blob: c0a2d2ad645ef11a01eccde7ee6e760faf43b845 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:fake_async/fake_async.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/android/android_studio_validator.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/android/android_workflow.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/logger.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/platform.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/terminal.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/time.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/user_messages.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_info.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/custom_devices/custom_device_workflow.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/doctor.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/doctor_validator.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/globals.dart' as globals;
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/reporting/reporting.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/version.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/vscode/vscode.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/vscode/vscode_validator.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/web/workflow.dart';
import 'package:test/fake.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/unified_analytics.dart';
import '../../src/common.dart';
import '../../src/context.dart';
import '../../src/fakes.dart';
void main() {
late BufferLogger logger;
late FakeProcessManager fakeProcessManager;
late MemoryFileSystem fs;
setUp(() {
logger = BufferLogger.test();
fakeProcessManager = FakeProcessManager.empty();
fs = MemoryFileSystem.test();
testWithoutContext('ValidationMessage equality and hashCode includes contextUrl', () {
const ValidationMessage messageA = ValidationMessage('ab', contextUrl: 'a');
const ValidationMessage messageB = ValidationMessage('ab', contextUrl: 'b');
expect(messageB, isNot(messageA));
expect(messageB.hashCode, isNot(messageA.hashCode));
expect(messageA, isNot(messageB));
expect(messageA.hashCode, isNot(messageB.hashCode));
group('doctor', () {
testUsingContext('vs code validator when both installed', () async {
final ValidationResult result = await VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.installedWithExtension.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.success);
expect(result.statusInfo, 'version 1.2.3');
expect(result.messages, hasLength(2));
ValidationMessage message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('VS Code '));
expect(message.message, 'VS Code at ${VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.validInstall}');
message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('Flutter '));
expect(message.message, 'Flutter extension version 4.5.6');
expect(message.isError, isFalse);
testUsingContext('No IDE Validator includes expected installation messages', () async {
final ValidationResult result = await NoIdeValidator().validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.notAvailable);
expect( vm) => vm.message),
testUsingContext('vs code validator when 64bit installed', () async {
expect(VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.installedWithExtension64bit.title, 'VS Code, 64-bit edition');
final ValidationResult result = await VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.installedWithExtension64bit.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.success);
expect(result.statusInfo, 'version 1.2.3');
expect(result.messages, hasLength(2));
ValidationMessage message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('VS Code '));
expect(message.message, 'VS Code at ${VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.validInstall}');
message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('Flutter '));
expect(message.message, 'Flutter extension version 4.5.6');
testUsingContext('vs code validator when extension missing', () async {
final ValidationResult result = await VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.installedWithoutExtension.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.success);
expect(result.statusInfo, 'version 1.2.3');
expect(result.messages, hasLength(2));
ValidationMessage message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('VS Code '));
expect(message.message, 'VS Code at ${VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.validInstall}');
message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('Flutter '));
expect(message.message, startsWith('Flutter extension can be installed from'));
expect(message.contextUrl, '');
expect(message.isError, false);
group('device validator', () {
testWithoutContext('no devices', () async {
final FakeDeviceManager deviceManager = FakeDeviceManager();
final DeviceValidator deviceValidator = DeviceValidator(
deviceManager: deviceManager,
userMessages: UserMessages(),
final ValidationResult result = await deviceValidator.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.notAvailable);
expect(result.messages, const <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage.hint('No devices available'),
expect(result.statusInfo, isNull);
testWithoutContext('diagnostic message', () async {
final FakeDeviceManager deviceManager = FakeDeviceManager()
..diagnostics = <String>['Device locked'];
final DeviceValidator deviceValidator = DeviceValidator(
deviceManager: deviceManager,
userMessages: UserMessages(),
final ValidationResult result = await deviceValidator.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.notAvailable);
expect(result.messages, const <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage.hint('Device locked'),
expect(result.statusInfo, isNull);
testWithoutContext('diagnostic message and devices', () async {
final FakeDevice device = FakeDevice();
final FakeDeviceManager deviceManager = FakeDeviceManager()
..devices = <Device>[device]
..diagnostics = <String>['Device locked'];
final DeviceValidator deviceValidator = DeviceValidator(
deviceManager: deviceManager,
userMessages: UserMessages(),
final ValidationResult result = await deviceValidator.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.success);
expect(result.messages, const <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage('name (mobile) • device-id • android • 1.2.3'),
ValidationMessage.hint('Device locked'),
expect(result.statusInfo, '1 available');
group('doctor with overridden validators', () {
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format for run without issues', () async {
final Doctor doctor = Doctor(logger: logger, clock: const SystemClock());
expect(await doctor.diagnose(verbose: false), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Another Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Providing validators is fun (with statusInfo)\n'
'• No issues found!\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
DoctorValidatorsProvider: () => FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider(),
group('doctor usage params', () {
late TestUsage testUsage;
setUp(() {
testUsage = TestUsage();
testUsingContext('contains installed', () async {
