blob: 84ce835fa43482416565ac8d7cb7d3db799f4836 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Collects data from an A/B test and produces a summary for human evaluation.
/// See [printSummary] for more.
class ABTest {
final Map<String, List<double>> _aResults = <String, List<double>>{};
final Map<String, List<double>> _bResults = <String, List<double>>{};
/// Adds the result of a single A run of the benchmark.
/// The result may contain multiple score keys.
/// [result] is expected to be a serialization of [TaskResult].
void addAResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) {
_addResult(result, _aResults);
/// Adds the result of a single B run of the benchmark.
/// The result may contain multiple score keys.
/// [result] is expected to be a serialization of [TaskResult].
void addBResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) {
_addResult(result, _bResults);
/// Returns unprocessed data collected by the A/B test formatted as
/// a tab-separated spreadsheet.
String rawResults() {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
for (final String scoreKey in _allScoreKeys) {
buffer.write(' A:\t');
if (_aResults.containsKey(scoreKey)) {
for (final double score in _aResults[scoreKey]) {
} else {
buffer.write(' B:\t');
if (_bResults.containsKey(scoreKey)) {
for (final double score in _bResults[scoreKey]) {
} else {
return buffer.toString();
Set<String> get _allScoreKeys {
return <String>{
/// Returns the summary as a tab-separated spreadsheet.
/// This value can be copied straight to a Google Spreadsheet for further analysis.
String printSummary() {
final Map<String, _ScoreSummary> summariesA = _summarize(_aResults);
final Map<String, _ScoreSummary> summariesB = _summarize(_bResults);
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer(
'Score\tAverage A (noise)\tAverage B (noise)\tSpeed-up\n',
for (final String scoreKey in _allScoreKeys) {
final _ScoreSummary summaryA = summariesA[scoreKey];
final _ScoreSummary summaryB = summariesB[scoreKey];
if (summaryA != null) {
buffer.write('${summaryA.average.toStringAsFixed(2)} (${_ratioToPercent(summaryA.noise)})\t');
} else {
if (summaryB != null) {
buffer.write('${summaryB.average.toStringAsFixed(2)} (${_ratioToPercent(summaryB.noise)})\t');
} else {
if (summaryA != null && summaryB != null) {
buffer.write('${(summaryA.average / summaryB.average).toStringAsFixed(2)}x\t');
return buffer.toString();
class _ScoreSummary {
@required this.average,
@required this.noise,
/// Average (arithmetic mean) of a series of values collected by a benchmark.
final double average;
/// The noise (standard deviation divided by [average]) in the collected
/// values.
final double noise;
void _addResult(Map<String, dynamic> result, Map<String, List<double>> results) {
final List<String> scoreKeys = (result['benchmarkScoreKeys'] as List<dynamic>).cast<String>();
final Map<String, dynamic> data = result['data'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
for (final String scoreKey in scoreKeys) {
final double score = (data[scoreKey] as num).toDouble();
results.putIfAbsent(scoreKey, () => <double>[]).add(score);
Map<String, _ScoreSummary> _summarize(Map<String, List<double>> results) {
return<String, _ScoreSummary>((String scoreKey, List<double> values) {
final double average = _computeAverage(values);
return MapEntry<String, _ScoreSummary>(scoreKey, _ScoreSummary(
average: average,
// If the average is zero, the benchmark got the perfect score with no noise.
noise: average > 0
? _computeStandardDeviationForPopulation(values) / average
: 0.0,
/// Computes the arithmetic mean (or average) of given [values].
double _computeAverage(Iterable<double> values) {
final double sum = values.reduce((double a, double b) => a + b);
return sum / values.length;
/// Computes population standard deviation.
/// Unlike sample standard deviation, which divides by N - 1, this divides by N.
/// See also:
/// *
double _computeStandardDeviationForPopulation(Iterable<double> population) {
final double mean = _computeAverage(population);
final double sumOfSquaredDeltas = population.fold<double>(
(double previous, num value) => previous += math.pow(value - mean, 2),
return math.sqrt(sumOfSquaredDeltas / population.length);
String _ratioToPercent(double value) {
return '${(value * 100).toStringAsFixed(2)}%';