blob: e56f7ca074b66468546ee9f0fede673c7661a974 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show HardwareKeyboard, LogicalKeyboardKey;
double _getGlobalDistance(PointerEvent event, OffsetPair? originPosition) {
assert(originPosition != null);
final Offset offset = event.position - originPosition!.global;
return offset.distance;
// The possible states of a [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer].
// The recognizer advances from [ready] to [possible] when it starts tracking
// a pointer in [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.addAllowedPointer]. Where it advances
// from there depends on the sequence of pointer events that is tracked by the
// recognizer, following the initial [PointerDownEvent]:
// * If a [PointerUpEvent] has not been tracked, the recognizer stays in the [possible]
// state as long as it continues to track a pointer.
// * If a [PointerMoveEvent] is tracked that has moved a sufficient global distance
// from the initial [PointerDownEvent] and it came before a [PointerUpEvent], then
// when this recognizer wins the arena, it will move from the [possible] state to [accepted].
// * If a [PointerUpEvent] is tracked before the pointer has moved a sufficient global
// distance to be considered a drag, then this recognizer moves from the [possible]
// state to [ready].
// * If a [PointerCancelEvent] is tracked then this recognizer moves from its current
// state to [ready].
// Once the recognizer has stopped tracking any remaining pointers, the recognizer
// returns to the [ready] state.
enum _DragState {
// The recognizer is ready to start recognizing a drag.
// The sequence of pointer events seen thus far is consistent with a drag but
// it has not been accepted definitively.
// The sequence of pointer events has been accepted definitively as a drag.
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.tap.GestureTapDownCallback}
/// The consecutive tap count at the time the pointer contacted the
/// screen is given by [TapDragDownDetails.consecutiveTapCount].
/// Used by [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onTapDown].
typedef GestureTapDragDownCallback = void Function(TapDragDownDetails details);
/// Details for [GestureTapDragDownCallback], such as the number of
/// consecutive taps.
/// See also:
/// * [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer], which passes this information to its
/// [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onTapDown] callback.
/// * [TapDragUpDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragUpCallback].
/// * [TapDragStartDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragStartCallback].
/// * [TapDragUpdateDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragUpdateCallback].
/// * [TapDragEndDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragEndCallback].
class TapDragDownDetails with Diagnosticable {
/// Creates details for a [GestureTapDragDownCallback].
/// The [globalPosition], [localPosition], [consecutiveTapCount], and
/// [keysPressedOnDown] arguments must be provided and must not be null.
required this.globalPosition,
required this.localPosition,
required this.consecutiveTapCount,
required this.keysPressedOnDown,
/// The global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
final Offset globalPosition;
/// The local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
final Offset localPosition;
/// The kind of the device that initiated the event.
final PointerDeviceKind? kind;
/// If this tap is in a series of taps, then this value represents
/// the number in the series this tap is.
final int consecutiveTapCount;
/// The keys that were pressed when the most recent [PointerDownEvent] occurred.
final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> keysPressedOnDown;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('globalPosition', globalPosition));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('localPosition', localPosition));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<PointerDeviceKind?>('kind', kind));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('consecutiveTapCount', consecutiveTapCount));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Set<LogicalKeyboardKey>>('keysPressedOnDown', keysPressedOnDown));
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.tap.GestureTapUpCallback}
/// The consecutive tap count at the time the pointer contacted the
/// screen is given by [TapDragUpDetails.consecutiveTapCount].
/// Used by [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onTapUp].
typedef GestureTapDragUpCallback = void Function(TapDragUpDetails details);
/// Details for [GestureTapDragUpCallback], such as the number of
/// consecutive taps.
/// See also:
/// * [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer], which passes this information to its
/// [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onTapUp] callback.
/// * [TapDragDownDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragDownCallback].
/// * [TapDragStartDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragStartCallback].
/// * [TapDragUpdateDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragUpdateCallback].
/// * [TapDragEndDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragEndCallback].
class TapDragUpDetails with Diagnosticable {
/// Creates details for a [GestureTapDragUpCallback].
/// The [kind], [globalPosition], [localPosition], [consecutiveTapCount], and
/// [keysPressedOnDown] arguments must be provided and must not be null.
required this.kind,
required this.globalPosition,
required this.localPosition,
required this.consecutiveTapCount,
required this.keysPressedOnDown,
/// The global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
final Offset globalPosition;
/// The local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
final Offset localPosition;
/// The kind of the device that initiated the event.
final PointerDeviceKind kind;
/// If this tap is in a series of taps, then this value represents
/// the number in the series this tap is.
final int consecutiveTapCount;
/// The keys that were pressed when the most recent [PointerDownEvent] occurred.
final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> keysPressedOnDown;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('globalPosition', globalPosition));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('localPosition', localPosition));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<PointerDeviceKind?>('kind', kind));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('consecutiveTapCount', consecutiveTapCount));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Set<LogicalKeyboardKey>>('keysPressedOnDown', keysPressedOnDown));
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.dragdetails.GestureDragStartCallback}
/// The consecutive tap count at the time the pointer contacted the
/// screen is given by [TapDragStartDetails.consecutiveTapCount].
