223)

This reverts commit b9bf5769338d52f33e7d8734c59fb9d7463e6471.
diff --git a/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/app.dart b/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/app.dart
index a4489ef..7947faa 100644
--- a/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/app.dart
+++ b/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/app.dart
@@ -236,9 +236,6 @@
 /// It is used by both [MaterialApp] and [CupertinoApp] to implement base
 /// functionality for an app.
-/// If a [MediaQuery] is not available above [WidgetsApp], a [MediaQuery] is
-/// built using [MediaQuery.fromWindow].
 /// Find references to many of the widgets that [WidgetsApp] wraps in the "See
 /// also" section.
@@ -250,8 +247,6 @@
 ///    without an explicit style.
 ///  * [MediaQuery], which establishes a subtree in which media queries resolve
 ///    to a [MediaQueryData].
-///  * [MediaQuery.fromWindow], which builds a [MediaQuery] with data derived
-///    from [WidgetsBinding.window].
 ///  * [Localizations], which defines the [Locale] for its `child`.
 ///  * [Title], a widget that describes this app in the operating system.
 ///  * [Navigator], a widget that manages a set of child widgets with a stack
@@ -1640,19 +1635,6 @@
-    Widget child = Localizations(
-      locale: appLocale,
-      delegates: _localizationsDelegates.toList(),
-      child: title,
-    );
-    final MediaQueryData? data = MediaQuery.maybeOf(context);
-    if (data == null) {
-      child = MediaQuery.fromWindow(
-        child: child,
-      );
-    }
     return RootRestorationScope(
       restorationId: widget.restorationScopeId,
       child: Shortcuts(
@@ -1666,7 +1648,13 @@
             child: DefaultTextEditingActions(
               child: FocusTraversalGroup(
                 policy: ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(),
-                child: child,
+                child: _MediaQueryFromWindow(
+                  child: Localizations(
+                    locale: appLocale,
+                    delegates: _localizationsDelegates.toList(),
+                    child: title,
+                  ),
+                ),
@@ -1675,3 +1663,81 @@
+/// Builds [MediaQuery] from `window` by listening to [WidgetsBinding].
+/// It is performed in a standalone widget to rebuild **only** [MediaQuery] and
+/// its dependents when `window` changes, instead of rebuilding the entire widget tree.
+class _MediaQueryFromWindow extends StatefulWidget {
+  const _MediaQueryFromWindow({Key? key, required this.child}) : super(key: key);
+  final Widget child;
+  @override
+  _MediaQueryFromWindowsState createState() => _MediaQueryFromWindowsState();
+class _MediaQueryFromWindowsState extends State<_MediaQueryFromWindow> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
+  @override
+  void initState() {
+    super.initState();
+    WidgetsBinding.instance!.addObserver(this);
+  }
+  @override
+  void didChangeAccessibilityFeatures() {
+    setState(() {
+      // The properties of window have changed. We use them in our build
+      // function, so we need setState(), but we don't cache anything locally.
+    });
+  }
+  @override
+  void didChangeMetrics() {
+    setState(() {
+      // The properties of window have changed. We use them in our build
+      // function, so we need setState(), but we don't cache anything locally.
+    });
+  }
+  @override
+  void didChangeTextScaleFactor() {
+    setState(() {
+      // The textScaleFactor property of window has changed. We reference
+      // window in our build function, so we need to call setState(), but
+      // we don't need to cache anything locally.
+    });
+  }
+  @override
+  void didChangePlatformBrightness() {
+    setState(() {
+      // The platformBrightness property of window has changed. We reference
+      // window in our build function, so we need to call setState(), but
+      // we don't need to cache anything locally.
+    });
+  }
+  @override
+  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+    MediaQueryData data = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(WidgetsBinding.instance!.window);
+    if (!kReleaseMode) {
+      data = data.copyWith(platformBrightness: debugBrightnessOverride);
+    }
+    return MediaQuery(
+      data: data,
+      child: widget.child,
+    );
+  }
+  @override
+  void dispose() {
+    WidgetsBinding.instance!.removeObserver(this);
+    super.dispose();
+  }
diff --git a/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/media_query.dart b/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/media_query.dart
index bcbf903..ffbdf8f 100644
--- a/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/media_query.dart
+++ b/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/media_query.dart
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'basic.dart';
-import 'binding.dart';
 import 'debug.dart';
 import 'framework.dart';
@@ -788,32 +787,6 @@
-  /// Creates a [_MediaQueryFromWindow] which builds and updates a
-  /// [MediaQuery] using the latest [WidgetsBinding.window] values.
-  ///
-  /// The [MediaQuery] is wrapped in a separate widget to ensure that only it
-  /// and its dependents are updated when `window` changes, instead of
-  /// rebuilding the whole widget tree.
-  ///
-  /// This should be inserted into the widget tree when the [MediaQuery] view
-  /// padding is consumed by a widget in such a way that the view padding is no
-  /// longer exposed to the widget's descendants or siblings.
-  ///
-  /// The [child] argument is required and must not be null.
-  ///
-  /// See also:
-  ///
-  ///  * [_MediaQueryFromWindow], the underlying widget.
-  static Widget fromWindow({
-    Key? key,
-    required Widget child,
-  }) {
-    return _MediaQueryFromWindow(
-      key: key,
-      child: child,
-    );
-  }
   /// Contains information about the current media.
   /// For example, the [MediaQueryData.size] property contains the width and
@@ -949,100 +922,3 @@
   /// focus (although they remain disabled) when traversed.
-/// Provides a [MediaQuery] which is built and updated using the latest
-/// [WidgetsBinding.window] values.
-/// Receives `window` updates by listening to [WidgetsBinding].
