blob: 6a64b195d2ccd1cea0c0671c119f57e33cea3ca9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'enum_util.dart';
import 'message.dart';
EnumIndex<TextInputAction> _textInputActionIndex =
/// A Flutter Driver command that send a text input action.
class SendTextInputAction extends Command {
/// Creates a command that enters text into the currently focused widget.
const SendTextInputAction(this.textInputAction, {super.timeout});
/// Deserializes this command from the value generated by [serialize].
: textInputAction =
/// The [TextInputAction]
final TextInputAction textInputAction;
String get kind => 'send_text_input_action';
Map<String, String> serialize() => super.serialize()
..addAll(<String, String>{
'action': _textInputActionIndex.toSimpleName(textInputAction),
/// An action the user has requested the text input control to perform.
// This class is identical to [TextInputAction](
// This class is cloned from `TextInputAction` and must be kept in sync. The cloning is needed
// because importing is not allowed directly.
enum TextInputAction {
/// Logical meaning: There is no relevant input action for the current input
/// source, e.g., [TextField].
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_NONE". The keyboard setup
/// is decided by the OS. The keyboard will likely show a return key.
/// iOS: iOS does not have a keyboard return type of "none." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on iOS.
/// Logical meaning: Let the OS decide which action is most appropriate.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED". The OS chooses
/// which keyboard action to display. The decision will likely be a done
/// button or a return key.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyDefault". The title displayed in
/// the action button is "return".
/// Logical meaning: The user is done providing input to a group of inputs
/// (like a form). Some kind of finalization behavior should now take place.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_DONE". The OS displays a
/// button that represents completion, e.g., a checkmark button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyDone". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Done".
/// Logical meaning: The user has entered some text that represents a
/// destination, e.g., a restaurant name. The "go" button is intended to take
/// the user to a part of the app that corresponds to this destination.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_GO". The OS displays a
/// button that represents taking "the user to the target of the text they
/// typed", e.g., a right-facing arrow button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyGo". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Go".
/// Logical meaning: Execute a search query.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_SEARCH". The OS displays a
/// button that represents a search, e.g., a magnifying glass button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeySearch". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Search".
/// Logical meaning: Sends something that the user has composed, e.g., an
/// email or a text message.
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_SEND". The OS displays a
/// button that represents sending something, e.g., a paper plane button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeySend". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Send".
/// Logical meaning: The user is done with the current input source and wants
/// to move to the next one.
/// Moves the focus to the next focusable item in the same [FocusScope].
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_NEXT". The OS displays a
/// button that represents moving forward, e.g., a right-facing arrow button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyNext". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Next".
/// Logical meaning: The user wishes to return to the previous input source
/// in the group, e.g., a form with multiple [TextField]s.
/// Moves the focus to the previous focusable item in the same [FocusScope].
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS". The OS displays a
/// button that represents moving backward, e.g., a left-facing arrow button.
/// iOS: iOS does not have a keyboard return type of "previous." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on iOS.
/// Logical meaning: In iOS apps, it is common for a "Back" button and
/// "Continue" button to appear at the top of the screen. However, when the
/// keyboard is open, these buttons are often hidden off-screen. Therefore,
/// the purpose of the "Continue" return key on iOS is to make the "Continue"
/// button available when the user is entering text.
/// Historical context aside, [TextInputAction.continueAction] can be used any
/// time that the term "Continue" seems most appropriate for the given action.
/// Android: Android does not have an IME input type of "continue." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on Android.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyContinue". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Continue". This action is only available on iOS 9.0+.
/// The reason that this value has "Action" post-fixed to it is because
/// "continue" is a reserved word in Dart, as well as many other languages.
/// Logical meaning: The user wants to join something, e.g., a wireless
/// network.
/// Android: Android does not have an IME input type of "join." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on Android.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyJoin". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Join".
/// Logical meaning: The user wants routing options, e.g., driving directions.
/// Android: Android does not have an IME input type of "route." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on Android.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyRoute". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "Route".
/// Logical meaning: Initiate a call to emergency services.
/// Android: Android does not have an IME input type of "emergencyCall." It is
/// inappropriate to choose this [TextInputAction] when running on Android.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall". The title displayed
/// in the action button is "Emergency Call".
/// Logical meaning: Insert a newline character in the focused text input,
/// e.g., [TextField].
/// Android: Corresponds to Android's "IME_ACTION_NONE". The OS displays a
/// button that represents a new line, e.g., a carriage return button.
/// iOS: Corresponds to iOS's "UIReturnKeyDefault". The title displayed in the
/// action button is "return".
/// The term [TextInputAction.newline] exists in Flutter but not in Android
/// or iOS. The reason for introducing this term is so that developers can
/// achieve the common result of inserting new lines without needing to
/// understand the various IME actions on Android and return keys on iOS.
/// Thus, [TextInputAction.newline] is a convenience term that alleviates the
/// need to understand the underlying platforms to achieve this common behavior.