blob: b4d6e4e397b34ed318de59df74b6057bcd6c6375 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui' show Offset, PointerDeviceKind;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
export 'dart:ui' show Offset, PointerDeviceKind;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to a cross-device
/// behavior of "primary operation".
/// More specifically, it includes:
/// * [kTouchContact]: The pointer contacts the touch screen.
/// * [kStylusContact]: The stylus contacts the screen.
/// * [kPrimaryMouseButton]: The primary mouse button.
/// See also:
/// * [kSecondaryButton], which describes a cross-device behavior of
/// "secondary operation".
/// * [kTertiaryButton], which describes a cross-device behavior of
/// "tertiary operation".
const int kPrimaryButton = 0x01;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to a cross-device
/// behavior of "secondary operation".
/// It is equivalent to:
/// * [kPrimaryStylusButton]: The stylus contacts the screen.
/// * [kSecondaryMouseButton]: The secondary mouse button.
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], which describes a cross-device behavior of
/// "primary operation".
/// * [kTertiaryButton], which describes a cross-device behavior of
/// "tertiary operation".
const int kSecondaryButton = 0x02;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the primary mouse button.
/// The primary mouse button is typically the left button on the top of the
/// mouse but can be reconfigured to be a different physical button.
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], which has the same value but describes its cross-device
/// concept.
const int kPrimaryMouseButton = kPrimaryButton;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the secondary mouse button.
/// The secondary mouse button is typically the right button on the top of the
/// mouse but can be reconfigured to be a different physical button.
/// See also:
/// * [kSecondaryButton], which has the same value but describes its cross-device
/// concept.
const int kSecondaryMouseButton = kSecondaryButton;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to when a stylus
/// contacting the screen.
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], which has the same value but describes its cross-device
/// concept.
const int kStylusContact = kPrimaryButton;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the primary stylus button.
/// The primary stylus button is typically the top of the stylus and near the
/// tip but can be reconfigured to be a different physical button.
/// See also:
/// * [kSecondaryButton], which has the same value but describes its cross-device
/// concept.
const int kPrimaryStylusButton = kSecondaryButton;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to a cross-device
/// behavior of "tertiary operation".
/// It is equivalent to:
/// * [kMiddleMouseButton]: The tertiary mouseButton.
/// * [kSecondaryStylusButton]: The secondary button on a stylus. This is considered
/// a tertiary button as the primary button of a stylus already corresponds to a
/// "secondary operation" (where stylus contact is the primary operation).
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], which describes a cross-device behavior of
/// "primary operation".
/// * [kSecondaryButton], which describes a cross-device behavior of
/// "secondary operation".
const int kTertiaryButton = 0x04;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the middle mouse button.
/// The middle mouse button is typically between the left and right buttons on
/// the top of the mouse but can be reconfigured to be a different physical
/// button.
/// See also:
/// * [kTertiaryButton], which has the same value but describes its cross-device
/// concept.
const int kMiddleMouseButton = kTertiaryButton;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the secondary stylus button.
/// The secondary stylus button is typically on the end of the stylus farthest
/// from the tip but can be reconfigured to be a different physical button.
/// See also:
/// * [kTertiaryButton], which has the same value but describes its cross-device
/// concept.
const int kSecondaryStylusButton = kTertiaryButton;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the back mouse button.
/// The back mouse button is typically on the left side of the mouse but can be
/// reconfigured to be a different physical button.
const int kBackMouseButton = 0x08;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the forward mouse button.
/// The forward mouse button is typically on the right side of the mouse but can
/// be reconfigured to be a different physical button.
const int kForwardMouseButton = 0x10;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the pointer contacting
/// a touch screen.
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], which has the same value but describes its cross-device
/// concept.
const int kTouchContact = kPrimaryButton;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the nth mouse button.
/// The `number` argument can be at most 62 in Flutter for mobile and desktop,
/// and at most 32 on Flutter for web.
/// See [kPrimaryMouseButton], [kSecondaryMouseButton], [kMiddleMouseButton],
/// [kBackMouseButton], and [kForwardMouseButton] for semantic names for some
/// mouse buttons.
int nthMouseButton(int number) => (kPrimaryMouseButton << (number - 1)) & kMaxUnsignedSMI;
/// The bit of [PointerEvent.buttons] that corresponds to the nth stylus button.
/// The `number` argument can be at most 62 in Flutter for mobile and desktop,
/// and at most 32 on Flutter for web.
/// See [kPrimaryStylusButton] and [kSecondaryStylusButton] for semantic names
/// for some stylus buttons.
int nthStylusButton(int number) => (kPrimaryStylusButton << (number - 1)) & kMaxUnsignedSMI;
/// Returns the button of `buttons` with the smallest integer.
/// The `buttons` parameter is a bit field where each set bit represents a button.
/// This function returns the set bit closest to the least significant bit.
/// It returns zero when `buttons` is zero.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// assert(rightmostButton(0x1) == 0x1);
/// assert(rightmostButton(0x11) == 0x1);
/// assert(rightmostButton(0) == 0);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [isSingleButton], which checks if a `buttons` contains exactly one button.
int smallestButton(int buttons) => buttons & (-buttons);
/// Returns whether `buttons` contains one and only one button.
/// The `buttons` parameter is a bit field where each set bit represents a button.
/// This function returns whether there is only one set bit in the given integer.
