| // Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| import 'dart:core' hide print; |
| import 'dart:io' as system show exit; |
| import 'dart:io' hide exit; |
| import 'dart:math' as math; |
| |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart'; |
| import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; |
| import 'package:file/file.dart' as fs; |
| import 'package:file/local.dart'; |
| import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; |
| import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; |
| |
| import 'run_command.dart'; |
| import 'tool_subsharding.dart'; |
| |
| typedef ShardRunner = Future<void> Function(); |
| |
| /// A function used to validate the output of a test. |
| /// |
| /// If the output matches expectations, the function shall return null. |
| /// |
| /// If the output does not match expectations, the function shall return an |
| /// appropriate error message. |
| typedef OutputChecker = String? Function(CommandResult); |
| |
| const Duration _quietTimeout = Duration( |
| minutes: 10, |
| ); // how long the output should be hidden between calls to printProgress before just being verbose |
| |
| // If running from LUCI set to False. |
| final bool isLuci = Platform.environment['LUCI_CI'] == 'True'; |
| final bool hasColor = stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes && !isLuci; |
| final bool _isRandomizationOff = |
| bool.tryParse(Platform.environment['TEST_RANDOMIZATION_OFF'] ?? '') ?? false; |
| |
| final String bold = hasColor ? '\x1B[1m' : ''; // shard titles |
| final String red = hasColor ? '\x1B[31m' : ''; // errors |
| final String green = hasColor ? '\x1B[32m' : ''; // section titles, commands |
| final String yellow = |
| hasColor |
| ? '\x1B[33m' |
| : ''; // indications that a test was skipped (usually renders orange or brown) |
| final String cyan = hasColor ? '\x1B[36m' : ''; // paths |
| final String reverse = hasColor ? '\x1B[7m' : ''; // clocks |
| final String gray = |
| hasColor ? '\x1B[30m' : ''; // subtle decorative items (usually renders as dark gray) |
| final String white = hasColor ? '\x1B[37m' : ''; // last log line (usually renders as light gray) |
| final String reset = hasColor ? '\x1B[0m' : ''; |
| |
| final String exe = Platform.isWindows ? '.exe' : ''; |
| final String bat = Platform.isWindows ? '.bat' : ''; |
| final String flutterRoot = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.fromUri(Platform.script)))); |
| final String flutter = path.join(flutterRoot, 'bin', 'flutter$bat'); |
| final String dart = path.join(flutterRoot, 'bin', 'cache', 'dart-sdk', 'bin', 'dart$exe'); |
| final String pubCache = path.join(flutterRoot, '.pub-cache'); |
| final String engineVersionFile = path.join(flutterRoot, 'bin', 'internal', 'engine.version'); |
| final String luciBotId = Platform.environment['SWARMING_BOT_ID'] ?? ''; |
| final bool runningInDartHHHBot = |
| luciBotId.startsWith('luci-dart-') || luciBotId.startsWith('dart-tests-'); |
| |
| const String kShardKey = 'SHARD'; |
| const String kSubshardKey = 'SUBSHARD'; |
| const String kTestHarnessShardName = 'test_harness_tests'; |
| |
| /// Environment variables to override the local engine when running `pub test`, |
| /// if such flags are provided to `test.dart`. |
| final Map<String, String> localEngineEnv = <String, String>{}; |
| |
| /// The arguments to pass to `flutter test` (typically the local engine |
| /// configuration) -- prefilled with the arguments passed to test.dart. |
| final List<String> flutterTestArgs = <String>[]; |
| |
| /// Whether execution should be simulated for debugging purposes. |
| /// |
| /// When `true`, calls to [runCommand] print to [io.stdout] instead of running |
| /// the process. This is useful for determining what an invocation of `test.dart` |
| /// _might_ due if not invoked with `--dry-run`, or otherwise determine what the |
| /// different test shards and sub-shards are configured as. |
| bool get dryRun => _dryRun ?? false; |
| |
| /// Switches [dryRun] to `true`. |
| /// |
| /// Expected to be called at most once during execution of a process. |
| void enableDryRun() { |
| if (_dryRun != null) { |
