blob: 9305855f4953cca320e423b233ddaf955dbdbd30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
/// A semantics node created from Android accessibility information.
/// This object represents Android accessibility information derived from an
/// [AccessibilityNodeInfo](
/// object. The purpose is to verify in integration
/// tests that our semantics framework produces the correct accessibility info
/// on Android.
/// See also:
/// * [AccessibilityNodeInfo](
class AndroidSemanticsNode {
/// Deserializes a new [AndroidSemanticsNode] from a json map.
/// The structure of the JSON:
/// {
/// "flags": {
/// "isChecked": bool,
/// "isCheckable": bool,
/// "isEditable": bool,
/// "isEnabled": bool,
/// "isFocusable": bool,
/// "isFocused": bool,
/// "isHeading": bool,
/// "isPassword": bool,
/// "isLongClickable": bool,
/// },
/// "text": String,
/// "contentDescription": String,
/// "className": String,
/// "id": int,
/// "rect": {
/// left: int,
/// top: int,
/// right: int,
/// bottom: int,
/// },
/// actions: [
/// int,
/// ]
/// }
factory AndroidSemanticsNode.deserialize(String value) {
return AndroidSemanticsNode._(json.decode(value) as Map<String, Object>);
final Map<String, Object> _values;
final List<AndroidSemanticsNode> _children = <AndroidSemanticsNode>[];
Map<String, Object> get _flags => _values['flags'] as Map<String, Object>;
/// The text value of the semantics node.
/// This is produced by combining the value, label, and hint fields from
/// the Flutter [SemanticsNode].
String get text => _values['text'] as String;
/// The contentDescription of the semantics node.
/// This field is used for the Switch, Radio, and Checkbox widgets
/// instead of [text]. If the text property is used for these, TalkBack
/// will not read out the "checked" or "not checked" label by default.
/// This is produced by combining the value, label, and hint fields from
/// the Flutter [SemanticsNode].
String get contentDescription => _values['contentDescription'] as String;
/// The className of the semantics node.
/// Certain kinds of Flutter semantics are mapped to Android classes to
/// use their default semantic behavior, such as checkboxes and images.
/// If a more specific value isn't provided, it defaults to
/// "android.view.View".
String get className => _values['className'] as String;
/// The identifier for this semantics node.
int get id => _values['id'] as int;
/// The children of this semantics node.
List<AndroidSemanticsNode> get children => _children;
/// Whether the node is currently in a checked state.
/// Equivalent to [SemanticsFlag.isChecked].
bool get isChecked => _flags['isChecked'] as bool;
/// Whether the node can be in a checked state.
/// Equivalent to [SemanticsFlag.hasCheckedState]
bool get isCheckable => _flags['isCheckable'] as bool;
/// Whether the node is editable.
/// This is usually only applied to text fields, which map
/// to "android.widget.EditText".
bool get isEditable => _flags['isEditable'] as bool;
/// Whether the node is enabled.
bool get isEnabled => _flags['isEnabled'] as bool;
/// Whether the node is focusable.
bool get isFocusable => _flags['isFocusable'] as bool;
/// Whether the node is focused.
bool get isFocused => _flags['isFocused'] as bool;
/// Whether the node is considered a heading.
bool get isHeading => _flags['isHeading'] as bool;
/// Whether the node represents a password field.
/// Equivalent to [SemanticsFlag.isObscured].
bool get isPassword => _flags['isPassword'] as bool;
/// Whether the node is long clickable.
/// Equivalent to having [SemanticsAction.longPress].
bool get isLongClickable => _flags['isLongClickable'] as bool;
/// Gets a [Rect] which defines the position and size of the semantics node.
Rect getRect() {
final Map<String, Object> rawRect = _values['rect'] as Map<String, Object>;
final Map<String, int> rect = rawRect.cast<String, int>();
return Rect.fromLTRB(
/// Gets a [Size] which defines the size of the semantics node.
Size getSize() {
final Rect rect = getRect();
return Size(rect.bottom -, rect.right - rect.left);
/// Gets a list of [AndroidSemanticsActions] which are defined for the node.
List<AndroidSemanticsAction> getActions() => <AndroidSemanticsAction>[
for (final int id in (_values['actions'] as List<dynamic>).cast<int>()) AndroidSemanticsAction.deserialize(id),
String toString() {
return _values.toString();
/// A Dart VM implementation of a rectangle.
/// Created to mirror the implementation of [ui.Rect].
class Rect {
/// Creates a new rectangle.
/// All values are required.
const Rect.fromLTRB(this.left,, this.right, this.bottom);
/// The top side of the rectangle.
final double top;
/// The left side of the rectangle.
final double left;
/// The right side of the rectangle.
final double right;
/// The bottom side of the rectangle.
final double bottom;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(top, left, right, bottom);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is Rect
&& == top
&& other.left == left
&& other.right == right
&& other.bottom == bottom;
String toString() => 'Rect.fromLTRB($left, $top, $right, $bottom)';
/// A Dart VM implementation of a Size.
/// Created to mirror the implementation [ui.Size].
class Size {
/// Creates a new [Size] object.
const Size(this.width, this.height);
/// The width of some object.
final double width;
/// The height of some object.
final double height;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(width, height);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is Size
&& other.width == width
&& other.height == height;
String toString() => 'Size{$width, $height}';