blob: aa5e8732e406465a830f2b3248938d6e7527b549 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/context.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart' as io;
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../reporting/reporting.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import 'sdk.dart';
/// The [Pub] instance.
Pub get pub => context.get<Pub>();
/// Represents Flutter-specific data that is added to the `PUB_ENVIRONMENT`
/// environment variable and allows understanding the type of requests made to
/// the package site on Flutter's behalf.
// DO NOT update without contacting kevmoo.
// We have server-side tooling that assumes the values are consistent.
class PubContext {
PubContext._(this._values) {
for (final String item in _values) {
if (!_validContext.hasMatch(item)) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
_values, 'value', 'Must match RegExp ${_validContext.pattern}');
static PubContext getVerifyContext(String commandName) =>
PubContext._(<String>['verify', commandName.replaceAll('-', '_')]);
static final PubContext create = PubContext._(<String>['create']);
static final PubContext createPackage = PubContext._(<String>['create_pkg']);
static final PubContext createPlugin = PubContext._(<String>['create_plugin']);
static final PubContext interactive = PubContext._(<String>['interactive']);
static final PubContext pubGet = PubContext._(<String>['get']);
static final PubContext pubUpgrade = PubContext._(<String>['upgrade']);
static final PubContext pubForward = PubContext._(<String>['forward']);
static final PubContext runTest = PubContext._(<String>['run_test']);
static final PubContext flutterTests = PubContext._(<String>['flutter_tests']);
static final PubContext updatePackages = PubContext._(<String>['update_packages']);
final List<String> _values;
static final RegExp _validContext = RegExp('[a-z][a-z_]*[a-z]');
String toString() => 'PubContext: ${_values.join(':')}';
String toAnalyticsString() {
return s) => s.replaceAll('_', '-')).toList().join('-');
bool _shouldRunPubGet({ File pubSpecYaml, File dotPackages }) {
if (!dotPackages.existsSync()) {
return true;
final DateTime dotPackagesLastModified = dotPackages.lastModifiedSync();
if (pubSpecYaml.lastModifiedSync().isAfter(dotPackagesLastModified)) {
return true;
final File flutterToolsStamp = globals.cache.getStampFileFor('flutter_tools');
if (flutterToolsStamp.existsSync() &&
flutterToolsStamp.lastModifiedSync().isAfter(dotPackagesLastModified)) {
return true;
return false;
/// A handle for interacting with the pub tool.
abstract class Pub {
/// Create a default [Pub] instance.
const factory Pub() = _DefaultPub;
/// Runs `pub get`.
/// [context] provides extra information to package server requests to
/// understand usage.
Future<void> get({
@required PubContext context,
String directory,
bool skipIfAbsent = false,
bool upgrade = false,
bool offline = false,
bool checkLastModified = true,
bool skipPubspecYamlCheck = false,
String flutterRootOverride,
/// Runs pub in 'batch' mode.
/// forwarding complete lines written by pub to its stdout/stderr streams to
/// the corresponding stream of this process, optionally applying filtering.
/// The pub process will not receive anything on its stdin stream.
/// The `--trace` argument is passed to `pub` (by mutating the provided
/// `arguments` list) when `showTraceForErrors` is true, and when `showTraceForErrors`
/// is null/unset, and `isRunningOnBot` is true.
/// [context] provides extra information to package server requests to
/// understand usage.
Future<void> batch(
List<String> arguments, {
@required PubContext context,
String directory,
MessageFilter filter,
String failureMessage = 'pub failed',
@required bool retry,
bool showTraceForErrors,
/// Runs pub in 'interactive' mode.
/// directly piping the stdin stream of this process to that of pub, and the
/// stdout/stderr stream of pub to the corresponding streams of this process.