| throw StateError('Should only be called at most once'); |
| } |
| _dryRun = true; |
| } |
| |
| bool? _dryRun; |
| |
| const int kESC = 0x1B; |
| const int kOpenSquareBracket = 0x5B; |
| const int kCSIParameterRangeStart = 0x30; |
| const int kCSIParameterRangeEnd = 0x3F; |
| const int kCSIIntermediateRangeStart = 0x20; |
| const int kCSIIntermediateRangeEnd = 0x2F; |
| const int kCSIFinalRangeStart = 0x40; |
| const int kCSIFinalRangeEnd = 0x7E; |
| |
| String get redLine { |
| if (hasColor) { |
| return '$red${'━' * stdout.terminalColumns}$reset'; |
| } |
| return '━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━'; |
| } |
| |
| String get clock { |
| final DateTime now = DateTime.now(); |
| return '$reverse▌' |
| '${now.hour.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}:' |
| '${now.minute.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}:' |
| '${now.second.toString().padLeft(2, "0")}' |
| '▐$reset'; |
| } |
| |
| String prettyPrintDuration(Duration duration) { |
| String result = ''; |
| final int minutes = duration.inMinutes; |
| if (minutes > 0) { |
| result += '${minutes}min '; |
| } |
| final int seconds = duration.inSeconds - minutes * 60; |
| final int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds - (seconds * 1000 + minutes * 60 * 1000); |
| result += '$seconds.${milliseconds.toString().padLeft(3, "0")}s'; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| typedef PrintCallback = void Function(Object? line); |
| typedef VoidCallback = void Function(); |
| |
| // Allow print() to be overridden, for tests. |
| // |
| // Files that import this library should not import `print` from dart:core |
| // and should not use dart:io's `stdout` or `stderr`. |
| // |
| // By default this hides log lines between `printProgress` calls unless a |
| // timeout expires or anything calls `foundError`. |
| // |
| // Also used to implement `--verbose` in test.dart. |
| PrintCallback print = _printQuietly; |
| |
| // Called by foundError and used to implement `--abort-on-error` in test.dart. |
| VoidCallback? onError; |
| |
| bool get hasError => _hasError; |
| bool _hasError = false; |
| |
| List<List<String>> _errorMessages = <List<String>>[]; |
| |
| final List<String> _pendingLogs = <String>[]; |
| Timer? _hideTimer; // When this is null, the output is verbose. |
| |
| void foundError(List<String> messages) { |
| if (dryRun) { |
| printProgress(messages.join('\n')); |
| return; |
| } |
| assert(messages.isNotEmpty); |
| // Make the error message easy to notice in the logs by |
| // wrapping it in a red box. |
| final int width = math.max(15, (hasColor ? stdout.terminalColumns : 80) - 1); |
| final String title = 'ERROR #${_errorMessages.length + 1}'; |
| print('$red╔═╡$bold$title$reset$red╞═${"═" * (width - 4 - title.length)}'); |
| for (final String message in messages.expand((String line) => line.split('\n'))) { |
| print('$red║$reset $message'); |
| } |
| print('$red╚${"═" * width}'); |
| // Normally, "print" actually prints to the log. To make the errors visible, |
| // and to include useful context, print the entire log up to this point, and |
| // clear it. Subsequent messages will continue to not be logged until there is |
| // another error. |
| _pendingLogs.forEach(_printLoudly); |
| _pendingLogs.clear(); |
| _errorMessages.add(messages); |
| _hasError = true; |
| onError?.call(); |
| } |
| |
| @visibleForTesting |
| void resetErrorStatus() { |
| _hasError = false; |
| _errorMessages.clear(); |
| _pendingLogs.clear(); |
| _hideTimer?.cancel(); |
| _hideTimer = null; |
| } |
| |
| Never reportSuccessAndExit(String message) { |
| _hideTimer?.cancel(); |
| _hideTimer = null; |
| print('$clock $message$reset'); |
| system.exit(0); |
| } |
| |
| Never reportErrorsAndExit(String message) { |
| _hideTimer?.cancel(); |
| _hideTimer = null; |
| print('$clock $message$reset'); |
| print(redLine); |
| print('${red}The error messages reported above are repeated here:$reset'); |
| final bool printSeparators = _errorMessages.any((List<String> messages) => messages.length > 1); |
| if (printSeparators) { |
| print(' -- This line intentionally left blank -- '); |
| } |
