blob: c27f50ce1c6992cf427c6b4df08cdf73b6457c6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// @docImport 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
/// @docImport '_goldens_io.dart';
/// @docImport 'binding.dart';
/// @docImport 'matchers.dart';
/// @docImport 'widget_tester.dart';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '_goldens_io.dart' if (dart.library.js_interop) '_goldens_web.dart' as goldens;
/// Compares image pixels against a golden image file.
/// Instances of this comparator will be used as the backend for
/// [matchesGoldenFile].
/// Instances of this comparator will be invoked by the test framework in the
/// [TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.runAsync] zone and are thus not subject to the
/// fake async constraints that are normally imposed on widget tests (i.e. the
/// need or the ability to call [WidgetTester.pump] to advance the microtask
/// queue).
/// ## What is Golden File Testing?
/// The term __golden file__ refers to a master image that is considered the true
/// rendering of a given widget, state, application, or other visual
/// representation you have chosen to capture.
/// By keeping a master reference of visual aspects of your application, you can
/// prevent unintended changes as you develop by testing against them.
/// Here, a minor code change has altered the appearance of a widget. A golden
/// file test has compared the image generated at the time of the test to the
/// golden master file that was generated earlier. The test has identified the
/// change, preventing unintended modifications.
/// | Sample | Image |
/// |--------------------------------|--------|
/// | Golden Master Image | ![A golden master image]( |
/// | Difference | ![The pixel difference]( |
/// | Test image after modification | ![Test image]( |
/// {@macro flutter.flutter_test.matchesGoldenFile.custom_fonts}
/// See also:
/// * [LocalFileComparator] for the default [GoldenFileComparator]
/// implementation for `flutter test`.
/// * [matchesGoldenFile], the function from [flutter_test] that invokes the
/// comparator.
abstract class GoldenFileComparator {
/// Compares the pixels of decoded png [imageBytes] against the golden file
/// identified by [golden].
/// The returned future completes with a boolean value that indicates whether
/// the pixels decoded from [imageBytes] match the golden file's pixels.
/// In the case of comparison mismatch, the comparator may choose to throw a
/// [TestFailure] if it wants to control the failure message, often in the
/// form of a [ComparisonResult] that provides detailed information about the
/// mismatch.
/// The method by which [golden] is located and by which its bytes are loaded
/// is left up to the implementation class. For instance, some implementations
/// may load files from the local file system, whereas others may load files
/// over the network or from a remote repository.
Future<bool> compare(Uint8List imageBytes, Uri golden);
/// Updates the golden file identified by [golden] with [imageBytes].
/// This will be invoked in lieu of [compare] when [autoUpdateGoldenFiles]
/// is `true` (which gets set automatically by the test framework when the
/// user runs `flutter test --update-goldens`).
/// The method by which [golden] is located and by which its bytes are written
/// is left up to the implementation class.
Future<void> update(Uri golden, Uint8List imageBytes);
/// Returns a new golden file [Uri] to incorporate any [version] number with
/// the [key].
/// The [version] is an optional int that can be used to differentiate
/// historical golden files.
/// Version numbers are used in golden file tests for package:flutter. You can
/// learn more about these tests [here](
Uri getTestUri(Uri key, int? version) {
if (version == null) {
return key;
final String keyString = key.toString();
final String extension = path.extension(keyString);
return Uri.parse('${keyString.split(extension).join()}.$version$extension');
/// Returns a [ComparisonResult] to describe the pixel differential of the
/// [test] and [master] image bytes provided.
static Future<ComparisonResult> compareLists(List<int> test, List<int> master) {
return goldens.compareLists(test, master);
/// Compares pixels against those of a golden image file.
/// This comparator is used as the backend for [matchesGoldenFile].
/// When using `flutter test`, a comparator implemented by [LocalFileComparator]
/// is used if no other comparator is specified. It treats the golden key as
/// a relative path from the test file's directory. It will then load the
/// golden file's bytes from disk and perform a pixel-for-pixel comparison of
/// the decoded PNGs, returning true only if there's an exact match.
/// When using `flutter test --update-goldens`, the [LocalFileComparator]
/// updates the files on disk to match the rendering.
/// When using `flutter run`, the default comparator ([TrivialComparator])
/// is used. It prints a message to the console but otherwise does nothing. This
/// allows tests to be developed visually on a real device.
/// Callers may choose to override the default comparator by setting this to a
/// custom comparator during test set-up (or using directory-level test
/// configuration).
