blob: 6477a5de9908620d13a83bccb9aa2e746f2f833c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This program replaces the material_kn.arb and cupertino_kn.arb
// files in flutter_localizations/packages/lib/src/l10n with versions
// where the contents of the localized strings have been replaced by JSON
// escapes. This is done because some of those strings contain characters
// that can crash Emacs on Linux. There is more information
// here: and in the README
// in flutter_localizations/packages/lib/src/l10n.
// This app needs to be run by hand when material_kn.arb or cupertino_kn.arb
// have been updated.
// ## Usage
// Run this program from the root of the git repository.
// ```
// dart dev/tools/localization/bin/encode_kn_arb_files.dart
// ```
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../localizations_utils.dart';
Map<String, dynamic> loadBundle(File file) {
if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(file.path))
exitWithError('Unable to find input file: ${file.path}');
return json.decode(file.readAsStringSync()) as Map<String, dynamic>;
void encodeBundleTranslations(Map<String, dynamic> bundle) {
for (final String key in bundle.keys) {
// The ARB file resource "attributes" for foo are called @foo. Don't need
// to encode them.
if (key.startsWith('@'))
final String translation = bundle[key] as String;
// Rewrite the string as a series of unicode characters in JSON format.
// Like "\u0012\u0123\u1234".
bundle[key] = code) {
final String codeString = '00${code.toRadixString(16)}';
return '\\u${codeString.substring(codeString.length - 4)}';
void checkEncodedTranslations(Map<String, dynamic> encodedBundle, Map<String, dynamic> bundle) {
bool errorFound = false;
const JsonDecoder decoder = JsonDecoder();
for (final String key in bundle.keys) {
if (decoder.convert('"${encodedBundle[key]}"') != bundle[key]) {
stderr.writeln(' encodedTranslation for $key does not match original value "${bundle[key]}"');
errorFound = true;
if (errorFound)
exitWithError('JSON unicode translation encoding failed');
void rewriteBundle(File file, Map<String, dynamic> bundle) {
final StringBuffer contents = StringBuffer();
for (final String key in bundle.keys) {
contents.writeln(' "$key": "${bundle[key]}"${key == bundle.keys.last ? '' : ','}');
Future<void> main(List<String> rawArgs) async {
final String l10nPath = path.join('packages', 'flutter_localizations', 'lib', 'src', 'l10n');
final File materialArbFile = File(path.join(l10nPath, 'material_kn.arb'));
final File cupertinoArbFile = File(path.join(l10nPath, 'cupertino_kn.arb'));
final Map<String, dynamic> materialBundle = loadBundle(materialArbFile);
final Map<String, dynamic> cupertinoBundle = loadBundle(cupertinoArbFile);
checkEncodedTranslations(materialBundle, loadBundle(materialArbFile));
checkEncodedTranslations(cupertinoBundle, loadBundle(cupertinoArbFile));
rewriteBundle(materialArbFile, materialBundle);
rewriteBundle(cupertinoArbFile, cupertinoBundle);