| for (int index = 0; index < _errorMessages.length * 2 - 1; index += 1) { |
| if (index.isEven) { |
| _errorMessages[index ~/ 2].forEach(print); |
| } else if (printSeparators) { |
| print(' -- This line intentionally left blank -- '); |
| } |
| } |
| print(redLine); |
| print('You may find the errors by searching for "╡ERROR #" in the logs.'); |
| system.exit(1); |
| } |
| |
| void printProgress(String message) { |
| _pendingLogs.clear(); |
| _hideTimer?.cancel(); |
| _hideTimer = null; |
| print('$clock $message$reset'); |
| if (hasColor) { |
| // This sets up a timer to switch to verbose mode when the tests take too long, |
| // so that if a test hangs we can see the logs. |
| // (This is only supported with a color terminal. When the terminal doesn't |
| // support colors, the scripts just print everything verbosely, that way in |
| // CI there's nothing hidden.) |
| _hideTimer = Timer(_quietTimeout, () { |
| _hideTimer = null; |
| _pendingLogs.forEach(_printLoudly); |
| _pendingLogs.clear(); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| final Pattern _lineBreak = RegExp(r'[\r\n]'); |
| |
| void _printQuietly(Object? message) { |
| // The point of this function is to avoid printing its output unless the timer |
| // has gone off in which case the function assumes verbose mode is active and |
| // prints everything. To show that progress is still happening though, rather |
| // than showing nothing at all, it instead shows the last line of output and |
| // keeps overwriting it. To do this in color mode, carefully measures the line |
| // of text ignoring color codes, which is what the parser below does. |
| if (_hideTimer != null) { |
| _pendingLogs.add(message.toString()); |
| String line = '$message'.trimRight(); |
| final int start = line.lastIndexOf(_lineBreak) + 1; |
| int index = start; |
| int length = 0; |
| while (index < line.length && length < stdout.terminalColumns) { |
| if (line.codeUnitAt(index) == kESC) { |
| // 0x1B |
| index += 1; |
| if (index < line.length && line.codeUnitAt(index) == kOpenSquareBracket) { |
| // 0x5B, [ |
| // That was the start of a CSI sequence. |
| index += 1; |
| while (index < line.length && |
| line.codeUnitAt(index) >= kCSIParameterRangeStart && |
| line.codeUnitAt(index) <= kCSIParameterRangeEnd) { |
| // 0x30..0x3F |
| index += 1; // ...parameter bytes... |
| } |
| while (index < line.length && |
| line.codeUnitAt(index) >= kCSIIntermediateRangeStart && |
| line.codeUnitAt(index) <= kCSIIntermediateRangeEnd) { |
| // 0x20..0x2F |
| index += 1; // ...intermediate bytes... |
| } |
| if (index < line.length && |
| line.codeUnitAt(index) >= kCSIFinalRangeStart && |
| line.codeUnitAt(index) <= kCSIFinalRangeEnd) { |
| // 0x40..0x7E |
| index += 1; // ...final byte. |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| index += 1; |
| length += 1; |
| } |
| } |
| line = line.substring(start, index); |
| if (line.isNotEmpty) { |
| stdout.write('\r\x1B[2K$white$line$reset'); |
| } |
| } else { |
| _printLoudly('$message'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _printLoudly(String message) { |
| if (hasColor) { |
| // Overwrite the last line written by _printQuietly. |
| stdout.writeln('\r\x1B[2K$reset${message.trimRight()}'); |
| } else { |
| stdout.writeln(message); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/main/docs/contributing/Style-guide-for-Flutter-repo.md#never-check-if-a-port-is-available-before-using-it-never-add-timeouts-and-other-race-conditions |
| // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/109474 |
| |
| int _portCounter = 8080; |
| |
| /// Finds the next available local port. |
| Future<int> findAvailablePortAndPossiblyCauseFlakyTests() async { |
| while (!await _isPortAvailable(_portCounter)) { |
| _portCounter += 1; |
| } |
| return _portCounter++; |
| } |
| |
| Future<bool> _isPortAvailable(int port) async { |
| try { |
| final RawSocket socket = await RawSocket.connect('localhost', port); |
| socket.shutdown(SocketDirection.both); |
| await socket.close(); |
| return false; |
| } on SocketException { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String locationInFile(ResolvedUnitResult unit, AstNode node, String workingDirectory) { |
