blob: 966ebc47d9883e22726aad4f8a0e4a8b08ad2010 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import '../widgets/semantics_tester.dart';
void main() {
// Pumps and ensures that the BottomSheet animates non-linearly.
Future<void> _checkNonLinearAnimation(WidgetTester tester) async {
final Offset firstPosition = tester.getCenter(find.text('BottomSheet'));
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 30));
final Offset secondPosition = tester.getCenter(find.text('BottomSheet'));
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 30));
final Offset thirdPosition = tester.getCenter(find.text('BottomSheet'));
final double dyDelta1 = secondPosition.dy - firstPosition.dy;
final double dyDelta2 = thirdPosition.dy - secondPosition.dy;
// If the animation were linear, these two values would be the same.
expect(dyDelta1, isNot(moreOrLessEquals(dyDelta2, epsilon: 0.1)));
testWidgets('Tapping on a modal BottomSheet should not dismiss it', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext savedContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(
home: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
savedContext = context;
return Container();
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
bool showBottomSheetThenCalled = false;
context: savedContext,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
).then<void>((void value) {
showBottomSheetThenCalled = true;
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
// Tap on the bottom sheet itself, it should not be dismissed
await tester.tap(find.text('BottomSheet'));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
testWidgets('Tapping outside a modal BottomSheet should dismiss it by default', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext savedContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
savedContext = context;
return Container();
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
bool showBottomSheetThenCalled = false;
context: savedContext,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
).then<void>((void value) {
showBottomSheetThenCalled = true;
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
// Tap above the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.tapAt(const Offset(20.0, 20.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Bottom sheet dismiss animation.
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isTrue);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
testWidgets('Tapping outside a modal BottomSheet should dismiss it when isDismissible=true', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext savedContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
savedContext = context;
return Container();
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
bool showBottomSheetThenCalled = false;
context: savedContext,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
isDismissible: true,
).then<void>((void value) {
showBottomSheetThenCalled = true;
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
// Tap above the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.tapAt(const Offset(20.0, 20.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Bottom sheet dismiss animation.
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isTrue);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
testWidgets('Verify that the BottomSheet animates non-linearly', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext savedContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
savedContext = context;
return Container();
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
context: savedContext,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
await tester.pump();
await _checkNonLinearAnimation(tester);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// Tap above the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.tapAt(const Offset(20.0, 20.0));
await tester.pump();
await _checkNonLinearAnimation(tester);
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Bottom sheet dismiss animation.
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
testWidgets('Tapping outside a modal BottomSheet should not dismiss it when isDismissible=false', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext savedContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(
home: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
savedContext = context;
return Container();
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
bool showBottomSheetThenCalled = false;
context: savedContext,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
isDismissible: false,
).then<void>((void value) {
showBottomSheetThenCalled = true;
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
// Tap above the bottom sheet, attempting to dismiss it.
await tester.tapAt(const Offset(20.0, 20.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Bottom sheet should not dismiss.
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
testWidgets('Swiping down a modal BottomSheet should dismiss it by default', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext savedContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
savedContext = context;
return Container();
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
bool showBottomSheetThenCalled = false;
context: savedContext,
isDismissible: false,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
).then<void>((void value) {
showBottomSheetThenCalled = true;
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
// Swipe the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.drag(find.text('BottomSheet'), const Offset(0.0, 150.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Bottom sheet dismiss animation.
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isTrue);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
testWidgets('Swiping down a modal BottomSheet should not dismiss it when enableDrag is false', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext savedContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
savedContext = context;
return Container();
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
bool showBottomSheetThenCalled = false;
context: savedContext,
isDismissible: false,
enableDrag: false,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
).then<void>((void value) {
showBottomSheetThenCalled = true;
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
// Swipe the bottom sheet, attempting to dismiss it.
await tester.drag(find.text('BottomSheet'), const Offset(0.0, 150.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Bottom sheet should not dismiss.
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
testWidgets('Swiping down a modal BottomSheet should dismiss it when enableDrag is true', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext savedContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
savedContext = context;
return Container();
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
bool showBottomSheetThenCalled = false;
context: savedContext,
isDismissible: false,
enableDrag: true,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
).then<void>((void value) {
showBottomSheetThenCalled = true;
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
// Swipe the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.drag(find.text('BottomSheet'), const Offset(0.0, 150.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Bottom sheet dismiss animation.
