blob: 6f28bef246e3610dbe941dddd058f16449f66066 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'artifacts.dart';
import 'base/bot_detector.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/io.dart' as io;
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'convert.dart';
import 'resident_runner.dart';
/// An implementation of the devtools launcher that uses `dart devtools` to
/// start a DevTools server instance.
class DevtoolsServerLauncher extends DevtoolsLauncher {
required ProcessManager processManager,
required Logger logger,
required BotDetector botDetector,
required Artifacts artifacts,
}) : _processManager = processManager,
_logger = logger,
_botDetector = botDetector,
_artifacts = artifacts;
final ProcessManager _processManager;
final Artifacts _artifacts;
late final String _dartExecutable = _artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.engineDartBinary);
final Logger _logger;
final BotDetector _botDetector;
final Completer<void> _processStartCompleter = Completer<void>();
io.Process? _devToolsProcess;
bool _devToolsProcessKilled = false;
Future<void>? devToolsProcessExit;
static final RegExp _serveDevToolsPattern =
RegExp(r'Serving DevTools at ((http|//)[a-zA-Z0-9:/=_\-\.\[\]]+?)\.?$');
static final RegExp _serveDtdPattern =
RegExp(r'Serving the Dart Tooling Daemon at (ws:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9:/=_\-\.\[\]]+?)\.?$');
Future<void> get processStart => _processStartCompleter.future;
Future<void> launch(Uri? vmServiceUri, {List<String>? additionalArguments}) async {
// Place this entire method in a try/catch that swallows exceptions because
// this method is guaranteed not to return a Future that throws.
try {
_devToolsProcess = await _processManager.start(<String>[
if (printDtdUri) '--print-dtd',
if (vmServiceUri != null) '--vm-uri=$vmServiceUri',
final Completer<Uri> devToolsCompleter = Completer<Uri>();
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) {
final Match? dtdMatch = _serveDtdPattern.firstMatch(line);
if (dtdMatch != null) {
final String uri = dtdMatch[1]!;
dtdUri = Uri.parse(uri);
final Match? devToolsMatch = _serveDevToolsPattern.firstMatch(line);
if (devToolsMatch != null) {
final String url = devToolsMatch[1]!;
.transform(const LineSplitter())
final bool runningOnBot = await _botDetector.isRunningOnBot;
devToolsProcessExit = _devToolsProcess!.exitCode.then(
(int exitCode) {
if (!_devToolsProcessKilled && runningOnBot) {
throwToolExit('DevTools process failed: exitCode=$exitCode');
// We do not need to wait for a [Completer] holding the DTD URI because
// the DTD URI will be output to stdout before the DevTools URI. Awaiting
// a [Completer] for the DevTools URI ensures both values will be
// populated before returning.
devToolsUrl = await devToolsCompleter.future;
} on Exception catch (e, st) {
_logger.printError('Failed to launch DevTools: $e', stackTrace: st);
Future<DevToolsServerAddress?> serve() async {
if (activeDevToolsServer == null) {
await launch(null);
return activeDevToolsServer;
Future<void> close() async {
if (devToolsUrl != null) {
devToolsUrl = null;
if (_devToolsProcess != null) {
_devToolsProcessKilled = true;