| return '${path.relative(path.relative(unit.path, from: workingDirectory))}:${unit.lineInfo.getLocation(node.offset).lineNumber}'; |
| } |
| |
| /// Whether the given [AstNode] within the `compilationUnit` is under the effect |
| /// of an inline ignore directive described by `ignoreDirectivePattern`. |
| /// |
| /// The `compilationUnit` parameter is the parsed dart file containing the given |
| /// [AstNode]. The `ignoreDirectivePattern` is a [Pattern] that should precisely |
| /// match the ignore directive of interest (including the slashes, example: |
| /// `// flutter_ignore: deprecation_syntax`). |
| /// |
| /// The implementation assumes the `ignoreDirectivePattern` matches no more than |
| /// one line. It searches for the given `ignoreDirectivePattern` in the |
| /// `compilationUnit`, that either starts the line above the given `node`, or |
| /// appears after `node` but on the same line, such that the ignore directive |
| /// works the same way as dart's "ignore" comment: it can either be added above |
| /// or after the line that needs to be exemped. |
| bool hasInlineIgnore( |
| AstNode node, |
| ParseStringResult compilationUnit, |
| Pattern ignoreDirectivePattern, |
| ) { |
| final LineInfo lineInfo = compilationUnit.lineInfo; |
| // In case the node has multiple lines, match from its start offset. |
| final String textAfterNode = compilationUnit.content.substring( |
| node.offset, |
| // This assumes every line ends with a newline character (including the last |
| // line) and the new line character is not included to match the given pattern. |
| lineInfo.getOffsetOfLineAfter(node.offset) - 1, |
| ); |
| if (textAfterNode.contains(ignoreDirectivePattern)) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| // The lineNumber getter uses one-based index while everything else uses zero-based index. |
| final int lineNumber = lineInfo.getLocation(node.offset).lineNumber - 1; |
| if (lineNumber <= 0) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| return compilationUnit.content |
| .substring(lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(lineNumber - 1), lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(lineNumber)) |
| .trimLeft() |
| .contains(ignoreDirectivePattern); |
| } |
| |
| // The seed used to shuffle tests. If not passed with |
| // --test-randomize-ordering-seed=<seed> on the command line, it will be set the |
| // first time it is accessed. Pass zero to turn off shuffling. |
| String? _shuffleSeed; |
| |
| set shuffleSeed(String? newSeed) { |
| _shuffleSeed = newSeed; |
| } |
| |
| String get shuffleSeed { |
| if (_shuffleSeed != null) { |
| return _shuffleSeed!; |
| } |
| // Attempt to load from the command-line argument |
| final String? seedArg = Platform.environment['--test-randomize-ordering-seed']; |
| if (seedArg != null) { |
| return seedArg; |
| } |
| // Fallback to the original time-based seed generation |
| final DateTime seedTime = DateTime.now().toUtc().subtract(const Duration(hours: 7)); |
| _shuffleSeed = '${seedTime.year * 10000 + seedTime.month * 100 + seedTime.day}'; |
| return _shuffleSeed!; |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(sigmund): includeLocalEngineEnv should default to true. Currently we |
| // only enable it on flutter-web test because some test suites do not work |
| // properly when overriding the local engine (for example, because some platform |
| // dependent targets are only built on some engines). |
| // See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/72368 |
| Future<void> runDartTest( |
| String workingDirectory, { |
| List<String>? testPaths, |
| bool enableFlutterToolAsserts = true, |
| bool useBuildRunner = false, |
| String? coverage, |
| bool forceSingleCore = false, |
| Duration? perTestTimeout, |
| bool includeLocalEngineEnv = false, |
| bool ensurePrecompiledTool = true, |
| bool shuffleTests = true, |
| bool collectMetrics = false, |
| List<String>? tags, |
| bool runSkipped = false, |
| }) async { |
| int? cpus; |
| final String? cpuVariable = Platform.environment['CPU']; // CPU is set in cirrus.yml |
| if (cpuVariable != null) { |
