blob: f67b9c995bc6330d8dbcaedd902d6cac55274aab [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../../src/android/android_sdk.dart';
import '../../src/android/android_studio.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../convert.dart';
import '../features.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../reporting/reporting.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
class ConfigCommand extends FlutterCommand {
ConfigCommand({ bool verboseHelp = false }) {
help: 'Enable or disable reporting anonymously tool usage statistics and crash reports.');
negatable: false,
help: 'Clear the saved development certificate choice used to sign apps for iOS device deployment.');
argParser.addOption('android-sdk', help: 'The Android SDK directory.');
argParser.addOption('android-studio-dir', help: 'The Android Studio install directory.');
argParser.addOption('build-dir', help: 'The relative path to override a projects build directory.',
valueHelp: 'out/');
negatable: false,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Print config values as json.');
for (final Feature feature in allFeatures) {
final String? configSetting = feature.configSetting;
if (configSetting == null) {
help: feature.generateHelpMessage(),
help: 'Remove all configured features and restore them to the default values.',
negatable: false,
final String name = 'config';
final String description =
'Configure Flutter settings.\n\n'
'To remove a setting, configure it to an empty string.\n\n'
'The Flutter tool anonymously reports feature usage statistics and basic crash reports to help improve '
"Flutter tools over time. See Google's privacy policy:";
final String category = FlutterCommandCategory.sdk;
final List<String> aliases = <String>['configure'];
bool get shouldUpdateCache => false;
String get usageFooter {
// List all config settings. for feature flags, include whether they
// are available.
final Map<String, Feature> featuresByName = <String, Feature>{};
final String channel =;
for (final Feature feature in allFeatures) {
final String? configSetting = feature.configSetting;
if (configSetting != null) {
featuresByName[configSetting] = feature;
String values = globals.config.keys
.map<String>((String key) {
String configFooter = '';
if (featuresByName.containsKey(key)) {
final FeatureChannelSetting setting = featuresByName[key]!.getSettingForChannel(channel);
if (!setting.available) {
configFooter = '(Unavailable)';
return ' $key: ${globals.config.getValue(key)} $configFooter';
if (values.isEmpty) {
values = ' No settings have been configured.';
final bool analyticsEnabled = globals.flutterUsage.enabled &&
'Analytics reporting is currently ${analyticsEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}.';
/// Return null to disable analytics recording of the `config` command.
Future<String?> get usagePath async => null;
Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
if (boolArgDeprecated('machine')) {
await handleMachine();
return FlutterCommandResult.success();
if (boolArgDeprecated('clear-features')) {
for (final Feature feature in allFeatures) {
final String? configSetting = feature.configSetting;
if (configSetting != null) {
return FlutterCommandResult.success();
if (argResults?.wasParsed('analytics') ?? false) {
final bool value = boolArgDeprecated('analytics');
// The tool sends the analytics event *before* toggling the flag
// intentionally to be sure that opt-out events are sent correctly.
AnalyticsConfigEvent(enabled: value).send();
if (!value) {
// Normally, the tool waits for the analytics to all send before the
// tool exits, but only when analytics are enabled. When reporting that
// analytics have been disable, the wait must be done here instead.
await globals.flutterUsage.ensureAnalyticsSent();
globals.flutterUsage.enabled = value;
globals.printStatus('Analytics reporting ${value ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}.');
if (argResults?.wasParsed('android-sdk') ?? false) {
_updateConfig('android-sdk', stringArgDeprecated('android-sdk')!);
if (argResults?.wasParsed('android-studio-dir') ?? false) {
_updateConfig('android-studio-dir', stringArgDeprecated('android-studio-dir')!);
if (argResults?.wasParsed('clear-ios-signing-cert') ?? false) {
_updateConfig('ios-signing-cert', '');
if (argResults?.wasParsed('build-dir') ?? false) {
final String buildDir = stringArgDeprecated('build-dir')!;
if (globals.fs.path.isAbsolute(buildDir)) {
throwToolExit('build-dir should be a relative path');
_updateConfig('build-dir', buildDir);
for (final Feature feature in allFeatures) {
final String? configSetting = feature.configSetting;
if (configSetting == null) {
if (argResults?.wasParsed(configSetting) ?? false) {
final bool keyValue = boolArgDeprecated(configSetting);
globals.config.setValue(configSetting, keyValue);
globals.printStatus('Setting "$configSetting" value to "$keyValue".');
if (argResults == null || argResults!.arguments.isEmpty) {
} else {
globals.printStatus('\nYou may need to restart any open editors for them to read new settings.');
return FlutterCommandResult.success();
Future<void> handleMachine() async {
// Get all the current values.
final Map<String, Object?> results = <String, Object?>{};
for (final String key in globals.config.keys) {
results[key] = globals.config.getValue(key);
// Ensure we send any calculated ones, if overrides don't exist.
final AndroidStudio? androidStudio = globals.androidStudio;
if (results['android-studio-dir'] == null && androidStudio != null) {
results['android-studio-dir'] =;
final AndroidSdk? androidSdk = globals.androidSdk;
if (results['android-sdk'] == null && androidSdk != null) {
results['android-sdk'] =;
globals.printStatus(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(results));
void _updateConfig(String keyName, String keyValue) {
if (keyValue.isEmpty) {
globals.printStatus('Removing "$keyName" value.');
} else {
globals.config.setValue(keyName, keyValue);
globals.printStatus('Setting "$keyName" value to "$keyValue".');