blob: 71aa2d932d00fcf2ab389bba0c83a1c4bd3b25db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/semantics.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
/// Provides an iterable that efficiently returns all the [Element]s
/// rooted at the given [Element]. See [CachingIterable] for details.
/// This function must be called again if the tree changes. You cannot
/// call this function once, then reuse the iterable after having
/// changed the state of the tree, because the iterable returned by
/// this function caches the results and only walks the tree once.
/// The same applies to any iterable obtained indirectly through this
/// one, for example the results of calling `where` on this iterable
/// are also cached.
Iterable<Element> collectAllElementsFrom(
Element rootElement, {
required bool skipOffstage,
}) {
return CachingIterable<Element>(_DepthFirstElementTreeIterator(rootElement, !skipOffstage));
/// Provides an iterable that efficiently returns all the [SemanticsNode]s
/// rooted at the given [SemanticsNode]. See [CachingIterable] for details.
/// By default, this will traverse the semantics tree in semantic traversal
/// order, but the traversal order can be changed by passing in a different
/// value to `order`.
/// This function must be called again if the semantics change. You cannot call
/// this function once, then reuse the iterable after having changed the state
/// of the tree, because the iterable returned by this function caches the
/// results and only walks the tree once.
/// The same applies to any iterable obtained indirectly through this
/// one, for example the results of calling `where` on this iterable
/// are also cached.
Iterable<SemanticsNode> collectAllSemanticsNodesFrom(
SemanticsNode root, {
DebugSemanticsDumpOrder order = DebugSemanticsDumpOrder.traversalOrder,
}) {
return CachingIterable<SemanticsNode>(_DepthFirstSemanticsTreeIterator(root, order));
/// Provides a recursive, efficient, depth first search of a tree.
/// This iterator executes a depth first search as an iterable, and iterates in
/// a left to right order:
/// 1
/// / \
/// 2 3
/// / \ / \
/// 4 5 6 7
/// Will iterate in order 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7. The given root element is not
/// included in the traversal.
abstract class _DepthFirstTreeIterator<ItemType> implements Iterator<ItemType> {
_DepthFirstTreeIterator(ItemType root) {
ItemType get current => _current!;
late ItemType _current;
final List<ItemType> _stack = <ItemType>[];
bool moveNext() {
if (_stack.isEmpty) {
return false;
_current = _stack.removeLast();
return true;
/// Fills the stack in such a way that the next element of a depth first
/// traversal is easily and efficiently accessible when calling `moveNext`.
void _fillStack(List<ItemType> children) {
// We reverse the list of children so we don't have to do use expensive
// `insert` or `remove` operations, and so the order of the traversal
// is depth first when built lazily through the iterator.
// This is faster than `_stack.addAll(children.reversed)`, presumably since
// we don't actually care about maintaining an iteration pointer.
while (children.isNotEmpty) {
/// Collect the children from [root] in the order they are expected to traverse.
List<ItemType> _collectChildren(ItemType root);
/// [Element.visitChildren] does not guarantee order, but does guarantee stable
/// order. This iterator also guarantees stable order, and iterates in a left
/// to right order:
/// 1
/// / \
/// 2 3
/// / \ / \
/// 4 5 6 7
/// Will iterate in order 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7.
/// Performance is important here because this class is on the critical path
/// for flutter_driver and package:integration_test performance tests.
/// Performance is measured in the all_elements_bench microbenchmark.
/// Any changes to this implementation should check the before and after numbers
/// on that benchmark to avoid regressions in general performance test overhead.
/// If we could use RTL order, we could save on performance, but numerous tests
/// have been written (and developers clearly expect) that LTR order will be
/// respected.
class _DepthFirstElementTreeIterator extends _DepthFirstTreeIterator<Element> {
_DepthFirstElementTreeIterator(super.root, this.includeOffstage);
final bool includeOffstage;
List<Element> _collectChildren(Element root) {
final List<Element> children = <Element>[];
if (includeOffstage) {
} else {
return children;
/// Iterates the semantics tree starting at the given `root`.
/// This will iterate in the same order expected from accessibility services,
/// so the results can be used to simulate the same traversal the engine will
/// make. The results are not filtered based on flags or visibility, so they
/// will need to be further filtered to fully simulate an accessibility service.
class _DepthFirstSemanticsTreeIterator extends _DepthFirstTreeIterator<SemanticsNode> {
_DepthFirstSemanticsTreeIterator(super.root, this.order);
final DebugSemanticsDumpOrder order;
List<SemanticsNode> _collectChildren(SemanticsNode root) {
return root.debugListChildrenInOrder(order);