blob: c21acfa4a8927fd3737284d88ac9f08f2b5a80dd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' show stderr;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:platform/platform.dart' show LocalPlatform, Platform;
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'process_runner.dart';
typedef HttpReader = Future<Uint8List> Function(Uri url, {Map<String, String> headers});
/// Creates a pre-populated Flutter archive from a git repo.
class ArchiveCreator {
/// [tempDir] is the directory to use for creating the archive. The script
/// will place several GiB of data there, so it should have available space.
/// The processManager argument is used to inject a mock of [ProcessManager] for
/// testing purposes.
/// If subprocessOutput is true, then output from processes invoked during
/// archive creation is echoed to stderr and stdout.
factory ArchiveCreator(
Directory tempDir,
Directory outputDir,
String revision,
Branch branch, {
required FileSystem fs,
HttpReader? httpReader,
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
ProcessManager? processManager,
bool strict = true,
bool subprocessOutput = true,
}) {
final Directory flutterRoot =, 'flutter'));
final ProcessRunner processRunner = ProcessRunner(
processManager: processManager,
subprocessOutput: subprocessOutput,
platform: platform,
)..environment['PUB_CACHE'] = path.join(
tempDir.path, '.pub-cache',
final String flutterExecutable = path.join(
final String dartExecutable = path.join(
return ArchiveCreator._(
tempDir: tempDir,
platform: platform,
flutterRoot: flutterRoot,
fs: fs,
outputDir: outputDir,
revision: revision,
branch: branch,
strict: strict,
processRunner: processRunner,
httpReader: httpReader ?? http.readBytes,
flutterExecutable: flutterExecutable,
dartExecutable: dartExecutable,
required this.branch,
required String dartExecutable,
required this.fs,
required String flutterExecutable,
required this.flutterRoot,
required this.httpReader,
required this.outputDir,
required this.platform,
required ProcessRunner processRunner,
required this.revision,
required this.strict,
required this.tempDir,
}) :
assert(revision.length == 40),
_processRunner = processRunner,
_flutter = flutterExecutable,
_dart = dartExecutable;
/// The platform to use for the environment and determining which
/// platform we're running on.
final Platform platform;
/// The branch to build the archive for. The branch must contain [revision].
final Branch branch;
/// The git revision hash to build the archive for. This revision has
/// to be available in the [branch], although it doesn't have to be
/// at HEAD, since we clone the branch and then reset to this revision
/// to create the archive.
final String revision;
/// The flutter root directory in the [tempDir].
final Directory flutterRoot;
/// The temporary directory used to build the archive in.
final Directory tempDir;
/// The directory to write the output file to.
final Directory outputDir;
final FileSystem fs;
/// True if the creator should be strict about checking requirements or not.
/// In strict mode, will insist that the [revision] be a tagged revision.
final bool strict;
final Uri _minGitUri = Uri.parse(mingitForWindowsUrl);
final ProcessRunner _processRunner;
/// Used to tell the [ArchiveCreator] which function to use for reading
/// bytes from a URL. Used in tests to inject a fake reader. Defaults to
/// [http.readBytes].
final HttpReader httpReader;
final Map<String, String> _version = <String, String>{};
late String _flutter;
late String _dart;
late final Future<String> _dartArch = (() async {
// Parse 'arch' out of a string like '... "os_arch"\n'.
return (await _runDart(<String>['--version']))
.trim().split(' ').last.replaceAll('"', '').split('_')[1];
/// Returns a default archive name when given a Git revision.
/// Used when an output filename is not given.
Future<String> get _archiveName async {
final String os = platform.operatingSystem.toLowerCase();
// Include the intended host architecture in the file name for non-x64.
final String arch = await _dartArch == 'x64' ? '' : '${await _dartArch}_';
// We don't use .tar.xz on Mac because although it can unpack them
// on the command line (with tar), the "Archive Utility" that runs
// when you double-click on them just does some crazy behavior (it
// converts it to a compressed cpio archive, and when you double
// click on that, it converts it back to .tar.xz, without ever
// unpacking it!) So, we use .zip for Mac, and the files are about
// 220MB larger than they need to be. :-(
final String suffix = platform.isLinux ? 'tar.xz' : 'zip';
final String package = '${os}_$arch${_version[frameworkVersionTag]}';
return 'flutter_$package-${}.$suffix';
/// Checks out the flutter repo and prepares it for other operations.
/// Returns the version for this release as obtained from the git tags, and
/// the dart version as obtained from `flutter --version`.
Future<Map<String, String>> initializeRepo() async {
await _checkoutFlutter();
if (_version.isEmpty) {
_version.addAll(await _getVersion());
return _version;
/// Performs all of the steps needed to create an archive.
Future<File> createArchive() async {
assert(_version.isNotEmpty, 'Must run initializeRepo before createArchive');
final File outputFile = fs.file(path.join(
await _archiveName,
await _installMinGitIfNeeded();
await _populateCaches();
await _validate();
await _archiveFiles(outputFile);
return outputFile;
/// Validates the integrity of the release package.
