blob: e2d80727bd1ffd4ee5144ed9fd49553f406208d3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' hide Platform;
const String gobMirror = '';
const String githubRepo = '';
const String mingitForWindowsUrl =
const String releaseFolder = '/releases';
const String gsBase = 'gs://flutter_infra_release';
const String gsReleaseFolder = '$gsBase$releaseFolder';
const String baseUrl = '';
const int shortCacheSeconds = 60;
const String frameworkVersionTag = 'frameworkVersionFromGit';
const String dartVersionTag = 'dartSdkVersion';
const String dartTargetArchTag = 'dartTargetArch';
enum Branch { beta, stable, master, main }
/// Exception class for when a process fails to run, so we can catch
/// it and provide something more readable than a stack trace.
class PreparePackageException implements Exception {
PreparePackageException(this.message, [this.result]);
final String message;
final ProcessResult? result;
int get exitCode => result?.exitCode ?? -1;
String toString() {
String output = runtimeType.toString();
output += ': $message';
final String stderr = result?.stderr as String? ?? '';
if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
output += ':\n$stderr';
return output;