/// It returns false when `buttons` is zero.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// assert(isSingleButton(0x1) == true);
/// assert(isSingleButton(0x11) == false);
/// assert(isSingleButton(0) == false);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [smallestButton], which returns the button in a `buttons` bit field with
/// the smallest integer button.
bool isSingleButton(int buttons) => buttons != 0 && (smallestButton(buttons) == buttons);
/// Base class for touch, stylus, or mouse events.
/// Pointer events operate in the coordinate space of the screen, scaled to
/// logical pixels. Logical pixels approximate a grid with about 38 pixels per
/// centimeter, or 96 pixels per inch.
/// This allows gestures to be recognized independent of the precise hardware
/// characteristics of the device. In particular, features such as touch slop
/// (see [kTouchSlop]) can be defined in terms of roughly physical lengths so
/// that the user can shift their finger by the same distance on a high-density
/// display as on a low-resolution device.
/// For similar reasons, pointer events are not affected by any transforms in
/// the rendering layer. This means that deltas may need to be scaled before
/// being applied to movement within the rendering. For example, if a scrolling
/// list is shown scaled by 2x, the pointer deltas will have to be scaled by the
/// inverse amount if the list is to appear to scroll with the user's finger.
/// See also:
/// * [dart:ui.FlutterView.devicePixelRatio], which defines the device's
/// current resolution.
/// * [Listener], a widget that calls callbacks in response to common pointer
/// events.
abstract class PointerEvent with Diagnosticable {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const PointerEvent({
this.embedderId = 0,
this.timeStamp =,
this.pointer = 0,
this.kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
this.device = 0,
this.position =, =,
this.buttons = 0,
this.down = false,
this.obscured = false,
this.pressure = 1.0,
this.pressureMin = 1.0,
this.pressureMax = 1.0,
this.distance = 0.0,
this.distanceMax = 0.0,
this.size = 0.0,
this.radiusMajor = 0.0,
this.radiusMinor = 0.0,
this.radiusMin = 0.0,
this.radiusMax = 0.0,
this.orientation = 0.0,
this.tilt = 0.0,
this.platformData = 0,
this.synthesized = false,
/// Unique identifier that ties the [PointerEvent] to the embedder event that created it.
/// No two pointer events can have the same [embedderId] on platforms that set it.
/// This is different from [pointer] identifier - used for hit-testing,
/// whereas [embedderId] is used to identify the platform event.
/// On Android this is ID of the underlying [MotionEvent](
final int embedderId;
/// Time of event dispatch, relative to an arbitrary timeline.
final Duration timeStamp;
/// Unique identifier for the pointer, not reused. Changes for each new
/// pointer down event.
final int pointer;
/// The kind of input device for which the event was generated.
final PointerDeviceKind kind;
/// Unique identifier for the pointing device, reused across interactions.
final int device;
/// Coordinate of the position of the pointer, in logical pixels in the global
/// coordinate space.
/// See also:
/// * [localPosition], which is the [position] transformed into the local
/// coordinate system of the event receiver.
final Offset position;
/// The [position] transformed into the event receiver's local coordinate
/// system according to [transform].
/// If this event has not been transformed, [position] is returned as-is.
/// See also:
/// * [position], which is the position in the global coordinate system of
/// the screen.
Offset get localPosition => position;
/// Distance in logical pixels that the pointer moved since the last
/// [PointerMoveEvent] or [PointerHoverEvent].
/// This value is always 0.0 for down, up, and cancel events.
/// See also:
/// * [localDelta], which is the [delta] transformed into the local
/// coordinate space of the event receiver.
final Offset delta;
/// The [delta] transformed into the event receiver's local coordinate
/// system according to [transform].
/// If this event has not been transformed, [delta] is returned as-is.
/// See also:
/// * [delta], which is the distance the pointer moved in the global
/// coordinate system of the screen.
Offset get localDelta => delta;
/// Bit field using the *Button constants such as [kPrimaryMouseButton],
/// [kSecondaryStylusButton], etc.
/// For example, if this has the value 6 and the
/// [kind] is [PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus], then this indicates an
/// upside-down stylus with both its primary and secondary buttons pressed.
final int buttons;
/// Set if the pointer is currently down.
/// For touch and stylus pointers, this means the object (finger, pen) is in
/// contact with the input surface. For mice, it means a button is pressed.
final bool down;
/// Set if an application from a different security domain is in any way
/// obscuring this application's window.
/// This is not currently implemented.
final bool obscured;
/// The pressure of the touch.
/// This value is a number ranging from 0.0, indicating a touch with no
/// discernible pressure, to 1.0, indicating a touch with "normal" pressure,
/// and possibly beyond, indicating a stronger touch. For devices that do not
/// detect pressure (e.g. mice), returns 1.0.
final double pressure;
/// The minimum value that [pressure] can return for this pointer.
/// For devices that do not detect pressure (e.g. mice), returns 1.0.
/// This will always be a number less than or equal to 1.0.
final double pressureMin;
/// The maximum value that [pressure] can return for this pointer.
/// For devices that do not detect pressure (e.g. mice), returns 1.0.
/// This will always be a greater than or equal to 1.0.
final double pressureMax;
/// The distance of the detected object from the input surface.
/// For instance, this value could be the distance of a stylus or finger
/// from a touch screen, in arbitrary units on an arbitrary (not necessarily
/// linear) scale. If the pointer is down, this is 0.0 by definition.
final double distance;
/// The minimum value that [distance] can return for this pointer.
/// This value is always 0.0.
double get distanceMin => 0.0;
/// The maximum value that [distance] can return for this pointer.