/// Currently only checks that macOS binaries are codesigned. Will throw a
/// [PreparePackageException] if the test fails.
Future<void> _validate() async {
// Only validate in strict mode, which means `--publish`
if (!strict || !platform.isMacOS) {
// Validate that the dart binary is codesigned
try {
// TODO(fujino): Use the conductor
await _processRunner.runProcess(
workingDirectory: flutterRoot,
} on PreparePackageException catch (e) {
throw PreparePackageException(
'The binary $_dart was not codesigned!\n${e.message}',
/// Returns the version map of this release, according the to tags in the
/// repo and the output of `flutter --version --machine`.
/// This looks for the tag attached to [revision] and, if it doesn't find one,
/// git will give an error.
/// If [strict] is true, the exact [revision] must be tagged to return the
/// version. If [strict] is not true, will look backwards in time starting at
/// [revision] to find the most recent version tag.
/// The version found as a git tag is added to the information given by
/// `flutter --version --machine` with the `frameworkVersionFromGit` tag, and
/// returned.
Future<Map<String, String>> _getVersion() async {
String gitVersion;
if (strict) {
try {
gitVersion = await _runGit(<String>['describe', '--tags', '--exact-match', revision]);
} on PreparePackageException catch (exception) {
throw PreparePackageException(
'Git error when checking for a version tag attached to revision $revision.\n'
'Perhaps there is no tag at that revision?:\n'
} else {
gitVersion = await _runGit(<String>['describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=0', revision]);
// Run flutter command twice, once to make sure the flutter command is built
// and ready (and thus won't output any junk on stdout the second time), and
// once to capture theJSON output. The second run should be fast.
await _runFlutter(<String>['--version', '--machine']);
final String versionJson = await _runFlutter(<String>['--version', '--machine']);
final Map<String, String> versionMap = <String, String>{};
final Map<String, dynamic> result = json.decode(versionJson) as Map<String, dynamic>;
result.forEach((String key, dynamic value) => versionMap[key] = value.toString());
versionMap[frameworkVersionTag] = gitVersion;
versionMap[dartTargetArchTag] = await _dartArch;
return versionMap;
/// Clone the Flutter repo and make sure that the git environment is sane
/// for when the user will unpack it.
Future<void> _checkoutFlutter() async {
// We want the user to start out the in the specified branch instead of a
// detached head. To do that, we need to make sure the branch points at the
// desired revision.
await _runGit(<String>['clone', '-b',, gobMirror], workingDirectory: tempDir);
await _runGit(<String>['reset', '--hard', revision]);
// Make the origin point to github instead of the chromium mirror.
await _runGit(<String>['remote', 'set-url', 'origin', githubRepo]);
// Minify `.git` footprint (saving about ~100 MB as of Oct 2022)
await _runGit(<String>['gc', '--prune=now', '--aggressive']);
/// Retrieve the MinGit executable from storage and unpack it.
Future<void> _installMinGitIfNeeded() async {
if (!platform.isWindows) {
final Uint8List data = await httpReader(_minGitUri);
final File gitFile = fs.file(path.join(tempDir.absolute.path, ''));
await gitFile.writeAsBytes(data, flush: true);
final Directory minGitPath =, 'bin', 'mingit'));
await minGitPath.create(recursive: true);
await _unzipArchive(gitFile, workingDirectory: minGitPath);
/// Downloads an archive of every package that is present in the temporary
/// pub-cache from Stores the archives in
/// $flutterRoot/.pub-preload-cache.
/// These archives will be installed in the user-level cache on first
/// following flutter command that accesses the cache.
/// Precondition: all packages currently in the PUB_CACHE of [_processRunner]
/// are installed from
Future<void> _downloadPubPackageArchives() async {
final Pool pool = Pool(10); // Number of simultaneous downloads.
final http.Client client = http.Client();
final Directory preloadCache =, '.pub-preload-cache'));
preloadCache.createSync(recursive: true);
/// Fetch a single package.
Future<void> fetchPackageArchive(String name, String version) async {
await pool.withResource(() async {
stderr.write('Fetching package archive for $name-$version.\n');
int retries = 7;
while (true) {
try {
final Uri packageListingUrl = Uri.parse('$name');
// Fetch the package listing to obtain the package download url.