final Doctor doctor = Doctor(logger: logger, clock: const SystemClock());
await doctor.diagnose(verbose: false);
expect(, 3);
expect(, contains(
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'installed',
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
DoctorValidatorsProvider: () => FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider(),
Usage: () => testUsage,
testUsingContext('contains installed and partial', () async {
await FakePassingDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false);
expect(, unorderedEquals(<TestUsageEvent>[
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'installed',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'installed',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'partial',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'partial',
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Usage: () => testUsage,
testUsingContext('contains installed, missing and partial', () async {
await FakeDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false);
expect(, unorderedEquals(<TestUsageEvent>[
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'installed',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'missing',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'notAvailable',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'partial',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'partial',
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Usage: () => testUsage,
testUsingContext('events for grouped validators are properly decomposed', () async {
await FakeGroupedDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false);
expect(, unorderedEquals(<TestUsageEvent>[
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'installed',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'installed',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'installed',
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'missing',
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Usage: () => testUsage,
testUsingContext('sending events can be skipped', () async {
await FakePassingDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false, sendEvent: false);
expect(, isEmpty);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Usage: () => testUsage,
group('doctor with fake validators', () {
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format for run without issues', () async {
expect(await FakeQuietDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Another Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Validators are fun (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Four score and seven validators ago (with statusInfo)\n'
'• No issues found!\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format for run with crash', () async {
expect(await FakeCrashingDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false), isFalse);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Another Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[☠] Crashing validator (the doctor check crashed)\n'
' ✗ Due to an error, the doctor check did not complete. If the error message below is not helpful, '
'please let us know about this issue at\n'
' ✗ Bad state: fatal error\n'
'[✓] Validators are fun (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Four score and seven validators ago (with statusInfo)\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 1 category.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate verbose output format contains trace for run with crash', () async {
expect(await FakeCrashingDoctor(logger).diagnose(), isFalse);
expect(logger.statusText, contains('#0 CrashingValidator.validate'));
testUsingContext('validate tool exit when exceeding timeout', () async {
FakeAsync().run<void>((FakeAsync time) {
final Doctor doctor = FakeAsyncStuckDoctor(logger);
doctor.diagnose(verbose: false);
time.elapse(const Duration(minutes: 5));
expect(logger.statusText, contains('Stuck validator that never completes exceeded maximum allowed duration of '));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format for run with an async crash', () async {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
await FakeAsync().run((FakeAsync time) {
unawaited(FakeAsyncCrashingDoctor(time, logger).diagnose(verbose: false).then((bool r) {
expect(r, isFalse);
time.elapse(const Duration(seconds: 1));
return completer.future;
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Another Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[☠] Async crashing validator (the doctor check crashed)\n'
' ✗ Due to an error, the doctor check did not complete. If the error message below is not helpful, '
'please let us know about this issue at\n'
' ✗ Bad state: fatal error\n'
'[✓] Validators are fun (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Four score and seven validators ago (with statusInfo)\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 1 category.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format when only one category fails', () async {
expect(await FakeSinglePassingDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 1 category.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format for a passing run', () async {
expect(await FakePassingDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message indicating partial installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help the user\n'
'[✓] Another Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 2 categories.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format', () async {
expect(await FakeDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false), isFalse);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✗] Missing Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Not Available Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message indicating partial installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help the user\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 4 categories.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate verbose output format', () async {
expect(await FakeDoctor(logger).diagnose(), isFalse);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' • A second, somewhat longer helpful message\n'
'[✗] Missing Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' • A message that is not an error\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Not Available Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' • A message that is not an error\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
' • But there is no error\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message indicating partial installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help the user\n'
' • An extra message with some verbose details\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 4 categories.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate PII can be hidden', () async {
expect(await FakePiiDoctor(logger).diagnose(showPii: false), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] PII Validator\n'
' • Does not contain PII\n'
'• No issues found!\n'
// PII shown.
