blob: bf35445a073a046fdfd2f495aa5b733e3ec20db4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'enum_util.dart';
import 'find.dart';
import 'message.dart';
/// [DiagnosticsNode] tree types that can be requested by [GetDiagnosticsTree].
enum DiagnosticsType {
/// The [DiagnosticsNode] tree formed by [RenderObject]s.
/// The [DiagnosticsNode] tree formed by [Widget]s.
EnumIndex<DiagnosticsType> _diagnosticsTypeIndex = EnumIndex<DiagnosticsType>(DiagnosticsType.values);
/// A Flutter Driver command to retrieve the JSON-serialized [DiagnosticsNode]
/// tree of the object identified by [finder].
/// The [DiagnosticsType] of the [DiagnosticsNode] tree returned is specified by
/// [diagnosticsType].
class GetDiagnosticsTree extends CommandWithTarget {
/// Creates a [GetDiagnosticsTree] Flutter Driver command.
GetDiagnosticsTree(super.finder, this.diagnosticsType, {
this.subtreeDepth = 0,
this.includeProperties = true,
}) : assert(subtreeDepth != null),
assert(includeProperties != null);
/// Deserializes this command from the value generated by [serialize].
GetDiagnosticsTree.deserialize(super.json, super.finderFactory)
: subtreeDepth = int.parse(json['subtreeDepth']!),
includeProperties = json['includeProperties'] == 'true',
diagnosticsType = _diagnosticsTypeIndex.lookupBySimpleName(json['diagnosticsType']!),
/// How many levels of children to include in the JSON result.
/// Defaults to zero, which will only return the [DiagnosticsNode] information
/// of the object identified by [finder].
final int subtreeDepth;
/// Whether the properties of a [DiagnosticsNode] should be included.
final bool includeProperties;
/// The type of [DiagnosticsNode] tree that is requested.
final DiagnosticsType diagnosticsType;
Map<String, String> serialize() => super.serialize()..addAll(<String, String>{
'subtreeDepth': subtreeDepth.toString(),
'includeProperties': includeProperties.toString(),
'diagnosticsType': _diagnosticsTypeIndex.toSimpleName(diagnosticsType),
String get kind => 'get_diagnostics_tree';
/// The result of a [GetDiagnosticsTree] command.
class DiagnosticsTreeResult extends Result {
/// Creates a [DiagnosticsTreeResult].
const DiagnosticsTreeResult(this.json);
/// The JSON encoded [DiagnosticsNode] tree requested by the
/// [GetDiagnosticsTree] command.
final Map<String, dynamic> json;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => json;