blob: b3f9cd79a98a47c241ce9b7eb2348320f1727be7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc;
import 'package:fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol/fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol.dart';
void main() {
group('FuchsiaRemoteConnection.connect', () {
MockSshCommandRunner mockRunner;
setUp(() {
mockRunner = new MockSshCommandRunner();
tearDown(() {
/// Most tests will mock out the port forwarding and connection
/// functions.
test('end-to-end with three vm connections and flutter view query',
() async {
const String address = 'fe80::8eae:4cff:fef4:9247';
const String interface = 'eno1';
// Adds some extra junk to make sure the strings will be cleaned up.
.thenAnswer((_) => new Future<List<String>>.value(
<String>['123\n\n\n', '456 ', '789']));
int port = 0;
final List<MockPortForwarder> forwardedPorts = <MockPortForwarder>[];
Future<PortForwarder> mockPortForwardingFunction(
String address, int remotePort,
[String interface = '', String configFile]) {
return new Future<PortForwarder>(() {
final MockPortForwarder pf = new MockPortForwarder();
return pf;
int flutterViewIndex = 0;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> flutterViewCannedResponses =
<Map<String, dynamic>>[
<String, dynamic>{
'views': <Map<String, dynamic>>[
<String, dynamic>{
'type': 'FlutterView',
'id': 'flutterView0',
<String, dynamic>{
'views': <Map<String, dynamic>>[
<String, dynamic>{
'type': 'FlutterView',
'id': 'flutterView1',
'isolate': <String, dynamic>{
'type': '@Isolate',
'fixedId': 'true',
'id': 'isolates/1',
'name': 'file://flutterBinary1',
'number': '1',
<String, dynamic>{
'views': <Map<String, dynamic>>[
<String, dynamic>{
'type': 'FlutterView',
'id': 'flutterView2',
'isolate': <String, dynamic>{
'type': '@Isolate',
'fixedId': 'true',
'id': 'isolates/2',
'name': 'file://flutterBinary2',
'number': '2',
final List<MockPeer> mockPeerConnections = <MockPeer>[];
final List<Uri> uriConnections = <Uri>[];
Future<json_rpc.Peer> mockVmConnectionFunction(Uri uri) {
return new Future<json_rpc.Peer>(() async {
final MockPeer mp = new MockPeer();
when(mp.sendRequest(typed<String>(any), typed<String>(any)))
.thenAnswer((_) => new Future<Map<String, dynamic>>(
() => flutterViewCannedResponses[flutterViewIndex++]));
return mp;
fuchsiaPortForwardingFunction = mockPortForwardingFunction;
fuchsiaVmServiceConnectionFunction = mockVmConnectionFunction;
final FuchsiaRemoteConnection connection =
await FuchsiaRemoteConnection.connectWithSshCommandRunner(mockRunner);
// [mockPortForwardingFunction] will have returned three different
// forwarded ports, incrementing the port each time by one. (Just a sanity
// check that the forwarding port was called).
expect(forwardedPorts.length, 3);
expect(forwardedPorts[0].remotePort, 123);
expect(forwardedPorts[1].remotePort, 456);
expect(forwardedPorts[2].remotePort, 789);
expect(forwardedPorts[0].port, 0);
expect(forwardedPorts[1].port, 1);
expect(forwardedPorts[2].port, 2);
final List<FlutterView> views = await connection.getFlutterViews();
expect(views, isNot(null));
expect(views.length, 3);
// Since name can be null, check for the ID on all of them.
expect(views[0].id, 'flutterView0');
expect(views[1].id, 'flutterView1');
expect(views[2].id, 'flutterView2');
expect(views[0].name, equals(null));
expect(views[1].name, 'file://flutterBinary1');
expect(views[2].name, 'file://flutterBinary2');
// Ensure the ports are all closed after stop was called.
await connection.stop();
class MockSshCommandRunner extends Mock implements SshCommandRunner {}
class MockPortForwarder extends Mock implements PortForwarder {}
class MockPeer extends Mock implements json_rpc.Peer {}