blob: a7e850d14efc8e9989294d1d93a54f3b95383106 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder, jsonDecode;
import 'package:file/file.dart' show File;
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import './globals.dart' as globals;
import './proto/conductor_state.pb.dart' as pb;
import './proto/conductor_state.pbenum.dart' show ReleasePhase;
const String kStateFileName = '.flutter_conductor_state.json';
const String betaPostReleaseMsg = """
'Ensure the following post release steps are complete:',
'\t 1. Post announcement to discord and press the publish button',
'\t\t Discord: ${globals.discordReleaseChannel}',
'\t 2. Post announcement flutter release hotline chat room',
'\t\t Chatroom: ${globals.flutterReleaseHotline}',
const String stablePostReleaseMsg = """
'Ensure the following post release steps are complete:',
'\t 1. Update hotfix to stable wiki following documentation best practices',
'\t\t Wiki link: ${globals.hotfixToStableWiki}',
'\t\t Best practices: ${globals.hotfixDocumentationBestPractices}',
'\t 2. Post announcement to flutter-announce group',
'\t\t Flutter Announce: ${globals.flutterAnnounceGroup}',
'\t 3. Post announcement to discord and press the publish button',
'\t\t Discord: ${globals.discordReleaseChannel}',
'\t 4. Post announcement flutter release hotline chat room',
'\t\t Chatroom: ${globals.flutterReleaseHotline}',
String luciConsoleLink(String channel, String groupName) {
'channel $channel not recognized',
<String>['flutter', 'engine', 'packaging'].contains(groupName),
'group named $groupName not recognized',
final String consoleName =
channel == 'master' ? groupName : '${channel}_$groupName';
return '$consoleName/console';
String defaultStateFilePath(Platform platform) {
final String? home = platform.environment['HOME'];
if (home == null) {
throw globals.ConductorException(
r'Environment variable $HOME must be set!');
return <String>[
String presentState(pb.ConductorState state) {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln('Conductor version: ${state.conductorVersion}');
buffer.writeln('Release channel: ${state.releaseChannel}');
buffer.writeln('Release version: ${state.releaseVersion}');
'Release started at: ${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(state.createdDate.toInt())}');
'Last updated at: ${DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(state.lastUpdatedDate.toInt())}');
buffer.writeln('Engine Repo');
buffer.writeln('\tCandidate branch: ${state.engine.candidateBranch}');
buffer.writeln('\tStarting git HEAD: ${state.engine.startingGitHead}');
buffer.writeln('\tCurrent git HEAD: ${state.engine.currentGitHead}');
buffer.writeln('\tPath to checkout: ${state.engine.checkoutPath}');
'\tPost-submit LUCI dashboard: ${luciConsoleLink(state.releaseChannel, 'engine')}');
if (state.engine.cherrypicks.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.writeln('${state.engine.cherrypicks.length} Engine Cherrypicks:');
for (final pb.Cherrypick cherrypick in state.engine.cherrypicks) {
buffer.writeln('\t${cherrypick.trunkRevision} - ${cherrypick.state}');
} else {
buffer.writeln('0 Engine cherrypicks.');
if (state.engine.dartRevision != null &&
state.engine.dartRevision.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.writeln('New Dart SDK revision: ${state.engine.dartRevision}');
buffer.writeln('Framework Repo');
buffer.writeln('\tCandidate branch: ${state.framework.candidateBranch}');
buffer.writeln('\tStarting git HEAD: ${state.framework.startingGitHead}');
buffer.writeln('\tCurrent git HEAD: ${state.framework.currentGitHead}');
buffer.writeln('\tPath to checkout: ${state.framework.checkoutPath}');
'\tPost-submit LUCI dashboard: ${luciConsoleLink(state.releaseChannel, 'flutter')}');
if (state.framework.cherrypicks.isNotEmpty) {
'${state.framework.cherrypicks.length} Framework Cherrypicks:');
for (final pb.Cherrypick cherrypick in state.framework.cherrypicks) {
buffer.writeln('\t${cherrypick.trunkRevision} - ${cherrypick.state}');
} else {
buffer.writeln('0 Framework cherrypicks.');
if (state.currentPhase == ReleasePhase.VERIFY_RELEASE) {
'${state.releaseChannel} release ${state.releaseVersion} has been published and verified.\n',
return buffer.toString();
buffer.writeln('The current phase is:');
buffer.writeln('Issue `conductor next` when you are ready to proceed.');
return buffer.toString();
String presentPhases(ReleasePhase currentPhase) {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
bool phaseCompleted = true;
for (final ReleasePhase phase in ReleasePhase.values) {
if (phase == currentPhase) {
// This phase will execute the next time `conductor next` is run.
buffer.writeln('> ${} (current)');
phaseCompleted = false;
} else if (phaseCompleted) {
// This phase was already completed.
buffer.writeln('✓ ${}');
} else {
// This phase has not been completed yet.