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isTrue);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
testWidgets('Modal BottomSheet builder should only be called once', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext savedContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
savedContext = context;
return Container();
int numBuilderCalls = 0;
context: savedContext,
isDismissible: false,
enableDrag: true,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return const Text('BottomSheet');
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(numBuilderCalls, 1);
// Swipe the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.drag(find.text('BottomSheet'), const Offset(0.0, 150.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Bottom sheet dismiss animation.
expect(numBuilderCalls, 1);
testWidgets('Verify that a downwards fling dismisses a persistent BottomSheet', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();
bool showBottomSheetThenCalled = false;
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
key: scaffoldKey,
body: const Center(child: Text('body')),
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
scaffoldKey.currentState!.showBottomSheet<void>((BuildContext context) {
return Container(
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(40.0),
child: const Text('BottomSheet'),
}).closed.whenComplete(() {
showBottomSheetThenCalled = true;
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.pump(); // bottom sheet show animation starts
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // animation done
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isFalse);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// The fling below must be such that the velocity estimation examines an
// offset greater than the kTouchSlop. Too slow or too short a distance, and
// it won't trigger. Also, it must not be so much that it drags the bottom
// sheet off the screen, or we won't see it after we pump!
await tester.fling(find.text('BottomSheet'), const Offset(0.0, 50.0), 2000.0);
await tester.pump(); // drain the microtask queue (Future completion callback)
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isTrue);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(); // bottom sheet dismiss animation starts
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isTrue);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // animation done
expect(showBottomSheetThenCalled, isTrue);
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
testWidgets('Verify that dragging past the bottom dismisses a persistent BottomSheet', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// This is a regression test for
final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
key: scaffoldKey,
body: const Center(child: Text('body')),
scaffoldKey.currentState!.showBottomSheet<void>((BuildContext context) {
return Container(
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(40.0),
child: const Text('BottomSheet'),
await tester.pump(); // bottom sheet show animation starts
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // animation done
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.fling(find.text('BottomSheet'), const Offset(0.0, 400.0), 1000.0);
await tester.pump(); // drain the microtask queue (Future completion callback)
await tester.pump(); // bottom sheet dismiss animation starts
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // animation done
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
testWidgets('modal BottomSheet has no top MediaQuery', (WidgetTester tester) async {
late BuildContext outerContext;
late BuildContext innerContext;
await tester.pumpWidget(Localizations(
locale: const Locale('en', 'US'),
delegates: const <LocalizationsDelegate<dynamic>>[
child: Directionality(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: MediaQuery(
data: const MediaQueryData(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(50.0),
size: Size(400.0, 600.0),
child: Navigator(
onGenerateRoute: (_) {
return PageRouteBuilder<void>(
pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation) {
outerContext = context;
return Container();
context: outerContext,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
innerContext = context;
return Container();
await tester.pump();
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1));
const EdgeInsets.all(50.0),
const EdgeInsets.only(left: 50.0, right: 50.0, bottom: 50.0),
testWidgets('modal BottomSheet has semantics', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final SemanticsTester semantics = SemanticsTester(tester);
final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
key: scaffoldKey,
body: const Center(child: Text('body')),
showModalBottomSheet<void>(context: scaffoldKey.currentContext!, builder: (BuildContext context) {
return const Text('BottomSheet');
await tester.pump(); // bottom sheet show animation starts
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // animation done
expect(semantics, hasSemantics(TestSemantics.root(
children: <TestSemantics>[
children: <TestSemantics>[
children: <TestSemantics>[
label: 'Dialog',
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
flags: <SemanticsFlag>[
children: <TestSemantics>[
label: 'BottomSheet',
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
), ignoreTransform: true, ignoreRect: true, ignoreId: true));
testWidgets('Verify that visual properties are passed through', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();
const Color color =;
const double elevation = 9.0;
final ShapeBorder shape = BeveledRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12));
const Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias;
const Color barrierColor =;
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
key: scaffoldKey,
body: const Center(child: Text('body')),
context: scaffoldKey.currentContext!,
backgroundColor: color,
barrierColor: barrierColor,
elevation: elevation,
shape: shape,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return const Text('BottomSheet');
await tester.pump();
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1));
final BottomSheet bottomSheet = tester.widget(find.byType(BottomSheet));
expect(bottomSheet.backgroundColor, color);
expect(bottomSheet.elevation, elevation);
expect(bottomSheet.shape, shape);
expect(bottomSheet.clipBehavior, clipBehavior);
final ModalBarrier modalBarrier = tester.widget(find.byType(ModalBarrier).last);
expect(modalBarrier.color, barrierColor);
testWidgets('modal BottomSheet with scrollController has semantics', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final SemanticsTester semantics = SemanticsTester(tester);
final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
key: scaffoldKey,
body: const Center(child: Text('body')),
context: scaffoldKey.currentContext!,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return DraggableScrollableSheet(
expand: false,
builder: (_, ScrollController controller) {
return SingleChildScrollView(
controller: controller,
child: const Text('BottomSheet'),
await tester.pump(); // bottom sheet show animation starts
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // animation done
expect(semantics, hasSemantics(TestSemantics.root(
children: <TestSemantics>[
children: <TestSemantics>[
children: <TestSemantics>[
label: 'Dialog',
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
flags: <SemanticsFlag>[
children: <TestSemantics>[
flags: <SemanticsFlag>[SemanticsFlag.hasImplicitScrolling],
actions: <SemanticsAction>[SemanticsAction.scrollDown, SemanticsAction.scrollUp],
children: <TestSemantics>[
label: 'BottomSheet',
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
), ignoreTransform: true, ignoreRect: true, ignoreId: true));
testWidgets('showModalBottomSheet does not use root Navigator by default', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Navigator(onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) => MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (_) {
return const _TestPage();
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
items: const <BottomNavigationBarItem>[
icon: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
label: 'Item 1',
icon: Icon(,
label: 'Item 2',
await tester.tap(find.text('Show bottom sheet'));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// Bottom sheet is displayed in correct position within the inner navigator
// and above the BottomNavigationBar.