expect(await FakePiiDoctor(logger).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] PII Validator\n'
' • Contains PII path/to/username\n'
'• No issues found!\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
group('doctor diagnosis wrapper', () {
late TestUsage testUsage;
late BufferLogger logger;
setUp(() {
testUsage = TestUsage();
logger = BufferLogger.test();
testUsingContext('PII separated, events only sent once', () async {
final Doctor fakeDoctor = FakePiiDoctor(logger);
final DoctorText doctorText = DoctorText(logger,doctor: fakeDoctor);
const String expectedPiiText = '[✓] PII Validator\n'
' • Contains PII path/to/username\n'
'• No issues found!\n';
const String expectedPiiStrippedText =
'[✓] PII Validator\n'
' • Does not contain PII\n'
'• No issues found!\n';
// Run each multiple times to make sure the logger buffer is being cleared,
// and that events are only sent once.
expect(await doctorText.text, expectedPiiText);
expect(await doctorText.text, expectedPiiText);
expect(await doctorText.piiStrippedText, expectedPiiStrippedText);
expect(await doctorText.piiStrippedText, expectedPiiStrippedText);
// Only one event sent.
expect(, <TestUsageEvent>[
const TestUsageEvent(
label: 'installed',
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
Usage: () => testUsage,
testUsingContext('without PII has same text and PII-stripped text', () async {
final Doctor fakeDoctor = FakePassingDoctor(logger);
final DoctorText doctorText = DoctorText(logger, doctor: fakeDoctor);
final String piiText = await doctorText.text;
expect(piiText, isNotEmpty);
expect(piiText, await doctorText.piiStrippedText);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Usage: () => testUsage,
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output wrapping', () async {
final BufferLogger wrapLogger = BufferLogger.test(
outputPreferences: OutputPreferences(wrapText: true, wrapColumn: 30),
expect(await FakeDoctor(wrapLogger).diagnose(verbose: false), isFalse);
expect(wrapLogger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all\n'
'details, run flutter doctor\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with\n'
' statusInfo)\n'
'[✗] Missing Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Not Available Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with\n'
' only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with\n'
' Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message\n'
' indicating partial\n'
' installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help\n'
' the user\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 4\n'
' categories.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate verbose output wrapping', () async {
final BufferLogger wrapLogger = BufferLogger.test(
outputPreferences: OutputPreferences(wrapText: true, wrapColumn: 30),
expect(await FakeDoctor(wrapLogger).diagnose(), isFalse);
expect(wrapLogger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] Passing Validator (with\n'
' statusInfo)\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' • A second, somewhat\n'
' longer helpful message\n'
'[✗] Missing Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' • A message that is not an\n'
' error\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Not Available Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' • A message that is not an\n'
' error\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with\n'
' only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
' • But there is no error\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with\n'
' Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message\n'
' indicating partial\n'
' installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help\n'
' the user\n'
' • An extra message with\n'
' some verbose details\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 4\n'
' categories.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
group('doctor with grouped validators', () {
testUsingContext('validate diagnose combines validator output', () async {
expect(await FakeGroupedDoctor(logger).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] Category 1\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
'[!] Category 2\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 1 category.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate merging assigns statusInfo and title', () async {
// There are two subvalidators. Only the second contains statusInfo.
