blob: 2ed3754dde90b45f7fe9289d3bfdc810ee3a0abb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'rendering_tester.dart';
class TestTree {
TestTree() {
// incoming constraints are tight 800x600
root = new RenderPositionedBox(
child: new RenderConstrainedBox(
additionalConstraints: const BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: 800.0),
// Place the child to be evaluated within both a repaint boundary and a
// layout-root element (in this case a tightly constrained box). Otherwise
// the act of transplanting the root into a new container will cause the
// relayout/repaint of the new parent node to satisfy the test.
child: new RenderRepaintBoundary(
child: new RenderConstrainedBox(
additionalConstraints: const BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 20.0, width: 20.0),
child: new RenderRepaintBoundary(
child: new RenderCustomPaint(
painter: new TestCallbackPainter(
onPaint: () { painted = true; },
child: new RenderPositionedBox(
child: child = new RenderConstrainedBox(
additionalConstraints: const BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 20.0, width: 20.0),
child: new RenderSemanticsAnnotations(label: 'Hello there foo', textDirection: TextDirection.ltr)
RenderObject root;
RenderConstrainedBox child;
bool painted = false;
class MutableCompositor extends RenderProxyBox {
MutableCompositor({ RenderBox child }) : super(child);
bool _alwaysComposite = false;
bool get alwaysNeedsCompositing => _alwaysComposite;
class TestCompositingBitsTree {
TestCompositingBitsTree() {
// incoming constraints are tight 800x600
root = new RenderPositionedBox(
child: new RenderConstrainedBox(
additionalConstraints: const BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: 800.0),
// Place the child to be evaluated within a repaint boundary. Otherwise
// the act of transplanting the root into a new container will cause the
// repaint of the new parent node to satisfy the test.
child: new RenderRepaintBoundary(
child: compositor = new MutableCompositor(
child: new RenderCustomPaint(
painter: new TestCallbackPainter(
onPaint: () { painted = true; },
child: child = new RenderConstrainedBox(
additionalConstraints: const BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 20.0, width: 20.0)
RenderObject root;
MutableCompositor compositor;
RenderConstrainedBox child;
bool painted = false;
void main() {
test('objects can be detached and re-attached: layout', () {
final TestTree testTree = new TestTree();
// Lay out
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.layout);
expect(testTree.child.size, equals(const Size(20.0, 20.0)));
// Remove testTree from the custom render view
renderer.renderView.child = null;
expect(testTree.child.owner, isNull);
// Dirty one of the elements
testTree.child.additionalConstraints =
const BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 5.0, width: 5.0);
// Lay out again
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.layout);
expect(testTree.child.size, equals(const Size(5.0, 5.0)));
test('objects can be detached and re-attached: compositingBits', () {
final TestCompositingBitsTree testTree = new TestCompositingBitsTree();
// Lay out, composite, and paint
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(testTree.painted, isTrue);
// Remove testTree from the custom render view
renderer.renderView.child = null;
expect(testTree.child.owner, isNull);
// Dirty one of the elements
testTree.compositor._alwaysComposite = true;
testTree.painted = false;
// Lay out, composite, and paint again
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(testTree.painted, isTrue);
test('objects can be detached and re-attached: paint', () {
final TestTree testTree = new TestTree();
// Lay out, composite, and paint
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(testTree.painted, isTrue);
// Remove testTree from the custom render view
renderer.renderView.child = null;
expect(testTree.child.owner, isNull);
// Dirty one of the elements
testTree.painted = false;
// Lay out, composite, and paint again
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(testTree.painted, isTrue);
test('objects can be detached and re-attached: semantics (no change)', () {
final TestTree testTree = new TestTree();
int semanticsUpdateCount = 0;
final SemanticsHandle semanticsHandle = renderer.pipelineOwner.ensureSemantics(
listener: () {
// Lay out, composite, paint, and update semantics
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.flushSemantics);
expect(semanticsUpdateCount, 1);
// Remove testTree from the custom render view
renderer.renderView.child = null;
expect(testTree.child.owner, isNull);
// Dirty one of the elements
semanticsUpdateCount = 0;
expect(semanticsUpdateCount, 0);
// Lay out, composite, paint, and update semantics again
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.flushSemantics);
expect(semanticsUpdateCount, 0); // no semantics have changed.
test('objects can be detached and re-attached: semantics (with change)', () {
final TestTree testTree = new TestTree();
int semanticsUpdateCount = 0;
final SemanticsHandle semanticsHandle = renderer.pipelineOwner.ensureSemantics(
listener: () {
// Lay out, composite, paint, and update semantics
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.flushSemantics);
expect(semanticsUpdateCount, 1);
// Remove testTree from the custom render view
renderer.renderView.child = null;
expect(testTree.child.owner, isNull);
// Dirty one of the elements
semanticsUpdateCount = 0;
testTree.child.additionalConstraints = const BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 20.0, width: 30.0);
expect(semanticsUpdateCount, 0);
// Lay out, composite, paint, and update semantics again
layout(testTree.root, phase: EnginePhase.flushSemantics);
expect(semanticsUpdateCount, 1); // semantics have changed.