/// Used by [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onDragStart].
typedef GestureTapDragStartCallback = void Function(TapDragStartDetails details);
/// Details for [GestureTapDragStartCallback], such as the number of
/// consecutive taps.
/// See also:
/// * [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer], which passes this information to its
/// [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onDragStart] callback.
/// * [TapDragDownDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragDownCallback].
/// * [TapDragUpDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragUpCallback].
/// * [TapDragUpdateDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragUpdateCallback].
/// * [TapDragEndDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragEndCallback].
class TapDragStartDetails with Diagnosticable {
/// Creates details for a [GestureTapDragStartCallback].
/// The [globalPosition], [localPosition], [consecutiveTapCount], and
/// [keysPressedOnDown] arguments must be provided and must not be null.
required this.globalPosition,
required this.localPosition,
required this.consecutiveTapCount,
required this.keysPressedOnDown,
/// Recorded timestamp of the source pointer event that triggered the drag
/// event.
/// Could be null if triggered from proxied events such as accessibility.
final Duration? sourceTimeStamp;
/// The global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
/// See also:
/// * [localPosition], which is the [globalPosition] transformed to the
/// coordinate space of the event receiver.
final Offset globalPosition;
/// The local position in the coordinate system of the event receiver at
/// which the pointer contacted the screen.
final Offset localPosition;
/// The kind of the device that initiated the event.
final PointerDeviceKind? kind;
/// If this tap is in a series of taps, then this value represents
/// the number in the series this tap is.
final int consecutiveTapCount;
/// The keys that were pressed when the most recent [PointerDownEvent] occurred.
final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> keysPressedOnDown;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Duration?>('sourceTimeStamp', sourceTimeStamp));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('globalPosition', globalPosition));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('localPosition', localPosition));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<PointerDeviceKind?>('kind', kind));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('consecutiveTapCount', consecutiveTapCount));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Set<LogicalKeyboardKey>>('keysPressedOnDown', keysPressedOnDown));
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.dragdetails.GestureDragUpdateCallback}
/// The consecutive tap count at the time the pointer contacted the
/// screen is given by [TapDragUpdateDetails.consecutiveTapCount].
/// Used by [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onDragUpdate].
typedef GestureTapDragUpdateCallback = void Function(TapDragUpdateDetails details);
/// Details for [GestureTapDragUpdateCallback], such as the number of
/// consecutive taps.
/// See also:
/// * [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer], which passes this information to its
/// [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onDragUpdate] callback.
/// * [TapDragDownDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragDownCallback].
/// * [TapDragUpDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragUpCallback].
/// * [TapDragStartDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragStartCallback].
/// * [TapDragEndDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragEndCallback].
class TapDragUpdateDetails with Diagnosticable {
/// Creates details for a [GestureTapDragUpdateCallback].
/// The [delta] argument must not be null.
/// If [primaryDelta] is non-null, then its value must match one of the
/// coordinates of [delta] and the other coordinate must be zero.
/// The [globalPosition], [localPosition], [offsetFromOrigin], [localOffsetFromOrigin],
/// [consecutiveTapCount], and [keysPressedOnDown] arguments must be provided and must
/// not be null.
this.sourceTimeStamp, =,
required this.globalPosition,
required this.localPosition,
required this.offsetFromOrigin,
required this.localOffsetFromOrigin,
required this.consecutiveTapCount,
required this.keysPressedOnDown,
}) : assert(delta != null),
primaryDelta == null
|| (primaryDelta == delta.dx && delta.dy == 0.0)
|| (primaryDelta == delta.dy && delta.dx == 0.0),
/// Recorded timestamp of the source pointer event that triggered the drag
/// event.
/// Could be null if triggered from proxied events such as accessibility.
final Duration? sourceTimeStamp;
/// The amount the pointer has moved in the coordinate space of the event
/// receiver since the previous update.
/// If the [GestureTapDragUpdateCallback] is for a one-dimensional drag (e.g.,
/// a horizontal or vertical drag), then this offset contains only the delta
/// in that direction (i.e., the coordinate in the other direction is zero).
/// Defaults to zero if not specified in the constructor.
final Offset delta;
/// The amount the pointer has moved along the primary axis in the coordinate
/// space of the event receiver since the previous
/// update.
/// If the [GestureTapDragUpdateCallback] is for a one-dimensional drag (e.g.,
/// a horizontal or vertical drag), then this value contains the component of
/// [delta] along the primary axis (e.g., horizontal or vertical,
/// respectively). Otherwise, if the [GestureTapDragUpdateCallback] is for a
/// two-dimensional drag (e.g., a pan), then this value is null.