/// If this input device cannot detect "hover touch" input events,
/// then this will be 0.0.
final double distanceMax;
/// The area of the screen being pressed.
/// This value is scaled to a range between 0 and 1. It can be used to
/// determine fat touch events. This value is only set on Android and is
/// a device specific approximation within the range of detectable values.
/// So, for example, the value of 0.1 could mean a touch with the tip of
/// the finger, 0.2 a touch with full finger, and 0.3 the full palm.
/// Because this value uses device-specific range and is uncalibrated,
/// it is of limited use and is primarily retained in order to be able
/// to reconstruct original pointer events for [AndroidView].
final double size;
/// The radius of the contact ellipse along the major axis, in logical pixels.
final double radiusMajor;
/// The radius of the contact ellipse along the minor axis, in logical pixels.
final double radiusMinor;
/// The minimum value that could be reported for [radiusMajor] and [radiusMinor]
/// for this pointer, in logical pixels.
final double radiusMin;
/// The maximum value that could be reported for [radiusMajor] and [radiusMinor]
/// for this pointer, in logical pixels.
final double radiusMax;
/// The orientation angle of the detected object, in radians.
/// For [PointerDeviceKind.touch] events:
/// The angle of the contact ellipse, in radians in the range:
/// -pi/2 < orientation <= pi/2
/// the angle of the major axis of the ellipse with the y-axis
/// (negative angles indicating an orientation along the top-left /
/// bottom-right diagonal, positive angles indicating an orientation along the
/// top-right / bottom-left diagonal, and zero indicating an orientation
/// parallel with the y-axis).
/// For [PointerDeviceKind.stylus] and [PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus] events:
/// The angle of the stylus, in radians in the range:
/// -pi < orientation <= pi
/// the angle of the axis of the stylus projected onto the input
/// surface, relative to the positive y-axis of that surface (thus 0.0
/// indicates the stylus, if projected onto that surface, would go from the
/// contact point vertically up in the positive y-axis direction, pi would
/// indicate that the stylus would go down in the negative y-axis direction;
/// pi/4 would indicate that the stylus goes up and to the right, -pi/2 would
/// indicate that the stylus goes to the left, etc).
final double orientation;
/// The tilt angle of the detected object, in radians.
/// For [PointerDeviceKind.stylus] and [PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus] events:
/// The angle of the stylus, in radians in the range:
/// 0 <= tilt <= pi/2
/// the angle of the axis of the stylus, relative to the axis
/// perpendicular to the input surface (thus 0.0 indicates the stylus is
/// orthogonal to the plane of the input surface, while pi/2 indicates that
/// the stylus is flat on that surface).
final double tilt;
/// Opaque platform-specific data associated with the event.
final int platformData;
/// Set if the event was synthesized by Flutter.
/// We occasionally synthesize PointerEvents that aren't exact translations
/// of [PointerData] from the engine to cover small cross-OS discrepancies
/// in pointer behaviors.
/// For instance, on end events, Android always drops any location changes
/// that happened between its reporting intervals when emitting the end events.
/// On iOS, minor incorrect location changes from the previous move events
/// can be reported on end events. We synthesize a [PointerEvent] to cover
/// the difference between the 2 events in that case.
final bool synthesized;
/// The transformation used to transform this event from the global coordinate
/// space into the coordinate space of the event receiver.
/// This value affects what is returned by [localPosition] and [localDelta].
/// If this value is null, it is treated as the identity transformation.
/// Unlike a paint transform, this transform usually does not contain any
/// "perspective" components, meaning that the third row and the third column
/// of the matrix should be equal to "0, 0, 1, 0". This ensures that
/// [localPosition] describes the point in the local coordinate system of the
/// event receiver at which the user is actually touching the screen.
/// See also:
/// * [transformed], which transforms this event into a different coordinate
/// space.
final Matrix4? transform;
/// The original un-transformed [PointerEvent] before any [transform]s were
/// applied.
/// If [transform] is null or the identity transformation this may be null.
/// When multiple event receivers in different coordinate spaces receive an
/// event, they all receive the event transformed to their local coordinate
/// space. The [original] property can be used to determine if all those
/// transformed events actually originated from the same pointer interaction.
final PointerEvent? original;
/// Transforms the event from the global coordinate space into the coordinate
/// space of an event receiver.
/// The coordinate space of the event receiver is described by `transform`. A
/// null value for `transform` is treated as the identity transformation.
/// The resulting event will store the base event as [original], delegates
/// most properties to [original], except for [localPosition] and [localDelta],
/// which are calculated based on [transform] on first use and cached.
/// The method may return the same object instance if for example the
/// transformation has no effect on the event. Otherwise, the resulting event
/// will be a subclass of, but not exactly, the original event class (e.g.
/// [PointerDownEvent.transformed] may return a subclass of [PointerDownEvent]).
/// Transforms are not commutative, and are based on [original] events.
/// If this method is called on a transformed event, the provided `transform`
/// will override (instead of multiplied onto) the existing [transform] and
/// used to calculate the new [localPosition] and [localDelta].
PointerEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform);
/// Creates a copy of event with the specified properties replaced.
/// Calling this method on a transformed event will return a new transformed
/// event based on the current [transform] and the provided properties.
PointerEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
/// Returns the transformation of `position` into the coordinate system
/// described by `transform`.
/// The z-value of `position` is assumed to be 0.0. If `transform` is null,
/// `position` is returned as-is.
static Offset transformPosition(Matrix4? transform, Offset position) {
if (transform == null) {
return position;
final Vector3 position3 = Vector3(position.dx, position.dy, 0.0);
final Vector3 transformed3 = transform.perspectiveTransform(position3);
return Offset(transformed3.x, transformed3.y);
/// Transforms `untransformedDelta` into the coordinate system described by
/// `transform`.
