blob: bd3c043f645c68304510715234d08a9aaf865eea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/dart/sdk.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../src/context.dart';
// This test depends on some files in ///dev/automated_tests/flutter_test/*
Future<Null> _testExclusionLock;
void main() {
group('test', () {
final String automatedTestsDirectory = fs.path.join('..', '..', 'dev', 'automated_tests');
final String flutterTestDirectory = fs.path.join(automatedTestsDirectory, 'flutter_test');
testUsingContext('Exception handling in test harness', () async {
Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';
return _testFile('exception_handling', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory);
testUsingContext('TestAsyncUtils guarded function test', () async {
Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';
return _testFile('test_async_utils_guarded', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory);
testUsingContext('TestAsyncUtils unguarded function test', () async {
Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';
return _testFile('test_async_utils_unguarded', automatedTestsDirectory, flutterTestDirectory);
testUsingContext('Missing flutter_test dependency', () async {
final String missingDependencyTests = fs.path.join('..', '..', 'dev', 'missing_dependency_tests');
Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';
return _testFile('trivial', missingDependencyTests, missingDependencyTests);
}, skip: io.Platform.isWindows); // TODO(goderbauer): enable when sky_shell is available
Future<Null> _testFile(String testName, String workingDirectory, String testDirectory) async {
final String fullTestName = fs.path.join(testDirectory, '${testName}_test.dart');
final File testFile = fs.file(fullTestName);
expect(testFile.existsSync(), true);
final String fullTestExpectation = fs.path.join(testDirectory, '${testName}_expectation.txt');
final File expectationFile = fs.file(fullTestExpectation);
expect(expectationFile.existsSync(), true);
while (_testExclusionLock != null)
await _testExclusionLock;
ProcessResult exec;
final Completer<Null> testExclusionCompleter = new Completer<Null>();
_testExclusionLock = testExclusionCompleter.future;
try {
exec = await
fs.path.join(dartSdkPath, 'bin', 'dart'),
fs.path.absolute(fs.path.join('bin', 'flutter_tools.dart')),
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
} finally {
_testExclusionLock = null;
expect(exec.exitCode, isNonZero);
final List<String> output = exec.stdout.split('\n');
if (output.first == 'Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock...')
final List<String> expectations = fs.file(fullTestExpectation).readAsLinesSync();
bool allowSkip = false;
int expectationLineNumber = 0;
int outputLineNumber = 0;
bool haveSeenStdErrMarker = false;
while (expectationLineNumber < expectations.length) {
expect(output, hasLength(greaterThan(outputLineNumber)));
final String expectationLine = expectations[expectationLineNumber];
final String outputLine = output[outputLineNumber];
if (expectationLine == '<<skip until matching line>>') {
allowSkip = true;
expectationLineNumber += 1;
if (allowSkip) {
if (!new RegExp(expectationLine).hasMatch(outputLine)) {
outputLineNumber += 1;
allowSkip = false;
if (expectationLine == '<<stderr>>') {
expect(haveSeenStdErrMarker, isFalse);
haveSeenStdErrMarker = true;
expect(outputLine, matches(expectationLine), reason: 'Full output:\n- - - -----8<----- - - -\n${output.join("\n")}\n- - - -----8<----- - - -');
expectationLineNumber += 1;
outputLineNumber += 1;
expect(allowSkip, isFalse);
if (!haveSeenStdErrMarker)
expect(exec.stderr, '');