blob: 11b830e764608e4965dab70fb0d37cf5a966736e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/terminal.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/doctor.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/vscode/vscode.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/vscode/vscode_validator.dart';
import '../src/common.dart';
import '../src/context.dart';
void main() {
group('doctor', () {
testUsingContext('intellij validator', () async {
const String installPath = '/path/to/intelliJ';
final ValidationResult result = await IntelliJValidatorTestTarget('Test', installPath).validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.partial);
expect(result.statusInfo, 'version test.test.test');
expect(result.messages, hasLength(4));
ValidationMessage message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('IntelliJ '));
expect(message.message, 'IntelliJ at $installPath');
message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('Dart '));
expect(message.message, 'Dart plugin version 162.2485');
message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('Flutter '));
expect(message.message, contains('Flutter plugin version 0.1.3'));
expect(message.message, contains('recommended minimum version'));
testUsingContext('vs code validator when both installed', () async {
final ValidationResult result = await VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.installedWithExtension.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.installed);
expect(result.statusInfo, 'version 1.2.3');
expect(result.messages, hasLength(2));
ValidationMessage message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('VS Code '));
expect(message.message, 'VS Code at ${VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.validInstall}');
message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('Flutter '));
expect(message.message, 'Flutter extension version 4.5.6');
testUsingContext('vs code validator when 64bit installed', () async {
expect(VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.installedWithExtension64bit.title, 'VS Code, 64-bit edition');
final ValidationResult result = await VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.installedWithExtension64bit.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.installed);
expect(result.statusInfo, 'version 1.2.3');
expect(result.messages, hasLength(2));
ValidationMessage message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('VS Code '));
expect(message.message, 'VS Code at ${VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.validInstall}');
message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('Flutter '));
expect(message.message, 'Flutter extension version 4.5.6');
testUsingContext('vs code validator when extension missing', () async {
final ValidationResult result = await VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.installedWithoutExtension.validate();
expect(result.type, ValidationType.partial);
expect(result.statusInfo, 'version 1.2.3');
expect(result.messages, hasLength(2));
ValidationMessage message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('VS Code '));
expect(message.message, 'VS Code at ${VsCodeValidatorTestTargets.validInstall}');
message = result.messages
.firstWhere((ValidationMessage m) => m.message.startsWith('Flutter '));
expect(message.message, startsWith('Flutter extension not installed'));
group('doctor with overriden validators', () {
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format for run without issues', () async {
expect(await doctor.diagnose(verbose: false), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Another Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Providing validators is fun (with statusInfo)\n'
'• No issues found!\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
DoctorValidatorsProvider: () => FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider()
group('doctor with fake validators', () {
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format for run without issues', () async {
expect(await FakeQuietDoctor().diagnose(verbose: false), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Another Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Validators are fun (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Four score and seven validators ago (with statusInfo)\n'
'• No issues found!\n'
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format when only one category fails', () async {
expect(await FakeSinglePassingDoctor().diagnose(verbose: false), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 1 category.\n'
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format for a passing run', () async {
expect(await FakePassingDoctor().diagnose(verbose: false), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message indicating partial installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help the user\n'
'[✓] Another Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 2 categories.\n'
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format', () async {
expect(await FakeDoctor().diagnose(verbose: false), isFalse);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✗] Missing Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Not Available Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message indicating partial installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help the user\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 4 categories.\n'
testUsingContext('validate verbose output format', () async {
expect(await FakeDoctor().diagnose(verbose: true), isFalse);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' • A second, somewhat longer helpful message\n'
'[✗] Missing Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' • A message that is not an error\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Not Available Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' • A message that is not an error\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
' • But there is no error\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message indicating partial installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help the user\n'
' • An extra message with some verbose details\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 4 categories.\n'
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output wrapping', () async {
expect(await FakeDoctor().diagnose(verbose: false), isFalse);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all\n'
'details, run flutter doctor\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with\n'
' statusInfo)\n'
'[✗] Missing Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Not Available Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with\n'
' only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with\n'
' Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message\n'
' indicating partial\n'
' installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help\n'
' the user\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 4\n'
' categories.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
OutputPreferences: () => OutputPreferences(wrapText: true, wrapColumn: 30),
testUsingContext('validate verbose output wrapping', () async {
expect(await FakeDoctor().diagnose(verbose: true), isFalse);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] Passing Validator (with\n'
' statusInfo)\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' • A second, somewhat\n'
' longer helpful message\n'
'[✗] Missing Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' • A message that is not an\n'
' error\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Not Available Validator\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
' • A message that is not an\n'
' error\n'
' ! A hint message\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with\n'
' only a Hint\n'
' ! There is a hint here\n'
' • But there is no error\n'
'[!] Partial Validator with\n'
' Errors\n'
' ✗ An error message\n'
' indicating partial\n'
' installation\n'
' ! Maybe a hint will help\n'
' the user\n'
' • An extra message with\n'
' some verbose details\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 4\n'
' categories.\n'
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
OutputPreferences: () => OutputPreferences(wrapText: true, wrapColumn: 30),
group('doctor with grouped validators', () {
testUsingContext('validate diagnose combines validator output', () async {
expect(await FakeGroupedDoctor().diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] Category 1\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
'[!] Category 2\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' ✗ A useful error message\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 1 category.\n'
testUsingContext('validate merging assigns statusInfo and title', () async {
// There are two subvalidators. Only the second contains statusInfo.
