blob: 0ed9456cbb35419430620480329c8f45b0754769 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vm_service;
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/error_handling_io.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'convert.dart';
import 'vmservice.dart';
// Names of some of the Timeline events we care about.
const String kFlutterEngineMainEnterEventName = 'FlutterEngineMainEnter';
const String kFrameworkInitEventName = 'Framework initialization';
const String kFirstFrameBuiltEventName = 'Widgets built first useful frame';
const String kFirstFrameRasterizedEventName = 'Rasterized first useful frame';
class Tracing {
required this.vmService,
required Logger logger,
}) : _logger = logger;
static const String firstUsefulFrameEventName = kFirstFrameRasterizedEventName;
final FlutterVmService vmService;
final Logger _logger;
Future<void> startTracing() async {
await vmService.setTimelineFlags(<String>['Compiler', 'Dart', 'Embedder', 'GC']);
await vmService.service.clearVMTimeline();
/// Stops tracing; optionally wait for first frame.
Future<Map<String, Object?>> stopTracingAndDownloadTimeline({
bool awaitFirstFrame = false,
}) async {
if (awaitFirstFrame) {
final Status status = _logger.startProgress(
'Waiting for application to render first frame...',
try {
final Completer<void> whenFirstFrameRendered = Completer<void>();
try {
await vmService.service.streamListen(vm_service.EventStreams.kExtension);
} on vm_service.RPCError {
// It is safe to ignore this error because we expect an error to be
// thrown if we're already subscribed.
final StringBuffer bufferedEvents = StringBuffer();
void Function(String) handleBufferedEvent = bufferedEvents.writeln;
vmService.service.onExtensionEvent.listen((vm_service.Event event) {
handleBufferedEvent('${event.extensionKind}: ${event.extensionData}');
if (event.extensionKind == 'Flutter.FirstFrame') {
bool done = false;
final List<FlutterView> views = await vmService.getFlutterViews();
for (final FlutterView view in views) {
final String? uiIsolateId = view.uiIsolate?.id;
if (uiIsolateId != null && await vmService
isolateId: uiIsolateId,
)) {
done = true;
if (!done) {
final Timer timer = Timer(const Duration(seconds: 10), () async {
_logger.printStatus('First frame is taking longer than expected...');
for (final FlutterView view in views) {
final String? isolateId = view.uiIsolate?.id;
_logger.printTrace('View ID: ${}');
if (isolateId == null) {
_logger.printTrace('No isolate ID associated with the view.');
final vm_service.Isolate? isolate = await vmService.getIsolateOrNull(isolateId);
if (isolate == null) {
_logger.printTrace('Isolate $isolateId not found.');
_logger.printTrace('Isolate $isolateId state:');
final Map<String, Object?> isolateState = isolate.toJson();
// "libraries" has very long output and is likely unrelated to any first-frame issues.
_logger.printTrace('Received VM events:');
// Swap to just printing new events instead of buffering.
handleBufferedEvent = _logger.printTrace;
await whenFirstFrameRendered.future;
// The exception is rethrown, so don't catch only Exceptions.
} catch (exception) { // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
final vm_service.Response? timeline = await vmService.getTimeline();
await vmService.setTimelineFlags(<String>[]);
final Map<String, Object?>? timelineJson = timeline?.json;
if (timelineJson == null) {
'The device disconnected before the timeline could be retrieved.',
return timelineJson;
/// Download the startup trace information from the given observatory client and
/// store it to `$output/start_up_info.json`.
Future<void> downloadStartupTrace(FlutterVmService vmService, {
bool awaitFirstFrame = true,
required Logger logger,
required Directory output,
}) async {
final File traceInfoFile = output.childFile('start_up_info.json');
// Delete old startup data, if any.
// Create "build" directory, if missing.
if (!traceInfoFile.parent.existsSync()) {
final Tracing tracing = Tracing(vmService: vmService, logger: logger);
final Map<String, Object?> timeline = await tracing.stopTracingAndDownloadTimeline(
awaitFirstFrame: awaitFirstFrame,
final File traceTimelineFile = output.childFile('start_up_timeline.json');
int? extractInstantEventTimestamp(String eventName) {
final List<Object?>? traceEvents = timeline['traceEvents'] as List<Object?>?;
if (traceEvents == null) {
return null;
final List<Map<String, Object?>> events = List<Map<String, Object?>>.from(traceEvents);
Map<String, Object?>? matchedEvent;
for (final Map<String, Object?> event in events) {
if (event['name'] == eventName) {
matchedEvent = event;
return matchedEvent == null ? null : (matchedEvent['ts'] as int?);
String message = 'No useful metrics were gathered.';
final int? engineEnterTimestampMicros = extractInstantEventTimestamp(kFlutterEngineMainEnterEventName);
final int? frameworkInitTimestampMicros = extractInstantEventTimestamp(kFrameworkInitEventName);
if (engineEnterTimestampMicros == null) {
logger.printTrace('Engine start event is missing in the timeline: $timeline');
throwToolExit('Engine start event is missing in the timeline. Cannot compute startup time.');
final Map<String, Object?> traceInfo = <String, Object?>{
'engineEnterTimestampMicros': engineEnterTimestampMicros,
if (frameworkInitTimestampMicros != null) {
final int timeToFrameworkInitMicros = frameworkInitTimestampMicros - engineEnterTimestampMicros;
traceInfo['timeToFrameworkInitMicros'] = timeToFrameworkInitMicros;
message = 'Time to framework init: ${timeToFrameworkInitMicros ~/ 1000}ms.';
if (awaitFirstFrame) {
final int? firstFrameBuiltTimestampMicros = extractInstantEventTimestamp(kFirstFrameBuiltEventName);
final int? firstFrameRasterizedTimestampMicros = extractInstantEventTimestamp(kFirstFrameRasterizedEventName);
if (firstFrameBuiltTimestampMicros == null || firstFrameRasterizedTimestampMicros == null) {
logger.printTrace('First frame events are missing in the timeline: $timeline');
throwToolExit('First frame events are missing in the timeline. Cannot compute startup time.');
// To keep our old benchmarks valid, we'll preserve the
// timeToFirstFrameMicros as the firstFrameBuiltTimestampMicros.
// Additionally, we add timeToFirstFrameRasterizedMicros for a more accurate
// benchmark.
traceInfo['timeToFirstFrameRasterizedMicros'] = firstFrameRasterizedTimestampMicros - engineEnterTimestampMicros;
final int timeToFirstFrameMicros = firstFrameBuiltTimestampMicros - engineEnterTimestampMicros;
traceInfo['timeToFirstFrameMicros'] = timeToFirstFrameMicros;
message = 'Time to first frame: ${timeToFirstFrameMicros ~/ 1000}ms.';
if (frameworkInitTimestampMicros != null) {
traceInfo['timeAfterFrameworkInitMicros'] = firstFrameBuiltTimestampMicros - frameworkInitTimestampMicros;
logger.printStatus('Saved startup trace info in ${traceInfoFile.path}.');