Future<void> interactively(
List<String> arguments, {
String directory,
class _DefaultPub implements Pub {
const _DefaultPub();
Future<void> get({
@required PubContext context,
String directory,
bool skipIfAbsent = false,
bool upgrade = false,
bool offline = false,
bool checkLastModified = true,
bool skipPubspecYamlCheck = false,
String flutterRootOverride,
}) async {
directory ??= globals.fs.currentDirectory.path;
final File pubSpecYaml = globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(directory, 'pubspec.yaml'));
final File dotPackages = globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(directory, '.packages'));
if (!skipPubspecYamlCheck && !pubSpecYaml.existsSync()) {
if (!skipIfAbsent) {
throwToolExit('$directory: no pubspec.yaml found');
final DateTime originalPubspecYamlModificationTime = pubSpecYaml.lastModifiedSync();
if (!checkLastModified || _shouldRunPubGet(pubSpecYaml: pubSpecYaml, dotPackages: dotPackages)) {
final String command = upgrade ? 'upgrade' : 'get';
final Status status = globals.logger.startProgress(
'Running "flutter pub $command" in ${globals.fs.path.basename(directory)}...',
timeout: timeoutConfiguration.slowOperation,
final bool verbose = FlutterCommand.current != null && FlutterCommand.current.globalResults['verbose'] as bool;
final List<String> args = <String>[
if (verbose) '--verbose' else '--verbosity=warning',
...<String>[command, '--no-precompile'],
if (offline) '--offline',
try {
await batch(
context: context,
directory: directory,
filter: _filterOverrideWarnings,
failureMessage: 'pub $command failed',
retry: true,
flutterRootOverride: flutterRootOverride,
// The exception is rethrown, so don't catch only Exceptions.
} catch (exception) { // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
if (!dotPackages.existsSync()) {
throwToolExit('$directory: pub did not create .packages file.');
if (pubSpecYaml.lastModifiedSync() != originalPubspecYamlModificationTime) {
throwToolExit('$directory: unexpected concurrent modification of pubspec.yaml while running pub.');
// We don't check if dotPackages was actually modified, because as far as we can tell sometimes
// pub will decide it does not need to actually modify it.
// Since we rely on the file having a more recent timestamp, though, we do manually force the
// file to be more recently modified.
final DateTime now =;
if (now.isBefore(originalPubspecYamlModificationTime)) {
'Warning: File "${globals.fs.path.absolute(pubSpecYaml.path)}" was created in the future. '
'Optimizations that rely on comparing time stamps will be unreliable. Check your '
'system clock for accuracy.\n'
'The timestamp was: $originalPubspecYamlModificationTime\n'
'The time now is: $now'
} else {
final DateTime newDotPackagesTimestamp = dotPackages.lastModifiedSync();
if (newDotPackagesTimestamp.isBefore(originalPubspecYamlModificationTime)) {
'Warning: Failed to set timestamp of "${globals.fs.path.absolute(dotPackages.path)}". '
'Tried to set timestamp to $now, but new timestamp is $newDotPackagesTimestamp.'
if (newDotPackagesTimestamp.isAfter(now)) {
globals.printError('Maybe the file was concurrently modified?');
Future<void> batch(
List<String> arguments, {
@required PubContext context,
String directory,
MessageFilter filter,
String failureMessage = 'pub failed',
@required bool retry,
bool showTraceForErrors,
String flutterRootOverride,
}) async {
showTraceForErrors ??= await globals.isRunningOnBot;
String lastPubMessage = 'no message';
bool versionSolvingFailed = false;
String filterWrapper(String line) {
lastPubMessage = line;
if (line.contains('version solving failed')) {
versionSolvingFailed = true;
if (filter == null) {
return line;
return filter(line);
if (showTraceForErrors) {
arguments.insert(0, '--trace');
int attempts = 0;
int duration = 1;
int code;
loop: while (true) {
attempts += 1;
code = await
workingDirectory: directory,
mapFunction: filterWrapper, // may set versionSolvingFailed, lastPubMessage
environment: await _createPubEnvironment(context, flutterRootOverride),
String message;
switch (code) {
case 69: // UNAVAILABLE in
message = 'server unavailable';
break loop;
assert(message != null);
versionSolvingFailed = false;
globals.printStatus('$failureMessage ($message) -- attempting retry $attempts in $duration second${ duration == 1 ? "" : "s"}...');
await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(seconds: duration));
if (duration < 64) {
duration *= 2;
assert(code != null);
String result = 'success';
if (versionSolvingFailed) {
result = 'version-solving-failed';
} else if (code != 0) {
result = 'failure';
context: context.toAnalyticsString(),
result: result,
if (code != 0) {
throwToolExit('$failureMessage ($code; $lastPubMessage)', exitCode: code);
Future<void> interactively(
List<String> arguments, {
String directory,
}) async {
final io.Process process = await processUtils.start(
workingDirectory: directory,
environment: await _createPubEnvironment(PubContext.interactive),
// Pipe the Flutter tool stdin to the pub stdin.