/// It uses the provided `untransformedEndPosition` and
/// `transformedEndPosition` of the provided delta to increase accuracy.
/// If `transform` is null, `untransformedDelta` is returned.
static Offset transformDeltaViaPositions({
required Offset untransformedEndPosition,
Offset? transformedEndPosition,
required Offset untransformedDelta,
required Matrix4? transform,
}) {
if (transform == null) {
return untransformedDelta;
// We could transform the delta directly with the transformation matrix.
// While that is mathematically equivalent, in practice we are seeing a
// greater precision error with that approach. Instead, we are transforming
// start and end point of the delta separately and calculate the delta in
// the new space for greater accuracy.
transformedEndPosition ??= transformPosition(transform, untransformedEndPosition);
final Offset transformedStartPosition = transformPosition(transform, untransformedEndPosition - untransformedDelta);
return transformedEndPosition - transformedStartPosition;
/// Removes the "perspective" component from `transform`.
/// When applying the resulting transform matrix to a point with a
/// z-coordinate of zero (which is generally assumed for all points
/// represented by an [Offset]), the other coordinates will get transformed as
/// before, but the new z-coordinate is going to be zero again. This is
/// achieved by setting the third column and third row of the matrix to
/// "0, 0, 1, 0".
static Matrix4 removePerspectiveTransform(Matrix4 transform) {
final Vector4 vector = Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0);
return transform.clone()
..setColumn(2, vector)
..setRow(2, vector);
// A mixin that adds implementation for [debugFillProperties] and [toStringFull]
// to [PointerEvent].
mixin _PointerEventDescription on PointerEvent {
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('position', position));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('localPosition', localPosition, defaultValue: position, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('delta', delta, defaultValue:, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('localDelta', localDelta, defaultValue: delta, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Duration>('timeStamp', timeStamp, defaultValue:, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(IntProperty('pointer', pointer, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(EnumProperty<PointerDeviceKind>('kind', kind, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(IntProperty('device', device, defaultValue: 0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(IntProperty('buttons', buttons, defaultValue: 0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<bool>('down', down, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('pressure', pressure, defaultValue: 1.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('pressureMin', pressureMin, defaultValue: 1.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('pressureMax', pressureMax, defaultValue: 1.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('distance', distance, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('distanceMin', distanceMin, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('distanceMax', distanceMax, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('size', size, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('radiusMajor', radiusMajor, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('radiusMinor', radiusMinor, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('radiusMin', radiusMin, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('radiusMax', radiusMax, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('orientation', orientation, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('tilt', tilt, defaultValue: 0.0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(IntProperty('platformData', platformData, defaultValue: 0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(FlagProperty('obscured', value: obscured, ifTrue: 'obscured', level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(FlagProperty('synthesized', value: synthesized, ifTrue: 'synthesized', level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(IntProperty('embedderId', embedderId, defaultValue: 0, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
/// Returns a complete textual description of this event.
String toStringFull() {
return toString(minLevel: DiagnosticLevel.fine);
abstract class _AbstractPointerEvent implements PointerEvent {}
// The base class for transformed pointer event classes.
// A _TransformedPointerEvent stores an [original] event and the [transform]
// matrix. It defers all field getters to the original event, except for
// [localPosition] and [localDelta], which are calculated when first used.
abstract class _TransformedPointerEvent extends _AbstractPointerEvent with Diagnosticable, _PointerEventDescription {
PointerEvent get original;
Matrix4 get transform;
int get embedderId => original.embedderId;
Duration get timeStamp => original.timeStamp;
int get pointer => original.pointer;
PointerDeviceKind get kind => original.kind;
int get device => original.device;
Offset get position => original.position;
Offset get delta =>;
int get buttons => original.buttons;
bool get down => original.down;
bool get obscured => original.obscured;
double get pressure => original.pressure;
double get pressureMin => original.pressureMin;
double get pressureMax => original.pressureMax;
double get distance => original.distance;
double get distanceMin => 0.0;
double get distanceMax => original.distanceMax;
double get size => original.size;
double get radiusMajor => original.radiusMajor;
double get radiusMinor => original.radiusMinor;
double get radiusMin => original.radiusMin;
double get radiusMax => original.radiusMax;
double get orientation => original.orientation;
double get tilt => original.tilt;
int get platformData => original.platformData;
bool get synthesized => original.synthesized;
late final Offset localPosition = PointerEvent.transformPosition(transform, position);
late final Offset localDelta = PointerEvent.transformDeltaViaPositions(
transform: transform,
untransformedDelta: delta,
untransformedEndPosition: position,
transformedEndPosition: localPosition,
mixin _CopyPointerAddedEvent on PointerEvent {
PointerAddedEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerAddedEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured,
pressureMin: pressureMin ?? this.pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax ?? this.pressureMax,
distance: distance ?? this.distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax ?? this.distanceMax,
radiusMin: radiusMin ?? this.radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax ?? this.radiusMax,
orientation: orientation ?? this.orientation,
tilt: tilt ?? this.tilt,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The device has started tracking the pointer.
