blob: 8428c3bf1fdc10b5ef8d1611772e2ac18a22fac2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.8
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../base/error_handling_io.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../project.dart';
import '../reporting/reporting.dart';
import 'android_studio.dart';
typedef GradleErrorTest = bool Function(String);
/// A Gradle error handled by the tool.
class GradleHandledError {
const GradleHandledError({
/// The test function.
/// Returns [true] if the current error message should be handled.
final GradleErrorTest test;
/// The handler function.
final Future<GradleBuildStatus> Function({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) handler;
/// The [BuildEvent] label is named gradle-[eventLabel].
/// If not empty, the build event is logged along with
/// additional metadata such as the attempt number.
final String eventLabel;
/// The status of the Gradle build.
enum GradleBuildStatus {
/// The tool cannot recover from the failure and should exit.
/// The tool can retry the exact same build.
/// The tool can build the plugins as AAR and retry the build.
/// Returns a simple test function that evaluates to [true] if
/// [errorMessage] is contained in the error message.
GradleErrorTest _lineMatcher(List<String> errorMessages) {
return (String line) {
return errorMessages.any((String errorMessage) => line.contains(errorMessage));
/// The list of Gradle errors that the tool can handle.
/// The handlers are executed in the order in which they appear in the list.
/// Only the first error handler for which the [test] function returns [true]
/// is handled. As a result, sort error handlers based on how strict the [test]
/// function is to eliminate false positives.
final List<GradleHandledError> gradleErrors = <GradleHandledError>[
// Permission defined error message.
final GradleHandledError permissionDeniedErrorHandler = GradleHandledError(
test: _lineMatcher(const <String>[
'Permission denied',
handler: ({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) async {
globals.printStatus('${globals.logger.terminal.warningMark} Gradle does not have execution permission.', emphasis: true);
'You should change the ownership of the project directory to your user, '
'or move the project to a directory with execute permissions.',
indent: 4
return GradleBuildStatus.exit;
eventLabel: 'permission-denied',
/// Gradle crashes for several known reasons when downloading that are not
/// actionable by Flutter.
/// The Gradle cache directory must be deleted, otherwise it may attempt to
/// re-use the bad zip file.
/// See also:
/// *
final GradleHandledError networkErrorHandler = GradleHandledError(
test: _lineMatcher(const <String>[
' Unable to tunnel through proxy',
'java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout of',
' error in opening zip file',
' Remote host closed connection during handshake',
' Connection reset',
'Gateway Time-out'
handler: ({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) async {
'${globals.logger.terminal.warningMark} Gradle threw an error while downloading artifacts from the network. '
'Retrying to download...'
try {
final String homeDir = globals.platform.environment['HOME'];
if (homeDir != null) {
final Directory directory =, '.gradle'));
ErrorHandlingFileSystem.deleteIfExists(directory, recursive: true);
} on FileSystemException catch (err) {
globals.printTrace('Failed to delete Gradle cache: $err');
return GradleBuildStatus.retry;
eventLabel: 'network',
// R8 failure.
final GradleHandledError r8FailureHandler = GradleHandledError(
test: _lineMatcher(const <String>[
handler: ({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) async {
globals.printStatus('${globals.logger.terminal.warningMark} The shrinker may have failed to optimize the Java bytecode.', emphasis: true);
globals.printStatus('To disable the shrinker, pass the `--no-shrink` flag to this command.', indent: 4);
globals.printStatus('To learn more, see:', indent: 4);
return GradleBuildStatus.exit;
eventLabel: 'r8',
// AndroidX failure.
// This regex is intentionally broad. AndroidX errors can manifest in multiple
// different ways and each one depends on the specific code config and
// filesystem paths of the project. Throwing the broadest net possible here to
// catch all known and likely cases.
// Example stack traces:
// "AAPT: error: resource android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found."
// "Android resource linking failed|Daemon: AAPT2|error: failed linking references"
// "error: cannot find symbol import androidx.annotation.NonNull;"
// "error: package does not exist import;"
final RegExp _androidXFailureRegex = RegExp(r'(AAPT|androidx|android\.support)');
final RegExp androidXPluginWarningRegex = RegExp(r'\*{57}'
r"|WARNING: This version of (\w+) will break your Android build if it or its dependencies aren't compatible with AndroidX."
r'|See for more information on the problem and how to fix it.'
r'|This warning prints for all Android build failures. The real root cause of the error may be unrelated.');
final GradleHandledError androidXFailureHandler = GradleHandledError(
test: (String line) {
return !androidXPluginWarningRegex.hasMatch(line) &&
handler: ({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) async {
final bool hasPlugins = project.flutterPluginsFile.existsSync();
if (!hasPlugins) {
// If the app doesn't use any plugin, then it's unclear where
// the incompatibility is coming from.
type: 'gradle',
eventError: 'app-not-using-plugins',
flutterUsage: globals.flutterUsage,
if (hasPlugins && !usesAndroidX) {
// If the app isn't using AndroidX, then the app is likely using
// a plugin already migrated to AndroidX.