| cpus = int.tryParse(cpuVariable, radix: 10); |
| if (cpus == null) { |
| foundError(<String>[ |
| '${red}The CPU environment variable, if set, must be set to the integer number of available cores.$reset', |
| 'Actual value: "$cpuVariable"', |
| ]); |
| return; |
| } |
| } else { |
| cpus = 2; // Don't default to 1, otherwise we won't catch race conditions. |
| } |
| // Integration tests that depend on external processes like chrome |
| // can get stuck if there are multiple instances running at once. |
| if (forceSingleCore) { |
| cpus = 1; |
| } |
| |
| const LocalFileSystem fileSystem = LocalFileSystem(); |
| final String suffix = DateTime.now().microsecondsSinceEpoch.toString(); |
| final File metricFile = fileSystem.systemTempDirectory.childFile('metrics_$suffix.json'); |
| final List<String> args = <String>[ |
| 'run', |
| 'test', |
| '--reporter=expanded', |
| '--file-reporter=json:${metricFile.path}', |
| if (shuffleTests) '--test-randomize-ordering-seed=$shuffleSeed', |
| '-j$cpus', |
| if (!hasColor) '--no-color', |
| if (coverage != null) '--coverage=$coverage', |
| if (perTestTimeout != null) '--timeout=${perTestTimeout.inMilliseconds}ms', |
| if (runSkipped) '--run-skipped', |
| if (tags != null) ...tags.map((String t) => '--tags=$t'), |
| if (testPaths != null) |
| for (final String testPath in testPaths) testPath, |
| ]; |
| final Map<String, String> environment = <String, String>{ |
| 'FLUTTER_ROOT': flutterRoot, |
| if (includeLocalEngineEnv) ...localEngineEnv, |
| if (Directory(pubCache).existsSync()) 'PUB_CACHE': pubCache, |
| }; |
| if (enableFlutterToolAsserts) { |
| adjustEnvironmentToEnableFlutterAsserts(environment); |
| } |
| if (ensurePrecompiledTool) { |
| // We rerun the `flutter` tool here just to make sure that it is compiled |
| // before tests run, because the tests might time out if they have to rebuild |
| // the tool themselves. |
| await runCommand(flutter, <String>['--version'], environment: environment); |
| } |
| await runCommand( |
| dart, |
| args, |
| workingDirectory: workingDirectory, |
| environment: environment, |
| removeLine: useBuildRunner ? (String line) => line.startsWith('[INFO]') : null, |
| ); |
| |
| if (dryRun) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| final TestFileReporterResults test = TestFileReporterResults.fromFile( |
| metricFile, |
| ); // --file-reporter name |
| final File info = fileSystem.file(path.join(flutterRoot, 'error.log')); |
| info.writeAsStringSync(json.encode(test.errors)); |
| |
| if (collectMetrics) { |
| try { |
| final List<String> testList = <String>[]; |
| final Map<int, TestSpecs> allTestSpecs = test.allTestSpecs; |
| for (final TestSpecs testSpecs in allTestSpecs.values) { |
| testList.add(testSpecs.toJson()); |
| } |
| if (testList.isNotEmpty) { |
| final String testJson = json.encode(testList); |
| final File testResults = fileSystem.file(path.join(flutterRoot, 'test_results.json')); |
| testResults.writeAsStringSync(testJson); |
| } |
| } on fs.FileSystemException catch (e) { |
| print('Failed to generate metrics: $e'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // metriciFile is a transitional file that needs to be deleted once it is parsed. |
| // TODO(godofredoc): Ensure metricFile is parsed and aggregated before deleting. |
| // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/146003 |
| metricFile.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| |
| Future<void> runFlutterTest( |
| String workingDirectory, { |
| String? script, |
| bool expectFailure = false, |
| bool printOutput = true, |
| OutputChecker? outputChecker, |
| List<String> options = const <String>[], |
| Map<String, String>? environment, |
| List<String> tests = const <String>[], |
| bool shuffleTests = true, |
| bool fatalWarnings = true, |
| }) async { |
| assert( |
| !printOutput || outputChecker == null, |
| 'Output either can be printed or checked but not both', |
| ); |
| |
| final List<String> tags = <String>[]; |
| // Recipe-configured reduced test shards will only execute tests with the |
| // appropriate tag. |
| if (Platform.environment['REDUCED_TEST_SET'] == 'True') { |