/// For example, the pointer might be hovering above the device, having not yet
/// made contact with the surface of the device.
class PointerAddedEvent extends PointerEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerAddedEvent {
/// Creates a pointer added event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerAddedEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
int pointer = 0,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
bool obscured = false,
double pressureMin = 1.0,
double pressureMax = 1.0,
double distance = 0.0,
double distanceMax = 0.0,
double radiusMin = 0.0,
double radiusMax = 0.0,
double orientation = 0.0,
double tilt = 0.0,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
obscured: obscured,
pressure: 0.0,
pressureMin: pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax,
distance: distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax,
radiusMin: radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax,
orientation: orientation,
tilt: tilt,
embedderId: embedderId,
PointerAddedEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerAddedEvent(original as PointerAddedEvent? ?? this, transform);
class _TransformedPointerAddedEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerAddedEvent implements PointerAddedEvent {
_TransformedPointerAddedEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerAddedEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
PointerAddedEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);
mixin _CopyPointerRemovedEvent on PointerEvent {
PointerRemovedEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerRemovedEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured,
pressureMin: pressureMin ?? this.pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax ?? this.pressureMax,
distanceMax: distanceMax ?? this.distanceMax,
radiusMin: radiusMin ?? this.radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax ?? this.radiusMax,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The device is no longer tracking the pointer.
/// For example, the pointer might have drifted out of the device's hover
/// detection range or might have been disconnected from the system entirely.
class PointerRemovedEvent extends PointerEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerRemovedEvent {
/// Creates a pointer removed event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerRemovedEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
int pointer = 0,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
bool obscured = false,
double pressureMin = 1.0,
double pressureMax = 1.0,
double distanceMax = 0.0,
double radiusMin = 0.0,
double radiusMax = 0.0,
PointerRemovedEvent? original,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
obscured: obscured,
pressure: 0.0,
pressureMin: pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax,
distanceMax: distanceMax,
radiusMin: radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax,
original: original,
embedderId: embedderId,
PointerRemovedEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerRemovedEvent(original as PointerRemovedEvent? ?? this, transform);
class _TransformedPointerRemovedEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerRemovedEvent implements PointerRemovedEvent {
_TransformedPointerRemovedEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerRemovedEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
PointerRemovedEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);
mixin _CopyPointerHoverEvent on PointerEvent {
PointerHoverEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerHoverEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
delta: delta ??,
buttons: buttons ?? this.buttons,
obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured,
pressureMin: pressureMin ?? this.pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax ?? this.pressureMax,
distance: distance ?? this.distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax ?? this.distanceMax,
size: size ?? this.size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor ?? this.radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor ?? this.radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin ?? this.radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax ?? this.radiusMax,
orientation: orientation ?? this.orientation,
tilt: tilt ?? this.tilt,
synthesized: synthesized ?? this.synthesized,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is not
/// in contact with the device.
/// See also:
/// * [PointerEnterEvent], which reports when the pointer has entered an
/// object.
/// * [PointerExitEvent], which reports when the pointer has left an object.
/// * [PointerMoveEvent], which reports movement while the pointer is in
/// contact with the device.
/// * [Listener.onPointerHover], which allows callers to be notified of these
/// events in a widget tree.
class PointerHoverEvent extends PointerEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerHoverEvent {
/// Creates a pointer hover event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerHoverEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int pointer = 0,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
Offset delta =,
int buttons = 0,
bool obscured = false,
double pressureMin = 1.0,
double pressureMax = 1.0,
double distance = 0.0,
double distanceMax = 0.0,
double size = 0.0,
double radiusMajor = 0.0,
double radiusMinor = 0.0,
double radiusMin = 0.0,
double radiusMax = 0.0,
double orientation = 0.0,
double tilt = 0.0,
bool synthesized = false,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
delta: delta,
buttons: buttons,
down: false,
obscured: obscured,
pressure: 0.0,
pressureMin: pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax,
distance: distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax,
size: size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax,
orientation: orientation,
tilt: tilt,
synthesized: synthesized,
embedderId: embedderId,
PointerHoverEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerHoverEvent(original as PointerHoverEvent? ?? this, transform);
class _TransformedPointerHoverEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerHoverEvent implements PointerHoverEvent {
_TransformedPointerHoverEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerHoverEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
PointerHoverEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);
mixin _CopyPointerEnterEvent on PointerEvent {
PointerEnterEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerEnterEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
delta: delta ??,
buttons: buttons ?? this.buttons,
obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured,
pressureMin: pressureMin ?? this.pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax ?? this.pressureMax,
distance: distance ?? this.distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax ?? this.distanceMax,
size: size ?? this.size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor ?? this.radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor ?? this.radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin ?? this.radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax ?? this.radiusMax,
orientation: orientation ?? this.orientation,
tilt: tilt ?? this.tilt,
synthesized: synthesized ?? this.synthesized,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is or is
/// not in contact with the device, and it has entered a target object.
/// See also:
/// * [PointerHoverEvent], which reports when the pointer has moved while
/// within an object.
/// * [PointerExitEvent], which reports when the pointer has left an object.
/// * [PointerMoveEvent], which reports movement while the pointer is in
/// contact with the device.