/// {@tool snippet}
/// For example, some projects may wish to install a comparator with tolerance
/// levels for allowable differences:
/// ```dart
/// void main() {
/// testWidgets('matches golden file with a 0.01 tolerance', (WidgetTester tester) async {
/// final GoldenFileComparator previousGoldenFileComparator = goldenFileComparator;
/// goldenFileComparator = _TolerantGoldenFileComparator(
/// Uri.parse('test/my_widget_test.dart'),
/// precisionTolerance: 0.01,
/// );
/// addTearDown(() => goldenFileComparator = previousGoldenFileComparator);
/// await tester.pumpWidget(const ColoredBox(color: Color(0xff00ff00)));
/// await expectLater(
/// find.byType(ColoredBox),
/// matchesGoldenFile('my_golden.png'),
/// );
/// });
/// }
/// class _TolerantGoldenFileComparator extends LocalFileComparator {
/// _TolerantGoldenFileComparator(
/// super.testFile, {
/// required double precisionTolerance,
/// }) : assert(
/// 0 <= precisionTolerance && precisionTolerance <= 1,
/// 'precisionTolerance must be between 0 and 1',
/// ),
/// _precisionTolerance = precisionTolerance;
/// /// How much the golden image can differ from the test image.
/// ///
/// /// It is expected to be between 0 and 1. Where 0 is no difference (the same image)
/// /// and 1 is the maximum difference (completely different images).
/// final double _precisionTolerance;
/// @override
/// Future<bool> compare(Uint8List imageBytes, Uri golden) async {
/// final ComparisonResult result = await GoldenFileComparator.compareLists(
/// imageBytes,
/// await getGoldenBytes(golden),
/// );
/// final bool passed = result.passed || result.diffPercent <= _precisionTolerance;
/// if (passed) {
/// result.dispose();
/// return true;
/// }
/// final String error = await generateFailureOutput(result, golden, basedir);
/// result.dispose();
/// throw FlutterError(error);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [flutter_test] for more information about how to configure tests at the
/// directory-level.
GoldenFileComparator goldenFileComparator = const TrivialComparator._();
/// Compares image pixels against a golden image file.
/// Instances of this comparator will be used as the backend for
/// [matchesGoldenFile] when tests are running on Flutter Web, and will usually
/// implemented by deferring the screenshot taking and image comparison to a
/// test server.
/// Instances of this comparator will be invoked by the test framework in the
/// [TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.runAsync] zone and are thus not subject to the
/// fake async constraints that are normally imposed on widget tests (i.e. the
/// need or the ability to call [WidgetTester.pump] to advance the microtask
/// queue). Prior to the invocation, the test framework will render only the
/// [Element] to be compared on the screen.
/// See also:
/// * [GoldenFileComparator] for the comparator to be used when the test is
/// not running in a web browser.
/// * [DefaultWebGoldenComparator] for the default [WebGoldenComparator]
/// implementation for `flutter test`.
/// * [matchesGoldenFile], the function from [flutter_test] that invokes the
/// comparator.
abstract class WebGoldenComparator {
/// Compares the rendered pixels of size [width]x[height] that is being
/// rendered on the top left of the screen against the golden file identified
/// by [golden].
/// The returned future completes with a boolean value that indicates whether
/// the pixels rendered on screen match the golden file's pixels.
/// In the case of comparison mismatch, the comparator may choose to throw a
/// [TestFailure] if it wants to control the failure message, often in the
/// form of a [ComparisonResult] that provides detailed information about the
/// mismatch.
/// The method by which [golden] is located and by which its bytes are loaded
/// is left up to the implementation class. For instance, some implementations
/// may load files from the local file system, whereas others may load files
/// over the network or from a remote repository.
Future<bool> compare(double width, double height, Uri golden);
/// Updates the golden file identified by [golden] with rendered pixels of
/// [width]x[height].
/// This will be invoked in lieu of [compare] when [autoUpdateGoldenFiles]
/// is `true` (which gets set automatically by the test framework when the
/// user runs `flutter test --update-goldens --platform=chrome`).
/// The method by which [golden] is located and by which its bytes are written
/// is left up to the implementation class.
Future<void> update(double width, double height, Uri golden);
/// Compares the pixels of decoded png [bytes] against the golden file
/// identified by [golden].
/// The returned future completes with a boolean value that indicates whether
/// the pixels rendered on screen match the golden file's pixels.
/// In the case of comparison mismatch, the comparator may choose to throw a
/// [TestFailure] if it wants to control the failure message, often in the
/// form of a [ComparisonResult] that provides detailed information about the
/// mismatch.
/// The method by which [golden] is located and by which its bytes are loaded
/// is left up to the implementation class. For instance, some implementations
/// may load files from the local file system, whereas others may load files
/// over the network or from a remote repository.
Future<bool> compareBytes(Uint8List bytes, Uri golden);
/// Compares the pixels of decoded png [bytes] against the golden file
/// identified by [golden].
/// This will be invoked in lieu of [compareBytes] when [autoUpdateGoldenFiles]
/// is `true` (which gets set automatically by the test framework when the
/// user runs `flutter test --update-goldens --platform=chrome`).
/// The method by which [golden] is located and by which its bytes are written
/// is left up to the implementation class.
Future<void> updateBytes(Uint8List bytes, Uri golden);
/// Returns a new golden file [Uri] to incorporate any [version] number with
/// the [key].
/// The [version] is an optional int that can be used to differentiate
/// historical golden files.