/// Defaults to null if not specified in the constructor.
final double? primaryDelta;
/// The pointer's global position when it triggered this update.
/// See also:
/// * [localPosition], which is the [globalPosition] transformed to the
/// coordinate space of the event receiver.
final Offset globalPosition;
/// The local position in the coordinate system of the event receiver at
/// which the pointer contacted the screen.
/// Defaults to [globalPosition] if not specified in the constructor.
final Offset localPosition;
/// The kind of the device that initiated the event.
final PointerDeviceKind? kind;
/// A delta offset from the point where the drag initially contacted
/// the screen to the point where the pointer is currently located in global
/// coordinates (the present [globalPosition]) when this callback is triggered.
/// When considering a [GestureRecognizer] that tracks the number of consecutive taps,
/// this offset is associated with the most recent [PointerDownEvent] that occured.
final Offset offsetFromOrigin;
/// A local delta offset from the point where the drag initially contacted
/// the screen to the point where the pointer is currently located in local
/// coordinates (the present [localPosition]) when this callback is triggered.
/// When considering a [GestureRecognizer] that tracks the number of consecutive taps,
/// this offset is associated with the most recent [PointerDownEvent] that occured.
final Offset localOffsetFromOrigin;
/// If this tap is in a series of taps, then this value represents
/// the number in the series this tap is.
final int consecutiveTapCount;
/// The keys that were pressed when the most recent [PointerDownEvent] occurred.
final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> keysPressedOnDown;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Duration?>('sourceTimeStamp', sourceTimeStamp));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('delta', delta));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<double?>('primaryDelta', primaryDelta));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('globalPosition', globalPosition));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('localPosition', localPosition));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<PointerDeviceKind?>('kind', kind));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('offsetFromOrigin', offsetFromOrigin));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('localOffsetFromOrigin', localOffsetFromOrigin));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('consecutiveTapCount', consecutiveTapCount));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Set<LogicalKeyboardKey>>('keysPressedOnDown', keysPressedOnDown));
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.monodrag.GestureDragEndCallback}
/// The consecutive tap count at the time the pointer contacted the
/// screen is given by [TapDragEndDetails.consecutiveTapCount].
/// Used by [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onDragEnd].
typedef GestureTapDragEndCallback = void Function(TapDragEndDetails endDetails);
/// Details for [GestureTapDragEndCallback], such as the number of
/// consecutive taps.
/// See also:
/// * [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer], which passes this information to its
/// [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onDragEnd] callback.
/// * [TapDragDownDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragDownCallback].
/// * [TapDragUpDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragUpCallback].
/// * [TapDragStartDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragStartCallback].
/// * [TapDragUpdateDetails], the details for [GestureTapDragUpdateCallback].
class TapDragEndDetails with Diagnosticable {
/// Creates details for a [GestureTapDragEndCallback].
/// The [velocity] argument must not be null.
/// The [consecutiveTapCount], and [keysPressedOnDown] arguments must
/// be provided and must not be null.
this.velocity =,
required this.consecutiveTapCount,
required this.keysPressedOnDown,
}) : assert(velocity != null),
primaryVelocity == null
|| primaryVelocity == velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dx
|| primaryVelocity == velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy,
/// The velocity the pointer was moving when it stopped contacting the screen.
/// Defaults to zero if not specified in the constructor.
final Velocity velocity;
/// The velocity the pointer was moving along the primary axis when it stopped
/// contacting the screen, in logical pixels per second.
/// If the [GestureTapDragEndCallback] is for a one-dimensional drag (e.g., a
/// horizontal or vertical drag), then this value contains the component of
/// [velocity] along the primary axis (e.g., horizontal or vertical,
/// respectively). Otherwise, if the [GestureTapDragEndCallback] is for a
/// two-dimensional drag (e.g., a pan), then this value is null.
/// Defaults to null if not specified in the constructor.
final double? primaryVelocity;
/// If this tap is in a series of taps, then this value represents
/// the number in the series this tap is.
final int consecutiveTapCount;
/// The keys that were pressed when the most recent [PointerDownEvent] occurred.
final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> keysPressedOnDown;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Velocity>('velocity', velocity));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<double?>('primaryVelocity', primaryVelocity));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('consecutiveTapCount', consecutiveTapCount));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Set<LogicalKeyboardKey>>('keysPressedOnDown', keysPressedOnDown));
/// Signature for when the pointer that previously triggered a
/// [GestureTapDragDownCallback] did not complete.
/// Used by [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.onCancel].
typedef GestureCancelCallback = void Function();
// A mixin for [OneSequenceGestureRecognizer] that tracks the number of taps
// that occur in a series of [PointerEvent]s and the most recent set of
// [LogicalKeyboardKey]s pressed on the most recent tap down.
