blob: 47a4f87c65d44a10b213df7563f66bfd87cce180 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:xml/xml.dart' as xml;
import '../base/file_system.dart';
/// A utility class for interacting with Visual Studio project files (e.g.,
/// .vcxproj).
class VisualStudioProject {
/// Creates a project object from the project file at [file].
VisualStudioProject(this.file, {
@required FileSystem fileSystem,
}): _fileSystem = fileSystem {
try {
content = xml.parse(file.readAsStringSync());
} on xml.XmlParserException {
// Silently continue; formatUnderstood will return false.
final FileSystem _fileSystem;
/// The file corresponding to this object.
final File file;
/// The content of the project file.
xml.XmlDocument content;
/// Whether or not the project file was correctly parsed.
/// If false, this could indicate that the project file is damaged, or that
/// it's an unsupported project type.
bool get formatUnderstood => content != null;
String _guid;
/// Returns the ProjectGuid for the project, or null if it's not present.
String get guid {
return _guid ??= _findGuid();
String _findGuid() {
if (!formatUnderstood) {
return null;
try {
final String guidValue = content.findAllElements('ProjectGuid').single.text.trim();
// Remove the enclosing {} from the value.
return guidValue.substring(1, guidValue.length - 1);
} on StateError {
// If there is not exactly one ProjectGuid, return null.
return null;
String _name;
/// Returns the ProjectName for the project.
/// If not explicitly set in the project, uses the basename of the project
/// file.
String get name {
return _name ??= _findName();
String _findName() {
if (!formatUnderstood) {
return null;
try {
return content.findAllElements('ProjectName').first.text.trim();
} on StateError {
// If there is no name, fall back to filename.
return _fileSystem.path.basenameWithoutExtension(file.path);