expect(await FakeGroupedDoctorWithStatus().diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'[✓] First validator title (A status message)\n'
' • A helpful message\n'
' • A different message\n'
'• No issues found!\n'
group('grouped validator merging results', () {
final PassingGroupedValidator installed = PassingGroupedValidator('Category');
final PartialGroupedValidator partial = PartialGroupedValidator('Category');
final MissingGroupedValidator missing = MissingGroupedValidator('Category');
testUsingContext('validate installed + installed = installed', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(installed, installed).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, startsWith('[✓]'));
testUsingContext('validate installed + partial = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(installed, partial).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
testUsingContext('validate installed + missing = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(installed, missing).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
testUsingContext('validate partial + installed = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(partial, installed).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
testUsingContext('validate partial + partial = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(partial, partial).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
testUsingContext('validate partial + missing = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(partial, missing).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
testUsingContext('validate missing + installed = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(missing, installed).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
testUsingContext('validate missing + partial = partial', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(missing, partial).diagnose(), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, startsWith('[!]'));
testUsingContext('validate missing + missing = missing', () async {
expect(await FakeSmallGroupDoctor(missing, missing).diagnose(), isFalse);
expect(testLogger.statusText, startsWith('[✗]'));
class IntelliJValidatorTestTarget extends IntelliJValidator {
IntelliJValidatorTestTarget(String title, String installPath) : super(title, installPath);
String get pluginsPath => fs.path.join('test', 'data', 'intellij', 'plugins');
String get version => 'test.test.test';
class PassingValidator extends DoctorValidator {
PassingValidator(String name) : super(name);
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[];
messages.add(ValidationMessage('A helpful message'));
messages.add(ValidationMessage('A second, somewhat longer helpful message'));
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.installed, messages, statusInfo: 'with statusInfo');
class MissingValidator extends DoctorValidator {
MissingValidator(): super('Missing Validator');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[];
messages.add(ValidationMessage.error('A useful error message'));
messages.add(ValidationMessage('A message that is not an error'));
messages.add(ValidationMessage.hint('A hint message'));
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.missing, messages);
class NotAvailableValidator extends DoctorValidator {
NotAvailableValidator(): super('Not Available Validator');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[];
messages.add(ValidationMessage.error('A useful error message'));
messages.add(ValidationMessage('A message that is not an error'));
messages.add(ValidationMessage.hint('A hint message'));
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.notAvailable, messages);
class PartialValidatorWithErrors extends DoctorValidator {
PartialValidatorWithErrors() : super('Partial Validator with Errors');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[];
messages.add(ValidationMessage.error('An error message indicating partial installation'));
messages.add(ValidationMessage.hint('Maybe a hint will help the user'));
messages.add(ValidationMessage('An extra message with some verbose details'));
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.partial, messages);
class PartialValidatorWithHintsOnly extends DoctorValidator {
PartialValidatorWithHintsOnly() : super('Partial Validator with only a Hint');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[];
messages.add(ValidationMessage.hint('There is a hint here'));
messages.add(ValidationMessage('But there is no error'));
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.partial, messages);
/// A doctor that fails with a missing [ValidationResult].