/// * [MouseRegion.onEnter], which allows callers to be notified of these
/// events in a widget tree.
class PointerEnterEvent extends PointerEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerEnterEvent {
/// Creates a pointer enter event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerEnterEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
int pointer = 0,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
Offset delta =,
int buttons = 0,
bool obscured = false,
double pressureMin = 1.0,
double pressureMax = 1.0,
double distance = 0.0,
double distanceMax = 0.0,
double size = 0.0,
double radiusMajor = 0.0,
double radiusMinor = 0.0,
double radiusMin = 0.0,
double radiusMax = 0.0,
double orientation = 0.0,
double tilt = 0.0,
bool down = false,
bool synthesized = false,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
delta: delta,
buttons: buttons,
down: down,
obscured: obscured,
pressure: 0.0,
pressureMin: pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax,
distance: distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax,
size: size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax,
orientation: orientation,
tilt: tilt,
synthesized: synthesized,
embedderId: embedderId,
/// Creates an enter event from a [PointerEvent].
/// This is used by the [MouseTracker] to synthesize enter events.
factory PointerEnterEvent.fromMouseEvent(PointerEvent event) => PointerEnterEvent(
timeStamp: event.timeStamp,
pointer: event.pointer,
kind: event.kind,
device: event.device,
position: event.position,
buttons: event.buttons,
obscured: event.obscured,
pressureMin: event.pressureMin,
pressureMax: event.pressureMax,
distance: event.distance,
distanceMax: event.distanceMax,
size: event.size,
radiusMajor: event.radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: event.radiusMinor,
radiusMin: event.radiusMin,
radiusMax: event.radiusMax,
orientation: event.orientation,
tilt: event.tilt,
down: event.down,
synthesized: event.synthesized,
PointerEnterEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerEnterEvent(original as PointerEnterEvent? ?? this, transform);
class _TransformedPointerEnterEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerEnterEvent implements PointerEnterEvent {
_TransformedPointerEnterEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerEnterEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
PointerEnterEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);
mixin _CopyPointerExitEvent on PointerEvent {
PointerExitEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerExitEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
delta: delta ??,
buttons: buttons ?? this.buttons,
obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured,
pressureMin: pressureMin ?? this.pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax ?? this.pressureMax,
distance: distance ?? this.distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax ?? this.distanceMax,
size: size ?? this.size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor ?? this.radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor ?? this.radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin ?? this.radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax ?? this.radiusMax,
orientation: orientation ?? this.orientation,
tilt: tilt ?? this.tilt,
synthesized: synthesized ?? this.synthesized,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is or is
/// not in contact with the device, and entered a target object.
/// See also:
/// * [PointerHoverEvent], which reports when the pointer has moved while
/// within an object.
/// * [PointerEnterEvent], which reports when the pointer has entered an object.
/// * [PointerMoveEvent], which reports movement while the pointer is in
/// contact with the device.
/// * [MouseRegion.onExit], which allows callers to be notified of these
/// events in a widget tree.
class PointerExitEvent extends PointerEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerExitEvent {
/// Creates a pointer exit event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerExitEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int pointer = 0,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
Offset delta =,
int buttons = 0,
bool obscured = false,
double pressureMin = 1.0,
double pressureMax = 1.0,
double distance = 0.0,
double distanceMax = 0.0,
double size = 0.0,
double radiusMajor = 0.0,
double radiusMinor = 0.0,
double radiusMin = 0.0,
double radiusMax = 0.0,
double orientation = 0.0,
double tilt = 0.0,
bool down = false,
bool synthesized = false,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
delta: delta,
buttons: buttons,
down: down,
obscured: obscured,
pressure: 0.0,
pressureMin: pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax,
distance: distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax,
size: size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax,
orientation: orientation,
tilt: tilt,
synthesized: synthesized,
embedderId: embedderId,
/// Creates an exit event from a [PointerEvent].
/// This is used by the [MouseTracker] to synthesize exit events.
factory PointerExitEvent.fromMouseEvent(PointerEvent event) => PointerExitEvent(
timeStamp: event.timeStamp,
pointer: event.pointer,
kind: event.kind,
device: event.device,
position: event.position,
buttons: event.buttons,
obscured: event.obscured,
pressureMin: event.pressureMin,
pressureMax: event.pressureMax,
distance: event.distance,
distanceMax: event.distanceMax,
size: event.size,
radiusMajor: event.radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: event.radiusMinor,
radiusMin: event.radiusMin,
radiusMax: event.radiusMax,
orientation: event.orientation,
tilt: event.tilt,
down: event.down,
synthesized: event.synthesized,
PointerExitEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerExitEvent(original as PointerExitEvent? ?? this, transform);
class _TransformedPointerExitEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerExitEvent implements PointerExitEvent {
_TransformedPointerExitEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerExitEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
PointerExitEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);
mixin _CopyPointerDownEvent on PointerEvent {
PointerDownEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerDownEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
pointer: pointer ?? this.pointer,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
buttons: buttons ?? this.buttons,
obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured,
pressure: pressure ?? this.pressure,
pressureMin: pressureMin ?? this.pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax ?? this.pressureMax,
distanceMax: distanceMax ?? this.distanceMax,
size: size ?? this.size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor ?? this.radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor ?? this.radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin ?? this.radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax ?? this.radiusMax,
orientation: orientation ?? this.orientation,
tilt: tilt ?? this.tilt,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The pointer has made contact with the device.