'AndroidX incompatibilities may have caused this build to fail. '
'Please migrate your app to AndroidX. See .'
type: 'gradle',
eventError: 'app-not-using-androidx',
flutterUsage: globals.flutterUsage,
if (hasPlugins && usesAndroidX && shouldBuildPluginAsAar) {
// This is a dependency conflict instead of an AndroidX failure since
// by this point the app is using AndroidX, the plugins are built as
// AARs, Jetifier translated Support libraries for AndroidX equivalents.
type: 'gradle',
eventError: 'using-jetifier',
flutterUsage: globals.flutterUsage,
if (hasPlugins && usesAndroidX && !shouldBuildPluginAsAar) {
'The build failed likely due to AndroidX incompatibilities in a plugin. '
'The tool is about to try using Jetifier to solve the incompatibility.'
type: 'gradle',
eventError: 'not-using-jetifier',
flutterUsage: globals.flutterUsage,
return GradleBuildStatus.retryWithAarPlugins;
return GradleBuildStatus.exit;
eventLabel: 'android-x',
/// Handle Gradle error thrown when Gradle needs to download additional
/// Android SDK components (e.g. Platform Tools), and the license
/// for that component has not been accepted.
final GradleHandledError licenseNotAcceptedHandler = GradleHandledError(
test: _lineMatcher(const <String>[
'You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components',
handler: ({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) async {
const String licenseNotAcceptedMatcher =
r'You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:\s*\[(.+)\]';
final RegExp licenseFailure = RegExp(licenseNotAcceptedMatcher, multiLine: true);
assert(licenseFailure != null);
final Match licenseMatch = licenseFailure.firstMatch(line);
'${globals.logger.terminal.warningMark} Unable to download needed Android SDK components, as the '
'following licenses have not been accepted:\n'
'To resolve this, please run the following command in a Terminal:\n'
'flutter doctor --android-licenses'
return GradleBuildStatus.exit;
eventLabel: 'license-not-accepted',
final RegExp _undefinedTaskPattern = RegExp(r'Task .+ not found in root project.');
final RegExp _assembleTaskPattern = RegExp(r'assemble(\S+)');
/// Handler when a flavor is undefined.
final GradleHandledError flavorUndefinedHandler = GradleHandledError(
test: (String line) {
return _undefinedTaskPattern.hasMatch(line);
handler: ({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) async {
final RunResult tasksRunResult = await
'app:tasks' ,
throwOnError: true,
environment: <String, String>{
if (javaPath != null)
'JAVA_HOME': javaPath,
// Extract build types and product flavors.
final Set<String> variants = <String>{};
for (final String task in tasksRunResult.stdout.split('\n')) {
final Match match = _assembleTaskPattern.matchAsPrefix(task);
if (match != null) {
final String variant =;
if (!variant.endsWith('test')) {
final Set<String> productFlavors = <String>{};
for (final String variant1 in variants) {
for (final String variant2 in variants) {
if (variant2.startsWith(variant1) && variant2 != variant1) {
final String buildType = variant2.substring(variant1.length);
if (variants.contains(buildType)) {
'\n${globals.logger.terminal.warningMark} Gradle project does not define a task suitable '
'for the requested build.'
if (productFlavors.isEmpty) {
'The android/app/build.gradle file does not define '
'any custom product flavors. '
'You cannot use the --flavor option.'
} else {
'The android/app/build.gradle file defines product '
'flavors: ${productFlavors.join(', ')} '
'You must specify a --flavor option to select one of them.'
return GradleBuildStatus.exit;
eventLabel: 'flavor-undefined',
final RegExp _minSdkVersionPattern = RegExp(r'uses-sdk:minSdkVersion ([0-9]+) cannot be smaller than version ([0-9]+) declared in library \[\:(.+)\]');
/// Handler when a plugin requires a higher Android API level.
final GradleHandledError minSdkVersion = GradleHandledError(
test: (String line) {
return _minSdkVersionPattern.hasMatch(line);
handler: ({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) async {
final File gradleFile =
final Match minSdkVersionMatch = _minSdkVersionPattern.firstMatch(line);
assert(minSdkVersionMatch.groupCount == 3);
'\nThe plugin ${} requires a higher Android SDK version.\n'+
'Fix this issue by adding the following to the file ${gradleFile.path}:\n'
'android {\n'
' defaultConfig {\n'
' minSdkVersion ${}\n'
' }\n'
"Note that your app won't be available to users running Android SDKs below ${}.\n"
'Alternatively, try to find a version of this plugin that supports these lower versions of the Android SDK.'
return GradleBuildStatus.exit;
eventLabel: 'plugin-min-sdk',
/// Handler when or
/// is triggered.
final GradleHandledError transformInputIssue = GradleHandledError(
test: (String line) {
return line.contains('');
handler: ({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) async {
final File gradleFile =
'\nThis issue appears to be\n'+
'Fix this issue by adding the following to the file ${gradleFile.path}:\n'
'android {\n'
' lintOptions {\n'
' checkReleaseBuilds false\n'
' }\n'
return GradleBuildStatus.exit;
eventLabel: 'transform-input-issue',
/// Handler when a dependency is missing in the lockfile.
final GradleHandledError lockFileDepMissing = GradleHandledError(
test: (String line) {
return line.contains('which is not part of the dependency lock state');
handler: ({
String line,
FlutterProject project,
bool usesAndroidX,
bool shouldBuildPluginAsAar,
}) async {
final File gradleFile =
'\nYou need to update the lockfile, or disable Gradle dependency locking.\n'+
'To regenerate the lockfiles run: `./gradlew :generateLockfiles` in ${gradleFile.path}\n'
'To remove dependency locking, remove the `dependencyLocking` from ${gradleFile.path}\n'
return GradleBuildStatus.exit;
eventLabel: 'lock-dep-issue',