expect(tester.getBottomLeft(find.byType(BottomSheet)).dy, 544.0);
testWidgets('showModalBottomSheet uses root Navigator when specified', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Navigator(onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) => MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (_) {
return const _TestPage(useRootNavigator: true);
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
items: const <BottomNavigationBarItem>[
icon: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
label: 'Item 1',
icon: Icon(,
label: 'Item 2',
await tester.tap(find.text('Show bottom sheet'));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// Bottom sheet is displayed in correct position above all content including
// the BottomNavigationBar.
expect(tester.getBottomLeft(find.byType(BottomSheet)).dy, 600.0);
testWidgets('Verify that route settings can be set in the showModalBottomSheet', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>();
const RouteSettings routeSettings = RouteSettings(name: 'route_name', arguments: 'route_argument');
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
key: scaffoldKey,
body: const Center(child: Text('body')),
late RouteSettings retrievedRouteSettings;
context: scaffoldKey.currentContext!,
routeSettings: routeSettings,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
retrievedRouteSettings = ModalRoute.of(context)!.settings;
return const Text('BottomSheet');
await tester.pump();
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1));
expect(retrievedRouteSettings, routeSettings);
testWidgets('Verify showModalBottomSheet use AnimationController if provided.', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const Key tapTarget = Key('tap-target');
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
key: tapTarget,
onTap: () {
context: context,
// The default duration and reverseDuration is 1 second
transitionAnimationController: AnimationController(
vsync: const TestVSync(),
duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
reverseDuration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return const Text('BottomSheet');
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
child: const SizedBox(
height: 100.0,
width: 100.0,
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.byKey(tapTarget)); // Opening animation will start after tapping
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 2000));
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// Tapping above the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.tapAt(const Offset(20.0, 20.0)); // Closing animation will start after tapping
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 2000));
// The bottom sheet should still be present at the very end of the animation.
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 1));
// The bottom sheet should not be showing any longer.
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
// Regression test for
testWidgets('the framework do not dispose the transitionAnimationController provided by user.', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const Key tapTarget = Key('tap-target');
final AnimationController controller = AnimationController(
vsync: const TestVSync(),
duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
reverseDuration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
key: tapTarget,
onTap: () {
context: context,
// The default duration and reverseDuration is 1 second
transitionAnimationController: controller,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return const Text('BottomSheet');
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
child: const SizedBox(
height: 100.0,
width: 100.0,
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.byKey(tapTarget)); // Opening animation will start after tapping
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 2000));
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// Tapping above the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.tapAt(const Offset(20.0, 20.0)); // Closing animation will start after tapping
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 2000));
// The bottom sheet should still be present at the very end of the animation.
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 1));
// The bottom sheet should not be showing any longer.
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
// Double disposal will throw.
expect(tester.takeException(), isNull);
testWidgets('Verify persistence BottomSheet use AnimationController if provided.', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const Key tapTarget = Key('tap-target');
const Key tapTargetToClose = Key('tap-target-to-close');
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
key: tapTarget,
onTap: () {
context: context,
// The default duration and reverseDuration is 1 second
transitionAnimationController: AnimationController(
vsync: const TestVSync(),
duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
reverseDuration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return MaterialButton(
onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),
key: tapTargetToClose,
child: const Text('BottomSheet'),
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
child: const SizedBox(
height: 100.0,
width: 100.0,
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.byKey(tapTarget)); // Opening animation will start after tapping
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 2000));
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// Tapping button on the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.tap(find.byKey(tapTargetToClose)); // Closing animation will start after tapping
await tester.pump();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 2000));
// The bottom sheet should still be present at the very end of the animation.
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 1));
// The bottom sheet should not be showing any longer.
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
// Regression test for
testWidgets('Each of the internal animation controllers should be disposed by the framework.', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> scaffoldKey = GlobalKey();
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
key: scaffoldKey,
body: const Center(child: Text('body')),
scaffoldKey.currentState!.showBottomSheet<void>((_) {
return Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Container(height: 200.0);
await tester.pump();
expect(find.byType(BottomSheet), findsOneWidget);
// The first sheet's animation is still running.