/// See also:
/// * [Listener.onPointerDown], which allows callers to be notified of these
/// events in a widget tree.
class PointerDownEvent extends PointerEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerDownEvent {
/// Creates a pointer down event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerDownEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
int pointer = 0,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
int buttons = kPrimaryButton,
bool obscured = false,
double pressure = 1.0,
double pressureMin = 1.0,
double pressureMax = 1.0,
double distanceMax = 0.0,
double size = 0.0,
double radiusMajor = 0.0,
double radiusMinor = 0.0,
double radiusMin = 0.0,
double radiusMax = 0.0,
double orientation = 0.0,
double tilt = 0.0,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
buttons: buttons,
down: true,
obscured: obscured,
pressure: pressure,
pressureMin: pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax,
distance: 0.0,
distanceMax: distanceMax,
size: size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax,
orientation: orientation,
tilt: tilt,
embedderId: embedderId,
PointerDownEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerDownEvent(original as PointerDownEvent? ?? this, transform);
class _TransformedPointerDownEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerDownEvent implements PointerDownEvent {
_TransformedPointerDownEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerDownEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
PointerDownEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);
mixin _CopyPointerMoveEvent on PointerEvent {
PointerMoveEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerMoveEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
pointer: pointer ?? this.pointer,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
delta: delta ??,
buttons: buttons ?? this.buttons,
obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured,
pressure: pressure ?? this.pressure,
pressureMin: pressureMin ?? this.pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax ?? this.pressureMax,
distanceMax: distanceMax ?? this.distanceMax,
size: size ?? this.size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor ?? this.radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor ?? this.radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin ?? this.radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax ?? this.radiusMax,
orientation: orientation ?? this.orientation,
tilt: tilt ?? this.tilt,
synthesized: synthesized ?? this.synthesized,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The pointer has moved with respect to the device while the pointer is in
/// contact with the device.
/// See also:
/// * [PointerHoverEvent], which reports movement while the pointer is not in
/// contact with the device.
/// * [Listener.onPointerMove], which allows callers to be notified of these
/// events in a widget tree.
class PointerMoveEvent extends PointerEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerMoveEvent {
/// Creates a pointer move event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerMoveEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
int pointer = 0,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
Offset delta =,
int buttons = kPrimaryButton,
bool obscured = false,
double pressure = 1.0,
double pressureMin = 1.0,
double pressureMax = 1.0,
double distanceMax = 0.0,
double size = 0.0,
double radiusMajor = 0.0,
double radiusMinor = 0.0,
double radiusMin = 0.0,
double radiusMax = 0.0,
double orientation = 0.0,
double tilt = 0.0,
int platformData = 0,
bool synthesized = false,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
delta: delta,
buttons: buttons,
down: true,
obscured: obscured,
pressure: pressure,
pressureMin: pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax,
distance: 0.0,
distanceMax: distanceMax,
size: size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax,
orientation: orientation,
tilt: tilt,
platformData: platformData,
synthesized: synthesized,
embedderId: embedderId,
PointerMoveEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerMoveEvent(original as PointerMoveEvent? ?? this, transform);
class _TransformedPointerMoveEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerMoveEvent implements PointerMoveEvent {
_TransformedPointerMoveEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerMoveEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
PointerMoveEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);
mixin _CopyPointerUpEvent on PointerEvent {
PointerUpEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? localPosition,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerUpEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
pointer: pointer ?? this.pointer,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
buttons: buttons ?? this.buttons,
obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured,
pressure: pressure ?? this.pressure,
pressureMin: pressureMin ?? this.pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax ?? this.pressureMax,
distance: distance ?? this.distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax ?? this.distanceMax,
size: size ?? this.size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor ?? this.radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor ?? this.radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin ?? this.radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax ?? this.radiusMax,
orientation: orientation ?? this.orientation,
tilt: tilt ?? this.tilt,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The pointer has stopped making contact with the device.
/// See also:
/// * [Listener.onPointerUp], which allows callers to be notified of these
/// events in a widget tree.
class PointerUpEvent extends PointerEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerUpEvent {
/// Creates a pointer up event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerUpEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
int pointer = 0,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
int buttons = 0,
bool obscured = false,
// Allow pressure customization here because PointerUpEvent can contain
// non-zero pressure. See
double pressure = 0.0,
double pressureMin = 1.0,
double pressureMax = 1.0,
double distance = 0.0,
double distanceMax = 0.0,
double size = 0.0,
double radiusMajor = 0.0,
double radiusMinor = 0.0,
double radiusMin = 0.0,
double radiusMax = 0.0,
double orientation = 0.0,
double tilt = 0.0,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
buttons: buttons,
down: false,
obscured: obscured,
pressure: pressure,
pressureMin: pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax,
distance: distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax,
size: size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax,
orientation: orientation,
tilt: tilt,
embedderId: embedderId,
PointerUpEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerUpEvent(original as PointerUpEvent? ?? this, transform);
class _TransformedPointerUpEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerUpEvent implements PointerUpEvent {
_TransformedPointerUpEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerUpEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
PointerUpEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);
/// An event that corresponds to a discrete pointer signal.
/// Pointer signals are events that originate from the pointer but don't change
/// the state of the pointer itself, and are discrete rather than needing to be
/// interpreted in the context of a series of events.
/// See also:
/// * [Listener.onPointerSignal], which allows callers to be notified of these
/// events in a widget tree.
/// * [PointerSignalResolver], which provides an opt-in mechanism whereby
/// participating agents may disambiguate an event's target.
abstract class PointerSignalEvent extends PointerEvent {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const PointerSignalEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
int pointer = 0,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.mouse,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
embedderId: embedderId,
mixin _CopyPointerScrollEvent on PointerEvent {
/// The amount to scroll, in logical pixels.
Offset get scrollDelta;
PointerScrollEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerScrollEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
scrollDelta: scrollDelta,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The pointer issued a scroll event.
