blob: 0631b428fa32c82de8df5969053ffeb1087234bf [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import '../artifacts.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
import '../base/terminal.dart';
import '../project_validator.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import 'analyze_base.dart';
import 'analyze_continuously.dart';
import 'analyze_once.dart';
import 'validate_project.dart';
class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
bool verboseHelp = false,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
required Platform platform,
required Terminal terminal,
required Logger logger,
required ProcessManager processManager,
required Artifacts artifacts,
required List<ProjectValidator> allProjectValidators,
}) : _artifacts = artifacts,
_fileSystem = fileSystem,
_processManager = processManager,
_logger = logger,
_terminal = terminal,
_allProjectValidators = allProjectValidators,
_platform = platform {
negatable: false,
help: 'Include all the examples and tests from the Flutter repository.',
hide: !verboseHelp);
help: 'Analyze the current project, if applicable.', defaultsTo: true);
negatable: false,
help: '(deprecated) List every public member that is lacking documentation. '
'This command will be removed in a future version of Flutter.',
hide: !verboseHelp);
help: 'Run analysis continuously, watching the filesystem for changes.',
negatable: false);
valueHelp: 'file',
help: 'Also output the results to a file. This is useful with "--watch" '
'if you want a file to always contain the latest results.');
valueHelp: 'path-to-sdk',
help: 'The path to the Dart SDK.',
hide: !verboseHelp);
valueHelp: 'path-to-protocol-traffic-log',
help: 'The path to write the request and response protocol. This is '
'only intended to be used for debugging the tooling.',
hide: !verboseHelp);
help: 'Show suggestions about the current flutter project.'
negatable: false,
help: 'Dumps a JSON with a subset of relevant data about the tool, project, '
'and environment.',
hide: !verboseHelp,
// Hidden option to enable a benchmarking mode.
negatable: false,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Also output the analysis time.');
// Not used by analyze --watch
help: 'Show output even when there are no errors, warnings, hints, or lints. '
'Ignored if "--watch" is specified.',
defaultsTo: true);
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'When analyzing the flutter repository, display the number of '
'files that will be analyzed.\n'
'Ignored if "--watch" is specified.');
help: 'Treat info level issues as fatal.',
defaultsTo: true);
help: 'Treat warning level issues as fatal.',
defaultsTo: true);
/// The working directory for testing analysis using dartanalyzer.
final Directory? workingDirectory;
final Artifacts _artifacts;
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
final Logger _logger;
final Terminal _terminal;
final ProcessManager _processManager;
final Platform _platform;
final List<ProjectValidator> _allProjectValidators;
String get name => 'analyze';
String get description => "Analyze the project's Dart code.";
String get category => FlutterCommandCategory.project;
List<ProjectValidator> allProjectValidators() => _allProjectValidators;
bool get shouldRunPub {
// If they're not analyzing the current project.
if (!boolArgDeprecated('current-package')) {
return false;
// Or we're not in a project directory.
if (!_fileSystem.file('pubspec.yaml').existsSync()) {
return false;
// Don't run pub if asking for machine output.
if (boolArg('machine') != null && boolArg('machine')!) {
return false;
return super.shouldRunPub;
Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
final bool? suggestionFlag = boolArg('suggestions');
final bool machineFlag = boolArg('machine') ?? false;
if (suggestionFlag != null && suggestionFlag == true) {
final String directoryPath;
final bool? watchFlag = boolArg('watch');
if (watchFlag != null && watchFlag) {
throwToolExit('flag --watch is not compatible with --suggestions');
if (workingDirectory == null) {
final Set<String> items = findDirectories(argResults!, _fileSystem);
if (items.isEmpty) { // user did not specify any path
directoryPath = _fileSystem.currentDirectory.path;
_logger.printTrace('Showing suggestions for current directory: $directoryPath');
} else if (items.length > 1) { // if the user sends more than one path
throwToolExit('The suggestions flag can process only one directory path');
} else {
directoryPath = items.first;
} else {
directoryPath = workingDirectory!.path;
return ValidateProject(
fileSystem: _fileSystem,
logger: _logger,
allProjectValidators: _allProjectValidators,
userPath: directoryPath,
processManager: _processManager,
machine: machineFlag,
} else if (boolArgDeprecated('watch')) {
await AnalyzeContinuously(
fileSystem: _fileSystem,
logger: _logger,
platform: _platform,
processManager: _processManager,
terminal: _terminal,
artifacts: _artifacts,
} else {
await AnalyzeOnce(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
fileSystem: _fileSystem,
logger: _logger,
platform: _platform,
processManager: _processManager,
terminal: _terminal,
artifacts: _artifacts,
return FlutterCommandResult.success();