expect(await FakeGroupedDoctorWithStatus(logger).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] First validator title (A status message)\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' • A different message\n'
'• No issues found!\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
group('grouped validator merging results', () {
final PassingGroupedValidator installed = PassingGroupedValidator('Category');
final PartialGroupedValidator partial = PartialGroupedValidator('Category');
final MissingGroupedValidator missing = MissingGroupedValidator('Category');
testUsingContext('validate installed + installed = installed', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(logger, installed, installed).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, startsWith('[✓]'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate installed + partial = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(logger, installed, partial).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate installed + missing = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(logger, installed, missing).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate partial + installed = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(logger, partial, installed).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate partial + partial = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(logger, partial, partial).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate partial + missing = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(logger, partial, missing).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate missing + installed = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(logger, missing, installed).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate missing + partial = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(logger, missing, partial).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(logger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('validate missing + missing = missing', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(logger, missing, missing).diagnose(), isFalse);
expect(logger.statusText, startsWith('[✗]'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AnsiTerminal: () => FakeTerminal(),
testUsingContext('WebWorkflow is a part of validator workflows if enabled', () async {
final List<Workflow> workflows = DoctorValidatorsProvider.test(
featureFlags: TestFeatureFlags(isWebEnabled: true),
platform: FakePlatform(),
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => MemoryFileSystem.test(),
ProcessManager: () => fakeProcessManager,
testUsingContext('CustomDevicesWorkflow is a part of validator workflows if enabled', () async {
final List<Workflow> workflows = DoctorValidatorsProvider.test(
featureFlags: TestFeatureFlags(areCustomDevicesEnabled: true),
platform: FakePlatform(),
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => fs,
ProcessManager: () => fakeProcessManager,
group('FlutterValidator', () {
late FakeFlutterVersion initialVersion;
late FakeFlutterVersion secondVersion;
late TestFeatureFlags featureFlags;
setUp(() {
secondVersion = FakeFlutterVersion(frameworkRevisionShort: '222');
initialVersion = FakeFlutterVersion(
frameworkRevisionShort: '111',
nextFlutterVersion: secondVersion,
featureFlags = TestFeatureFlags();
testUsingContext('FlutterValidator fetches tags and gets fresh version', () async {
final Directory devtoolsDir ='/path/to/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/resources/devtools')
..createSync(recursive: true);'/path/to/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts').createSync(recursive: true);
devtoolsDir.childFile('version.json').writeAsStringSync('{"version": "123"}');
fakeProcessManager.addCommands(const <FakeCommand>[
FakeCommand(command: <String>['which', 'java']),
final List<DoctorValidator> validators = DoctorValidatorsProvider.test(
featureFlags: featureFlags,
platform: FakePlatform(),
final FlutterValidator flutterValidator = validators.whereType<FlutterValidator>().first;
final ValidationResult result = await flutterValidator.validate();
expect( msg) => msg.message),
contains(contains('Framework revision 222')),
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Cache: () => Cache.test(
fileSystem: fs,
processManager: fakeProcessManager,
FileSystem: () => fs,
FlutterVersion: () => initialVersion,
Platform: () => FakePlatform(),
ProcessManager: () => fakeProcessManager,
TestFeatureFlags: () => featureFlags,
testUsingContext('If android workflow is disabled, AndroidStudio validator is not included', () {
final DoctorValidatorsProvider provider = DoctorValidatorsProvider.test(
featureFlags: TestFeatureFlags(isAndroidEnabled: false),
expect(provider.validators, isNot(contains(isA<AndroidStudioValidator>())));
expect(provider.validators, isNot(contains(isA<NoAndroidStudioValidator>())));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
AndroidWorkflow: () => FakeAndroidWorkflow(appliesToHostPlatform: false),
group('Doctor events with unified_analytics', () {
late FakeAnalytics fakeAnalytics;
final FakeFlutterVersion fakeFlutterVersion = FakeFlutterVersion();
final DateTime fakeDate = DateTime(1995, 3, 3);
final SystemClock fakeSystemClock = SystemClock.fixed(fakeDate);
setUp(() {
fakeAnalytics = getInitializedFakeAnalyticsInstance(
fakeFlutterVersion: fakeFlutterVersion,
fs: fs,
testUsingContext('ensure fake is being used and initialized', () {
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents.length, 0);
expect(fakeAnalytics.okToSend, true);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
Analytics: () => fakeAnalytics,
testUsingContext('contains installed', () async {
final Doctor doctor = Doctor(logger: logger, clock: fakeSystemClock, analytics: fakeAnalytics);
await doctor.diagnose(verbose: false);
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents.length, 3);
// The event that should have been fired off during the doctor invocation
final Event eventToFind = Event.doctorValidatorResult(
validatorName: 'Passing Validator',
result: 'installed',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: DateTime(1995, 3, 3).millisecondsSinceEpoch,
statusInfo: 'with statusInfo',
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, contains(eventToFind));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
DoctorValidatorsProvider: () => FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider(),
testUsingContext('contains installed and partial', () async {
await FakePassingDoctor(logger, clock: fakeSystemClock).diagnose(verbose: false);
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, hasLength(4));
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, unorderedEquals(<Event>[
validatorName: 'Passing Validator',
result: 'installed',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
statusInfo: 'with statusInfo',
validatorName: 'Partial Validator with only a Hint',
result: 'partial',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
validatorName: 'Partial Validator with Errors',
result: 'partial',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
validatorName: 'Another Passing Validator',
result: 'installed',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
statusInfo: 'with statusInfo',
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
DoctorValidatorsProvider: () => FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider(),
Analytics: () => fakeAnalytics,
testUsingContext('contains installed, missing and partial', () async {
await FakeDoctor(logger, clock: fakeSystemClock).diagnose(verbose: false);
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, hasLength(5));
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, unorderedEquals(<Event>[
validatorName: 'Passing Validator',
result: 'installed',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
statusInfo: 'with statusInfo',
validatorName: 'Missing Validator',
result: 'missing',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
validatorName: 'Not Available Validator',
result: 'notAvailable',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
validatorName: 'Partial Validator with only a Hint',
result: 'partial',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
validatorName: 'Partial Validator with Errors',
result: 'partial',
partOfGroupedValidator: false,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
DoctorValidatorsProvider: () => FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider(),
Analytics: () => fakeAnalytics,
testUsingContext('events for grouped validators are properly decomposed', () async {
await FakeGroupedDoctor(logger, clock: fakeSystemClock).diagnose(verbose: false);
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, hasLength(4));
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, unorderedEquals(<Event>[
validatorName: 'Category 1',
result: 'installed',
partOfGroupedValidator: true,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
validatorName: 'Category 1',
result: 'installed',
partOfGroupedValidator: true,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
validatorName: 'Category 2',
result: 'installed',
partOfGroupedValidator: true,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
validatorName: 'Category 2',
result: 'missing',
partOfGroupedValidator: true,
doctorInvocationId: fakeDate.millisecondsSinceEpoch,
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
DoctorValidatorsProvider: () => FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider(),
Analytics: () => fakeAnalytics,
testUsingContext('grouped validator subresult and subvalidators different lengths', () async {
final FakeGroupedDoctorWithCrash fakeDoctor = FakeGroupedDoctorWithCrash(logger, clock: fakeSystemClock);
await fakeDoctor.diagnose(verbose: false);
expect(fakeDoctor.validators, hasLength(1));
expect(fakeDoctor.validators.first.runtimeType == FakeGroupedValidatorWithCrash, true);
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, hasLength(0));
// Attempt to send a random event to ensure that the
// analytics package is still working, despite not sending
// above (as expected)
final Event testEvent = Event.analyticsCollectionEnabled(status: true);
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, hasLength(1));
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, contains(testEvent));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{Analytics: () => fakeAnalytics});
testUsingContext('sending events can be skipped', () async {
await FakePassingDoctor(logger).diagnose(verbose: false, sendEvent: false);
expect(fakeAnalytics.sentEvents, isEmpty);
,overrides: <Type, Generator>{Analytics: () => fakeAnalytics});
class FakeAndroidWorkflow extends Fake implements AndroidWorkflow {
this.canListDevices = true,
this.appliesToHostPlatform = true,
final bool canListDevices;
final bool appliesToHostPlatform;
class PassingValidator extends DoctorValidator {
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage('A helpful message'),
ValidationMessage('A second, somewhat longer helpful message'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.success, messages, statusInfo: 'with statusInfo');
class PiiValidator extends DoctorValidator {
PiiValidator() : super('PII Validator');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage('Contains PII path/to/username', piiStrippedMessage: 'Does not contain PII'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.success, messages);
class MissingValidator extends DoctorValidator {
MissingValidator() : super('Missing Validator');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage.error('A useful error message'),
ValidationMessage('A message that is not an error'),
ValidationMessage.hint('A hint message'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.missing, messages);