| tags.addAll(<String>['-t', 'reduced-test-set']); |
| } |
| |
| const LocalFileSystem fileSystem = LocalFileSystem(); |
| final String suffix = DateTime.now().microsecondsSinceEpoch.toString(); |
| final File metricFile = fileSystem.systemTempDirectory.childFile('metrics_$suffix.json'); |
| final List<String> args = <String>[ |
| 'test', |
| '--reporter=expanded', |
| '--file-reporter=json:${metricFile.path}', |
| if (shuffleTests && !_isRandomizationOff) '--test-randomize-ordering-seed=$shuffleSeed', |
| if (fatalWarnings) '--fatal-warnings', |
| ...options, |
| ...tags, |
| ...flutterTestArgs, |
| ]; |
| |
| if (script != null) { |
| final String fullScriptPath = path.join(workingDirectory, script); |
| if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(fullScriptPath)) { |
| foundError(<String>[ |
| '${red}Could not find test$reset: $green$fullScriptPath$reset', |
| 'Working directory: $cyan$workingDirectory$reset', |
| 'Script: $green$script$reset', |
| if (!printOutput) 'This is one of the tests that does not normally print output.', |
| ]); |
| return; |
| } |
| args.add(script); |
| } |
| |
| args.addAll(tests); |
| |
| final OutputMode outputMode = |
| outputChecker == null && printOutput ? OutputMode.print : OutputMode.capture; |
| |
| final CommandResult result = await runCommand( |
| flutter, |
| args, |
| workingDirectory: workingDirectory, |
| expectNonZeroExit: expectFailure, |
| outputMode: outputMode, |
| environment: environment, |
| ); |
| |
| // metriciFile is a transitional file that needs to be deleted once it is parsed. |
| // TODO(godofredoc): Ensure metricFile is parsed and aggregated before deleting. |
| // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/146003 |
| if (!dryRun) { |
| metricFile.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| |
| if (outputChecker != null) { |
| final String? message = outputChecker(result); |
| if (message != null) { |
| foundError(<String>[message]); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// This will force the next run of the Flutter tool (if it uses the provided |
| /// environment) to have asserts enabled, by setting an environment variable. |
| void adjustEnvironmentToEnableFlutterAsserts(Map<String, String> environment) { |
| // If an existing env variable exists append to it, but only if |
| // it doesn't appear to already include enable-asserts. |
| String toolsArgs = Platform.environment['FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS'] ?? ''; |
| if (!toolsArgs.contains('--enable-asserts')) { |
| toolsArgs += ' --enable-asserts'; |
| } |
| environment['FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS'] = toolsArgs.trim(); |
| } |
| |
| Future<void> selectShard(Map<String, ShardRunner> shards) => |
| _runFromList(shards, kShardKey, 'shard', 0); |
| Future<void> selectSubshard(Map<String, ShardRunner> subshards) => |
| _runFromList(subshards, kSubshardKey, 'subshard', 1); |
| |
| Future<void> runShardRunnerIndexOfTotalSubshard(List<ShardRunner> tests) async { |
| final List<ShardRunner> sublist = selectIndexOfTotalSubshard<ShardRunner>(tests); |
| for (final ShardRunner test in sublist) { |
| await test(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Parse (one-)index/total-named subshards from environment variable SUBSHARD |
| /// and equally distribute [tests] between them. |
| /// The format of SUBSHARD is "{index}_{total number of shards}". |
| /// The scheduler can change the number of total shards without needing an additional |
| /// commit in this repository. |
| /// |
| /// Examples: |
| /// 1_3 |
| /// 2_3 |
| /// 3_3 |
| List<T> selectIndexOfTotalSubshard<T>(List<T> tests, {String subshardKey = kSubshardKey}) { |
| // Example: "1_3" means the first (one-indexed) shard of three total shards. |
| final String? subshardName = Platform.environment[subshardKey]; |
| if (subshardName == null) { |
| print('$kSubshardKey environment variable is missing, skipping sharding'); |
| return tests; |
| } |
| printProgress('$bold$subshardKey=$subshardName$reset'); |
| |
| final RegExp pattern = RegExp(r'^(\d+)_(\d+)$'); |
| final Match? match = pattern.firstMatch(subshardName); |
