blob: 843b76e3e852255ebe3a9e9cb19c6887eb398919 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
/// Tuple-like test class for storing a [stream] and [eventKind].
/// Used to store the [stream] and [eventKind] that a dispatched event would be
/// sent on.
class DispatchedEventKey {
const DispatchedEventKey({required, required this.eventKind});
final String stream;
final String eventKind;
String toString() {
return '[DispatchedEventKey]($stream, $eventKind)';
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is DispatchedEventKey &&
stream == &&
eventKind == other.eventKind;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(stream, eventKind);
class TestWidgetInspectorService extends Object with WidgetInspectorService {
TestWidgetInspectorService() {
selection.addListener(() {
if (selectionChangedCallback != null) {
final Map<String, ServiceExtensionCallback> extensions = <String, ServiceExtensionCallback>{};
final Map<DispatchedEventKey, List<Map<Object, Object?>>> eventsDispatched =
<DispatchedEventKey, List<Map<Object, Object?>>>{};
final List<Object?> objectsInspected = <Object?>[];
void registerServiceExtension({
required String name,
required ServiceExtensionCallback callback,
required RegisterServiceExtensionCallback registerExtension,
}) {
extensions[name] = callback;
void postEvent(
String eventKind,
Map<Object, Object?> eventData, {
String stream = 'Extension',
}) {
dispatchedEvents(eventKind, stream: stream).add(eventData);
void inspect(Object? object) {
List<Map<Object, Object?>> dispatchedEvents(
String eventKind, {
String stream = 'Extension',
}) {
return eventsDispatched.putIfAbsent(
DispatchedEventKey(stream: stream, eventKind: eventKind),
() => <Map<Object, Object?>>[],
List<Object?> inspectedObjects(){
return objectsInspected;
Iterable<Map<Object, Object?>> getServiceExtensionStateChangedEvents(String extensionName) {
return dispatchedEvents('Flutter.ServiceExtensionStateChanged')
.where((Map<Object, Object?> event) => event['extension'] == extensionName);
Future<Object?> testExtension(String name, Map<String, String> arguments) async {
expect(extensions, contains(name));
// Encode and decode to JSON to match behavior using a real service
// extension where only JSON is allowed.
return (json.decode(json.encode(await extensions[name]!(arguments))) as Map<String, dynamic>)['result'];
Future<String> testBoolExtension(String name, Map<String, String> arguments) async {
expect(extensions, contains(name));
// Encode and decode to JSON to match behavior using a real service
// extension where only JSON is allowed.
return (json.decode(json.encode(await extensions[name]!(arguments))) as Map<String, dynamic>)['enabled'] as String;
int rebuildCount = 0;
Future<void> forceRebuild() async {
final WidgetsBinding binding = WidgetsBinding.instance;
if (binding.rootElement != null) {
binding.buildOwner!.reassemble(binding.rootElement!, null);
void resetAllState() {
rebuildCount = 0;