| // Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| const String kCullOpacityRouteName = '/cull_opacity'; |
| const String kCubicBezierRouteName = '/cubic_bezier'; |
| const String kBackdropFilterRouteName = '/backdrop_filter'; |
| const String kPostBackdropFilterRouteName = '/post_backdrop_filter'; |
| const String kSimpleAnimationRouteName = '/simple_animation'; |
| const String kPictureCacheRouteName = '/picture_cache'; |
| const String kPictureCacheComplexityScoringRouteName = '/picture_cache_complexity_scoring'; |
| const String kLargeImageChangerRouteName = '/large_image_changer'; |
| const String kLargeImagesRouteName = '/large_images'; |
| const String kTextRouteName = '/text'; |
| const String kFullscreenTextRouteName = '/fullscreen_text'; |
| const String kAnimatedPlaceholderRouteName = '/animated_placeholder'; |
| const String kClipperCacheRouteName = '/clipper_cache'; |
| const String kColorFilterAndFadeRouteName = '/color_filter_and_fade'; |
| const String kColorFilterCacheRouteName = '/color_filter_cache'; |
| const String kColorFilterWithUnstableChildName = '/color_filter_with_unstable_child'; |
| const String kFadingChildAnimationRouteName = '/fading_child_animation'; |
| const String kImageFilteredTransformAnimationRouteName = '/imagefiltered_transform_animation'; |
| const String kMultiWidgetConstructionRouteName = '/multi_widget_construction'; |
| const String kHeavyGridViewRouteName = '/heavy_gridview'; |
| const String kRasterCacheUseMemory = '/raster_cache_use_memory'; |
| const String kShaderMaskCacheRouteName = '/shader_mask_cache'; |
| const String kSimpleScrollRouteName = '/simple_scroll'; |
| const String kStackSizeRouteName = '/stack_size'; |
| const String kAnimationWithMicrotasksRouteName = '/animation_with_microtasks'; |
| const String kAnimatedImageRouteName = '/animated_image'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeRouteName = '/opacity_peephole'; |
| const String kGradientPerfRouteName = '/gradient_perf'; |
| const String kAnimatedComplexOpacityPerfRouteName = '/animated_complex_opacity'; |
| const String kAnimatedComplexImageFilteredPerfRouteName = '/animated_complex_image_filtered'; |
| const String kListTextLayoutRouteName = '/list_text_layout'; |
| const String kAnimatedBlurBackdropFilter = '/animated_blur_backdrop_filter'; |
| const String kSlidersRouteName = '/sliders'; |
| const String kDrawPointsPageRougeName = '/draw_points'; |
| |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeOneRectRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/one_big_rect'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeColumnOfOpacityRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/column_of_opacity'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeOpacityOfCachedChildRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/opacity_of_cached_child'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeOpacityOfColumnRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/opacity_of_column'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeGridOfOpacityRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/grid_of_opacity'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeOpacityOfGridRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/opacity_of_grid'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeOpacityOfColOfRowsRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/opacity_of_col_of_rows'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeFadeTransitionTextRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/fade_transition_text'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeGridOfRectsWithAlphaRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/grid_of_rects_with_alpha'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeGridOfAlphaSaveLayerRectsRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/grid_of_alpha_savelayer_rects'; |
| const String kOpacityPeepholeColumnOfAlphaSaveLayerRowsOfRectsRouteName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/column_of_alpha_save_layer_rows_of_rects'; |
| |
| const String kGradientPerfRecreateDynamicRouteName = '$kGradientPerfRouteName/recreate_dynamic'; |
| const String kGradientPerfRecreateConsistentRouteName = '$kGradientPerfRouteName/recreate_consistent'; |
| const String kGradientPerfStaticConsistentRouteName = '$kGradientPerfRouteName/static_consistent'; |
| |
| const String kScrollableName = '/macrobenchmark_listview'; |
| const String kOpacityScrollableName = '$kOpacityPeepholeRouteName/listview'; |
| const String kGradientPerfScrollableName = '$kGradientPerfRouteName/listview'; |
| |
| const String kStackSizeKey = 'stack_size'; |