| if (match == null || match.groupCount != 2) { |
| foundError(<String>[ |
| '${red}Invalid subshard name "$subshardName". Expected format "[int]_[int]" ex. "1_3"', |
| ]); |
| throw Exception('Invalid subshard name: $subshardName'); |
| } |
| // One-indexed. |
| final int index = int.parse(match.group(1)!); |
| final int total = int.parse(match.group(2)!); |
| if (index > total) { |
| foundError(<String>[ |
| '${red}Invalid subshard name "$subshardName". Index number must be greater or equal to total.', |
| ]); |
| return <T>[]; |
| } |
| |
| final (int start, int end) = selectTestsForSubShard( |
| testCount: tests.length, |
| subShardIndex: index, |
| subShardCount: total, |
| ); |
| print('Selecting subshard $index of $total (tests ${start + 1}-$end of ${tests.length})'); |
| return tests.sublist(start, end); |
| } |
| |
| /// Finds the interval of tests that a subshard is responsible for testing. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| (int start, int end) selectTestsForSubShard({ |
| required int testCount, |
| required int subShardIndex, |
| required int subShardCount, |
| }) { |
| // While there exists a closed formula figuring out the range of tests the |
| // subshard is responsible for, modeling this as a simulation of distributing |
| // items equally into buckets is more intuitive. |
| // |
| // A bucket represents how many tests a subshard should be allocated. |
| final List<int> buckets = List<int>.filled(subShardCount, 0); |
| // First, allocate an equal number of items to each bucket. |
| for (int i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) { |
| buckets[i] = (testCount / subShardCount).floor(); |
| } |
| // For the N leftover items, put one into each of the first N buckets. |
| final int remainingItems = testCount % buckets.length; |
| for (int i = 0; i < remainingItems; i++) { |
| buckets[i] += 1; |
| } |
| |
| // Lastly, compute the indices of the items in buckets[index]. |
| // We derive this from the toal number items in previous buckets and the number |
| // of items in this bucket. |
| final int numberOfItemsInPreviousBuckets = |
| subShardIndex == 0 ? 0 : buckets.sublist(0, subShardIndex - 1).sum; |
| final int start = numberOfItemsInPreviousBuckets; |
| final int end = start + buckets[subShardIndex - 1]; |
| |
| return (start, end); |
| } |
| |
| Future<void> _runFromList( |
| Map<String, ShardRunner> items, |
| String key, |
| String name, |
| int positionInTaskName, |
| ) async { |
| try { |
| String? item = Platform.environment[key]; |
| if (item == null && Platform.environment.containsKey(CIRRUS_TASK_NAME)) { |
| final List<String> parts = Platform.environment[CIRRUS_TASK_NAME]!.split('-'); |
| assert(positionInTaskName < parts.length); |
| item = parts[positionInTaskName]; |
| } |
| if (item == null) { |
| for (final String currentItem in items.keys) { |
| printProgress('$bold$key=$currentItem$reset'); |
| await items[currentItem]!(); |
| } |
| } else { |
| printProgress('$bold$key=$item$reset'); |
| if (!items.containsKey(item)) { |
| foundError(<String>[ |
| '${red}Invalid $name: $item$reset', |
| 'The available ${name}s are: ${items.keys.join(", ")}', |
| ]); |
| return; |
| } |
| await items[item]!(); |
| } |
| } catch (_) { |
| if (!dryRun) { |
| rethrow; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Checks the given file's contents to determine if they match the allowed |
| /// pattern for version strings. |
| /// |
| /// Returns null if the contents are good. Returns a string if they are bad. |
| /// The string is an error message. |
| Future<String?> verifyVersion(File file) async { |
| final RegExp pattern = RegExp(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)((-\d+\.\d+)?\.pre(\.\d+)?)?$'); |
| if (!file.existsSync()) { |
| return 'The version logic failed to create the Flutter version file.'; |
| } |
| final String version = await file.readAsString(); |
| if (version == '0.0.0-unknown') { |
| return 'The version logic failed to determine the Flutter version.'; |
| } |
| if (!version.contains(pattern)) { |
| return 'The version logic generated an invalid version string: "$version".'; |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |