blob: fb3e1338aaa8dde3e82c1f10d1e27f08ed77e267 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'url_strategy.dart';
/// Function type that handles pop state events.
typedef EventListener = dynamic Function(Object event);
/// Encapsulates all calls to DOM apis, which allows the [UrlStrategy] classes
/// to be platform agnostic and testable.
/// For convenience, the [PlatformLocation] class can be used by implementations
/// of [UrlStrategy] to interact with DOM apis like pushState, popState, etc.
abstract interface class PlatformLocation {
/// Registers an event listener for the `popstate` event.
/// See:
void addPopStateListener(EventListener fn);
/// Unregisters the given listener (added by [addPopStateListener]) from the
/// `popstate` event.
/// See:
void removePopStateListener(EventListener fn);
/// The `pathname` part of the URL in the browser address bar.
/// See:
String get pathname;
/// The `query` part of the URL in the browser address bar.
/// See:
String get search;
/// The `hash` part of the URL in the browser address bar.
/// See:
String get hash;
/// The `state` in the current history entry.
/// See:
Object? get state;
/// Adds a new entry to the browser history stack.
/// See:
void pushState(Object? state, String title, String url);
/// Replaces the current entry in the browser history stack.
/// See:
void replaceState(Object? state, String title, String url);
/// Moves forwards or backwards through the history stack.
/// A negative [count] value causes a backward move in the history stack. And
/// a positive [count] value causes a forward move.
/// Examples:
/// * `go(-2)` moves back 2 steps in history.
/// * `go(3)` moves forward 3 steps in history.
/// See:
void go(int count);
/// The base href where the Flutter app is being served.
/// See:
String? getBaseHref();
/// Delegates to real browser APIs to provide platform location functionality.
class BrowserPlatformLocation implements PlatformLocation {
void addPopStateListener(EventListener fn) {
// No-op.
void removePopStateListener(EventListener fn) {
// No-op.
String get pathname => '';
String get search => '';
String get hash => '';
Object? get state => null;
void pushState(Object? state, String title, String url) {
// No-op.
void replaceState(Object? state, String title, String url) {
// No-op.
void go(int count) {
// No-op.
String? getBaseHref() => null;