/// Scrolling the scroll wheel on a mouse is an example of an event that
/// would create a [PointerScrollEvent].
/// See also:
/// * [Listener.onPointerSignal], which allows callers to be notified of these
/// events in a widget tree.
/// * [PointerSignalResolver], which provides an opt-in mechanism whereby
/// participating agents may disambiguate an event's target.
class PointerScrollEvent extends PointerSignalEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerScrollEvent {
/// Creates a pointer scroll event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerScrollEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.mouse,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
this.scrollDelta =,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : assert(timeStamp != null),
assert(kind != null),
assert(device != null),
assert(position != null),
assert(scrollDelta != null),
timeStamp: timeStamp,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
embedderId: embedderId,
final Offset scrollDelta;
PointerScrollEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerScrollEvent(original as PointerScrollEvent? ?? this, transform);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('scrollDelta', scrollDelta));
class _TransformedPointerScrollEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerScrollEvent implements PointerScrollEvent {
_TransformedPointerScrollEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerScrollEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
Offset get scrollDelta => original.scrollDelta;
PointerScrollEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('scrollDelta', scrollDelta));
mixin _CopyPointerCancelEvent on PointerEvent {
PointerCancelEvent copyWith({
Duration? timeStamp,
int? pointer,
PointerDeviceKind? kind,
int? device,
Offset? position,
Offset? delta,
int? buttons,
bool? obscured,
double? pressure,
double? pressureMin,
double? pressureMax,
double? distance,
double? distanceMax,
double? size,
double? radiusMajor,
double? radiusMinor,
double? radiusMin,
double? radiusMax,
double? orientation,
double? tilt,
bool? synthesized,
int? embedderId,
}) {
return PointerCancelEvent(
timeStamp: timeStamp ?? this.timeStamp,
pointer: pointer ?? this.pointer,
kind: kind ?? this.kind,
device: device ?? this.device,
position: position ?? this.position,
buttons: buttons ?? this.buttons,
obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured,
pressureMin: pressureMin ?? this.pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax ?? this.pressureMax,
distance: distance ?? this.distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax ?? this.distanceMax,
size: size ?? this.size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor ?? this.radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor ?? this.radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin ?? this.radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax ?? this.radiusMax,
orientation: orientation ?? this.orientation,
tilt: tilt ?? this.tilt,
embedderId: embedderId ?? this.embedderId,
/// The input from the pointer is no longer directed towards this receiver.
/// See also:
/// * [Listener.onPointerCancel], which allows callers to be notified of these
/// events in a widget tree.
class PointerCancelEvent extends PointerEvent with _PointerEventDescription, _CopyPointerCancelEvent {
/// Creates a pointer cancel event.
/// All of the arguments must be non-null.
const PointerCancelEvent({
Duration timeStamp =,
int pointer = 0,
PointerDeviceKind kind = PointerDeviceKind.touch,
int device = 0,
Offset position =,
int buttons = 0,
bool obscured = false,
double pressureMin = 1.0,
double pressureMax = 1.0,
double distance = 0.0,
double distanceMax = 0.0,
double size = 0.0,
double radiusMajor = 0.0,
double radiusMinor = 0.0,
double radiusMin = 0.0,
double radiusMax = 0.0,
double orientation = 0.0,
double tilt = 0.0,
int embedderId = 0,
}) : super(
timeStamp: timeStamp,
pointer: pointer,
kind: kind,
device: device,
position: position,
buttons: buttons,
down: false,
obscured: obscured,
pressure: 0.0,
pressureMin: pressureMin,
pressureMax: pressureMax,
distance: distance,
distanceMax: distanceMax,
size: size,
radiusMajor: radiusMajor,
radiusMinor: radiusMinor,
radiusMin: radiusMin,
radiusMax: radiusMax,
orientation: orientation,
tilt: tilt,
embedderId: embedderId,
PointerCancelEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) {
if (transform == null || transform == this.transform) {
return this;
return _TransformedPointerCancelEvent(original as PointerCancelEvent? ?? this, transform);
/// Determine the appropriate hit slop pixels based on the [kind] of pointer.
double computeHitSlop(PointerDeviceKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case PointerDeviceKind.mouse:
return kPrecisePointerHitSlop;
case PointerDeviceKind.stylus:
case PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus:
case PointerDeviceKind.unknown:
case PointerDeviceKind.touch:
return kTouchSlop;
/// Determine the appropriate pan slop pixels based on the [kind] of pointer.
double computePanSlop(PointerDeviceKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case PointerDeviceKind.mouse:
return kPrecisePointerPanSlop;
case PointerDeviceKind.stylus:
case PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus:
case PointerDeviceKind.unknown:
case PointerDeviceKind.touch:
return kPanSlop;
/// Determine the appropriate scale slop pixels based on the [kind] of pointer.
double computeScaleSlop(PointerDeviceKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case PointerDeviceKind.mouse:
return kPrecisePointerScaleSlop;
case PointerDeviceKind.stylus:
case PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus:
case PointerDeviceKind.unknown:
case PointerDeviceKind.touch:
return kScaleSlop;
class _TransformedPointerCancelEvent extends _TransformedPointerEvent with _CopyPointerCancelEvent implements PointerCancelEvent {
_TransformedPointerCancelEvent(this.original, this.transform)
: assert(original != null), assert(transform != null);
final PointerCancelEvent original;
final Matrix4 transform;
PointerCancelEvent transformed(Matrix4? transform) => original.transformed(transform);