// Trigger the second sheet will remove the first sheet from tree.
scaffoldKey.currentState!.showBottomSheet<void>((_) {
return Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Container(height: 200.0);
await tester.pump();
expect(find.byType(BottomSheet), findsOneWidget);
// Remove the Scaffold from the tree.
await tester.pumpWidget(const SizedBox.shrink());
// If the internal animation controller do not dispose will throw
// FlutterError:<ScaffoldState#1981a(tickers: tracking 1 ticker) was disposed with an active
// Ticker.
expect(tester.takeException(), isNull);
// Regression test for
testWidgets('The framework does not dispose of the transitionAnimationController provided by user.', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const Key tapTarget = Key('tap-target');
const Key tapTargetToClose = Key('tap-target-to-close');
final AnimationController controller = AnimationController(
vsync: const TestVSync(),
duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
reverseDuration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
key: tapTarget,
onTap: () {
context: context,
transitionAnimationController: controller,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return MaterialButton(
onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),
key: tapTargetToClose,
child: const Text('BottomSheet'),
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
child: const SizedBox(
height: 100.0,
width: 100.0,
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.byKey(tapTarget)); // Open the sheet.
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Finish the animation.
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// Tapping button on the bottom sheet to dismiss it.
await tester.tap(find.byKey(tapTargetToClose)); // Closing the sheet.
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); // Finish the animation.
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.pumpWidget(const SizedBox.shrink());
// Double dispose will throw.
expect(tester.takeException(), isNull);
group('constraints', () {
testWidgets('No constraints by default for bottomSheet property', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(const MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(child: Text('body')),
bottomSheet: Text('BottomSheet'),
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 586, 154, 600),
testWidgets('No constraints by default for showBottomSheet', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text('Press me'),
onPressed: () {
(BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.text('Press me'));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 586, 154, 600),
testWidgets('No constraints by default for showModalBottomSheet', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text('Press me'),
onPressed: () {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.text('Press me'));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 586, 800, 600),
testWidgets('Theme constraints used for bottomSheet property', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
theme: ThemeData(
bottomSheetTheme: const BottomSheetThemeData(
constraints: BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 80),
home: Scaffold(
body: const Center(child: Text('body')),
bottomSheet: const Text('BottomSheet'),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(onPressed: () {}, child: const Icon(Icons.add)),
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// Should be centered and only 80dp wide
const Rect.fromLTRB(360, 558, 440, 600),
// Ensure the FAB is overlapping the top of the sheet
expect(find.byIcon(Icons.add), findsOneWidget);
const Rect.fromLTRB(744, 544, 768, 568),
testWidgets('Theme constraints used for showBottomSheet', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
theme: ThemeData(
bottomSheetTheme: const BottomSheetThemeData(
constraints: BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 80),
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text('Press me'),
onPressed: () {
(BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.text('Press me'));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// Should be centered and only 80dp wide
const Rect.fromLTRB(360, 558, 440, 600),
testWidgets('Theme constraints used for showModalBottomSheet', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
theme: ThemeData(
bottomSheetTheme: const BottomSheetThemeData(
constraints: BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 80),
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text('Press me'),
onPressed: () {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.text('Press me'));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// Should be centered and only 80dp wide
const Rect.fromLTRB(360, 558, 440, 600),
testWidgets('constraints param overrides theme for showBottomSheet', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
theme: ThemeData(
bottomSheetTheme: const BottomSheetThemeData(
constraints: BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 80),
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text('Press me'),
onPressed: () {
(BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 100),
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.text('Press me'));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// Should be centered and only 100dp wide instead of 80dp wide
const Rect.fromLTRB(350, 572, 450, 600),
testWidgets('constraints param overrides theme for showModalBottomSheet', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
theme: ThemeData(
bottomSheetTheme: const BottomSheetThemeData(
constraints: BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 80),
home: Scaffold(
body: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text('Press me'),
onPressed: () {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) => const Text('BottomSheet'),
constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 100),
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsNothing);
await tester.tap(find.text('Press me'));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('BottomSheet'), findsOneWidget);
// Should be centered and only 100dp instead of 80dp wide
const Rect.fromLTRB(350, 572, 450, 600),
class _TestPage extends StatelessWidget {
const _TestPage({Key? key, this.useRootNavigator}) : super(key: key);
final bool? useRootNavigator;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: TextButton(
child: const Text('Show bottom sheet'),
onPressed: () {
if (useRootNavigator != null) {
useRootNavigator: useRootNavigator!,
context: context,
builder: (_) => const Text('Modal bottom sheet'),
} else {
context: context,
builder: (_) => const Text('Modal bottom sheet'),