blob: 36d8e558d7f1a3df9628005bd55a61dbacf7b724 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart' show md5;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../convert.dart' show json;
import 'file_system.dart';
import 'logger.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A tool that can be used to compute, compare, and write [Fingerprint]s for a
/// set of input files and associated build settings.
/// This class should only be used in situations where `assemble` is not appropriate,
/// such as checking if Cocoapods should be run.
class Fingerprinter {
required this.fingerprintPath,
required Iterable<String> paths,
required FileSystem fileSystem,
required Logger logger,
}) : _paths = paths.toList(),
assert(fingerprintPath != null),
assert(paths != null && paths.every((String path) => path != null)),
_logger = logger,
_fileSystem = fileSystem;
final String fingerprintPath;
final List<String> _paths;
final Logger _logger;
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
Fingerprint buildFingerprint() {
final List<String> paths = _getPaths();
return Fingerprint.fromBuildInputs(paths, _fileSystem);
bool doesFingerprintMatch() {
try {
final File fingerprintFile = _fileSystem.file(fingerprintPath);
if (!fingerprintFile.existsSync()) {
return false;
final List<String> paths = _getPaths();
if (!paths.every(_fileSystem.isFileSync)) {
return false;
final Fingerprint oldFingerprint = Fingerprint.fromJson(fingerprintFile.readAsStringSync());
final Fingerprint newFingerprint = buildFingerprint();
return oldFingerprint == newFingerprint;
} on Exception catch (e) {
// Log exception and continue, fingerprinting is only a performance improvement.
_logger.printTrace('Fingerprint check error: $e');
return false;
void writeFingerprint() {
try {
final Fingerprint fingerprint = buildFingerprint();
final File fingerprintFile = _fileSystem.file(fingerprintPath);
fingerprintFile.createSync(recursive: true);
} on Exception catch (e) {
// Log exception and continue, fingerprinting is only a performance improvement.
_logger.printTrace('Fingerprint write error: $e');
List<String> _getPaths() => _paths;
/// A fingerprint that uniquely identifies a set of build input files and
/// properties.
/// See [Fingerprinter].
class Fingerprint {
const Fingerprint._({
Map<String, String>? checksums,
}) : _checksums = checksums ?? const <String, String>{};
factory Fingerprint.fromBuildInputs(Iterable<String> inputPaths, FileSystem fileSystem) {
final Iterable<File> files =<File>(fileSystem.file);
final Iterable<File> missingInputs = files.where((File file) => !file.existsSync());
if (missingInputs.isNotEmpty) {
throw Exception('Missing input files:\n${missingInputs.join('\n')}');
return Fingerprint._(
checksums: <String, String>{
for (final File file in files)
file.path: md5.convert(file.readAsBytesSync()).toString(),
/// Creates a Fingerprint from serialized JSON.
/// Throws [Exception], if there is a version mismatch between the
/// serializing framework and this framework.
factory Fingerprint.fromJson(String jsonData) {
final Map<String, dynamic>? content = castStringKeyedMap(json.decode(jsonData));
final Map<String, String>? files = content == null
? null
: castStringKeyedMap(content['files'])?.cast<String, String>();
return Fingerprint._(
checksums: files ?? <String, String>{},
final Map<String, String> _checksums;
String toJson() => json.encode(<String, dynamic>{
'files': _checksums,
bool operator==(Object other) {
return other is Fingerprint
&& _equalMaps(other._checksums, _checksums);
bool _equalMaps(Map<String, String> a, Map<String, String> b) {
return a.length == b.length
&& a.keys.every((String key) => a[key] == b[key]);
int get hashCode => Object.hash(Object.hashAllUnordered(_checksums.keys), Object.hashAllUnordered(_checksums.values));
String toString() => '{checksums: $_checksums}';