/// Version numbers are used in golden file tests for package:flutter. You can
/// learn more about these tests [here](
Uri getTestUri(Uri key, int? version) {
if (version == null) {
return key;
final String keyString = key.toString();
final String extension = path.extension(keyString);
return Uri.parse('${keyString.split(extension).join()}.$version$extension');
/// Compares pixels against those of a golden image file.
/// This comparator is used as the backend for [matchesGoldenFile] when tests
/// are running in a web browser.
/// When using `flutter test --platform=chrome`, a comparator implemented by
/// [DefaultWebGoldenComparator] is used if no other comparator is specified. It
/// will send a request to the test server, which uses [goldenFileComparator]
/// for golden file comparison.
/// When using `flutter test --update-goldens`, the [DefaultWebGoldenComparator]
/// updates the files on disk to match the rendering.
/// When using `flutter run`, the default comparator
/// (`_TrivialWebGoldenComparator`) is used. It prints a message to the console
/// but otherwise does nothing. This allows tests to be developed visually on a
/// web browser.
/// Callers may choose to override the default comparator by setting this to a
/// custom comparator during test set-up (or using directory-level test
/// configuration). For example, some projects may wish to install a comparator
/// with tolerance levels for allowable differences.
/// See also:
/// * [flutter_test] for more information about how to configure tests at the
/// directory-level.
/// * [goldenFileComparator], the comparator used when tests are not running on
/// a web browser.
WebGoldenComparator get webGoldenComparator => _webGoldenComparator;
WebGoldenComparator _webGoldenComparator = const _TrivialWebGoldenComparator._();
set webGoldenComparator(WebGoldenComparator value) {
_webGoldenComparator = value;
/// Whether golden files should be automatically updated during tests rather
/// than compared to the image bytes recorded by the tests.
/// When this is `true`, [matchesGoldenFile] will always report a successful
/// match, because the bytes being tested implicitly become the new golden.
/// The Flutter tool will automatically set this to `true` when the user runs
/// `flutter test --update-goldens`, so callers should generally never have to
/// explicitly modify this value.
/// See also:
/// * [goldenFileComparator]
bool autoUpdateGoldenFiles = false;
/// Placeholder comparator that is set as the value of [goldenFileComparator]
/// when the initialization that happens in the test bootstrap either has not
/// yet happened or has been bypassed.
/// The test bootstrap file that gets generated by the Flutter tool when the
/// user runs `flutter test` is expected to set [goldenFileComparator] to
/// a comparator that resolves golden file references relative to the test
/// directory. From there, the caller may choose to override the comparator by
/// setting it to another value during test initialization. The only case
/// where we expect it to remain uninitialized is when the user runs a test
/// via `flutter run`. In this case, the [compare] method will just print a
/// message that it would have otherwise run a real comparison, and it will
/// return trivial success.
/// This class can't be constructed. It represents the default value of
/// [goldenFileComparator].
class TrivialComparator implements GoldenFileComparator {
const TrivialComparator._();
Future<bool> compare(Uint8List imageBytes, Uri golden) {
// Ideally we would use markTestSkipped here but in some situations,
// comparators are called outside of tests.
// See also:
// ignore: avoid_print
print('Golden file comparison requested for "$golden"; skipping...');
return Future<bool>.value(true);
Future<void> update(Uri golden, Uint8List imageBytes) {
throw StateError('goldenFileComparator has not been initialized');
Uri getTestUri(Uri key, int? version) {
return key;
class _TrivialWebGoldenComparator implements WebGoldenComparator {
const _TrivialWebGoldenComparator._();
Future<bool> compare(double width, double height, Uri golden) {
return _warnAboutSkipping(golden);
Future<void> update(double width, double height, Uri golden) {
throw StateError('webGoldenComparator has not been initialized');
Uri getTestUri(Uri key, int? version) {
return key;
Future<bool> compareBytes(Uint8List bytes, Uri golden) {
return _warnAboutSkipping(golden);
Future<void> updateBytes(Uint8List bytes, Uri golden) {
throw StateError('webGoldenComparator has not been initialized');
Future<bool> _warnAboutSkipping(Uri golden) {
// Ideally we would use markTestSkipped here but in some situations,
// comparators are called outside of tests.
// See also:
// ignore: avoid_print
print('Golden comparison requested for "$golden"; skipping...');
return Future<bool>.value(true);
/// The result of a pixel comparison test.
/// The [ComparisonResult] will always indicate if a test has [passed]. The
/// optional [error] and [diffs] parameters provide further information about
/// the result of a failing test.
class ComparisonResult {
/// Creates a new [ComparisonResult] for the current test.
required this.passed,
required this.diffPercent,
/// Indicates whether or not a pixel comparison test has failed.
final bool passed;
/// Error message used to describe the cause of the pixel comparison failure.
final String? error;
/// Map containing differential images to illustrate found variants in pixel
/// values in the execution of the pixel test.
final Map<String, Image>? diffs;
/// The calculated percentage of pixel difference between two images.
final double diffPercent;
/// Disposes the images held by this [ComparisonResult].
void dispose() {
if (diffs == null) {
for (final MapEntry<String, Image> entry in diffs!.entries) {