buffer.writeln(' ${}');
return buffer.toString();
String phaseInstructions(pb.ConductorState state) {
switch (state.currentPhase) {
if (state.engine.cherrypicks.isEmpty) {
return <String>[
'There are no engine cherrypicks, so issue `conductor next` to continue',
'to the next step.',
'* Create a new entry in http://go/release-eng-retros *',
return <String>[
'You must now manually apply the following engine cherrypicks to the checkout',
'at ${state.engine.checkoutPath} in order:',
for (final pb.Cherrypick cherrypick in state.engine.cherrypicks)
'See ${globals.kReleaseDocumentationUrl} for more information.',
if (!requiresEnginePR(state)) {
return 'You must now codesign the engine binaries for commit '
// User's working branch was pushed to their mirror, but a PR needs to be
// opened on GitHub.
final String newPrLink = globals.getNewPrLink(
userName: githubAccount(state.engine.mirror.url),
repoName: 'engine',
state: state,
return <String>[
'Your working branch ${state.engine.workingBranch} was pushed to your mirror.',
'You must now open a pull request at $newPrLink, verify pre-submit CI',
'builds on your engine pull request are successful, merge your pull request,',
'validate post-submit CI, and then codesign the binaries on the merge commit.',
final List<pb.Cherrypick> outstandingCherrypicks =
(pb.Cherrypick cp) {
return cp.state == pb.CherrypickState.PENDING ||
cp.state == pb.CherrypickState.PENDING_WITH_CONFLICT;
if (outstandingCherrypicks.isNotEmpty) {
return <String>[
'You must now manually apply the following framework cherrypicks to the checkout',
'at ${state.framework.checkoutPath} in order:',
for (final pb.Cherrypick cherrypick in outstandingCherrypicks)
return <String>[
'Either all cherrypicks have been auto-applied or there were none.',
case ReleasePhase.PUBLISH_VERSION:
if (!requiresFrameworkPR(state)) {
return 'Since there are no code changes in this release, no Framework '
'PR is necessary.';
final String newPrLink = globals.getNewPrLink(
userName: githubAccount(state.framework.mirror.url),
repoName: 'flutter',
state: state,
return <String>[
'Your working branch ${state.framework.workingBranch} was pushed to your mirror.',
'You must now open a pull request at $newPrLink',
'verify pre-submit CI builds on your pull request are successful, merge your ',
'pull request, validate post-submit CI.',
case ReleasePhase.PUBLISH_CHANNEL:
return 'Issue `conductor next` to publish your release to the release branch.';
case ReleasePhase.VERIFY_RELEASE:
return 'Release archive packages must be verified on cloud storage: ${luciConsoleLink(state.releaseChannel, 'packaging')}';
case ReleasePhase.RELEASE_COMPLETED:
if (state.releaseChannel == 'beta') {
return <String>[
'This release has been completed.',
return <String>[
'This release has been completed.',
// For analyzer
throw globals.ConductorException('Unimplemented phase ${state.currentPhase}');
/// Regex pattern for git remote host URLs.
/// First group = git host (currently must be
/// Second group = account name
/// Third group = repo name
final RegExp githubRemotePattern = RegExp(
/// Parses a Git remote URL and returns the account name.
/// Uses [githubRemotePattern].
String githubAccount(String remoteUrl) {
final String engineUrl = remoteUrl;
final RegExpMatch? match = githubRemotePattern.firstMatch(engineUrl);
if (match == null) {
throw globals.ConductorException(
'Cannot determine the GitHub account from $engineUrl',
final String? accountName =;
if (accountName == null || accountName.isEmpty) {
throw globals.ConductorException(
'Cannot determine the GitHub account from $match',
return accountName;
/// Returns the next phase in the ReleasePhase enum.
/// Will throw a [ConductorException] if [ReleasePhase.RELEASE_COMPLETED] is
/// passed as an argument, as there is no next phase.
ReleasePhase getNextPhase(ReleasePhase currentPhase) {
assert(currentPhase != null);
final ReleasePhase? nextPhase = ReleasePhase.valueOf(currentPhase.value + 1);
if (nextPhase == null) {
throw globals.ConductorException('There is no next ReleasePhase!');
return nextPhase;
// Indent two spaces.
const JsonEncoder _encoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
void writeStateToFile(File file, pb.ConductorState state, List<String> logs) {
flush: true,
pb.ConductorState readStateFromFile(File file) {
final pb.ConductorState state = pb.ConductorState();
final String stateAsString = file.readAsStringSync();
return state;
/// This release will require a new Engine PR.
/// The logic is if there are engine cherrypicks that have not been abandoned OR
/// there is a new Dart revision, then return true, else false.
bool requiresEnginePR(pb.ConductorState state) {
final bool hasRequiredCherrypicks = state.engine.cherrypicks.any(
(pb.Cherrypick cp) => cp.state != pb.CherrypickState.ABANDONED,
if (hasRequiredCherrypicks) {
return true;
return state.engine.dartRevision.isNotEmpty;
/// This release will require a new Framework PR.
/// The logic is if there was an Engine PR OR there are framework cherrypicks
/// that have not been abandoned.
bool requiresFrameworkPR(pb.ConductorState state) {
if (requiresEnginePR(state)) {
return true;
final bool hasRequiredCherrypicks = state.framework.cherrypicks
.any((pb.Cherrypick cp) => cp.state != pb.CherrypickState.ABANDONED);
if (hasRequiredCherrypicks) {
return true;
return false;