-/// The standalone widget ensures that it rebuilds **only** [MediaQuery] and
-/// its dependents when `window` changes, instead of rebuilding the entire
-/// widget tree.
-/// It is used by [WidgetsApp] if no other [MediaQuery] is available above it.
-/// See also:
-///  * [MediaQuery], which establishes a subtree in which media queries resolve
-///    to a [MediaQueryData].
-class _MediaQueryFromWindow extends StatefulWidget {
-  /// Creates a [_MediaQueryFromWindow] that provides a [MediaQuery] to its
-  /// descendants using the `window` to keep [MediaQueryData] up to date.
-  ///
-  /// The [child] must not be null.
-  const _MediaQueryFromWindow({
-    Key? key,
-    required this.child,
-  }) : super(key: key);
-  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child}
-  final Widget child;
-  @override
-  State<_MediaQueryFromWindow> createState() => _MediaQueryFromWindowState();
-class _MediaQueryFromWindowState extends State<_MediaQueryFromWindow> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
-  @override
-  void initState() {
-    super.initState();
-    WidgetsBinding.instance!.addObserver(this);
-  }
-  @override
-  void didChangeAccessibilityFeatures() {
-    setState(() {
-      // The properties of window have changed. We use them in our build
-      // function, so we need setState(), but we don't cache anything locally.
-    });
-  }
-  @override
-  void didChangeMetrics() {
-    setState(() {
-      // The properties of window have changed. We use them in our build
-      // function, so we need setState(), but we don't cache anything locally.
-    });
-  }
-  @override
-  void didChangeTextScaleFactor() {
-    setState(() {
-      // The textScaleFactor property of window has changed. We reference
-      // window in our build function, so we need to call setState(), but
-      // we don't need to cache anything locally.
-    });
-  }
-  @override
-  void didChangePlatformBrightness() {
-    setState(() {
-      // The platformBrightness property of window has changed. We reference
-      // window in our build function, so we need to call setState(), but
-      // we don't need to cache anything locally.
-    });
-  }
-  @override
-  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
-    MediaQueryData data = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(WidgetsBinding.instance!.window);
-    if (!kReleaseMode) {
-      data = data.copyWith(platformBrightness: debugBrightnessOverride);
-    }
-    return MediaQuery(
-      data: data,
-      child: widget.child,
-    );
-  }
-  @override
-  void dispose() {
-    WidgetsBinding.instance!.removeObserver(this);
-    super.dispose();
-  }
diff --git a/packages/flutter/test/widgets/app_test.dart b/packages/flutter/test/widgets/app_test.dart
index c423d44..d0c6778 100644
--- a/packages/flutter/test/widgets/app_test.dart
+++ b/packages/flutter/test/widgets/app_test.dart
@@ -455,39 +455,6 @@
       const Locale('zh'),
-  testWidgets('WidgetsApp creates a MediaQuery', (WidgetTester tester) async {
-    late BuildContext capturedContext;
-    await tester.pumpWidget(
-      WidgetsApp(
-        builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) {
-          capturedContext = context;
-          return const Placeholder();
-        },
-        color: const Color(0xFF123456),
-      ),
-    );
-    expect(MediaQuery.of(capturedContext), isNotNull);
-  });
-  testWidgets('WidgetsApp does not create MediaQuery if one is already available', (WidgetTester tester) async {
-    late BuildContext capturedContext;
-    final UniqueKey uniqueKey = UniqueKey();
-    await tester.pumpWidget(
-      MediaQuery(
-      key: uniqueKey,
-        data: const MediaQueryData(),
-        child: WidgetsApp(
-          builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) {
-            capturedContext = context;
-            return const Placeholder();
-          },
-          color: const Color(0xFF123456),
-        ),
-      ),
-    );
-    expect(capturedContext.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<MediaQuery>()?.key, uniqueKey);
-  });
 typedef SimpleRouterDelegateBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext, RouteInformation);
diff --git a/packages/flutter/test/widgets/media_query_test.dart b/packages/flutter/test/widgets/media_query_test.dart
index d5608c1..7b71949 100644
--- a/packages/flutter/test/widgets/media_query_test.dart
+++ b/packages/flutter/test/widgets/media_query_test.dart
@@ -627,49 +627,4 @@
     expect(outsideBoldTextOverride, false);
     expect(insideBoldTextOverride, true);
-  testWidgets('MediaQuery.fromWindow creates a MediaQuery', (WidgetTester tester) async {
-    bool hasMediaQueryAsParentOutside = false;
-    bool hasMediaQueryAsParentInside = false;
-    await tester.pumpWidget(
-      Builder(
-        builder: (BuildContext context) {
-          hasMediaQueryAsParentOutside =
-              context.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType<MediaQuery>() != null;
-          return MediaQuery.fromWindow(
-            child: Builder(
-              builder: (BuildContext context) {
-                hasMediaQueryAsParentInside =
-                    context.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType<MediaQuery>() != null;
-                return const SizedBox();
-              },
-            ),
-          );
-        },
-      ),
-    );
-    expect(hasMediaQueryAsParentOutside, false);
-    expect(hasMediaQueryAsParentInside, true);
-  });
-  testWidgets('MediaQueryData.fromWindow is created using window values', (WidgetTester tester)
-  async {
-    final MediaQueryData windowData = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(WidgetsBinding.instance!.window);
-    late MediaQueryData fromWindowData;
-    await tester.pumpWidget(
-      MediaQuery.fromWindow(
-        child: Builder(
-          builder: (BuildContext context) {
-            fromWindowData = MediaQuery.of(context);
-            return const SizedBox();
-          },
-        ),
-      ),
-    );
-    expect(windowData, equals(fromWindowData));
-  });