class NotAvailableValidator extends DoctorValidator {
NotAvailableValidator() : super('Not Available Validator');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage.error('A useful error message'),
ValidationMessage('A message that is not an error'),
ValidationMessage.hint('A hint message'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.notAvailable, messages);
class StuckValidator extends DoctorValidator {
StuckValidator() : super('Stuck validator that never completes');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() {
final Completer<ValidationResult> completer = Completer<ValidationResult>();
// This future will never complete
return completer.future;
class PartialValidatorWithErrors extends DoctorValidator {
PartialValidatorWithErrors() : super('Partial Validator with Errors');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage.error('An error message indicating partial installation'),
ValidationMessage.hint('Maybe a hint will help the user'),
ValidationMessage('An extra message with some verbose details'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.partial, messages);
class PartialValidatorWithHintsOnly extends DoctorValidator {
PartialValidatorWithHintsOnly() : super('Partial Validator with only a Hint');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage.hint('There is a hint here'),
ValidationMessage('But there is no error'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.partial, messages);
class CrashingValidator extends DoctorValidator {
CrashingValidator() : super('Crashing validator');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
throw StateError('fatal error');
class AsyncCrashingValidator extends DoctorValidator {
AsyncCrashingValidator(this._time) : super('Async crashing validator');
final FakeAsync _time;
Future<ValidationResult> validate() {
const Duration delay = Duration(seconds: 1);
final Future<ValidationResult> result = Future<ValidationResult>.delayed(
() => throw StateError('fatal error'),
_time.elapse(const Duration(seconds: 1));
return result;
/// A doctor that fails with a missing [ValidationResult].
class FakeDoctor extends Doctor {
FakeDoctor(Logger logger, {super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
PassingValidator('Passing Validator'),
/// A doctor that should pass, but still has issues in some categories.
class FakePassingDoctor extends Doctor {
FakePassingDoctor(Logger logger, {super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
PassingValidator('Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'),
/// A doctor that should pass, but still has 1 issue to test the singular of
/// categories.
class FakeSinglePassingDoctor extends Doctor {
FakeSinglePassingDoctor(Logger logger, {super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
/// A doctor that passes and has no issues anywhere.
class FakeQuietDoctor extends Doctor {
FakeQuietDoctor(Logger logger, {super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
PassingValidator('Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Validators are fun'),
PassingValidator('Four score and seven validators ago'),
/// A doctor that passes and contains PII that can be hidden.
class FakePiiDoctor extends Doctor {
FakePiiDoctor(Logger logger, {super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
/// A doctor with a validator that throws an exception.
class FakeCrashingDoctor extends Doctor {
FakeCrashingDoctor(Logger logger, {super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
PassingValidator('Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Validators are fun'),
PassingValidator('Four score and seven validators ago'),
/// A doctor with a validator that will never finish.
class FakeAsyncStuckDoctor extends Doctor {
FakeAsyncStuckDoctor(Logger logger, {super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
PassingValidator('Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Validators are fun'),
PassingValidator('Four score and seven validators ago'),
/// A doctor with a validator that throws an exception.
class FakeAsyncCrashingDoctor extends Doctor {
FakeAsyncCrashingDoctor(this._time, Logger logger,
{super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
final FakeAsync _time;
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
PassingValidator('Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Validators are fun'),
PassingValidator('Four score and seven validators ago'),
/// A DoctorValidatorsProvider that overrides the default validators without
/// overriding the doctor.
class FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider implements DoctorValidatorsProvider {
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
return <DoctorValidator>[
PassingValidator('Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Providing validators is fun'),
List<Workflow> get workflows => <Workflow>[];
class PassingGroupedValidator extends DoctorValidator {
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage('A helpful message'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.success, messages);
class MissingGroupedValidator extends DoctorValidator {
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage.error('A useful error message'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.missing, messages);
class PartialGroupedValidator extends DoctorValidator {
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage.error('An error message for partial installation'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.partial, messages);
class PassingGroupedValidatorWithStatus extends DoctorValidator {
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
const List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[
ValidationMessage('A different message'),
return const ValidationResult(ValidationType.success, messages, statusInfo: 'A status message');
/// A doctor that has two groups of two validators each.