class FakeDoctor extends Doctor {
List<DoctorValidator> _validators;
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
if (_validators == null) {
_validators = <DoctorValidator>[];
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Passing Validator'));
return _validators;
/// A doctor that should pass, but still has issues in some categories.
class FakePassingDoctor extends Doctor {
List<DoctorValidator> _validators;
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
if (_validators == null) {
_validators = <DoctorValidator>[];
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Passing Validator'));
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'));
return _validators;
/// A doctor that should pass, but still has 1 issue to test the singular of
/// categories.
class FakeSinglePassingDoctor extends Doctor {
List<DoctorValidator> _validators;
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
if (_validators == null) {
_validators = <DoctorValidator>[];
return _validators;
/// A doctor that passes and has no issues anywhere.
class FakeQuietDoctor extends Doctor {
List<DoctorValidator> _validators;
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
if (_validators == null) {
_validators = <DoctorValidator>[];
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Passing Validator'));
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'));
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Validators are fun'));
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Four score and seven validators ago'));
return _validators;
/// A DoctorValidatorsProvider that overrides the default validators without
/// overriding the doctor.
class FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider implements DoctorValidatorsProvider {
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
return <DoctorValidator>[
PassingValidator('Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'),
PassingValidator('Providing validators is fun')
List<Workflow> get workflows => <Workflow>[];
class PassingGroupedValidator extends DoctorValidator {
PassingGroupedValidator(String name) : super(name);
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[];
messages.add(ValidationMessage('A helpful message'));
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.installed, messages);
class MissingGroupedValidator extends DoctorValidator {
MissingGroupedValidator(String name): super(name);
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[];
messages.add(ValidationMessage.error('A useful error message'));
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.missing, messages);
class PartialGroupedValidator extends DoctorValidator {
PartialGroupedValidator(String name): super(name);
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[];
messages.add(ValidationMessage.error('An error message for partial installation'));
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.partial, messages);
class PassingGroupedValidatorWithStatus extends DoctorValidator {
PassingGroupedValidatorWithStatus(String name) : super(name);
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidationMessage> messages = <ValidationMessage>[];
messages.add(ValidationMessage('A different message'));
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.installed, messages, statusInfo: 'A status message');
/// A doctor that has two groups of two validators each.
class FakeGroupedDoctor extends Doctor {
List<DoctorValidator> _validators;
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
if (_validators == null) {
_validators = <DoctorValidator>[];
PassingGroupedValidator('Category 1'),
PassingGroupedValidator('Category 1')
PassingGroupedValidator('Category 2'),
MissingGroupedValidator('Category 2')
return _validators;
class FakeGroupedDoctorWithStatus extends Doctor {
List<DoctorValidator> _validators;
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
_validators ??= <DoctorValidator>[
PassingGroupedValidator('First validator title'),
PassingGroupedValidatorWithStatus('Second validator title'),
return _validators;
/// A doctor that takes any two validators. Used to check behavior when
/// merging ValidationTypes (installed, missing, partial).
class FakeSmallGroupDoctor extends Doctor {
FakeSmallGroupDoctor(DoctorValidator val1, DoctorValidator val2) {
_validators = <DoctorValidator>[GroupedValidator(<DoctorValidator>[val1, val2])];
List<DoctorValidator> _validators;
List<DoctorValidator> get validators => _validators;
class VsCodeValidatorTestTargets extends VsCodeValidator {
VsCodeValidatorTestTargets._(String installDirectory, String extensionDirectory, {String edition})
: super(VsCode.fromDirectory(installDirectory, extensionDirectory, edition: edition));
static VsCodeValidatorTestTargets get installedWithExtension =>
VsCodeValidatorTestTargets._(validInstall, validExtensions);
static VsCodeValidatorTestTargets get installedWithExtension64bit =>
VsCodeValidatorTestTargets._(validInstall, validExtensions, edition: '64-bit edition');
static VsCodeValidatorTestTargets get installedWithoutExtension =>
VsCodeValidatorTestTargets._(validInstall, missingExtensions);
static final String validInstall = fs.path.join('test', 'data', 'vscode', 'application');
static final String validExtensions = fs.path.join('test', 'data', 'vscode', 'extensions');
static final String missingExtensions = fs.path.join('test', 'data', 'vscode', 'notExtensions');