// If pub exits unexpectedly with an error, that will be reported below
// by the tool exit after the exit code check.
.catchError((dynamic err, StackTrace stack) {
globals.printTrace('Echoing stdin to the pub subprocess failed:');
// Pipe the pub stdout and stderr to the tool stdout and stderr.
try {
await Future.wait<dynamic>(<Future<dynamic>>[
} on Exception catch (err, stack) {
globals.printTrace('Echoing stdout or stderr from the pub subprocess failed:');
// Wait for pub to exit.
final int code = await process.exitCode;
if (code != 0) {
throwToolExit('pub finished with exit code $code', exitCode: code);
/// The command used for running pub.
List<String> _pubCommand(List<String> arguments) {
return <String>[sdkBinaryName('pub'), ...arguments];
typedef MessageFilter = String Function(String message);
/// The full environment used when running pub.
/// [context] provides extra information to package server requests to
/// understand usage.
Future<Map<String, String>> _createPubEnvironment(PubContext context, [ String flutterRootOverride ]) async {
final Map<String, String> environment = <String, String>{
'FLUTTER_ROOT': flutterRootOverride ?? Cache.flutterRoot,
_pubEnvironmentKey: await _getPubEnvironmentValue(context),
final String pubCache = _getRootPubCacheIfAvailable();
if (pubCache != null) {
environment[_pubCacheEnvironmentKey] = pubCache;
return environment;
final RegExp _analyzerWarning = RegExp(r'^! \w+ [^ ]+ from path \.\./\.\./bin/cache/dart-sdk/lib/\w+$');
/// The console environment key used by the pub tool.
const String _pubEnvironmentKey = 'PUB_ENVIRONMENT';
/// The console environment key used by the pub tool to find the cache directory.
const String _pubCacheEnvironmentKey = 'PUB_CACHE';
/// Returns the environment value that should be used when running pub.
/// Includes any existing environment variable, if one exists.
/// [context] provides extra information to package server requests to
/// understand usage.
Future<String> _getPubEnvironmentValue(PubContext pubContext) async {
// DO NOT update this function without contacting kevmoo.
// We have server-side tooling that assumes the values are consistent.
final String existing = globals.platform.environment[_pubEnvironmentKey];
final List<String> values = <String>[
if (existing != null && existing.isNotEmpty) existing,
if (await globals.isRunningOnBot) 'flutter_bot',
return values.join(':');
String _getRootPubCacheIfAvailable() {
if (globals.platform.environment.containsKey(_pubCacheEnvironmentKey)) {
return globals.platform.environment[_pubCacheEnvironmentKey];
final String cachePath = globals.fs.path.join(Cache.flutterRoot, '.pub-cache');
if ( {
globals.printTrace('Using $cachePath for the pub cache.');
return cachePath;
// Use pub's default location by returning null.
return null;
String _filterOverrideWarnings(String message) {
// This function filters out these three messages:
// Warning: You are using these overridden dependencies:
// ! analyzer 0.29.0-alpha.0 from path ../../bin/cache/dart-sdk/lib/analyzer
// ! front_end 0.1.0-alpha.0 from path ../../bin/cache/dart-sdk/lib/front_end
if (message == 'Warning: You are using these overridden dependencies:') {
return null;
if (message.contains(_analyzerWarning)) {
return null;
return message;