class FakeGroupedDoctor extends Doctor {
FakeGroupedDoctor(Logger logger, {super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
PassingGroupedValidator('Category 1'),
PassingGroupedValidator('Category 1'),
PassingGroupedValidator('Category 2'),
MissingGroupedValidator('Category 2'),
/// Fake grouped doctor that is intended to be used with [FakeGroupedValidatorWithCrash].
class FakeGroupedDoctorWithCrash extends Doctor {
FakeGroupedDoctorWithCrash(Logger logger, {super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
PassingGroupedValidator('Category 1'),
PassingGroupedValidator('Category 1'),
/// This extended grouped validator will have a list of sub validators
/// provided in the constructor, but it will have no [subResults] in the
/// list which simulates what happens if a validator crashes.
/// Usually, the grouped validators have 2 lists, a [subValidators] and
/// a [subResults] list, and if nothing crashes, those 2 lists will have the
/// same length. This fake is simulating what happens when the validators
/// crash and results in no results getting returned.
class FakeGroupedValidatorWithCrash extends GroupedValidator {
List<ValidationResult> get subResults => <ValidationResult>[];
class FakeGroupedDoctorWithStatus extends Doctor {
FakeGroupedDoctorWithStatus(Logger logger,
{super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: super(logger: logger);
late final List<DoctorValidator> validators = <DoctorValidator>[
PassingGroupedValidator('First validator title'),
PassingGroupedValidatorWithStatus('Second validator title'),
/// A doctor that takes any two validators. Used to check behavior when
/// merging ValidationTypes (installed, missing, partial).
class FakeSmallGroupDoctor extends Doctor {
Logger logger, DoctorValidator val1, DoctorValidator val2,
{super.clock = const SystemClock()})
: validators = <DoctorValidator>[GroupedValidator(<DoctorValidator>[val1, val2])],
super(logger: logger);
final List<DoctorValidator> validators;
class VsCodeValidatorTestTargets extends VsCodeValidator {
VsCodeValidatorTestTargets._(String installDirectory, String extensionDirectory, {String? edition})
: super(VsCode.fromDirectory(installDirectory, extensionDirectory, edition: edition, fileSystem: globals.fs));
static VsCodeValidatorTestTargets get installedWithExtension =>
VsCodeValidatorTestTargets._(validInstall, validExtensions);
static VsCodeValidatorTestTargets get installedWithExtension64bit =>
VsCodeValidatorTestTargets._(validInstall, validExtensions, edition: '64-bit edition');
static VsCodeValidatorTestTargets get installedWithoutExtension =>
VsCodeValidatorTestTargets._(validInstall, missingExtensions);
static final String validInstall = globals.fs.path.join('test', 'data', 'vscode', 'application');
static final String validExtensions = globals.fs.path.join('test', 'data', 'vscode', 'extensions');
static final String missingExtensions = globals.fs.path.join('test', 'data', 'vscode', 'notExtensions');
class FakeDeviceManager extends Fake implements DeviceManager {
List<String> diagnostics = <String>[];
List<Device> devices = <Device>[];
Future<List<Device>> getAllDevices({
DeviceDiscoveryFilter? filter,
}) async => devices;
Future<List<Device>> refreshAllDevices({
Duration? timeout,
DeviceDiscoveryFilter? filter,
}) async => devices;
Future<List<String>> getDeviceDiagnostics() async => diagnostics;
class FakeDevice extends Fake implements Device {
String get name => 'name';
String get id => 'device-id';
Category get category =>;
bool isSupported() => true;
Future<bool> get isLocalEmulator async => false;
Future<String> get targetPlatformDisplayName async => 'android';
Future<String> get sdkNameAndVersion async => '1.2.3';
Future<TargetPlatform> get targetPlatform => Future<TargetPlatform>.value(;
class FakeTerminal extends Fake implements AnsiTerminal {
final bool supportsColor = false;
bool get isCliAnimationEnabled => supportsColor;