blob: 44b3f6649b82775883d02607bdb8a2fed041c492 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'divider_theme.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
// Examples can assume:
// late BuildContext context;
/// A thin horizontal line, with padding on either side.
/// In the Material Design language, this represents a divider. Dividers can be
/// used in lists, [Drawer]s, and elsewhere to separate content.
/// To create a divider between [ListTile] items, consider using
/// [ListTile.divideTiles], which is optimized for this case.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// The box's total height is controlled by [height]. The appropriate
/// padding is automatically computed from the height.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This sample shows how to display a Divider between an orange and blue box
/// inside a column. The Divider is 20 logical pixels in height and contains a
/// vertically centered black line that is 5 logical pixels thick. The black
/// line is indented by 20 logical pixels.
/// ![](
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/divider/divider.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [PopupMenuDivider], which is the equivalent but for popup menus.
/// * [ListTile.divideTiles], another approach to dividing widgets in a list.
/// * [VerticalDivider], which is the vertical analog of this widget.
/// * <>
class Divider extends StatelessWidget {
/// Creates a Material Design divider.
/// The [height], [thickness], [indent], and [endIndent] must be null or
/// non-negative.
const Divider({
}) : assert(height == null || height >= 0.0),
assert(thickness == null || thickness >= 0.0),
assert(indent == null || indent >= 0.0),
assert(endIndent == null || endIndent >= 0.0);
/// The divider's height extent.
/// The divider itself is always drawn as a horizontal line that is centered
/// within the height specified by this value.
/// If this is null, then the [] is used. If that is
/// also null, then this defaults to 16.0.
final double? height;
/// The thickness of the line drawn within the divider.
/// A divider with a [thickness] of 0.0 is always drawn as a line with a
/// height of exactly one device pixel.
/// If this is null, then the [DividerThemeData.thickness] is used. If
/// that is also null, then this defaults to 0.0.
final double? thickness;
/// The amount of empty space to the leading edge of the divider.
/// If this is null, then the [DividerThemeData.indent] is used. If that is
/// also null, then this defaults to 0.0.
final double? indent;
/// The amount of empty space to the trailing edge of the divider.
/// If this is null, then the [DividerThemeData.endIndent] is used. If that is
/// also null, then this defaults to 0.0.
final double? endIndent;
/// The color to use when painting the line.
/// If this is null, then the [DividerThemeData.color] is used. If that is
/// also null, then [ThemeData.dividerColor] is used.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// const Divider(
/// color: Colors.deepOrange,
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
final Color? color;
/// Computes the [BorderSide] that represents a divider.
/// If [color] is null, then [DividerThemeData.color] is used. If that is also
/// null, then [ThemeData.dividerColor] is used.
/// If [width] is null, then [DividerThemeData.thickness] is used. If that is
/// also null, then this defaults to 0.0 (a hairline border).
/// If [context] is null, the default color of [BorderSide] is used and the
/// default width of 0.0 is used.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example uses this method to create a box that has a divider above and
/// below it. This is sometimes useful with lists, for instance, to separate a
/// scrollable section from the rest of the interface.
/// ```dart
/// DecoratedBox(
/// decoration: BoxDecoration(
/// border: Border(
/// top: Divider.createBorderSide(context),
/// bottom: Divider.createBorderSide(context),
/// ),
/// ),
/// // child: ...
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
static BorderSide createBorderSide(BuildContext? context, { Color? color, double? width }) {
final Color? effectiveColor = color
?? (context != null ? (DividerTheme.of(context).color ?? Theme.of(context).dividerColor) : null);
final double effectiveWidth = width
?? (context != null ? DividerTheme.of(context).thickness : null)
?? 0.0;
// Prevent assertion since it is possible that context is null and no color
// is specified.
if (effectiveColor == null) {
return BorderSide(
width: effectiveWidth,
return BorderSide(
color: effectiveColor,
width: effectiveWidth,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final DividerThemeData dividerTheme = DividerTheme.of(context);
final double height = this.height ?? ?? 16.0;
final double thickness = this.thickness ?? dividerTheme.thickness ?? 0.0;
final double indent = this.indent ?? dividerTheme.indent ?? 0.0;
final double endIndent = this.endIndent ?? dividerTheme.endIndent ?? 0.0;
return SizedBox(
height: height,
child: Center(
child: Container(
height: thickness,
margin: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: indent, end: endIndent),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border(
bottom: createBorderSide(context, color: color, width: thickness),
/// A thin vertical line, with padding on either side.
/// In the Material Design language, this represents a divider. Vertical
/// dividers can be used in horizontally scrolling lists, such as a
/// [ListView] with [ListView.scrollDirection] set to [Axis.horizontal].
/// The box's total width is controlled by [width]. The appropriate
/// padding is automatically computed from the width.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This sample shows how to display a [VerticalDivider] between a purple and orange box
/// inside a [Row]. The [VerticalDivider] is 20 logical pixels in width and contains a
/// horizontally centered black line that is 1 logical pixels thick. The grey
/// line is indented by 20 logical pixels.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/divider/vertical_divider.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [ListView.separated], which can be used to generate vertical dividers.
/// * [Divider], which is the horizontal analog of this widget.
/// * <>
class VerticalDivider extends StatelessWidget {
/// Creates a Material Design vertical divider.
/// The [width], [thickness], [indent], and [endIndent] must be null or
/// non-negative.
const VerticalDivider({
}) : assert(width == null || width >= 0.0),
assert(thickness == null || thickness >= 0.0),
assert(indent == null || indent >= 0.0),
assert(endIndent == null || endIndent >= 0.0);
/// The divider's width.
/// The divider itself is always drawn as a vertical line that is centered
/// within the width specified by this value.
/// If this is null, then the [] is used. If that is
/// also null, then this defaults to 16.0.
final double? width;
/// The thickness of the line drawn within the divider.
/// A divider with a [thickness] of 0.0 is always drawn as a line with a
/// width of exactly one device pixel.
/// If this is null, then the [DividerThemeData.thickness] is used which
/// defaults to 0.0.
final double? thickness;
/// The amount of empty space on top of the divider.
/// If this is null, then the [DividerThemeData.indent] is used. If that is
/// also null, then this defaults to 0.0.
final double? indent;
/// The amount of empty space under the divider.
/// If this is null, then the [DividerThemeData.endIndent] is used. If that is
/// also null, then this defaults to 0.0.
final double? endIndent;
/// The color to use when painting the line.
/// If this is null, then the [DividerThemeData.color] is used. If that is
/// also null, then [ThemeData.dividerColor] is used.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// ```dart
/// const Divider(
/// color: Colors.deepOrange,
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
final Color? color;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final DividerThemeData dividerTheme = DividerTheme.of(context);
final double width = this.width ?? ?? 16.0;
final double thickness = this.thickness ?? dividerTheme.thickness ?? 0.0;
final double indent = this.indent ?? dividerTheme.indent ?? 0.0;
final double endIndent = this.endIndent ?? dividerTheme.endIndent ?? 0.0;
return SizedBox(
width: width,
child: Center(
child: Container(
width: thickness,
margin: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(top: indent, bottom: endIndent),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border(
left: Divider.createBorderSide(context, color: color, width: thickness),