final http.Response packageListingResponse = await client.get(packageListingUrl);
if (packageListingResponse.statusCode != 200) {
throw Exception('Downloading $packageListingUrl failed. Status code ${packageListingResponse.statusCode}.');
final dynamic decodedPackageListing = json.decode(packageListingResponse.body);
if (decodedPackageListing is! Map) {
throw const FormatException('Package listing should be a map');
final dynamic versions = decodedPackageListing['versions'];
if (versions is! List) {
throw const FormatException('.versions should be a list');
final Map<String, dynamic> versionDescription = versions.firstWhere(
(dynamic description) {
if (description is! Map) {
throw const FormatException('.versions elements should be maps');
return description['version'] == version;
orElse: () => throw FormatException('Could not find $name-$version in package listing')
) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final dynamic downloadUrl = versionDescription['archive_url'];
if (downloadUrl is! String) {
throw const FormatException('archive_url should be a string');
final dynamic archiveSha256 = versionDescription['archive_sha256'];
if (archiveSha256 is! String) {
throw const FormatException('archive_sha256 should be a string');
final http.Request request = http.Request('get', Uri.parse(downloadUrl));
final http.StreamedResponse response = await client.send(request);
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
throw Exception('Downloading ${request.url} failed. Status code ${response.statusCode}.');
final File archiveFile = fs.file(
path.join(preloadCache.path, '$name-$version.tar.gz'),
final Stream<List<int>> archiveStream = archiveFile.openRead();
final Digest r = await sha256.bind(archiveStream).first;
if (hex.encode(r.bytes) != archiveSha256) {
throw Exception('Hash mismatch of downloaded archive');
} on Exception catch (e) {
stderr.write('Failed downloading $name-$version. $e\n');
if (retries > 0) {
stderr.write('Retrying download of $name-$version...');
// Retry.
} else {
final Map<String, dynamic> cacheDescription = json.decode(await _runFlutter(<String>['pub', 'cache', 'list'])) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final Map<String, dynamic> packages = cacheDescription['packages'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
final List<Future<void>> downloads = <Future<void>>[];
for (final MapEntry<String, dynamic> package in packages.entries) {
final String name = package.key;
final Map<String, dynamic> versions = package.value as Map<String, dynamic>;
for (final String version in versions.keys) {
downloads.add(fetchPackageArchive(name, version));
await Future.wait(downloads);
/// Prepare the archive repo so that it has all of the caches warmed up and
/// is configured for the user to begin working.
Future<void> _populateCaches() async {
await _runFlutter(<String>['doctor']);
await _runFlutter(<String>['update-packages']);
await _runFlutter(<String>['precache']);
await _runFlutter(<String>['ide-config']);
// Create each of the templates, since they will call 'pub get' on
// themselves when created, and this will warm the cache with their
// dependencies too.
for (final String template in <String>['app', 'package', 'plugin']) {
final String createName = path.join(tempDir.path, 'create_$template');
await _runFlutter(
<String>['create', '--template=$template', createName],
// Run it outside the cloned Flutter repo to not nest git repos, since
// they'll be git repos themselves too.
workingDirectory: tempDir,
await _downloadPubPackageArchives();
// Yes, we could just skip all .packages files when constructing
// the archive, but some are checked in, and we don't want to skip
// those.
await _runGit(<String>[
// Do not -X as it could lead to entire bin/cache getting cleaned
/// Remove package_config files and any contents in .dart_tool
await _runGit(<String>[
// Ensure the above commands do not clean out the cache
final Directory flutterCache =, 'bin', 'cache'));
if (!flutterCache.existsSync()) {
throw Exception('The flutter cache was not found at ${flutterCache.path}!');
/// Remove git subfolder from .pub-cache, this contains the flutter goldens
/// and new flutter_gallery.
final Directory gitCache =, '.pub-cache', 'git'));
if (gitCache.existsSync()) {
gitCache.deleteSync(recursive: true);
/// Write the archive to the given output file.
Future<void> _archiveFiles(File outputFile) async {
if (outputFile.path.toLowerCase().endsWith('.zip')) {
await _createZipArchive(outputFile, flutterRoot);
} else if (outputFile.path.toLowerCase().endsWith('.tar.xz')) {
await _createTarArchive(outputFile, flutterRoot);
Future<String> _runDart(List<String> args, {Directory? workingDirectory}) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>[_dart, ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory ?? flutterRoot,
Future<String> _runFlutter(List<String> args, {Directory? workingDirectory}) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>[_flutter, ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory ?? flutterRoot,
Future<String> _runGit(List<String> args, {Directory? workingDirectory}) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['git', ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory ?? flutterRoot,
/// Unpacks the given zip file into the currentDirectory (if set), or the
/// same directory as the archive.
Future<String> _unzipArchive(File archive, {Directory? workingDirectory}) {
workingDirectory ??=;
List<String> commandLine;
if (platform.isWindows) {
commandLine = <String>[
} else {
commandLine = <String>[
return _processRunner.runProcess(commandLine, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
/// Create a zip archive from the directory source.
Future<String> _createZipArchive(File output, Directory source) async {
List<String> commandLine;
if (platform.isWindows) {
// Unhide the .git folder,
await _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['attrib', '-h', '.git'],
commandLine = <String>[
} else {
commandLine = <String>[
return _processRunner.runProcess(
/// Create a tar archive from the directory source.
Future<String> _createTarArchive(File output, Directory source) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(<String>[
// Print out input files as they get added, to debug hangs
], workingDirectory:;