blob: 5c195673f35610244ee543578f8abcc10e5b92a7 [file] [log] [blame]
name: flutter_test
version: 0.0.7
# The flutter tools depend on very specific internal implementation
# details of the 'test' package, which change between versions, so
# here we pin it precisely to avoid version skew across our packages.
test: 0.12.21
# We use FakeAsync and other testing utilities.
quiver: ^0.24.0
sdk: flutter
# We import stack_trace because the test packages uses it and we
# need to be able to unmangle the stack traces that it passed to
# stack_trace. See
stack_trace: any # use version expected by test package
# We override the createHttpClient in flutter with a MockClient.
http: any # use version expected by flutter
# Used by globalToLocal et al.
vector_math: any # use version expected by flutter