blob: b63a3636e961f9d57a08ab1e31572e34eb380316 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
/// Reads through the print commands from [process] waiting for the magic phase
/// that contains microbenchmarks results as defined in
/// `dev/benchmarks/microbenchmarks/lib/common.dart`.
/// If you are using this outside of microbenchmarks, ensure you print a single
/// line with `╡ ••• Done ••• ╞` to signal the end of collection.
Future<Map<String, double>> readJsonResults(Process process) {
// IMPORTANT: keep these values in sync with dev/benchmarks/microbenchmarks/lib/common.dart
const String jsonStart = '================ RESULTS ================';
const String jsonEnd = '================ FORMATTED ==============';
const String jsonPrefix = ':::JSON:::';
const String testComplete = '╡ ••• Done ••• ╞';
bool jsonStarted = false;
final StringBuffer jsonBuf = StringBuffer();
final Completer<Map<String, double>> completer = Completer<Map<String, double>>();
final StreamSubscription<String> stderrSub = process.stderr
.transform<String>(const Utf8Decoder())
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) {
stderr.writeln('[STDERR] $line');
final List<String> collectedJson = <String>[];
bool processWasKilledIntentionally = false;
final StreamSubscription<String> stdoutSub = process.stdout
.transform<String>(const Utf8Decoder())
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) async {
print('[STDOUT] $line');
if (line.contains(jsonStart)) {
jsonStarted = true;
if (line.contains(testComplete)) {
processWasKilledIntentionally = true;
// Sending a SIGINT/SIGTERM to the process here isn't reliable because [process] is
// the shell (flutter is a shell script) and doesn't pass the signal on.
// Sending a `q` is an instruction to quit using the console runner.
// See
await process.stdin.flush();
// Give the process a couple of seconds to exit and run shutdown hooks
// before sending kill signal.
// TODO(fujino):
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
// Also send a kill signal in case the `q` above didn't work.
try {
final Map<String, double> results = Map<String, double>.from(<String, dynamic>{
for (final String data in collectedJson) ...json.decode(data) as Map<String, dynamic>,
} catch (ex) {
'Decoding JSON failed ($ex). JSON strings where: $collectedJson',
if (jsonStarted && line.contains(jsonEnd)) {
jsonStarted = false;
if (jsonStarted && line.contains(jsonPrefix)) {
jsonBuf.writeln(line.substring(line.indexOf(jsonPrefix) + jsonPrefix.length));
process.exitCode.then<void>((int code) async {
await Future.wait<void>(<Future<void>>[stdoutSub.cancel(), stderrSub.cancel()]);
if (!processWasKilledIntentionally && code != 0) {
completer.completeError('flutter run failed: exit code=$code');
return completer.future;