// A tap is tracked as part of a series of taps if:
// 1. The elapsed time between when a [PointerUpEvent] and the subsequent
// [PointerDownEvent] does not exceed [kDoubleTapTimeout].
// 2. The delta between the position tapped in the global coordinate system
// and the position that was tapped previously must be less than or equal
// to [kDoubleTapSlop].
// This mixin's state, i.e. the series of taps being tracked is reset when
// a tap is tracked that does not meet any of the specifications stated above.
mixin _TapStatusTrackerMixin on OneSequenceGestureRecognizer {
// Public state available to [OneSequenceGestureRecognizer].
// The [PointerDownEvent] that was most recently tracked in [addAllowedPointer].
// This value will be null if a [PointerDownEvent] has not been tracked yet in
// [addAllowedPointer] or the timer between two taps has elapsed.
// This value is only reset when the timer between a [PointerUpEvent] and the
// [PointerDownEvent] times out or when a new [PointerDownEvent] is tracked in
// [addAllowedPointer].
PointerDownEvent? get currentDown => _down;
// The [PointerUpEvent] that was most recently tracked in [handleEvent].
// This value will be null if a [PointerUpEvent] has not been tracked yet in
// [handleEvent] or the timer between two taps has elapsed.
// This value is only reset when the timer between a [PointerUpEvent] and the
// [PointerDownEvent] times out or when a new [PointerDownEvent] is tracked in
// [addAllowedPointer].
PointerUpEvent? get currentUp => _up;
// The number of consecutive taps that the most recently tracked [PointerDownEvent]
// in [currentDown] represents.
// This value defaults to zero, meaning a tap series is not currently being tracked.
// When this value is greater than zero it means [addAllowedPointer] has run
// and at least one [PointerDownEvent] belongs to the current series of taps
// being tracked.
// [addAllowedPointer] will either increment this value by `1` or set the value to `1`
// depending if the new [PointerDownEvent] is determined to be in the same series as the
// tap that preceded it. If too much time has elapsed between two taps, the recognizer has lost
// in the arena, the gesture has been cancelled, or the recognizer is being disposed then
// this value will be set to `0`, and a new series will begin.
int get consecutiveTapCount => _consecutiveTapCount;
// The set of [LogicalKeyboardKey]s pressed when the most recent [PointerDownEvent]
// was tracked in [addAllowedPointer].
// This value defaults to an empty set.
// When the timer between two taps elapses, the recognizer loses the arena, the gesture is cancelled
// or the recognizer is disposed of then this value is reset.
Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> get keysPressedOnDown => _keysPressedOnDown ?? <LogicalKeyboardKey>{};
// The upper limit for the [consecutiveTapCount]. When this limit is reached
// all tap related state is reset and a new tap series is tracked.
// If this value is null, [consecutiveTapCount] can grow infinitely large.
int? get maxConsecutiveTap;
// The maximum distance in logical pixels the gesture is allowed to drift
// from the initial touch down position before the [consecutiveTapCount]
// and [keysPressedOnDown] are frozen and the remaining tracker state is
// reset. These values remain frozen until the next [PointerDownEvent] is
// tracked in [addAllowedPointer].
double? get slopTolerance;
// Private tap state tracked.
PointerDownEvent? _down;
PointerUpEvent? _up;
int _consecutiveTapCount = 0;
Set<LogicalKeyboardKey>? _keysPressedOnDown;
OffsetPair? _originPosition;
int? _previousButtons;
// For timing taps.
Timer? _consecutiveTapTimer;
Offset? _lastTapOffset;
// When tracking a tap, the [consecutiveTapCount] is incremented if the given tap
// falls under the tolerance specifications and reset to 1 if not.
void addAllowedPointer(PointerDownEvent event) {
if (maxConsecutiveTap == _consecutiveTapCount) {
_up = null;
if (_down != null && !_representsSameSeries(event)) {
// The given tap does not match the specifications of the series of taps being tracked,
// reset the tap count and related state.
_consecutiveTapCount = 1;
} else {
_consecutiveTapCount += 1;
// `_down` must be assigned in this method instead of [handleEvent],
// because [acceptGesture] might be called before [handleEvent],
// which may rely on `_down` to initiate a callback.
void handleEvent(PointerEvent event) {
if (event is PointerMoveEvent) {
final bool isSlopPastTolerance = slopTolerance != null && _getGlobalDistance(event, _originPosition) > slopTolerance!;
if (isSlopPastTolerance) {
_previousButtons = null;
_lastTapOffset = null;
} else if (event is PointerUpEvent) {
_up = event;
if (_down != null) {
} else if (event is PointerCancelEvent) {
void rejectGesture(int pointer) {
void dispose() {
void _trackTap(PointerDownEvent event) {
_down = event;
_keysPressedOnDown = HardwareKeyboard.instance.logicalKeysPressed;
_previousButtons = event.buttons;
_lastTapOffset = event.position;
_originPosition = OffsetPair(local: event.localPosition, global: event.position);
bool _hasSameButton(int buttons) {
assert(_previousButtons != null);
if (buttons == _previousButtons!) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool _isWithinConsecutiveTapTolerance(Offset secondTapOffset) {
assert(secondTapOffset != null);
if (_lastTapOffset == null) {
return false;
final Offset difference = secondTapOffset - _lastTapOffset!;
return difference.distance <= kDoubleTapSlop;
bool _representsSameSeries(PointerDownEvent event) {
return _consecutiveTapTimer != null
&& _isWithinConsecutiveTapTolerance(event.position)
&& _hasSameButton(event.buttons);
void _consecutiveTapTimerStart() {
_consecutiveTapTimer ??= Timer(kDoubleTapTimeout, _tapTrackerReset);
void _consecutiveTapTimerStop() {
if (_consecutiveTapTimer != null) {
_consecutiveTapTimer = null;
void _tapTrackerReset() {
// The timer has timed out, i.e. the time between a [PointerUpEvent] and the subsequent
// [PointerDownEvent] exceeded the duration of [kDoubleTapTimeout], so the tap belonging
// to the [PointerDownEvent] cannot be considered part of the same tap series as the
// previous [PointerUpEvent].
_previousButtons = null;
_originPosition = null;
_lastTapOffset = null;
_consecutiveTapCount = 0;
_keysPressedOnDown = null;
_down = null;
_up = null;
/// Recognizes taps and movements.
/// Takes on the responsibilities of [TapGestureRecognizer] and
/// [DragGestureRecognizer] in one [GestureRecognizer].
/// ### Gesture arena behavior
/// [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer] competes on the pointer events of
/// [kPrimaryButton] only when it has at least one non-null `onTap*`
/// or `onDrag*` callback.
/// It will declare defeat if it determines that a gesture is not a
/// tap (e.g. if the pointer is dragged too far while it's contacting the
/// screen) or a drag (e.g. if the pointer was not dragged far enough to
/// be considered a drag.
/// This recognizer will not immediately declare victory for every tap or drag that it
/// recognizes.
/// The recognizer will declare victory when all other recognizer's in
/// the arena have lost, if the timer of [kPressTimeout] elapses and a tap
/// series greater than 1 is being tracked.
/// If this recognizer loses the arena (either by declaring defeat or by
/// another recognizer declaring victory) while the pointer is contacting the
/// screen, it will fire [onCancel] instead of [onTapUp] or [onDragEnd].
/// ### When competing with `TapGestureRecognizer` and `DragGestureRecognizer`
/// Similar to [TapGestureRecognizer] and [DragGestureRecognizer],
/// [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer] will not aggresively declare victory when it detects
/// a tap, so when it is competing with those gesture recognizers and others it has a chance
/// of losing.
/// When competing against [TapGestureRecognizer], if the pointer does not move past the tap
/// tolerance, then the recognizer that entered the arena first will win. In this case the
/// gesture detected is a tap. If the pointer does travel past the tap tolerance then this
/// recognizer will be declared winner by default. The gesture detected in this case is a drag.
/// When competing against [DragGestureRecognizer], if the pointer does not move a sufficient
/// global distance to be considered a drag, the recognizers will tie in the arena. If the
/// pointer does travel enough distance then the [TapAndDragGestureRecognizer] will lose because
/// the [DragGestureRecognizer] will declare self-victory when the drag threshold is met.
class TapAndDragGestureRecognizer extends OneSequenceGestureRecognizer with _TapStatusTrackerMixin {
/// Creates a tap and drag gesture recognizer.
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.GestureRecognizer.supportedDevices}
}) : _deadline = kPressTimeout,
dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
slopTolerance = kTouchSlop;
/// Configure the behavior of offsets passed to [onDragStart].
/// If set to [DragStartBehavior.start], the [onDragStart] callback will be called
/// with the position of the pointer at the time this gesture recognizer won
/// the arena. If [DragStartBehavior.down], [onDragStart] will be called with
/// the position of the first detected down event for the pointer. When there
/// are no other gestures competing with this gesture in the arena, there's
/// no difference in behavior between the two settings.
/// For more information about the gesture arena:
/// By default, the drag start behavior is [DragStartBehavior.start].
/// See also:
/// * [DragGestureRecognizer.dragStartBehavior], which includes more details and an example.
DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior;
/// The frequency at which the [onDragUpdate] callback is called.
/// The value defaults to null, meaning there is no delay for [onDragUpdate] callback.
/// See also:
/// * [TextSelectionGestureDetector], which uses this parameter to avoid excessive updates
/// text layouts in text fields.
Duration? dragUpdateThrottleFrequency;
/// An upper bound for the amount of taps that can belong to one tap series.
/// When this limit is reached the series of taps being tracked by this
/// recognizer will be reset.
int? maxConsecutiveTap;
// The maximum distance in logical pixels the gesture is allowed to drift
// to still be considered a tap.
// Drifting past the allowed slop amount causes the recognizer to reset
// the tap series it is currently tracking, stopping the consecutive tap
// count from increasing. The consecutive tap count and the set of hardware
// keys that were pressed on tap down will retain their pre-past slop
// tolerance values until the next [PointerDownEvent] is tracked.
// If the gesture exceeds this value, then it can only be accepted as a drag
// gesture.
// Can be null to indicate that the gesture can drift for any distance.
// Defaults to 18 logical pixels.
final double? slopTolerance;
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.tap.TapGestureRecognizer.onTapDown}
/// This triggers after the down event, once a short timeout ([kPressTimeout]) has
/// elapsed, or once the gestures has won the arena, whichever comes first.
/// The position of the pointer is provided in the callback's `details`
/// argument, which is a [TapDragDownDetails] object.
/// {@template flutter.gestures.selectionrecognizers.TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.tapStatusTrackerData}
/// The number of consecutive taps, and the keys that were pressed on tap down
/// are also provided in the callback's `details` argument.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], the button this callback responds to.
/// * [TapDragDownDetails], which is passed as an argument to this callback.
GestureTapDragDownCallback? onTapDown;
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.tap.TapGestureRecognizer.onTapUp}
/// This triggers on the up event, if the recognizer wins the arena with it
/// or has previously won.
/// The position of the pointer is provided in the callback's `details`
/// argument, which is a [TapDragUpDetails] object.
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.selectionrecognizers.TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.tapStatusTrackerData}
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], the button this callback responds to.
/// * [TapDragUpDetails], which is passed as an argument to this callback.
GestureTapDragUpCallback? onTapUp;
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.monodrag.DragGestureRecognizer.onStart}
/// The position of the pointer is provided in the callback's `details`
/// argument, which is a [TapDragStartDetails] object. The [dragStartBehavior]
/// determines this position.
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.selectionrecognizers.TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.tapStatusTrackerData}
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], the button this callback responds to.
/// * [TapDragStartDetails], which is passed as an argument to this callback.
GestureTapDragStartCallback? onDragStart;
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.monodrag.DragGestureRecognizer.onUpdate}
/// The distance traveled by the pointer since the last update is provided in
/// the callback's `details` argument, which is a [TapDragUpdateDetails] object.
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.selectionrecognizers.TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.tapStatusTrackerData}
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], the button this callback responds to.
/// * [TapDragUpdateDetails], which is passed as an argument to this callback.
GestureTapDragUpdateCallback? onDragUpdate;
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.monodrag.DragGestureRecognizer.onEnd}
/// The velocity is provided in the callback's `details` argument, which is a
/// [TapDragEndDetails] object.
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.selectionrecognizers.TapAndDragGestureRecognizer.tapStatusTrackerData}
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], the button this callback responds to.
/// * [TapDragEndDetails], which is passed as an argument to this callback.
GestureTapDragEndCallback? onDragEnd;
/// The pointer that previously triggered [onTapDown] did not complete.
/// This is called when a [PointerCancelEvent] is tracked when the [onTapDown] callback
/// was previously called.
/// It may also be called if a [PointerUpEvent] is tracked after the pointer has moved
/// past the tap tolerance but not past the drag tolerance, and the recognizer has not
/// yet won the arena.
/// See also:
/// * [kPrimaryButton], the button this callback responds to.
GestureCancelCallback? onCancel;
// Tap related state.
bool _pastSlopTolerance = false;
bool _sentTapDown = false;
// Primary pointer being tracked by this recognizer.
int? _primaryPointer;
Timer? _deadlineTimer;
// The recognizer will call [onTapDown] after this amount of time has elapsed
// since starting to track the primary pointer.
// [onTapDown] will not be called if the primary pointer is
// accepted, rejected, or all pointers are up or canceled before [_deadline].
final Duration _deadline;
// Drag related state.
_DragState _dragState = _DragState.ready;
PointerEvent? _start;
late OffsetPair _initialPosition;
late double _globalDistanceMoved;
OffsetPair? _correctedPosition;
// For drag update throttle.
TapDragUpdateDetails? _lastDragUpdateDetails;
Timer? _dragUpdateThrottleTimer;
final Set<int> _acceptedActivePointers = <int>{};
bool _hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept(PointerDeviceKind pointerDeviceKind, double? deviceTouchSlop) {
return _globalDistanceMoved.abs() > computePanSlop(pointerDeviceKind, gestureSettings);
// Drag updates may require throttling to avoid excessive updating, such as for text layouts in text
// fields. The frequency of invocations is controlled by the [dragUpdateThrottleFrequency].
// Once the drag gesture ends, any pending drag update will be fired
// immediately. See [_checkDragEnd].
void _handleDragUpdateThrottled() {
assert(_lastDragUpdateDetails != null);
if (onDragUpdate != null) {
invokeCallback<void>('onDragUpdate', () => onDragUpdate!(_lastDragUpdateDetails!));
_dragUpdateThrottleTimer = null;
_lastDragUpdateDetails = null;
bool isPointerAllowed(PointerEvent event) {
if (_primaryPointer == null) {
switch (event.buttons) {
case kPrimaryButton:
if (onTapDown == null &&
onDragStart == null &&
onDragUpdate == null &&
onDragEnd == null &&
onTapUp == null &&
onCancel == null) {
return false;
return false;
} else {
if (event.pointer != _primaryPointer) {
return false;
return super.isPointerAllowed(event as PointerDownEvent);
void addAllowedPointer(PointerDownEvent event) {
if (_dragState == _DragState.ready) {
_primaryPointer = event.pointer;
_globalDistanceMoved = 0.0;
_dragState = _DragState.possible;
_initialPosition = OffsetPair(global: event.position, local: event.localPosition);
_deadlineTimer = Timer(_deadline, () => _didExceedDeadlineWithEvent(event));
void handleNonAllowedPointer(PointerDownEvent event) {
// There can be multiple drags simultaneously. Their effects are combined.
if (event.buttons != kPrimaryButton) {
if (!_sentTapDown) {
void acceptGesture(int pointer) {
if (pointer != _primaryPointer) {
// Called when this recognizer is accepted by the [GestureArena].
if (currentDown != null) {
if (_start != null) {
if (currentUp != null) {
void didStopTrackingLastPointer(int pointer) {
switch (_dragState) {
case _DragState.ready:
case _DragState.possible:
if (_pastSlopTolerance) {
// This means the pointer was not accepted as a tap.
if (_sentTapDown) {
// If the recognizer has already won the arena for the primary pointer being tracked
// but the pointer has exceeded the tap tolerance, then the pointer is accepted as a
// drag gesture.
if (currentDown != null) {
} else {
} else {
// The pointer is accepted as a tap.
if (currentUp != null) {
case _DragState.accepted:
// For the case when the pointer has been accepted as a drag.
// Meaning [_checkTapDown] and [_checkDragStart] have already ran.
_dragState = _DragState.ready;
_pastSlopTolerance = false;
void handleEvent(PointerEvent event) {
if (event.pointer != _primaryPointer) {
if (event is PointerMoveEvent) {
// Receiving a [PointerMoveEvent], does not automatically mean the pointer
// being tracked is doing a drag gesture. There is some drift that can happen
// between the initial [PointerDownEvent] and subsequent [PointerMoveEvent]s.
// Accessing [_pastSlopTolerance] lets us know if our tap has moved past the
// acceptable tolerance. If the pointer does not move past this tolerance than
// it is not considered a drag.
// To be recognized as a drag, the [PointerMoveEvent] must also have moved
// a sufficient global distance from the initial [PointerDownEvent] to be
// accepted as a drag. This logic is handled in [_hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept].
// The recognizer will also detect the gesture as a drag when the pointer
// has been accepted and it has moved past the [slopTolerance] but has not moved
// a sufficient global distance from the initial position to be considered a drag.
// In this case since the gesture cannot be a tap, it defaults to a drag.
_pastSlopTolerance = _pastSlopTolerance || slopTolerance != null && _getGlobalDistance(event, _initialPosition) > slopTolerance!;
if (_dragState == _DragState.accepted) {
} else if (_dragState == _DragState.possible) {
if (_start == null) {
// Only check for a drag if the start of a drag was not already identified.
// This can occur when the recognizer is accepted before a [PointerMoveEvent] has been
// received that moves the pointer a sufficient global distance to be considered a drag.
if (_start != null && _sentTapDown) {
} else if (event is PointerUpEvent) {
if (_dragState == _DragState.possible) {
// The drag has not been accepted before a [PointerUpEvent], therefore the recognizer
// attempts to recognize a tap.
} else if (_dragState == _DragState.accepted) {
} else if (event is PointerCancelEvent) {
_dragState = _DragState.ready;
void rejectGesture(int pointer) {
if (pointer != _primaryPointer) {
void dispose() {
String get debugDescription => 'tap_and_drag';
void _acceptDrag(PointerEvent event) {
_dragState = _DragState.accepted;
if (dragStartBehavior == DragStartBehavior.start) {
_initialPosition = _initialPosition + OffsetPair(global:, local: event.localDelta);
if (event.localDelta != {
final Matrix4? localToGlobal = event.transform != null ? Matrix4.tryInvert(event.transform!) : null;
final Offset correctedLocalPosition = _initialPosition.local + event.localDelta;
final Offset globalUpdateDelta = PointerEvent.transformDeltaViaPositions(
untransformedEndPosition: correctedLocalPosition,
untransformedDelta: event.localDelta,
transform: localToGlobal,
final OffsetPair updateDelta = OffsetPair(local: event.localDelta, global: globalUpdateDelta);
_correctedPosition = _initialPosition + updateDelta; // Only adds delta for down behaviour
_correctedPosition = null;
void _checkDrag(PointerMoveEvent event) {
final Matrix4? localToGlobalTransform = event.transform == null ? null : Matrix4.tryInvert(event.transform!);
_globalDistanceMoved += PointerEvent.transformDeltaViaPositions(
transform: localToGlobalTransform,
untransformedDelta: event.localDelta,
untransformedEndPosition: event.localPosition
).distance * 1.sign;
if (_hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept(event.kind, gestureSettings?.touchSlop)) {
_start = event;
void _checkTapDown(PointerDownEvent event) {
if (_sentTapDown) {
final TapDragDownDetails details = TapDragDownDetails(
globalPosition: event.position,
localPosition: event.localPosition,
kind: getKindForPointer(event.pointer),
consecutiveTapCount: consecutiveTapCount,
keysPressedOnDown: keysPressedOnDown,
if (onTapDown != null) {
invokeCallback('onTapDown', () => onTapDown!(details));
_sentTapDown = true;
void _checkTapUp(PointerUpEvent event) {
if (!_sentTapDown) {
final TapDragUpDetails upDetails = TapDragUpDetails(
kind: event.kind,
globalPosition: event.position,
localPosition: event.localPosition,
consecutiveTapCount: consecutiveTapCount,
keysPressedOnDown: keysPressedOnDown,
if (onTapUp != null) {
invokeCallback('onTapUp', () => onTapUp!(upDetails));
if (!_acceptedActivePointers.remove(event.pointer)) {
resolvePointer(event.pointer, GestureDisposition.rejected);
void _checkDragStart(PointerEvent event) {
if (onDragStart != null) {
final TapDragStartDetails details = TapDragStartDetails(
sourceTimeStamp: event.timeStamp,
localPosition: _initialPosition.local,
kind: getKindForPointer(event.pointer),
consecutiveTapCount: consecutiveTapCount,
keysPressedOnDown: keysPressedOnDown,
invokeCallback<void>('onDragStart', () => onDragStart!(details));
_start = null;
void _checkDragUpdate(PointerEvent event) {
final Offset globalPosition = _correctedPosition != null ? _correctedPosition!.global : event.position;
final Offset localPosition = _correctedPosition != null ? _correctedPosition!.local : event.localPosition;
final TapDragUpdateDetails details = TapDragUpdateDetails(
sourceTimeStamp: event.timeStamp,
delta: event.localDelta,
globalPosition: globalPosition,
kind: getKindForPointer(event.pointer),
localPosition: localPosition,
offsetFromOrigin: globalPosition -,
localOffsetFromOrigin: localPosition - _initialPosition.local,
consecutiveTapCount: consecutiveTapCount,
keysPressedOnDown: keysPressedOnDown,
if (dragUpdateThrottleFrequency != null) {
_lastDragUpdateDetails = details;
// Only schedule a new timer if there's not one pending.
_dragUpdateThrottleTimer ??= Timer(dragUpdateThrottleFrequency!, _handleDragUpdateThrottled);
} else {
if (onDragUpdate != null) {
invokeCallback<void>('onDragUpdate', () => onDragUpdate!(details));
void _checkDragEnd() {
if (_dragUpdateThrottleTimer != null) {
// If there's already an update scheduled, trigger it immediately and
// cancel the timer.
final TapDragEndDetails endDetails =
primaryVelocity: 0.0,
consecutiveTapCount: consecutiveTapCount,
keysPressedOnDown: keysPressedOnDown,
invokeCallback<void>('onDragEnd', () => onDragEnd!(endDetails));
void _checkCancel() {
if (!_sentTapDown) {
// Do not fire tap cancel if [onTapDown] was never called.
if (onCancel != null) {
invokeCallback('onCancel', onCancel!);
void _didExceedDeadlineWithEvent(PointerDownEvent event) {
void _didExceedDeadline() {
if (currentDown != null) {
if (consecutiveTapCount > 1) {
// If our consecutive tap count is greater than 1, i.e. is a double tap or greater,
// then this recognizer declares victory to prevent the [LongPressGestureRecognizer]
// from declaring itself the winner if a double tap is held for too long.
void _giveUpPointer(int pointer) {
// If the pointer was never accepted, then it is rejected since this recognizer is no longer
// interested in winning the gesture arena for it.
if (!_acceptedActivePointers.remove(pointer)) {
resolvePointer(pointer, GestureDisposition.rejected);
void _resetTaps() {
_sentTapDown = false;
_primaryPointer = null;
void _resetDragUpdateThrottle() {
if (dragUpdateThrottleFrequency == null) {
_lastDragUpdateDetails = null;
if (_dragUpdateThrottleTimer != null) {
_dragUpdateThrottleTimer = null;
void _stopDeadlineTimer() {
if (_deadlineTimer != null) {
_deadlineTimer = null;